Chapter 125
These words are touching, the Fourteenth Taishu is a man of temperament, thinking of Xiao Qi back then, he couldn't help but turn red, and said: "Good boy, although you are a daughter, you can have lofty ambitions, and your greatness is the strength of your father." !"

The others looked at each other in blank dismay, is that okay? !
But the eldest aunt and uncle are happy.

One of them is the patriarch, and the other is in charge of the public finances. It is a pleasure if someone is willing to help.

Only those who are in charge of the family know that the Yang family is now a strong outsider, and only one member of the family is still in the officialdom, and he is still an official in a remote area. Obviously, there is no great career. If it is not for the ancestors, there are still 2,3 or [-] people in the family. I am afraid that this family will be lonely.

After all, it can't be compared with the Zong family. There are certainly a lot of fertile land, but the family has a big business, and there are many people who eat with it, and there are many people to support. It is also very tight to share it.If you can get some support, it would be good to promote a few more outstanding young people to start careers.

At the moment, the eldest aunt said very kindly: "Eleven Niang, don't hold back. If you can't show up, don't show up. If you have something to do, just let the servants do it. After all, you are a lady now, so you have to avoid it."

This remark was more or less sincere, and Man Yue also heard the implication, smiled, and Fushen said: "Thank you, auntie, for your reminder."

After a pause, he continued: "My niece is looking for someone who can take advantage of her. Firstly, she can pass on some skills, and secondly, she can also help with the management. It's just that I'm young and ignorant. ..."

At this point, the conversation suddenly changed, and he clapped his hands and said, "It's great now! Now that I'm home, with so many uncles, aunts, and grandmothers in charge, I suddenly feel that I am not alone, and I have something to rely on." !"

She spoke innocently, with joy in her eyes, but she moved many people.

Uncle Fourteen is the most emotional, and his eyes turned red when he heard this, "Well said, good boy, I have suffered for you all these years."

He wiped the corners of his eyes and said, "If you have anything to say, I'll talk about it later. Little Twelve and Little Eleven have driven so long, and they're already hungry. Let's eat first, and then we'll talk after eating."

"Yes, Uncle!"

The servants got busy, women sat with women, juniors sat with juniors, the full moon also saw what a big family is, and also understood what it means to have five generations living under one roof.My eldest brother, second brother, third brother, and fourth brother all have children, and even the son of the third brother can make soy sauce. The juniors alone occupy a big room and sit at three and a half tables.

Looking at the other rooms, he made some calculations and couldn't help but gasp!

This is almost catching up with a company, it is still a strengthened company!
And that's just close relatives!

Counting those distant relatives outside, it is almost impossible to count.

It’s all a little blurry in the room, I can’t recognize it!

"Eleven Niang, please sit down, all brothers and sisters don't need to be formal."

"Yes, brother."

Although the juniors sat in the same room, the atmosphere did not seem relaxed.Probably because there is too much age difference between brothers and sisters, and there are distinctions between concubines and concubines, some concubines and concubines are more cautious.

In addition, the Yu family is actually the master of the family, so even if it is a direct descendant in another house, it cannot be regarded as a direct descendant here, and he dare not show his pride in front of Yang Lixin and other righteous descendants.

The full moon is not rigid, firstly, she is dismissive of the dignity of this era; secondly, she has been a human being for two lifetimes, but she is already an adult inside, according to her mental age, Yang Lixin is only a few years older than her, so she doesn't feel anything The distance, it is not polite to let her sit down, she sat down after pulling the full warehouse.

All the brothers and sisters took their seats one after another, Yang Lixin raised his glass and said, "Mother Eleven and Little Twelve are home today, come, let's all toast."

Man Yue and Man Cang hurriedly got up and said: "Brother, you are welcome, everyone in your family is welcome."

"Yes, yes!"

A little girl about twelve or thirteen raised her glass immediately, "Eleven Niang, I am your ninth sister, Yang Jiumei, your uncle's youngest daughter, I want to respect you when you come home today, we have all heard about it, you What a wonderful life! How dare you fight against officials without power, that poem is really well written, it is a model for my daughter's family..."

"Nine sisters!"

A woman dressed as a woman, about 25 years old, scolded: "Do you understand the principle that elder brother is like father? How can you interrupt elder brother? Sit down!"

"Oh, big sister, you are just boring. You are not very old, so why are you like a little old lady? You are all brothers and sisters. What's the matter?"

The girl made a face at Yang Lixin as she spoke, stuck out her tongue and said, "Brother, do you think so?"

Yang Lixin sighed helplessly, and said: "Why can't I miss you everywhere? Forget it, forget it, what Jiumei said is also reasonable, and Eleven Niang is not a hypocritical person, so let's not talk about polite words, let's eat!"

"Yes, big brother!"

Yang Jiumei dared to be presumptuous, but the others did not dare. After congratulating the Man Yue siblings, they began to eat slowly.

Xiao Shi had just been beaten up, and the complaint was unsuccessful, and he was directly covered by Uncle Fourteen. He was still full of anger at the moment, eating and looking at the full moon, his eyes widened, waiting for the full moon to make mistakes.

