Chapter 124 The Extra Brother
Man Yue turned around and looked at Leng Yun, with thousands of words in her gaze.

Nod, smile, turn around, wave goodbye.

He escorted himself here, and then he was on his own!
Mitsuki thought as she walked through the gate.

The magnificence of the ancestral hall need not be described, it is not comparable to that of the Confucian family, but it is also first-class solemn and magnificent.

The whole process of the ceremony seemed a little sad.

Don't worry about leaving and dying in the world, even if it is irrelevant, it is always sad.

What's more, close relatives?

After carefully kowtowing to the ancestors and parents, the elders of the clan wrote down the names of their mothers.

According to the genealogy, Mancang and Yang Lixin are of the same generation, and they are both of the letter generation, so at this moment, Mancang has to be named.

When talking about this matter, several uncles unexpectedly asked Mrs. Chen for his opinion.What is Chen's opinion?I had to look at the full moon.

Man Yue thought for a while, and said: "Several grand uncles, nephews and grandchildren often hear people say: the so-called do not change your name and sit without changing your surname, but Mancang has a chance encounter, how about making a new word and doing it in the world?"

The fourteenth uncle Yang Chengyi thought for a moment and said: "There are many sages who have practiced the world with characters in ancient times, such as Jiang Taigong (Jiang Ziya), Zigong, and Zilu. Walking in the world in the name of Xiake... These people have made immortal achievements whether in literature or in martial arts, and walking in the world with words, this is very kind!"

Several other uncles also nodded, and one of them asked: "Yue girl, I heard that you are well-read and memorized, and you have a brilliant literary talent. Do you have an idea in your mind?"

A group of juniors only feel that the three views have been refreshed, how can the uncles be so kind to a junior?Let alone a woman.

Others don't understand, but Yu Shi does.

Now my granddaughter's name is heard in the sky, and they all praise her as worthy of being a descendant of Yang Zhen, and she is very upright.That poem by Yanzhu is well-known to women and children today, which elder would not like such a descendant?

Not to mention, her father was still a student.Scholars seem to be at the end of their studies, but they are not everywhere!
The entire province only has an admission rate of more than 200 students, and as long as you become a scholar, you can be exempted from household labor and 15 mu of premium land. Even for big families, this is a visible benefit.Not to mention that this is an honor in itself, you must know that there are not many students in the huge Yang family now!
Her father is powerful, and she has such a daughter, who is also the mistress of the Jinghai Hou Mansion in the future, so she must take a high look at her.

Thinking of this, Yu couldn't help but glance at Yang Shourui and sneer in her heart.

idiot!Do you think that uniting with the sixth child can turn the old granddaughter into a concubine?dream!
Although the grand uncles asked this way, Yang Manyue didn't really listen to it like this, and she said with a blessing: "I think the grand uncles are all people with deep blessings. Suffering, Man Yue dared to ask a few uncles to give him a letter, so that this poorly blessed child can be blessed with your blessings."

After saying these words, Mrs. Yu and the other uncles nodded again and again. The uncle Yang Shouyan and the second uncle Yang Shouqi looked at the ghost, and they thought in their hearts: Damn it!Is this kid really 12 years old?This person behaves like an old fox, advances and retreats with certainty, and flatters with extraordinary skills, it's just watertight!

The uncles looked at each other and nodded, seeing appreciation in each other's eyes, and finally nodded at Yang Chengyi.

Yang Chengyi thought for a while and said: "Li Yan, Li Zhi, Li De, since Brother Cang is under the tutelage of Wang Ziming, this is a master of Li Yan, so let's use the words to make a word."

Overjoyed, he hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed: "Grandson, thank the fourteenth uncle for giving me the letter!"

"Get up, get up!"

The Fourteenth Grand Uncle said cheerfully, "From now on, I will study hard with my husband and let my family shine!"

"Yes, my grandson will definitely remember my uncle's teachings!"

The old people were satisfied with Mancang's performance, and they couldn't help nodding, "It's so kind!"

After this scene, the atmosphere became more relaxed.

The family has prepared a banquet early, and the people of the country have to eat no matter whether they are happy or not. Although what happened today is regrettable that the parents of the full moon passed away, it is a happy event for the homeless children and grandchildren to return home no matter from which point of view.

Therefore, the cooks and maids in the mansion had already prepared a grand banquet, and a floating banquet was set up outside the mansion to entertain the branches and neighbors.

This was Yu Shi's idea.This way, one is to support the full moon, and the other is to let everyone know.

There are promising descendants in the family, even if it is a woman, it is a matter of giving the family face, and the Jiangnan atmosphere in the Ming Dynasty was open, let alone now, or in the past, there are many women in big families who do not bind their feet, such as the Yu family. bound feet.

The status of women in the family has always been higher than that in the north. Some families even raise their daughters as men, not only hiring teachers, but also teaching the Four Books and Five Classics.Talented women are favored even more, and they will feel elegant if they act a little bit out of the ordinary.

"Yue girl, grandma will introduce to you..."

Yu Shi introduced the family members to Man Yue, and now she knew that her uncle, second uncle, eldest aunt, fourth aunt, and sixth aunt were born to Yu Shi.

Several elders gave Man Yue and Man Cang a meeting ceremony, and the Yu family and other family members needless to say, Chen also received a lot of things.

