Delicious Lady: Lord Wolf, please enter the urn

Chapter 129 Jiangnan on the tip of the tongue

Chapter 129 Jiangnan on the tip of the tongue ([-])

The eldest aunt naturally hoped that her daughter would be close to the full moon.Not to mention anything else, but her future husband is a remarkable person.The so-called talking and laughing has a good scholar, and there is no white man in the relationship. Jiuniang is about to reach the end of the day. If she can get her sister to help, she can also get a good family, right?

"Mom! How do I look like a monkey?!"

Yang Jiumei was coquettish, she took her mother's hand and shook it, Yu said with a smile: "Okay, okay, old man, don't talk about her, just let her go, and learn more about the trivial matters at home. Well, if you can learn some cooking skills from Eleven Niang, it will be good to go to your in-law's house in the future."

"It's still grandma who loves me!"

After speaking, Yang Jiumei came to Man Yue and said, "Eleven Niang, I will accompany you later."


Man Yue also quite likes this cheap cousin, at least she doesn't have a lot of scheming, and she gets along easily and happily.

Looking at the elder sister Yang Zhen again, seeing that she lowered her eyes and said nothing, and her face was uglier than yesterday, she couldn't help but sighed slightly.Seeing Yang Jiumei winking at herself, she shook her head slightly and said in a low voice, "Don't be rash."

Yang Jiumei was stunned for a moment, but she didn't say anything, as if she had an instinctive surrender to Yang Manyue.

Fate is sometimes funny to say the least.Obviously one is a younger sister and the other is an older sister, and they have only met each other, but this older sister has a natural trust in this younger sister.

Seeing that it was almost time, Mrs. Yu asked everyone to leave.

After Man Yue and Mrs. Chen came out, Mrs. Chen went back to take care of the affairs in the yard, while Man Yue and Yang Jiumei went out with a few wives, slaves and servants.

Mancang also wanted to go, but he was too young, and he was afraid that Xiao Shi would rob his mother's love, so he hesitated for a long time, but finally didn't go.

Man Yue looked funny, she smiled and brought him some delicious comfort later, otherwise she should cry.

The Yang family is not far from the town, and they don't need cars or horses, they just go for a walk in a few days.

Greetings from the big family came very early, so the surviving of this event will only be around seven o'clock in the later generations.

The town here is not as prosperous as Chaiqiao, and it is much smaller, but it is not bad.All kinds of daily necessities can be bought here.In addition, just like Chaiqiao, many farmers brought their own agricultural products to sell. There is also a butcher shop in the town. Although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs.

After leaving the house, Yang Jiumei kept chattering and giving Man Yue science popularization of the local customs.

Man Yue also prefers to listen to these, but she doesn't think she is noisy.

The two sisters walked from the street to the end of the street, and quickly bought the ingredients.Man Yue doesn't want to stay any longer, she has to work hard when she goes back.

The two sisters walked in front, and Yang Jiumei suddenly lowered her voice and said: "I went back yesterday to test the tone of the eldest sister. When I talked about the two nieces, I looked sad, but I was angry when I said that I wanted to divorce..."

This was expected by Man Yue, and no one could help her unless she stood up and resisted.

Shaking his head, he said, "Take your time, you just need to encourage sister more, don't talk about anything else."

"Oh, if you hadn't come back this time, my sister wouldn't be able to come out. The Weng family seems to be very afraid of Lord Hou. If my sister is willing to help, I think Weng Pu's family will definitely give in."

"But I'm not married to him yet, so it's inappropriate to act like this. Besides, our good brother-in-law will definitely have something to say at that time, and in the end it turns out that we use power to overwhelm others, which is not appropriate. Just listen to me... ..."

Man Yue murmured for a while, and Yang Jiumei nodded repeatedly, but then she said dejectedly: "According to what you say, it's good, but if the eldest sister refuses to leave, isn't it useless?"

"You go back today and tell her what I said, and don't persuade her not to leave, just tell her about this serious relationship, and don't rush to find a result. The elder sister's worry is also justified. There is a way to make her have no worries, maybe she doesn't have the courage now, but maybe she will have it later."

Yang Jiumei didn't understand, but she nodded her head vigorously, "I can save it. Elder sister will ask you to take care of it then."

"My sisters don't say such outrageous things, let's go back quickly."

"Well, by the way, Eleven Niang, what are you buying these water chestnuts for?"

"Hey, don't you know? Water chestnuts in autumn, lotus root in winter, now is the time to eat them. This water chestnut is best eaten with some chicken braised in soy sauce."

When Jiuniang heard this, she felt her saliva almost drooling, "Then what are you waiting for? Go, go!"

When the group of people returned home, the auntie had already cleaned up the kitchen, and left after reminding a group of people in the kitchen.

Those cooks didn't dare to trust Man Yue. First, there was a difference in status. Second, this person's culinary skills were as famous as her talent. Even the elders of the Greedy Pavilion said it was good, so how could they question it?
Those who have that kind of thought also secretly make up their minds to take a good look at it later, what is the secret, maybe they can learn something.

It's just that when the full moon made a move, these people were stunned!


There are monsters!

