Chapter 122

"So that's why sister didn't take advantage of the situation to eradicate Ye Qi?"

Yang Manyue nodded, "It's all over if I do it or not, why should I waste that thought? Fighting against him at the beginning was just for self-protection, but now it is no longer a threat to us, so why bother to be a villain? A small reputation is not beautiful, and those who achieve great things must be informal and tolerant, and when it is time to stop, they must not continue to do so, so as not to bring disaster."

Mancang nodded half-understanding. Sister's words seemed to open a window for him, but he couldn't tell exactly what it was.But it doesn't matter, because he knows he will remember his life.

The little episode is over, and they have arrived in Ren'an.

Speaking of Ren'an, the biggest aristocrat is the Nanzong of Wuzhou, the Kong family.

At that time, Jin soldiers occupied Shandong, Yanzhou fell, and Konglin in Qufu suffered a military disaster.Kong Ruojun, the 47th generation descendant of Confucius, judge of Dali Temple, Kong Ruogu, his elder brother Kong Ruogu, nephew Kong Duanyou, son Kong Duangong, etc., escorted Emperor Gaozong of Song Dynasty Zhao Gou to leave Shandong and cross southeast to Lin'an, Kong Ruogu, Kong Duanyou and others went to Quzhou , and later settled in Linghu, Xi'an, Sanqu, which was historically known as "Quzhou Nanzong of Kong's family".

But Kong Ruojun, Kong Duangong and his family still escorted Emperor Gaozong to Taizhou.After arriving in Zhang'an Town, Taizhou, they bid farewell to the emperor and thought of meeting Kong Duanyou in Sanqu.When they passed the Juxi River, Kong Ruojun died of illness due to exhaustion from climbing mountains and wading for a long time.His son Kong Duangong waited and saw the beautiful mountains and clear waters of the Juxi River. He thought it was God's will, so he lived in seclusion, and the reputation of Nankong in Wuzhou came from it.

As for my ancestor, the Yang family in Incheon lived next to Nankong in Wuzhou. They were greatly influenced by their ancestors and the Yongkang School. He was a prominent high-ranking official, but because of his strict family management and harmony in the village, his influence in the local area is not inferior to that of the Confucian family.

Of course, he is a descendant of Confucius who is serious about the Eight Classics, so in name, the descendants of Confucius in Kansai still have to give way.

When passing by the Kong family temple, Yang Manyue couldn't help but gasped when she only looked at it from a distance.

At that time, when I saw the ancestral temple of the Li family, I was already shocked. After seeing the Confucian family temple, I realized that it was a small witch.

Thinking about it again, the old ancestor of the family lost his life in order to send Zhao Gou to the south, so it is not too much to reward such credit.

For example, the old man Lizong of Song Dynasty gave five levels of grace to "Wuzhou Nankong", one of the first level of grace was to build the Holy Family Temple in the Xingtan Garden on the south bank of Juxi River.Since the Confucian family temple was built in the Baoyou period of the Southern Song Dynasty, it was built by the government many times during the Yuan and Ming dynasties. One was built by oneself, and the other was funded by the government. The style is naturally different.

Passing through such places, as a show of respect, civil servants get off their sedan chairs, military officials dismount their horses, and hawkers are all avoided.Being an official is like this, Yang Manyue and Bai Dingzi can't get big.

Get out of the car, put on the dark fence, and pass by quickly.

According to the rules, as a woman, not only can she not enter her own ancestral temple at will, but she can't stay in other people's temples at will.The reason why the girl from the Li family challenged her that time was also valid.

Although it passed, I saw my cousin stopped talking with people, those people saluted Leng Yun again, and then looked at me, bowing to me from a distance.

This surprised Man Yue a little.But then he felt shocked again, seeing those people's attire should be the children of the Confucian family, who were sent here to receive admirers.In this year when Confucius is regarded as a sage, being born as a descendant of Confucius has every reason to be arrogant, but these few are not.
This is a bit aristocratic!
After Fushen returned the gift, Yang Lixin walked over and said, "Sister, that's a child of the Kong family. Hearing your name, I'm deeply admired. This time I recognize my ancestors and return to the clan. When I'm done, I'll go to the Kong family as a guest."

Yang Manyue nodded and said in admiration: "Although I saw it from a distance, I saw the demeanor of the disciples of the sages. This is the family of poems and books handed down from generation to generation."

"It's natural."

Yang Lixin nodded, "But our Yang family is not bad, it's just..."

"Just what?"


Yang Lixin couldn't help sighing, "Although it is a family of Zhongming Dingshi, but the careers of the children in the family have withered, and now there is only one Jinshi, and two people are supporting the facade, and there are not many students (scholars)."

Yang Manyue couldn't help sighing, "Although eight-legged art making is no longer the main topic, it is still like a thousand troops crossing a single-plank bridge. The country is now partial to policy, and it will be even more difficult if there is no vision. In the past, eight-legged art making, inherited Although it is difficult to solve the problem, there are always examples to be found, and there are not a few model essays over the years, but now the theory of partial policy is tested on vision and pattern."

Yang Lixin was a little surprised, "Your sister also knows about the career?"

During the conversation, Leng Yun had already come over from there, seeing that the two were discussing this matter, he didn't interrupt, he just said: "We will arrive at Huang Yutian Village in another hour, let's hurry up."

