Delicious Lady: Lord Wolf, please enter the urn

Chapter 126 Stepmother is not a good thing

Chapter 126 Stepmother is not a good thing
After dinner, Mrs. Yu took their third mother to the house where his father lived in the past, and said: "This is the courtyard where Heng'er lived in the past. Now that you come back, you can stay here."

Looking at the house where her husband used to live, Chen couldn't help but burst into tears, "I realized that the master is not an ordinary person, but now I know that he lived such a life before, but I dare not think about it."

Yu Shi also sighed, wiped the corners of her eyes and said, "It'll be fine now that I'm back."

"The seventh lady doesn't know something. Even if the seventh young master is not here, the old lady tells me to clean this place every day..."

An old nanny couldn't help wiping away tears, Qi Qi said: "I always think that the seventh young master will come back after the incident..."

"Mother Rong, stop talking."

Yu turned her head to the side and said in a low voice: "You guys have worked hard today, I'll ask someone to bring the food to the house later, so go to bed early after eating."

After a pause, he said, "It's not too late to talk about anything tomorrow."

Then he pointed to a few servants and said, "This is Mama Qian, the mother who is in charge of your house. These little girls are all trustworthy, and they will stay in your house to listen. There are also book boys, etc. The old man thinks about it, thinks about it, Brother Cang wants to study, and he can't do it without a book boy."

"Thank you grandma!"

The whole moon saluted and thanked them.Mrs. Yu waved her hand and said: "You are doing well today. Although your eldest aunt is a little cautious, she still has a good heart. Today, you follow her wishes and promise a small profit. From now on, she will always be in this house." I want to thank you and say a few words for you, this is a good job."

Man Yue was moved when she heard this, and the fact that she can say this shows that this grandmother really sympathizes with herself, and this kindness must be repaid.

Busy Fu said: "Thank you grandma, with your protection, my granddaughter has the courage in her heart. But the granddaughter also speaks the truth. I heard from my eldest brother that there are many relatives in the clan who have difficulties in life. It would be great if you can help."

Yu was very relieved, "You are such a smart child. Grandma can rest assured that you have such a heart. If you have something to do, go ahead and do it boldly. You are not alone now."

Man Yue nodded, and Chen Shi sent Yu Shi out of the courtyard gate, and when she came back, she saw Mancang happily running in the yard, saying repeatedly: "My God, sister, mother, daddy lives in such a big house! Just this yard is much bigger than our house!"

Several servants were exclaiming, "Young Master Twelve, please watch your steps carefully!"

Mother Qian, who was in charge, also ran after her, out of breath, yelling, "Oh, young master Twelve, be careful! If you bump into me, this old slave won't be able to bear it!"

"No problem."

Full Moon smiled and stepped forward, "Mommy Qian, we grew up in the countryside, so it's okay even if we fell. A poor son is rich and a daughter is raised, and a boy can't be coquettish."

Mother Qian wiped the sweat from her brow, looked at the Twelve Young Master who was quite gentle just now, she couldn't help crying in her heart: Why did you become a monkey all of a sudden?
"Yes, Miss Eleven."

She calmed down and said again: "I am afraid that the young master will fall, and the old lady will feel distressed."

"It doesn't matter."

Chen said: "It's not easy for children to get sick after running."

A group of servants looked at each other.They are all born at home. To put it bluntly, their lives are much better than ordinary people.Growing up in the mansion since childhood, I have never seen any suffering, so listening to the Seventh Madam's words is very fresh.

Man Yue was also a little tired. Seeing Man Cang was still running, she said, "Man Cang, don't pass. After driving for a long time, I'd better take a rest."

"Hey! Sister."

He ran over and said with a smile, "Mother Qian, do you have water?"

"Yes, yes, you guys, hurry up and get water for Master Twelve!"

"Yes, Mom."

Soon water was brought up, and he frowned after taking a full sip, and said, "Mother Qian, you don't need to put bee sugar in the water from now on. Drinking too much will wear down Lingyun's ambition."

After hearing this, Man Yue and Chen couldn't help but feel comforted, and Man Yue was even more emotional.Although there are many things worthy of criticism in ancient times, in terms of personal cultivation, many of them are lost by modern people.

For example, as the sage said, "Establish words, establish character, and establish morality", if you can achieve these three points, then you are a real gentleman.

It's a pity that many people don't understand anything, and even without reading any Confucian classics, they shout that this is dross, which is simply ridiculous.

That's why modern society lacks credit. Lying is like drinking boiled water, and talking is like farting. I don't know that making a statement is not just writing a book, but also keeping a promise, and doing what you say!

Now that Mancang can say these words by himself, Man Yue feels comforted.

Wang Ziminguo is a good gentleman!

She may be mean, but even so she wants her brother to be a virtuous man.

Just about to boast about his younger brother, but when he opened his mouth, he heard crying from outside, and he and Mrs. Chen looked at each other, seeing confusion in each other's eyes.

It's just that they soon figured it out.

