Chapter 123
"Good good..."

Yu touched Man Yue's head, "Good boy, get up quickly, grandma will make decisions for you, grandma will definitely make decisions for you!"

"Sixth Uncle, today is the day when Seventh Brother will come back. If you have anything to say..."

The man was still persuading, but was interrupted by Mrs. Yu, "Oh! Fifth, you are a caring person. You really have a brotherly relationship with Seventh. When you adopted Xiaoshi under the name of Seventh, many people said you Their intentions are not right, but now it seems that those people are blind, look, how innocent is the fifth child?"

What he said made the man blush, Yu sneered, tapped the ground with his crutches, and said: "Don't worry, Xiao Shi Er and Shi Ni Niang won't take your son's share when they come back now. It’s time to continue, and I’ll see you today too, and you’ll be the aunt in the future, so you don’t need the help of other people in the room. Well, yes, Eleven Niang’s talents and studies are also good, Xiao Shi will go to the county exam next year, Eleven Niang You have to take up the burden of the seventh house elder sister, don't embarrass your father!"


Hearing what the old lady said, what else does Man Yue not understand?
The person who loves you has not yet entered the house, so you are going to wear small shoes for yourself?

According to what they said, my mother would have become a concubine, and I would have been a concubine.What are you kidding? !This is the year of honor and inferiority, if this is the case, it doesn't matter if this relative doesn't recognize it!

"Big Fang, what you said is simply heartbreaking!"

The old man was furious, "What is etiquette that cannot be broken?!"

"Does this gentleman mean to want my sister as a concubine?"

Chen suddenly stepped forward, Man Yue was stunned, what is Chen going to do?
She came to Mrs. Yu, bowed profusely, and said with tears in her eyes, "Mother, I'm a country woman who has no experience and doesn't understand anything, but I still know the word "enyi". My sister died in order to give birth to the full moon. On the way, the master spent a lot of effort to find the bones of his sister, just because he had a thought. Before he died, the master did not forget to be buried with his sister. According to my Ming law, a concubine is not allowed to be buried with her husband. With this gentleman's words, wouldn't this concubine want to betray my husband? My husband treats me with such kindness as a mountain, how can I do such a thing?"

She bowed again, and said: "If that's the case, I hope my mother will take pity on her, and let him continue to be with my sister as long as this son is gone! I will still treat you as my mother as a concubine, and I will serve you well, no matter what! "

Yang Manyue's jaw dropped, is this really Chen's?Could it be that it was traversed?

This is so beautifully said, and it is reasonable everywhere. Although there are etiquette, it is necessary to talk about extrajudicial favors. After all, it does not hurt anyone!
She squinted at the so-called fifth uncle, and snorted coldly in her heart!
This shouldn't be a child born to my grandmother. Speaking of which, my cheap grandfather is too carefree, right?I heard from my eldest cousin that my grandmother gave birth to three sons and three daughters, but her uncles had six, besides that, there were nine aunts and seven uncles...

This is not counting the premature death, this can be compiled into several football teams!
I heard that there are as many as seven or eight concubines who are still alive, and the youngest one is six or seven years older than me. She was married back in the year when Grandpa passed away. Grandpa passed away due to illness five or six months after marriage , and what is even more frightening is that in the past few months, I had only six uncles, and suddenly there was another seventh uncle, an uncle who was two years younger than Mancang.

Thinking of this, Man Yue couldn't help but have a headache, and looked at her grandmother with sympathy. With such a flirtatious husband, a bunch of mistresses, mistresses and a bunch of children, grandma must have had a hard time, right?
Yu cried loudly: "What are you talking about? Where are the clan elders? Why don't you speak?! Are you trying to force the old woman to death?!"


Leng Yun's voice suddenly sounded, "Since they are embarrassing you, let's go back now! My Leng Yun's wife can't be abused by others! Auntie, Mancang, come back, I'll take you back!"

This sentence was like a thunderbolt, it exploded suddenly!
"What? Leng Yun? That Lord Xiao? This, this, this person is Leng Yun?!"

"Haven't you guys heard? This Eleven Niang has already been betrothed to the Marquis of Jinghai..."

"Oh, the Qifang is going to grow hair now!"

"Who says it's not? Is this sixth uncle confused? Why did he make things difficult for Eleven Niang? Eleven Niang is a person who dared to fight against evil officials alone. I heard that she was beaten in the lobby that day and almost fainted, but she didn't let go. , I still don’t forget to protect my younger brother and mother to the death, this kind of resolute person’s temper is mostly resolute, and the most is to distinguish between love and hate. Sixth Uncle makes things difficult for her, I’m afraid it’s a grudge..."

"Yeah, fame is greater than heaven!"

"Did you forget? The sixth uncle is also a concubine, hehe, the concubine always helps the concubine, it is really despicable to make a fuss about it! What do you think?! Eleven Niang is my younger sister, a direct relative. You dare to bully her in the future. I poke your eyes!"

"Don't dare, dare not, Jiuniang, we are all brothers and sisters, how can we bully Eleven Niang?"

"Okay! You guys don't say a few words, so as not to make outsiders laugh!"

"Yes, big sister..."


Mrs. Yu patted herself, stepped forward and said: "Master Hou, forgive me, the old lady neglected you in a moment of excitement, forgive me, forgive me!"