This terrifying and sharp knife skill!
I just felt that the kitchen knife was alive, as if eyes were opened on the knife, it was so sharp!
A group of cooks didn't dare to blink their eyes, they just felt like they were beeping!

Even if they are given another 20 years to practice this sword skill, they may not be able to practice it like this!Could it be that Miss Eleven started learning how to cook in her mother's womb?

What made them feel even more damned was that not only was she sharp with knives, but she was also sharp in slaughtering, shaving, and smashing pots. Her movements were so beautiful that people had the urge to worship.

Jiu Niang's eyes were straightened. Although she doesn't know how to cook, she has seen people cook when she comes to the kitchen occasionally.But now...

She thought about it carefully, and suddenly realized that the cooks at home are nothing compared to Shi Niang!

It's so beautiful to see people's flowing movements!
It was the first time that I knew that cooking could be done so elegantly. Apart from picking all the dishes, the rest was done by one person without any panic.

And this scent...

I feel like my saliva is about to drop, and I really want to steal it, but there are so many women and servants who don't dare to look at it.Wouldn't it make people laugh out loud that the news of the dignified Yang family's nine daughters stealing vegetables? !

But, it's really too tempting. People!
The white and tender. Tender, ingot-like water chestnut meat was cut into thin slices, the chicken leg meat was diced, served with cooking wine, soaked in soy sauce, and cooked in oil.Add broth and simmer for a while, then add water chestnut slices and stir fry for a while to collect the juice...

Although Yang Jiumei is a daughter who doesn't touch Yang Chunshui, she is a foodie.This water chestnut has a pure and sweet taste, no matter what method is used to deal with it, if it loses the lightness and tenderness, it will be useless.

The water chestnut is put in at the end, it needs to be cooked but not raw, and raw but not cooked, otherwise how can you keep the sweetness?
Looking at the stewed water bamboo in oil, it is even more gluttonous.

Zizania, also known as wild rice, is originally one of the six grains and is eaten as grain.It's just that the wild rice will be infected by a bacterium called "smut fungus" as it grows, which will inhibit its heading and flowering. The genes in the roots will be stimulated, and the cells will proliferate, and it will become what it is today. It looks like a beauty like legs.

I don't know which year and which month, a refined scholar who loves to eat discovered its taste. Since then, this wild rice that was born in the water town of the south of the Yangtze River has an elegant name: Zizania.Together with that water shield and sea bass, it is also known as the three famous dishes in the south of the Yangtze River.

Even Mr. Lu Xun, who has always been serious, said in "Crossing Blossoms in the Morning" that this was a temptation to make him homesick.

And the black fungus powder is even more interesting, and it is also a patriot in the plant kingdom.There are also large areas of wild rice in the water lakes of the United States, but their wild rice is just wild rice, which has never bred beautiful legs.

The United States has always regarded itself as the number one, and everything should be beautiful in front of others. How can it only let China look good?So he rushed to import black fungus powder from China, but after working for a long time, it only blossomed but did not bear fruit, which made the emperor angry.

Man Yue has always liked wild rice stems, not only for its delicious taste, but also for its gentleness, no matter what it is paired with, it complements each other perfectly.Even if it is fried in such a solitary manner, it has its own style and has a unique flavor.

After a busy meal, I cleaned up four or five tables of dishes. A big stove has the benefits of a big stove. I don’t feel busy cooking meals for so many people. I cook them once and divide them. It’s just right.

The living room had already set up a posture, and Mrs. Yu was relieved to see her granddaughter's intentions.

And when those dishes were served plate by plate, there were even more exclamations.

The ingredients are not expensive, but they are more intentional.

Aren't the things in the water town the best proof of missing home?


Rao's uncles, who were well-informed and well-informed, were also stunned by Man Yue's craftsmanship.

They had never seen so many dishes before, and they didn't even know that Man Yue brought back her own secret soybean paste and chicken essence, which were killers.

The meal has not been served yet, but this simple dish has been hooked. Everyone's index fingers are moving, and their mouths are full of fluid.

When the full moon came over, a group of people were inexplicably excited, and the uncle said repeatedly: "Mother Eleven has worked hard, come here, sit down, sit down, eat quickly."

Man Yue was a little speechless, how could the uncle look like the head of a big family?He looks like a delicious little ghost. He said it so nicely, but he actually wants to eat quickly, right?

Secretly happy in my heart, sitting at the table of the juniors, the people here are much cuter.His eyes were fixed on the dishes on the table, and when Mrs. Yu gave an order, he picked up the chopsticks in a neat and uniform movement, as if he had practiced it, but Man Yue was frightened.

Even that little ten joined the food grabbing army after hesitating for a while, thinking to himself: "She can't poison everyone, so I'm safe, safe!"

The children of the big family are well-bred. Although they uphold the rule of eating and sleeping, their chopsticks seem to have eyes. They are fast and accurate. The speed is no different from that of locusts. up.


How long have these people been hungry?

This is a group of pampered ladies and masters!
Look at big brother again...

I go!

It's almost unreadable, is it worth eating like this?He actually shamelessly poured the remaining bit of wild rice stem in front of him into his own bowl!

Are you the boss?
Brothers and sisters, are you all feeding the dogs at this moment? !

 The third update is here, please subscribe!
(End of this chapter)

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