It was none other than Fifth Aunt and Xiao Shi.

I saw her twisting Xiao Shi's ears and dragging her towards the yard, cursing, "You unruly bastard! What did the third uncle say? Have you forgotten? You are the eldest son of Qifang now, so you should Stay in the seventh room, don't call me mother, I'm not your mother!"

Chen's expression turned ugly.She looked at Man Yue, seeing her shaking her head at herself, she couldn't help lowering her eyes, and said, "I don't know who I'm talking to."

"Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, mother goes back to the house, daughter is enough to deal with here."

Chen shook her head, "I'm an elder, I can't hide behind you every time, I will come sooner or later, let me see what this fifth sister-in-law is going to do!"

Man Yue nodded, retreating in such a family would not bring understanding, but humiliation instead.

Mrs. He came in with someone, brought Xiao Shi to Mrs. Chen, and said, "Seventh brother and sister, I brought this child. You didn't come back before, so you let me raise him. Now you are back , the third uncle also sent a message, Xiao Shi will be your child from now on. I also hope that the seventh sibling will not care about his rude behavior."

Mrs. Chen smiled, got up and said: "Fifth sister-in-law is serious. The so-called son does not dislike the mother's ugliness, and the dog does not dislike the family's poverty. Since it is adopted to the husband, I will take it as it is. Don't worry, sister-in-law."

"I'm relieved with your words."

He wiped the corners of his eyes, "It is said that the baby is the mother's heart and soul. This little ten is spoiled by me. Although he was adopted, he has always been by my side. Now he is leaving suddenly. Don't say that he is such a small person. Son, even I, an adult, feel uncomfortable. It is natural for children to be close to their mothers, and I hope the seventh siblings don't care about it."

There was a gleam of coldness in Man Yue's eyes, and she jumped ahead of Mrs. Chen and said, "Fifth Aunt, what are you talking about? I am not born by my mother, but she treats me well! I have suffered a lot for me. How can a baby girl be regarded as an eyeball, so how can she treat Daddy's eldest son so harshly?"

Mrs. He gasped, and cursed inwardly: This little girl is so skinny!This is to remind me that Xiao Shi is already the person who has the seventh room, so I have no right to ask?

Seeing the child crying made her feel uncomfortable.

At the beginning, taking the initiative to adopt the child to Qifang was nothing more than wanting the child to become a true direct descendant, and Qifang was empty, so it was up to her, the biological mother, to decide?But now it's a good thing, Cheng Yaojin came out halfway and messed up their calculations. This is like making wedding dresses for others!

I was upset in my heart, but I didn't dare to show it on my face, so I could only say embarrassingly: "This mother is always supercilious, don't worry about it, seventh brother and sister!"

"If Aunt Fifth is worried, you can discuss it with grandma and let Xiao Shi go back. Now that Mancang is back, there is no need to do such a thing of tearing apart other people's flesh and blood."

These words are very rude, even saying it as a junior of Man Yue seems very rude, but Mrs. He, like a normal person, echoed again and again, "So I let it go."

As he said that, he patted Xiao Shi on the back of the head and scolded: "You are crying, why are you crying? Men don't flick their tears! Quick, call mother!"

"Not urgent."

Even a kind-hearted person like Mrs. Chen could see that Mrs. He was not a good person. He waved his hand and said, "The child is still young and needs time to get used to it. Fifth sister-in-law let him go here, and I will teach him slowly."

"Wow, I don't want to!"

Xiao Shiyi cried even more when she heard this, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo L L l L You are right..."


He slapped him and scolded: "What are you talking about?!"

The three of Man Yueniang looked at each other, and they understood.

In fact, most of the children's three views are shaped by their parents. Now that Xiao Shi said such words, it can be seen how many ugly things He has said in secret recently.

Therefore, a child will be disgusted by the extra mother, but there are some words that cannot be said unless an adult deliberately guides them.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Chen couldn't help turning cold when she thought about the previous events, and said: "The concubine's child is ignorant and out of manners, making the fifth sister-in-law a joke. It's just that since this child has been adopted under my name, is he good or not? You should teach me as a mother, Wu sister-in-law, how can you make your siblings feel so embarrassed!"

Well done!

Full Moon almost applauded!

These words are soft nails, nailed directly to the fifth aunt's painful feet, the words are so sharp, but the other party can't attack, only to see the fifth aunt's expression stiffen, one face turns red, and finally turns blue again , obviously very angry.

This is really not polite enough, and it is straightforward: Xiao Shi is my son now. It ’s my business that hurts him or he beats him!What are you, an outsider, meddling in? !

Small people have the wisdom of small people. Mrs. He thought that Mrs. Chen was just a country woman with little knowledge, so she thought she could handle it.How could she have thought that the Chen family has been fighting since the death of his cheap father, and has been to the Yamen, even if he is weak and kind, it is time for him to exercise.

How about saying that the children of the poor are in charge of the family early, and setbacks are the most debilitating? !
 Ninth more!

(End of this chapter)

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