Chapter 121 Homecoming
One autumn rain and one cold, after a bitter summer, the earth ushered in the joy of a good harvest.

The wheels are rolling, the full moon lifts the curtains of the car, and everything is golden.The farmers in the rice fields not far away are tasting the joy of the harvest, and their dark faces are the hope for the happiness of the coming year.

A few children were running in the fields, and unknown nursery rhymes sang in the fields, which was like a scene in the south of the Yangtze River.

"The blue waves are clear at the beginning of September, and the scenery outside the hall has been restored. The eyes are full of golden colors, but the only thing is that the fragrant curtains are accompanied by voiceless..."

Looking at the beautiful scenery of the harvest, Man Yue couldn't help thinking of the poem she wrote when she was young in her previous life.Thinking about it this way, I was actually a little dazed.

It was an age when writing new words to express sorrow, and the original intention of learning to write words was just to pretend to show off, but it was ridiculous to read it after finishing college.

I don't know what nonsense sentence it is, but I was also complacent at the time.But at this moment, when Daming looked at the joy of the farmers' harvest, thinking of his own poem, he felt a bit appropriate.

Thinking about it this way, he couldn't help but smile: This self-absorbed person is also a bit shameless.

Drifting thoughts slowly retracted, and his eyes couldn't help falling on the man on the big horse in front. Seeing that he was wearing a suit of armor today, with an indescribably unrestrained fortitude, he felt that his tall and straight figure became even taller and taller.

If it is a man, as long as he carries the three-foot Qingfeng sword, he will look the best in military uniform.

Then look at the eldest cousin who was talking to Leng Yun, the handsome and unrestrained cousin is obviously not enough, as if no matter how he behaves, he is just like the light of a firefly, unable to compete with the sun.

"Sister, what are you looking at?"

Seeing Man Yue looking out the window, Mancang couldn't help coming over curiously, seeing her looking ahead, couldn't help laughing foolishly, "Sister, brother-in-law can't run away."

"That's impossible to say."

She put down the curtain of the car, and said leisurely: "Such a man should watch more, if he misses it, he won't be there."

Mancang was stunned, always teasing sister, but this time she responded calmly, could it be a different person?

Stretched out her little hand to pinch Man Yue, Man Yue knocked off his little hand and said, "Don't worry, it's still your sister, she hasn't been dropped..."

"What about my sister?"

Mancang had a hellish expression on his face, "It wasn't like this in the past..."


Man Yue snorted, "If I cared, wouldn't I have been succeeded by you again? Men want to marry, women want to marry, human beings have a constant relationship, just make fun of me, I'm not afraid."


Mrs. Chen couldn't help laughing, nodded her little head full of warehouses, and said: "Your tricks are not working, right? Your sister has a strong heart and is very comparable to others. How can you, a brat, be able to handle it all the time?"

Mancang looked dejected, and murmured in a low voice: "It's weird, how come you don't feel shy after going to Ningbo once? It's not fun at all."

Man Yue looked at the clothes on her body, touched the butterfly comb on her head, and couldn't help pursing her lips into a smile.

The clothes are luxurious and the combs are exquisite, but they are not as good as the ordinary green jade hairpin he gave him before.That was the first thing he seized, and now that he gave it to himself, what could be more precious than this?

Thinking of this, he still took off the butterfly comb, and inserted the green jade hairpin hidden in his arms obliquely into the side of the bun.Even if I was laughed at nondescriptly, but you will treat me with Chicheng, how can I be infatuated with you?
Knowing the origin of the hairpin, Mrs. Chen couldn't help nodding secretly when she saw Man Yue take off the butterfly comb.

It looks a bit strange to dress up, but who knows that all the honors and disgraces of the world-famous Prince Xiao started from this green jade hairpin?Now that he is giving it to Xiaoniang, he is entrusting his life's honor, disgrace, and wealth to her!

How can this heart live up to it? !

Since then, no matter it is delicacies from mountains and seas or porridge with wild vegetables, it is the attitude that the young lady should have instead of the luxurious combs and this green jade hairpin.

Appreciation flashed in Chen's eyes. Although she was a peasant woman and illiterate, she understood that as long as a woman has her husband's favor, she is the luckiest thing in her life. Nothing is more important than grasping her husband's heart.

Just thinking of her husband, a gloomy glint flashed in her eyes again.

Man Yue's father is someone she admires, even if it is only in the name of husband and wife, it would be great if he could take care of him for the rest of his life!
Thinking of going to Incheon this time, one is to recognize the ancestors and return to the ancestors, and the other is to move the husband and sister back to the ancestral tomb. I am sad and regretful but also a little uneasy.

As a farmer herself, how could she ever dare to think about becoming the daughter-in-law of a big family?

Seeing the worried expression on Chen's face, Man Yue comforted her: "Mother, don't be afraid, we are all human, could it be possible to eat us?"


The Chen family sighed slightly and said: "After all, it is a century-old family, and there are many officials and masters in the family. Now I know that your father has already gained the reputation of a scholar. A person like me suddenly became a husband and wife. She also became the daughter-in-law of the Yang family, thinking about this half of her life, and thinking about what happened recently, she still feels like a dream, and she always feels unreal."

Yang Manyue sighed slightly, remembering that her father was really a representative of a good man.