Man Yue and Yang Lixin nodded, and didn't say any more, those who got on the horses got on the horses, those who got on the carriages got on the cars, and they arrived at Huangyutian Village not long after.At the entrance of the village, I saw a boy in Tsing Yi waving his hand and shouting: "The young master is back, the young master is back, the young master is back with Miss Eleven!"

Yang Manyue opened the curtain to watch, and saw a little boy running towards the village quickly, and soon a few people who looked like they were in charge came out.They first saluted with everyone, and then some servants took away the horses of Leng Yun and others. After a while, several maidservants came, moved the pedals, lifted the curtains, and saluted, "Slaves to the Seventh Madam Greetings, greetings to the eleventh girl, and greetings to the thirteenth young master."

Yang Manyue was stunned for a moment before realizing that these people were calling her.Although it ranks very low in the entire clan itself, it is generally called by the ranking of the branch.For example, Yang Manyue has ten older sisters in this family, so she is ranked eleventh.According to the customs of the Ming Dynasty, the family generally called her Shishi Niang or Yuejieer, and the servants called her Eleven Girl.

Mancang's age was the twelfth among the boys in the family, so he was replaced by the servants as the Twelve Young Masters, and if he was a member of the family, he was called Twelve Lang.

Thinking of this, I can't help but feel amused, so my eldest sister who I haven't met will be called aunt?What a sad name.

Mrs. Chen looked very nervous. She has lived most of her life, but why has she ever been called Mrs. Madam?
For a moment I stood there in a daze but didn't know how to respond.

After the full moon was stunned, she calmly got out of the car. After all, the new and new human beings of the 21st century, the emperor is not afraid, would he still have stage fright here?
After calmly getting out of the car, he stretched out his arms to hold Mancang down, and then helped Mrs. Chen get off. He and Mancang picked up the tablet of their parents, and followed Yang Lixin towards the village.

Along the way, farmers passed by from time to time and greeted Yang Lixin with great respect.

There were also people who secretly looked at their mothers, but they only dared to sneak a glance and then turned back immediately, with a sense of caution and fear in their eyes.

In the eyes of ordinary people these days, scholars are Wenquxing descendants, and Wenquxing's family members are also extraordinary.Not to mention that the Yang family is a century-old family here, in other words, it is one of the largest local landlords. These people rely on the Yang family for food, so they naturally have to be respected.

After walking for a short time, I saw a house with a vast area, facing south, with a tall and towering gate, but seeing the words "Sizhitang" written on it, it was very grand.

And my old grandmother was already waiting there, the door of the ancestral hall was wide open, and a group of people were waiting there, seeing them coming, some young people looked sideways and cast curious expressions.

Leng Yun dropped half of his body, came behind her, and said in a low voice: "Be careful what you say."

"Well, I know."

After speaking, he strode forward, Fushen said: "Greetings to grandma!"

"Good, good, good!"

Yu was excited, looking at the tablet of her son and daughter-in-law, tears flashed in her eyes, "My son is finally back, back..."

What he said made everyone cry, and a man about 50 years old said sadly: "My poor seventh brother, after so many years, it turns out that heaven and man are separated forever, big brother, I'm sorry!"

After speaking, he came forward, looked at Man Yue, then at Man Cang, wiped the corners of his eyes, and said, "It's good to be back, it's good to be back."

"Don't talk too much, Dalang, let your brother go home quickly."

Yu Shi wiped her tears and stepped forward, "Hurry up, the dojo is ready, my son is back!"

Yu's voice was hoarse and shrill, it was the broken heart of a loving mother, and the full moon couldn't help shedding tears, no matter what, taking this body, and now sending the parents back for the original owner can be regarded as repaying the friendship of the dove occupying the magpie's nest, and finally less guilt .

Holding the tablet and walking slowly in solemnity, Mancang, as a son, must hold his father's tablet, while Man Yue is holding his mother's tablet.

As soon as he reached the gate, he saw the warehouse was full of people passing by, but a voice made everything uneasy.

"Wait, the Yuan family is not allowed to enter the ancestral hall."

"What do you mean?"

Man Yue froze there, raised his head to follow the prestige, but saw an old man with white beard and hair looking at this side suspiciously, and said leisurely: "If you are hired, you will be a wife and a concubine. There is a saying in the Book of Rites: The one who runs is a concubine, and the parents are the concubine." The people of the country are all cheap!!"

So people stood there in a daze, and after a while, Yu's face was already ashen, and he gritted his teeth: "Second Household, what do you mean? What happened back then was a last resort, and the old lady approved it. Don't make extra troubles!"

"Ha ha."

The old man smiled bluntly and said: "Daughter-in-law, you are also born in a famous family, you should know what etiquette cannot be broken, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a man about forty years old pulled him and said, "Sixth Uncle, Seventh Brother and Seventh Brother and Sister are in a special situation, and the ancestors have spirits..."


Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the old man, "The ancestor of my Yang family was Confucius in Kansai, so noble, how can you allow such unknown people to enter my Yang family?!"

These words offended Yang Manyue, she snorted coldly and said: "My mother is an innocent family, what is ignorance? This gentleman speaks so rudely, the so-called dead is the big one, my mother didn't steal it." If you haven't snatched it, why don't you understand it?"

She paused for a moment, not giving the other party a chance to speak, she lifted her robe and knelt down with a "plop", tearfully said: "Grandmother, I beg grandma to take pity on you and make the decision for the full moon!"


(End of this chapter)

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