Delicious Lady: Lord Wolf, please enter the urn

Chapter 127 Cry Again, Let You Eat Maggots

Chapter 127 Cry Again, Let You Eat Maggots

The atmosphere fell into a strange atmosphere, and He couldn't get angry, so he could only say embarrassingly: "Your brother and sister are right."

After a pause, he said again: "Then I'll go first, Xiao Shi will leave it to you."

As she spoke, she knelt down, touched Xiao Shi's head and said, "I will listen to your mother from now on, you know? Don't mess around, you have to study hard, and everything will be fine once you get ahead."

These words were more sincere, but it was shocking to the ears of Man Yue and the others. This was clearly further teaching Xiao Ten to establish a hostile relationship with them!

Looking at the back of Fifth Aunt leaving, Man Yue felt tired.

Where does the good thing of wanting the horse to run and the horse not to eat grass come from?Not only reluctant to part with the benefits of direct lineage, but also unwilling to show sincerity, such calculating people are really annoying.

Aunt Fifth is gone, and the biggest trouble right now is not Uncle Fifth and Aunt Fifth who have evil intentions, but Xiao Shi in front of him.

He screamed heart-piercingly, and several rough women pulled him desperately. Chen was a little at a loss, but she was afraid of losing the majesty of her parents and couldn't restrain Xiao Shi, so she pretended to be calm and said: "Take Shi The young master helped the house to take care of him."

Mancang watched coldly, and he also felt uncomfortable with this cheap brother from the bottom of his heart.

No matter how sensible he was, he was just a child, and he had an instinctive sense of crisis for his brother who suddenly appeared.

For example, will he divide his mother and sister's attention from him.

Seeing Xiao Shi swearing, he snorted coldly, and said with a sneer, "How old is he? I just cry about such a thing. I don't know how to learn from my husband. I just don't know etiquette. I'm just like my daughter." It's really like reading a book and going to the dog's stomach."

This is harsh, after all, Xiao Shi is only an 11-year-old child.Although he was adopted under his father's name before, there was no one in Qifang, so he was still raised by his parents.

Now suddenly it's like this, even an adult can't adapt to it!
Seeing Mancang's harsh words, Man Yue was a little displeased, and just about to stop him, Xiao Shi, who was rolling around, suddenly stopped going mad, staring and said: "Brother and friend, you said that I am not educated, you are educated? You are educated , you talk to elder brother like this?! Don’t you understand the principle that elder brother is like father?!”

"Bah! Who are you?!"

Mancang was also unceremonious, "You fat bastard!"


Xiao Ten suddenly became angry, and broke free violently. Several women rushed over and beat them with a raised hand, "You are fat, you are fat, your whole family is fat!"

Mancang was unprepared, and ate a few times, but fortunately he was always sensitive, so he ran away, and the two of them circled the stone table back and forth, "Well, you little fat man, how dare you hit me, me?" I want you to look good!"

"I'll beat you to death, you skinny eldest son. I hate people calling me fat. If you have the ability, don't run away!"

"Haha! Do you think I'm stupid? If you tell me not to run away, I won't run away. What's the face of the young master?!"

Man Yue and Mrs. Chen looked at each other with black lines on their heads, and suddenly felt that the road is long, and we have a long way to go!

She winked at the women, separated the two little guys, saw that they were still grinning, and went up to the full moon to give each of them a chestnut, and roared: "There is nothing to do when you are full, right? ! Go back to the room and write 50 large characters! If you miss one character, I will break your hands!"

Mancang's face turned green, and it was scary for Sister to get angry.

Crouching his neck and peeking at Xiao Shi, he thought to himself, this kid must not be able to bear it, hehe, let's see a good show.

Xiao Ten did not disappoint Mancang, and immediately expressed dissatisfaction after hearing this, "Why are you punishing me?! You are mine..."


Before he finished speaking, he ate and beat again.

"You, why did you hit me again?!"

Xiao Ten hugged his head with an aggrieved expression on his face.But the woman who hit him bent down, her face suddenly enlarged in front of him, she showed her white teeth, and smiled coldly, "Eldest sister is like a mother, haven't you heard of it?"


You are so right, I am speechless.

Xiao Shi opened his mouth for a long time but couldn't utter a word. Seeing the woman standing up straight again, he said lightly, "I'm not afraid of the master in the yamen, can't I subdue a little bastard? Hehe, tell me You, your eldest sister, I have a nickname..."

These words are eerie, Xiao Shi is just a kid, where has he seen such a scary face?
At that moment, he shrank his neck, his eyes showed fear, he took a few steps back unconsciously, swallowed, and asked subconsciously, "What, what?"


Man Yue grinned, the smile didn't reach the bottom of her eyes, and her eyes were gloomy, "The tyrant is not convinced. It's fine if you are obedient, otherwise..."

She coughed lightly and said, "It's not easy not to feed you. Hehe, I heard people say that the maggots in the toilet like to eat the brains of disobedient children. I'll feed you..."


Xiao Shi's face turned pale, and he cried out in fright, "Don't, don't, I, I'll go back, no, no, I won't go back, I'm Uncle Seven's son, I, I'm obedient!"

"is it?"

