Chapter 130 parting sorrow

"This, is this tofu?"

Yu Shi pointed to a dish with surprise in her eyes, "How can tofu be shredded?"


Yang Jiumei's ears are not so good, and she can hear it from far away. When she got up, she started to popularize science for everyone, "Grandma, this dish is called Wensi tofu. I heard from my sister that I met a monk named Wensi one day. This monk is very kind. Cooking tofu, my sister learned from him, and got this inspiration to make this dish."


Yu Shi was surprised when he heard it, but Chen Shi thought he saw a ghost.

Xiaoniang's ability to gossip is getting better and better. Where did I see any monk she met with her every day?This dish must have been taught by Lord Yama, but why is it called Wensi?

Now Man Yue's ability to tell nonsense is as good as her cooking skills, I saw that she was not blushing, her heart was not beating, and she was sitting carelessly, as if she had really met some wandering monk.

"Oh, grandma, father, mother, you haven't seen it, it's amazing! Eleven Niang's knife skills are absolutely unparalleled, shredded tofu is unheard of, that knife skill is so good, look, look, there are not only tofu here, There are also winter bamboo shoots, chicken breast, breast meat, ham, mushrooms, all shredded, the same size!"

Mrs. Yu nodded, "It's no wonder that Eleven Niang is praised by the elder Shige for her skill. This knife skill is already a great achievement. This Wensi tofu melts in the mouth, it is most suitable for an old man like me."

Full Moon smiled and said: "It's good that grandma likes it. I made all the things from our Jiangnan water town today. They are delicious, but grandma is getting old, and these things are not easy for grandma to restrain, so I made this again. Wensi Tofu."

She covered her mouth and laughed again, "Those who have eaten wild rice stems should not eat more of this Wensi tofu, wild rice stems and tofu are taboo."


Yang Jiumei yelled, "Eleven Niang, you did it on purpose! This dish is so delicious, but you tell me not to eat it? You are too partial. Grandma is your relative, so we are not?"

"Then Ninth Sister just doesn't eat asparagus."

"This this……"

Yang Jiumei looked pained, "You really can't have it both ways!"

Everyone burst into laughter, and the guests and hosts enjoyed the meal. They were full of praise for Man Yue's cooking skills. Some people even shed tears, such as a few old uncles and great uncles.

Without it, the dish brought back memories of their parents.

This memory is naturally lingering, and I feel that there is no better food in the world than this.

In particular, the Wensi tofu is quite to the appetite of these old people, and they are also amazed at this knife skill. Shredded tofu is already terrifying, but it can be cut like a cow's hair, it is simply amazing!

A few old people didn't know that this dish was part of the first-level assessment of Man Yue's cheating system. Yang Manyue passed the exam so many times and was tortured to death, shedding tears.

And this dish is the representative of exquisite knife skills, and being able to do this well also represents the completion of knife skills.

Furthermore, this dish belongs to Huaiyang cuisine, which has always been famous for its exquisite knife skills.

The characteristics of Huaiyang cuisine can be best described in eight words: finely prepared, light and peaceful.

Delicate cuisine naturally requires heavy sword skills. If Shandong cuisine is like Shaolin, magnificent and grand, and Sichuan cuisine is like Tangmen's spicy and long-lasting, then Huaiyang cuisine is like Quanzhen, which is natural and peaceful!

To be able to make this classic Huaiyang dish come out a hundred years in advance, a certain plagiarism girl is still a little proud!
It is easy to copy ideas, but it is not easy to do well, isn't it?After all, Wensi Tofu can't do it without knife skills.

The days that followed were peaceful, Man Yue occasionally cooks some soup for Mrs Yu, of course it is no longer cooking noodles, she just cooks one or two dishes alone, all due to her filial piety.

After two or three days like this, someone from the Weng family came, and the eldest sister was picked up by her husband's family again amidst Jiumei's tears.

For this reason, Yang Jiumei was depressed for two days, and it was not until Man Yue made her a lotus root powder and cinnamon sugar cake that she had never eaten before that her mood improved slightly.

Of course, when she is in a better mood, she will inevitably show off again, yelling that Man Yue has specially made snacks for her, and she looks proud as if she made the snacks, not Man Yue.

Man Yue finds her interesting, she is a little envious of Yang Jiumei's temper, carefree, how nice?
Life is complicated and tiring!
The result of Yang Jiumei's clamor all over the world is that a group of people came to learn from her.Man Yue doesn't hide it, as long as others don't mess with her, she is very generous, and she doesn't care about a mere snack recipe.

It's just that these sisters and sisters fell into a slump when they heard that the lotus root starch and cinnamon sugar cake is so easy to cook.After recovering for a long time, they couldn't help sighing: Just on the way of the esophagus, Eleven Niang really became a genius!

Mrs. He didn't dare to be presumptuous after being beaten by Mrs. Yu that day. After half a month in Incheon, it was the most comfortable and comforting day since the full moon crossed.

But there is always a banquet in the world, and if she doesn't want to be involved in the struggle of the big family, she has to go back to Ningbo according to the agreement she made with the Yu family.