Sticking to his feelings for his wife, even though he is a child of a big family, he is willing to suffer for their love.After hiding his identity, he felt that Baiding could not protect the safety of his children, so he took the risk of taking the imperial examination under a false name.

Although he failed to go, and finally died on the sick bed, this kind father's heart moved Man Yue.

Thinking of his previous life, how his parents protected him when he had an accident, he couldn't help but feel a little more affection and respect for this father whom he had never met.

"Mother, don't think too much. The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge. With grandma here, we can't be bullied."

Mrs. Chen nodded, but it seemed that she didn't listen to Man Yue's words and was still nervous.

Seeing this, Man Yue didn't say much anymore, some things had to be faced by herself.Not to mention Chen Shi, even she was a little nervous.She hadn't felt this way for a long time, and there was a little homely feeling in it.

Seeing that Man Yue and his aunt were a little silent, Mancang said: "Sister, aunt, don't be afraid! When I become a high-ranking official, no one will dare to bully us anymore!"

Man Yue smiled, patted Mancang's little head, and said: "Good boy, my sister didn't hurt you for nothing! My sister will wait for you to fight for our family's Juren Memorial Archway, Jinshi Memorial Archway, and Donghua Gate roll call. I will definitely set up hundreds of tables for you!"


Mancang shook his head, "Not only do I want to be a Jinshi, but I also want to be in the three-yuan company, and become the six-song literary chief of the three-yuan company in my first company in Ming Dynasty!"


Mrs. Chen, who was a little worried, was amused by his son's innocent words, "In the 300 years since the Ming Dynasty won the throne, there has only been one Shang Xianggong who has won the three yuan and won the first place. ? If you win the exam, it will be a matter of honoring your ancestors. In this way, Aniang is also worthy of your father and the Yang family."

She pulled Mancang over and said: "Mancang, you must be humble and cautious in life, and you must not forget your roots. Your father and sister are all responsible for your success today. You must not forget their kindness, you know?"

Mancang nodded vigorously, and said again: "Mother, sir said that we should stand upright and speak up in life, so I want to send Hongyuan down. If we can get three yuan and rank, we will be able to shame the reputation of Auntie and Auntie, and we will never do it again." People dare to underestimate us!"


Full Moon shook her head, "In the past, Zhang Jiangling (Zhang Juzheng) practiced the law of whipping to govern the country and the world; but after his death, not only the law was abolished, but also his corpse was massacred. Why do you think?"

Mancang was a little dazed, shaking his head, "Sister, why?"

"Zhang Jiangling is self-willed, hard to tolerate, and lives a luxurious life. He managed to govern the country and the world, but he failed to cultivate himself and family!"

Yang Manyue shook her head, "Although a person's personal morality does not affect the ability to govern the country and the world, if one's morality is at a disadvantage, who in the world can obey you? Zhang Jiangling is not separated from the emperor, but from the people of the world. Among them Those who are dissatisfied with his personal morality are also profited by him. You may not understand these words of Mancang now, but you just have to keep in mind that no matter what position you are in, don't be proud or inferior. If you can't be honored or disgraced , at least sit and watch the clouds rise."

She paused and continued: "So, it's good if you can be the number one, but you have to force yourself if you can't. If you only read for me and A Niang, then it's okay not to read this book. Your ambition of Maodou Sis just took it as a joke..."

Mancang bowed solemnly, "Sister, I've been a little complacent recently, thank you for teaching me to remember."

After a pause, he said again: "I haven't forgotten Maodou when I'm full."

"very good!"

Man Yue nodded, "Do you still remember the situation that day? That's Li Yan! Li Yan is not equal to writing a book to Li Yan, and your ambition is also Li Yan. Now that Li Yan has been achieved, it is time to establish a body and act..."

Mancang's body trembled slightly, and he seemed to remember the situation that day, so he had already made a statement, so what should he do when he comes down?

"Sister, teach me."

"Simple! Let's go!"

"How to stand up?"

"The sage said: A hundred craftsmen live in places to accomplish their tasks, and a gentleman learns his way; he also said: If a craftsman wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools; Specialize, what do you think?"

Mancang lowered his head, thought for a while before saying: "Sister means that I only need to study hard now, right?"

After a pause, he continued: "Then how should I learn the best?"

Yang Manyue laughed, grinned, and said: "Threesomes, there must be my teacher! Mancang, if you can't understand this sentence, then you don't need to read this book!"

After a pause, he continued: "Back then Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty once said: You can correct your clothes with copper as a mirror, you can know the ups and downs with the ancients as a mirror, you can know the gains and losses with people as a mirror, and you can know the ups and downs with history as a mirror. Look at the sage's sentence again: Threesome , there must be my teacher, what do you think?"

Mancang frowned, and after thinking for a moment, he finally understood, "That's how it is! Good people, bad people, are a mirror, which can be used to correct oneself. I finally understand what Mr. means, he always said that Ye Qi has merit, If there is nothing else to choose, then I will also become Ye Qi... That's how it is, that's how it is!"

Yang Manyue pursed her lips and smiled, and said: "Sister told you earlier, let me fly as high as the sky, let me swim as wide as the sea, Ye Qi is just a small episode in your life, how can a sparrow know your ambition? No matter who you are on the road, as long as you think about your own words, everyone can be your teacher, everyone can help you..."

 Four consecutive bombs!

(End of this chapter)

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