Man Yue leaned forward, with an inquiring look, "Are you really obedient? Don't bully your brother, don't be self-willed, don't want to be around, and be filial to your mother?"

"Uh, uh, uh!"

Yang Liyuan nodded vigorously, his calf trembling with fright, it was too scary, no wonder even the yamen master was killed by her...

"Okay, full moon!"

Chen Shi suddenly stepped forward, pulled Xiao Shi over, touched his head and said, "Don't be afraid, your elder sister scared you."

Then he said to Man Yue: "You child, how did you scare my brother?"

Seeing that Mrs. Chen understood what she meant, she stuck out her tongue. When she saw Xiao Shi looking over, she immediately stared. Xiao Shi was so frightened that she immediately hid behind Mrs. Chen. Several servants couldn't help but secretly admire the new master's method.

These ten young masters can't be called tricky, but they can't be said to be gentle either. The eleventh girl restrained him so quickly, which shows her means.In their view, those two notes played a role.

Which of these ten young masters would dare to fight?They saw clearly just now that the eleventh girls showed no mercy to the twelfth young master or the tenth young master.In fact, children are most afraid of being beaten, and if they get him once, they will be honest in the future.

The next thing is easy.Man Yue and Chen took the servants to pack their luggage, while the two younger ones were writing.

It was inevitable to make a few noises, but when Man Yue looked over, she immediately became a good baby again.

After tidying up, the few people took a short rest, and soon someone brought food over.

Before, Man Yue left a good impression on the eldest aunt. She has always been in charge of such matters at home, and the food delivered will not be bad.

"Seventh lady, eleventh girl, two young masters, the eldest lady explained: Seventh lady and eleventh girl have suffered a lot in exile. Seeing that the seventh lady's face is not good, let me wait and serve with all my heart. This red date pigeon, sea cucumber The stewed egg is specially made by the kitchen, please taste it, Madam, Miss, and Master."

Mrs. Chen was a little flattered, "How did this happen? My sister-in-law really has a heart, please send a message, and I will go to thank you in person later."

"Seventh Madam, you are going to see someone else now, and you are all a family now. You are tired from the journey today, and the days are still long, so it's not too late to say something later."

The full moon smiled and said: "Mother, I see there is a small kitchen here. I'll send someone to buy some ingredients tomorrow. Grandma and auntie worry about us, and we have nothing to repay. Why don't you entertain your parents and cook for yourself?" Cook some good food for everyone."


The old mother who delivered the meal clapped her hands and said: "That's a great feeling! This old slave has heard about it. Miss Eleven's culinary skills are astonishing, and even Mr. Shige admires it. If the girl is willing to put her heart into it, that's really true." great."

Man Yue smiled, handed over a dime of silver in a calm manner, and said with a smile: "Please trouble mom, let's buy some snacks with this money."

"Thank you, Miss Eleven, for the reward!"

The old mother left in satisfaction, watching her leaving back, Man Yue couldn't help but lamented the depth of the water in the gate of the mansion.

As for the few conversations just now, you came and went to reach a certain consensus: I paid for these dishes for you personally, and Yue girl, don’t forget the goodness of the aunt.

Man Yue replied that she made dishes to show that she remembered them and would not forget to repay her aunt's kindness.

In such a family, if the head wife is willing to take care of you, that's good.

Man Yue is not a person who does not know what is good or bad. Wouldn't it be good to stuff a few people to work for him?They are all children of the clan, and they will be a family in the future.If you don't do well, just tell your aunt directly.

After all, I am very polite!

After dinner, I packed up and Jiu Niang came.

She was an acquaintance, and when she saw Mrs. Chen, she saluted generously, called her aunt, and dragged Man Yue away.

As he walked, he said: "My good sister, don't blame me for being abrupt, we are a family anyway, and I am not afraid that you will dislike me for taking the liberty, I came here to ask you to help eldest sister..."

Full Moon has the feeling of beeping a dog. Although I like the straightforwardness of this little girl, we don't want to cause trouble.

"Didn't you say that the eldest sister would be with us? Why didn't she come?"

Man Yue didn't pick up the conversation, but talked about something else.

"do not talk!"

Yang Jiumei looked dejected, "As soon as you left, the eldest sister scolded me, saying that I didn't know the seriousness, and I didn't understand. Aren't you Qishu's child? Although they didn't grow up together, the blood in their bones Same, why are you being so polite?"

You are really upright!
"No, you forced me to come over just after dinner, and asked me to apologize, saying that you are tired today, I shouldn't be so abrupt... Hey, hey, Eleven Niang, are you listening to me?"

Man Yue felt a little helpless, seeing her like this, if she didn't listen to something, she wouldn't give up.

"Then, what do you want from me?"

Yang Jiumei's eyes lit up instantly, and then she looked around like a thief, and said in a low voice, "Eleven Niang, let me tell you, this is a secret between me and my eldest sister, I just think you can write He must be a reliable person who writes such verses, if you tell me about it, you will not let it out, come on, come with me, I have arranged everything, you will understand everything when you look at it..."

 The ten rounds are over!Thank you for your long-term support, please subscribe, please ask for a monthly ticket!After it is put on the shelves, the daily update will not be less than 6000 words, I hope everyone supports it!
(End of this chapter)

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