"Eleven Niang, try this..."

"Thank you, sis."

Man Yue hurriedly got up to thank her, looking at herself as the eldest sister, she couldn't help but secretly nodded, she was indeed a lady, she looked very quiet.The appearance is also good, but for some reason, his face looks haggard and pale.

"Sister, you eat too."

Man Yue also returned a honeyed red date, saying: "Looking at how my eldest sister is not doing well, my younger sister knows some ways to keep in good health. When I have time, my younger sister will make some nourishing food for my older sister."

"Eleventh Mother has a heart." There was a soft smile on Yang Mei's face, but the smile didn't reach her eyes. From Man Yue's point of view, she seemed to have a lot of worries in her heart, and she couldn't be happy no matter what.

I'm new here, so I won't gossip too much, it's all about etiquette.

Eating the dishes silently, he felt that the Yang family's dishes had some characteristics, so he began to savor them carefully.Each one took a small sip, and each sip had to be savored before swallowing. Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but secretly nodded: the eating rules here are not bad, and they are not at all like ordinary country girls.

Although he is Seventh Uncle's child, it's human, that's how it is.For such a wandering sister, although many people know her talent and fame, they still look down on her in their hearts.

The eldest brother was very polite, seeing Man Yue's serious taste, he asked: "I know that Eleven Niang is a good cook, are you satisfied with today's dishes?"

Man Yue laughed and said: "Brother is very satisfied. I have only eaten this kind of banquet once when I grew up, and it was invited by Wei Guogong's young grandson and Shi Ge's grandson."

Everyone gasped, and Jiu Niang exclaimed directly: "I'm so good, Eleven Niang, you are too powerful, and that Shi Cong is one of the four sons of Ningbo! The young master needs no further words." , Oh my god, big sister, you..."

"Shut up! What does it look like to yell?!"


Yang Lixin glared at Jiu Niang, then looked at Man Yue and said, "These two are distinguished, Eleven Niang, you are really capable!"

"Brother was joking."

Thinking of these two people, Man Yue couldn't help but smile wryly, "It's not a skill, it's just that people can't help themselves in the Jianghu."

As soon as these words were uttered, the eyes of the group of people lit up, and they felt that this eleventh day was really extraordinary, and the words came out!
The second elder brother Yang Lide thought about it for a while, and he didn't feel sorry for him, "It's such a sad sentence that people can't help themselves in the Jianghu!"

Man Yue nodded at Yang Lide, "Second brother understands me, Man Yue is very lucky."

After a pause, he continued: "Before I had no clothes, and a villain used me to marry me, so I had to do some business affairs. It's probably because my parents blessed me that I figured out something in the esophagus. You all know the old Shige's nickname, and by chance, he became a frequent visitor."

"Coincidentally, I accidentally made something called umamisu. Just adding such a small amount can make the food extremely delicious. Just when the young man came to Ningbo, he was recommended by Mr. Shi Cong, so he sold the formula. It was given to Duke Wei's mansion."

A group of people listened earnestly, and couldn't help saying sadly: "Eleven, you have suffered."

"It's good to get over it. Fortune and misfortune are unpredictable. I hated it at the time, but now I think it's a good thing. But I made some friends because of it. I don't know when it will be helpful."

Man Yue spoke lightly, but the others felt sad when they heard it. The eldest sister Yang Mei couldn't help but turn red, and murmured: "No one will dare to bully you when you go home..."

Then he turned his head and wiped the corners of his eyes, forced a smile and said: "I made my sister laugh, today is your big day, but I ruined the atmosphere, I will drink a glass of wine as a punishment, my sister don't care about it."

As she spoke, she picked up the wine glass, pulled her sleeves and raised her head to finish the wine in the glass.

Man Yue got up naturally, and kept saying "Sister speaks seriously", but she felt a little strange in her heart.

Why does this eldest sister look so sad and gloomy?That look seemed to empathize with him.

Yang Jiumei looked annoyed, and couldn't help but said: "Elder sister, the laws and regulations of the country are not as strict as before, why should you..."

"To shut up!"

Yang Mei suddenly raised her head, wiped the corner of her eyes and said, "No nonsense!"

Man Yue looked confused, and couldn't help but look at her elder brother and second brother. Seeing them shaking their heads at her, she put her curiosity back into her stomach, and winked at the angry Jiu Niang.

Jiu Niang is also a smart one, shut up immediately, and said: "Eleven Niang, you can sleep in the same room with me and Eldest Sister tonight, if you don't come back this time, Eldest Sister will not come back either!"

"That's a good thing."

Man Yue is also a smart person, knowing that Jiu Niang wanted something, so she agreed.

Now that she has just come back, she also needs to establish a good relationship with everyone. This Jiuniang is the uncle's daughter, and she is very favored. Since she wants to agree, she may also be a help in the future.

After this episode, the atmosphere became lively again.Man Yue studied liberal arts and is a modern person. He used to open a restaurant, so he has developed a set of skills in talking to people. It didn't take long before he made all his brothers and sisters laugh out loud, calling him "wonderful person" and talking with them. The relationship between the new family members is much closer at once...

 Eighth more!

(End of this chapter)

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