Leng Yun looked indifferent, received a gift, and said: "Madam, it seems that some people don't welcome Yue'er back, so there is no need to force it. Although Leng is not talented, he will not let others humiliate my Taishan mother-in-law. I will not allow anyone to bully my wife!"

"Wow! Eldest sister, did you see that? Brother-in-law is so domineering? Tsk tsk, everyone says that this prince Xiao kills people without blinking an eye, and acts weirdly. I think I am sincere to Eleven Niang, so envious! I want to marry too..."

"Shut up! Jiuniang, do you really know how to be ashamed?! Look at Eleven, her demeanor, her self-cultivation! She is one and a half years younger than you!"

"Hee hee, Elder Sister, there are no outsiders here. What are you afraid of? Besides, Eleven Niang is not an outsider. That's Uncle Seven's child. Uncle Seven likes you the most..."

" can't tolerate nonsense in front of the ancestral temple..."

Looking at Leng Yun, Yang Manyue was moved, and finally understood why he had to escort her here.

Did you already think of this layer?
"Why are you still here? Cough, cough, didn't you say that Yue girl and Brother Cang have come? We old guys are waiting inside, what, what, what are you doing?!"

A few old men suddenly appeared in the doorway and were supported by a few young people. When they saw the kneeling outside, crying, they were a little confused, "Where is Qilang? You, if you want to cry, you have to let Qilang go home first." Ah! It's getting more and more unruly!"

"Several uncles let me tell you..."

Yu's expression froze, and he hurriedly bowed to several old men, "It's because the old man was excited for a while, look..."

"Grandmother, is this Man Yue's great uncle?"

Before Yu's words were finished, she was interrupted by Man Yue, and she didn't know when she got up, stepped forward, bowed profusely, and said with tears in her eyes, "Grand uncles, don't blame grandma, it's because Man Yue's life is unlucky." , cannot recognize the ancestors and return to the clan..."

"You, what are you talking about?!"

The grand-uncles were shocked, their eyes full of confusion, "Mr. Yu, didn't you say you've found out everything? This young lady is from the blood of my Yang family, isn't she?"

Mrs. Yu is such a smart person, now he understood what Man Yue meant, and cried loudly: "Uncles, you are Qilang's flesh and blood! It's just, just, etiquette cannot be broken!"

The grand uncles looked confused, looked around, and asked the people around them: "This old man is old and his eyesight is not good. You can show this old man, but there is something wrong with etiquette? Recognizing the ancestors and returning to the clan is a big deal, Qilang It is even more important to relocate the bones to the ancestral grave, it cannot be overlooked, this child suffered a lot back then..."

"The words of the Hui nationality elders, the old servants have read that there is nothing wrong with it. I don't know what the eldest lady means when she says that the etiquette cannot be discarded."

"Several uncles, the sixth son just said that the Yuan family and Qi'er eloped, so the Yuan family is not allowed to enter the family temple. This child, Man Yue, is determined to abandon his wife!"

Yu cried so sadly, and Man Yue had an intuitive understanding of her grandmother: what a powerful old lady, her grandmother is not simple!


An old man was furious, he suddenly raised his crutches and beat his cheap sixth uncle, cursing: "You idiot, how dare you be presumptuous?! Brother Qi had no choice but to leave home back then! That old man Yuan Too much deception, greedy for wealth, and wanting to regret the marriage, how can I be humiliated like this?! This matter is decided by me and a few old guys, sending Xiaoqi away, you rebellious son, but now you say Make irresponsible remarks, don’t you have opinions on us old guys?!”

That cheap uncle is more than 60 years old, and now he is being beaten by the elders in front of a group of juniors. Apart from mourning, he also feels disgraced and begs for mercy repeatedly, "Uncle Fourteen, please forgive me, Uncle Fourteen, please forgive me, Xiaoliu knows his mistake , Xiao Liu knew his mistake, Xiao Liu is pedantic..."


The fourteenth uncle stopped his hands, looked around the crowd and said, "Is there anything else?"

Where do people dare to make trouble again?Even though the patriarch is now Yang Lixin's father, the grand uncles are the most senior members of the Yang family. When they get angry, even the patriarch can only obey.

The sixth uncle is old enough to fight whenever he wants, and the other juniors dare not reveal it at this time even if they have ideas, and hurriedly said that they dare not.

Fourteen was very satisfied with everyone's understanding, and nodded, "Then what are you doing in a daze? Let's start!"

"and many more!"

Mrs. Yu went up to whisper a few words, and the old men's expressions were serious, and they hurriedly asked people to help them go forward, "I don't know that the Marquis of Jinghai is coming, and I may welcome you from afar, but I still hope that Lord Marquis Haihan!"

Leng Yun turned half of his body sideways and received only half a salute.

For example, at the age of a few great uncles, even if they meet the emperor, they only have to bow down to salute, and he, a marquis, can't go past the emperor.

"Several old people don't need to be polite."

"Master Hou is a guest from afar, but there is still something to do in the mansion right now, why don't you invite Master Hou to wait at the mansion? After the matter is over, I will prepare a banquet to thank Master Hou for his escort."

"Since Yue'er has been betrothed to me, trivial matters are nothing to worry about. It's just this banquet, and I still have official duties, so I'm leaving!"


(End of this chapter)

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