Delicious Lady: Lord Wolf, please enter the urn

Chapter 128 Slap in the face, I'm never polite

Chapter 128 Slap in the face, I'm never polite
The next day, it was just after the light came out that Mama Qian called them all up.

According to the rules, the whole family had to get up early to pay respects to Mrs. Yu.

Fortunately, Man Yue didn't go to the stall recently because of her injuries, and fell asleep as soon as it got dark.I don't feel sleepy when I wake up now.Chen was originally a peasant woman, rising at sunrise and resting at sunset, she was used to it long ago and can no longer get used to it.

It's just that Mancang and Xiaoten are still young, and they are a little sleepy, and they don't get up until the full moon washes up.That little ten was frightened by Man Yue once, and he didn't dare to be presumptuous anymore, that is, when Man Yue handed him mouthwash, he looked left and right, as if he was really afraid that Man Yue would poison him.

Man Yue looked amused, but didn't show it on his face, walked over and patted him on the shoulder, and said with a serious face: "Well, you are very obedient, so I won't give you maggots for now."

The little ten monsters screamed and ran away.

This sister is now like a monster in his eyes, and he is terrified when he thinks of the comments and glorious deeds that other cousins ​​said to her before she returned home.

He was lying on the bed last night thinking about this over and over again, and the more he thought about it, the more afraid he became.Because the facts that this elder sister has done are earth-shattering, the people of the tribe have a lot of popular science about her deeds.

Xiao Shi became scared after thinking about it.

At that time, she was just a peasant girl who could pull down a county magistrate. Now that she came home, wouldn't it be a joke to pinch herself to death?
Yang Liyuan, who ran far away, couldn't help thinking: I should be obedient, no, not surrender, I should superficially be obedient and paralyze her.When I eat in the future, I must wait for them to eat before I eat...

They packed up and followed Mama Qian to Mrs. Yu's place.

When I got there, I found that many people had already arrived. The men had something to do, so they couldn't stay longer, and they all left after asking for safety.

The remaining female relatives and children were also arranged according to their seniority and sat down in their own seats.Of course, the elders are the ones who can sit, and the juniors don't get the seat.

Man Yue followed Chen into the door, Yang Jiumei blinked at her, she smiled and turned her head sideways.The place here is not big, but there are many people. These women live in the back house all day long, and they have no other skills, except the ability to be jealous.

These mothers are newcomers, so don't be misled by others.

"Daughter-in-law greets mother-in-law."

Mrs. Chen saluted according to Mama Qian's instructions, and the younger ones of Man Yue also hurriedly saluted and said hello.

"Get up, get up."

Mrs. Yu seemed to be in good spirits today, and her mood seemed to be much better than yesterday. She waved her hands again and again, "I'm a family member, don't be so obsessed with online, it's really boring."

"you do not say?"

He smiled and said, "We're all in the same family, why are there so many rules? The seventh siblings just arrived yesterday, so it's normal to get up late. Those who say that you can't shave your hair and shave your face after a weak crown are just talking about it? Actually Ah, as long as it doesn't go away."

Man Yue looked at the fifth aunt and sneered in her heart.

I slapped her in the face yesterday, and now I can't wait to find the place. Is this the rhythm of giving eye drops to people in a grand manner?It was obvious that his wife was late.

"The fifth younger brother and sister are in good spirits today, they really feel refreshed on happy occasions!"

The eldest aunt took a sip of tea, and said with a smile: "That's right, Eleven Niang is back, and the seventh brother has someone who will succeed her, and it will be Mrs. Jinghaihou in the future. Tsk tsk, one order can't be escaped. With such an elder sister taking care of her, Xiao Shi Can you endure hardships with Twelve? I would be happy if it was changed..."


This eldest aunt is worthy of being the head of the house, amazing!
This scene of guns and sticks made He panicked, and the other sisters-in-law also secretly covered their mouths and laughed.And Mrs. Yu, who was sitting on top of her head, turned the beads in her hand like an old monk in meditation, as if she didn't hear it.

He's face was flushed with anger, she said this without saving any face, seeing the way the sisters-in-law were secretly smiling, she was so angry that she wanted to go up and tear Man Yue up.

If it wasn't for her meddling, writing nonsense poems, and being a woman who didn't stay at home well, if she forced herself to do something, then someone else's child could be snatched away, since she wasn't her own brother anyway.

If she doesn't force her, Mrs. Yu won't notice her; if Mrs. Yu doesn't notice her, she won't go to find her back; if she doesn't come back, her child will still be her own child; if she doesn't come back, her child In the future, they can take away the property belonging to Qifang, and all of it!
It's all her, it's all her, it's not enough for her old lady to humiliate herself yesterday, and today she let her sister-in-law humiliate herself, it's all this disaster!
Hatred spread wildly in He Shi's heart like weeds after the rain, a trace of murderous intent flashed in her eyes, but then she returned to calm.

She pursed her lips, raised her lips slightly, and wiped all the distortion and hatred from her face in an instant, and said with a smile: "Sister-in-law is right, this little ten crawled out of my stomach after all, now Adopted under the name of the seventh brother and sister, and there is a capable elder sister to protect him, I am really happy for the child, seventh brother and sister, don't think too much about the full moon..."