Full Moon was secretly happy: I got rich, I got rich!

Thinking about it again, it feels sweet again.

Fortunately, Leng Yun was careful and brought a lot of presents he had bought to Mrs. Chen, otherwise he would be looked down upon today.

For example, now is the time to introduce her peers. As an elder, Mrs. Chen naturally wants to give a meeting gift.

The presents were all arranged by Leng Yun, so Master Hou would certainly do well.But it won't be much better, this is the strength of Leng Yun.

Neither disrespectful nor overbearing, low-key is the best for Full Moon.

A group of older siblings and younger siblings were delighted to receive the gift, and the barriers between them were reduced a lot.

When it was Xiaoshi Yang Liyuan's turn, the atmosphere became subtle again.

Sitting upright, Chen looked a little embarrassed at this child who was one year younger than Man Yue.

This is Yang Shourui's child, who adopted Qifang to inherit the incense, so it is reasonable to call her mother.

It's just that the child is not willing to look at him right now, and the way he looks at himself is a bit wrong. At first, Mrs. Chen was not very courageous, but now she is even more trembling. Shame on the full moon.

"Boy Yang Liyuan pays his respects to his mother!"

Fortunately, I probably knew what the occasion was today, and although I didn't want to, I still gave in.

"Get up, get up..."

Mrs. Chen was about to go to help her, but she heard that little fat man Yang Liyuan said: "Although I adopted the name of Seventh Uncle, you also became my mother, but I still have to be filial to my biological mother, and I am the eldest son..."

"What are you talking about, you bastard?!"

Before he finished speaking, he was beaten by his third uncle Yang Xiaolian, and the old man blowing his beard and staring at him said: "You have been adopted under the name of Qifang, and you should regard Yuan and Chen as your mother. It used to be Qifang No one, now that he is back, you can no longer call Brother Wu your father, didn’t Mr. Wu teach you this rule?!”

The atmosphere suddenly became tense, and Mrs. Chen seemed a little at a loss. She didn't know what to say for a while, so she could only say: "Third Uncle, the child is still young, and I don't get used to it for a while, slowly..."

"Who wants you to be a good person!"

Yang Liyuan yelled and got up and ran to a woman, weeping and saying: "Mother, I want to go back, I want to go back, mother, I will not be someone else's son..."


He raised his hand and slapped Xiao Eleven, and said angrily, "Are you still a little bit disciplined? How can adoption be a trifle?! I will only be your fifth aunt from now on, don't call me mother again!"

Yang Manyue frowned.A mother's affection for her child is natural. What the third uncle did just now was not light, but now that the child is crying like this, which mother doesn't feel distressed?

But the fifth aunt not only didn't feel distressed, but also gave her son a look. Now she saw it for real, and it was not light at all. It is so strange that there must be a monster if something abnormal happens, isn't it?
I heard from the eldest brother that the fifth uncle is a concubine, and his child is naturally not in the direct line. The adoption of the child under his father's name is also for the sake of the child's future. You must know that although Xiao Shi has a concubine's father, but in the fifth room. Is the son.

Now that he has been adopted by his own father, the parents' love for him can be seen, and they are all considered for their children.

Now that Fifth Aunt is like this, I'm afraid she's a traitor!
Be careful!

This time I came back, I also brought a younger brother, but I wanted to share the benefits, as I can see from the embarrassment that Uncle Wu made for him before.

Man Yue looked at Third Aunt again, who was Uncle Wu's biological mother.At this moment, she looked at him coldly, seemingly submissive, but her eyes were cold.

Be careful with people in the fifth room.

In her heart, Man Yue blacklisted everyone in Wufang.Although I feel that they are also pitiful intellectually, but as the saying goes, a dead Taoist friend never dies a poor Taoist. She came back firstly because of her father's wish, and secondly because she came back to earn a living. .

Xiao Ten was still crying, Uncle Fourteen slammed the table and shouted: "This is the good young man you taught?! There are no rules at all! Come on, pull me away, and Xiao Ten will stay here from now on." It’s in Qifang, wait for Yue girl to go back and take it away with her!”


He Shi, who was still pretending just now, was stunned, "Eleven Niang is leaving?"

"It's natural!"

Mrs. Yu nodded, "Eleven Niang bought a property in Ningbo, and Xiaogang also looked at a piece of land, planning to open a big restaurant, and donate part of it to nourish ethnology. This is a great charity, and I must support it myself."

As soon as these words came out, many people were surprised, "How can a woman show her face? She used to be isolated and helpless, but now she is a member of my Sizhitang. Wouldn't it be a joke if it spread?"

"Aren't the uncles also confused?"

"Wow! Grandma, grandma, I'm going too, I'm going to help Eleven Niang!"

"Jiu Niang, shut up!"


"Thank you grandma for maintaining!"

Man Yue saluted, and said: "My granddaughter will never show her face in public, and she will not embarrass the family. It's just that the granddaughter heard that the people of the clan have a lot of ambitions to build careers, so the granddaughter can't afford this benefit..."

She said with a smile, "Anyway, the granddaughter is not afraid of being ridiculed for profit, she only thinks about the kindness of her parents, and does her best for the family..."


(End of this chapter)

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