On the day of leaving, there was a wind blowing, and Jiumei cried until her eyes were red. Although the two had just met, they admired each other and became close friends a long time ago.Now that the full moon is leaving, Yang Jiumei is naturally sad.

Probably in her mind, only this younger sister can accept her shocking words and treason.Man Yue is not an ancient person, Jiu Niang has escaped since she was a child, and after witnessing her sister's unfortunate marriage, she faintly feels that Eleven Niang's way of life is the right one.

Man Yue envied Jiu Niang's innocence, and Jiu Niang envied Man Yue's freedom. Now that they are parting, not to mention Jiu Niang, even Man Yue, who has always been strong, can't help but turn red.

The Yu family had no way out to see them off, probably because they couldn't bear the pain of parting.When Man Yue went to pay her respects in the morning, she had already cried a lot, and the old lady didn't let her go again, she only asked her to take care of Xiaogang's affairs and come back before the Chinese New Year.

Although Mrs. Yu didn't come, the scene was still sad.

Xiao Ten cried loudly, whether he wanted to or not, he had to follow Man Yue.In this age of etiquette, before he realizes that the Chen family is his mother, the elders of the family will not easily keep him at home, lest he be used by his biological parents to make a harm to the harmony of the family. thing to come.

He hid in the distance and watched secretly, heartbroken, at this moment she suddenly felt that identity was not that important, and being with her son was the most important thing.

But the thought only flashed through her mind, and soon she was lost in her loving mother's heart by the prosperity in front of her eyes.

Man Yue is so good at making money, her son is now the eldest son of Qifang, so in the future, Man Yue's money will be his son's?Besides, her future husband-in-law will be the Marquis of Jinghai. With such a strong brother-in-law under his wing, wouldn't it be like a tiger with wings added if his son aspires to be an official?

After all, Xiao Shi can be regarded as Man Yue's younger brother!
When his son is developed, it would be enough to be a bird to ask for a commandment for himself!

Holding back the pain in her heart, He turned around resolutely and stopped looking at Yang Liyuan. There seemed to be a voice in her heart that kept ringing, "For the sake of the child's past." This strengthened her mind.

There are always some people in the world who think that they represent justice, they use justice to bury their desires, they use justice to castrate ugliness, and everything becomes glamorous and dazzling under the scythe of justice.

The wheels turned, and Yang Jiumei chased after her again. Man Yue, who was sitting in the car, couldn't help but her eyes turned red, and she waved and shouted, "Jiu Jie, go back, I'll be back before the Chinese New Year!"

"Eleven Niang, remember to take care of yourself outside, I'll wait for you to come back!"

Jiuniang cried and waved her hands. The rice in the rice field had been harvested, and the wheat in the field had also entered the warehouse. Although it was still golden in autumn, it was not as bright as when it came.

Parting is the most worrying thing, and parting in ancient times is even more sad.Due to inconvenient transportation and outdated tools, the parting of some people is a lifetime.

Although Ningbo is not far from Pan'an, due to the rugged road, it is impossible for the full moon to come back often.

Tired of crying, Xiao Shi lay down on the car and fell asleep.Mancang also exhausted his physical strength due to playing wildly with a few children of the same age at home these days. The sadness of leaving his little friend quickly dissipated in the little guy's heart, and it didn't take long for him to fall asleep like Xiao Shi.

Teenagers don't know what it means to be sad, and those youthful joys and sorrows are just a cloud in the sky, which floats gently and slowly dissipates without leaving any trace.

After walking for two days, I finally rushed back to Ningbo. After giving some money to the escort, Man Yue was a little worried.

This time I came back not only to bring Xiao Shi, but also a few servants such as Mother Qian; besides, there were also a few children from the same family, all of whom were selected by the fourteenth uncle, and they were all unable to survive at home, but But a loyal and honest person.

Not every house can be as beautiful as the main house.In the eyes of modern people, it may be wrong for Uncle Fourteen to do something wrong, but it is justified in this clan society.

No matter how old you are as an official, you have to support the poor children in your family, otherwise you will have to be scolded to death.

This is a year when the family is united, even if it is strangled to death at home, once it is outside, it will be impossible to write a word, and it must be united.

These were all expected by Man Yue, and she was not disgusted.Because she also observed these people secretly, and knew that it was very difficult for the family.These people are my ancestors in my previous life, maybe I was one of their descendants in my previous life, I would be happy to take care of them.

The most important thing is that although these young people are poor, they have a good reputation in the village. They are not afraid of hardship, and all they lack is opportunities.

Seeing Yang Manyue's frowning and seeing the situation at home, the children knew what was going on, and hurriedly said: "Eleven Niang, don't make things difficult, we just need a place to cover our heads, and we can just roll a book in this room." Roll is."

"Which way?"

Before Man Yue could speak, Mrs. Chen objected, "It's cold on the ground, and it's autumn now. Besides, you're going to relatives, how can I let you sleep on the ground? Man Yue, why don't you go to a hotel in the town and settle for a few nights? There are also people in the village. Lots of empty houses, let's take a look..."

(End of this chapter)

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