"Ha ha……"

Man Yue smiled and said: "Fifth Aunt is serious. The love between mother and child is natural. It would be strange if Fifth Aunt ignored Man Yue. After all, there are too many treacherous and loyal people in this world. Fifth Aunt can open her heart We mother and daughter said such heartfelt words, and we are relieved."

As she spoke, she turned towards Yu and said, "Grandmother, granddaughter sees that Xiao Shi and Aunt Wu are really close. Yesterday, Xiao Shi cried for a long time, and granddaughter had no choice but to scare him. Now I feel the same. Uneasy, afraid that the fifth aunt will blame her in the future."

"And Xiao Shi also said yesterday that it was not his biological mother who would always beat him. I know that my mother is not such a person, but the stepmother is embarrassing, and her words are scary, so the granddaughter boldly begged the grandmother, it is better not to let Xiao Shi be with you. Fifth Aunt separated."


As soon as Man Yue finished speaking, he heard He yelling, "How can the matter of adoption be changed at will?!"


The eldest aunt and the second aunt looked at each other, and couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

After all, it was Xiaomenxiaohu who came out of Xiaomenxiaohu, who was exposed by the full moon three times. He said that this person was hypocritical and refused to admit it. This time it is good, everyone should see clearly this time.

But Eleven Niang really shouldn't be underestimated, this method is really like a monster.The old Wu's family wanted to put eye drops on her, but instead of being cowardly, she fought back so quickly and ruthlessly. What is He afraid of?Isn't it because he is afraid of sending Xiao Shi back again?

After all, she was still reluctant to part with Qifang's family property and the name of that direct line, so Eleven Niang was holding onto her weakness.

He Shi also realized that she was too excited. When she saw Man Yue's eyes, she felt a sudden in her heart: She did it on purpose! ! !
Stimulate the law!

She, how could she? !
Full Moon sneered, this Fifth Aunt is too restless, her husband colluded with Sixth Uncle to prevent her biological mother from entering the house, and she came here to apply eye drops, wanting to be a good person and seize the opportunity? !no way!

The girl picks up the words first, and if you want to make us embarrass Xiao Ten in the future, you will have to weigh it!
"Fifth daughter-in-law is right, how can this matter come to an end? Yue girl, you child, you are talking nonsense. There are also old five family members, so you can rest assured! Why don't you seven brothers and sisters? Do you know? Yue Yatou was not born to her, but she dared to risk her life to deal with villains. Didn’t I tell you all these things? Lao Qi’s family is a good one, so don’t worry about it gone."

Mrs. Yu suddenly spoke up, and this was the final word, "Is the matter of adoption allowed to be casual? What about stepmothers and stepmothers? The adoption was given to Lao Qi, and the member of Lao Qi's family is Xiao Shi's aunt. You guys, your husband was not born to an old woman, can the old woman treat you harshly? Don't say these things in front of your children, let me hear them again, and you will definitely kill me!"

He's face turned pale, in front of so many people, the old lady didn't save half of her face!
what does this mean?
This means that the old lady knows about her little tricks, and this is a warning!

For a while, she didn't dare to look at Mrs. Yu again, she shrank her neck, and followed the crowd and said, "Yes, old ancestor..."


Man Yue Fushen said: "Man Yue has something to ask grandma."

Everyone was surprised and didn't understand what Man Yue was going to do.

"what happened?"

"Going back to grandma, my granddaughter wants to go out to buy some things later, and my granddaughter wants to cook for you as a filial piety for my father."

As soon as the words came out, Yu's eyes became moist immediately, and the eldest aunt's eyes were also red, and she wiped the corners of her eyes and said: "Mother, the seventh brother has a hard life and can't serve the old mother. The eleventh mother has a heart, so why don't the mother help her? "

"Yeah yeah!"

The second aunt also rubbed the corners of her eyes, "I heard that Eleven Niang is a good cook, and we also want to be honored by our mother. The seventh brother also cooked soup for you back then. Looking at it today, it seems that the seventh brother is still there. "

Everyone carries the sedan chair, and no one is a fool.They can all see that Eleven Niang's words speak to the old lady's heart, so she is willing to be a favor.

What's more, even Shi Ge, the world's biggest foodie, admired Man Yue's handicrafts. It's amazing to think about it, and it's good to be able to taste this girl's handicrafts.

A group of aunts also applauded, Yu couldn't help but sneered, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and said: "Look at you, old women are old, don't be confused, just take your mother, maid, and servant with you."

After a pause, he sighed again, "Okay! Lao Qi gave birth to a good daughter. Although he left early, but with such a caring granddaughter, the old woman is not miserable."

As he said that, he asked someone to bring the money, and said with a smile: "Yue girl, you take this money, you have done your work, grandma Qian is here, can we invite everyone?"

Man Yue naturally said yes, and she wasn't too polite. She took the money happily and said, "Thank you grandma!"

Everyone was envious, this was rewarded by the old lady with her own money, why would I need that bag of money to buy vegetables?
"I'm going too, I'm going too!"

Yang Jiumei naturally wouldn't miss things like this, she raised her hand and said, "Grandmother, Eleven Niang is new here and doesn't know the place well, so it's good for my granddaughter to take care of her."

The aunt's heart moved, and she deliberately said angrily: "Why can't I do without you?! You, a monkey, can still take care of Eleven Niang? Eleven Niang is much more stable than you, so don't make trouble for her..."

 The second one is here!There is another update in the afternoon!Ask for recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, please give some encouragement!

(End of this chapter)

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