Chapter 131 That's My Room
Of course the younger ones want to shirk, but how can Man Yue allow them to refuse?Immediately went to find He Daniu and Mei Sanniang.

These few days when Man Yue was not at home, they simply took a rest. When Man Yue and Mrs. Chen went, He Daniu was drinking old wine.

Since working for Man Yue's family, his family's life has improved a lot, and now they are enjoying life. This time when Man Yue goes back, they will also spend some leisure time, stealing a little laziness, and plan to wait for Man Yue to come back. After that, he also went to Xiaogang to do a big job.

"Hey, Daniel, it's not time for dinner yet, are you starting to eat your old wine?"

He Daniu laughed loudly, welcomed the two of them in, and shouted: "San Niang, come out quickly, come and see who is back?"

"I'm coming."

Mei Sanniang was as cheerful as ever, before she got close, her voice floated out of the house, and she arrived in the yard in a short time, looked Chen up and down, and couldn't help joking, "Hey! Erniang, After you come and go, you will become a noble lady! The clothes are so beautiful, people rely on clothes, Buddha depends on gold clothes, tsk tsk, it is really different, it is so tender!"


Mrs. Chen spat at her, and said, "How old are you? Haven't you been upright yet? Don't talk about this, don't talk about this, I've come to see you for something."


Mei Sanniang raised her eyebrows, "Are you planning to go to Xiaogang?"

"I have to go, but there is a more urgent matter right now..."

Mrs. Chen told the ins and outs, and Mei Sanniang nodded again and again, "Yes, yes, since you have recognized your ancestors, you must do your best. The old lady is bright, so she didn't keep you in the yard. Otherwise, there will be no bones and scum left, and the people in those big families have a lot of thoughts."

"Isn't it?"

Chen was helpless, "That little ten has been adopted under the husband's name. I'm afraid we will become thorns in people's eyes when we go back. Fortunately, Man Yue is clever, so I didn't make a fool of myself. It's better that I am comfortable in this small shabby house, but I can't laugh there. Don't dare to laugh."

"Mom, how can you say it so seriously?"

Man Yue laughed, "You are too nervous, I am very at ease, and we are afraid that they will wear shoes if we are barefoot?"

"Hearing Man Yue's words, I'm cheered up."

Mei Sanniang laughed, "You still have to be tough, and you have to be bullied if you're soft. Don't you know? After you left, my two good sisters-in-law came to the door. Ha, I thought They changed their minds, so why didn't they come to fight the autumn wind. I found out later that they were afraid of the tricks of the full moon, so they didn't dare to come to the door. As soon as you left, they couldn't wait to come to the door."


Chen frowned, "Are you asking for benefits again?"

As he spoke, he became a little angry, "How dare they? They took away the fields and boats when the family was separated, and didn't leave the big house to you, but gave it to this hut. It used to be a pigsty. If it wasn't for Daniel gritting his teeth, Going to Kang Dabao as a coolie, a little messing around, you don’t even have a place to live, so you have the nerve to ask you for money?”

"We didn't ask for money."

He Daniu looked helpless, "I don't know where I heard that Man Yue has done a big business and wants to open a restaurant in Xiaogang, and they also want to help."


Mei Sanniang spat fiercely, "How dare you say this about their delicious and lazy food? It takes three days to fish a fish and two days to hunt them, and all the good ones will be ruined by them. If you introduce them Give it to you, isn’t that harmful? I, Mei Sanniang, don’t do such things!”

"Don't be angry, Aunt Mei. Humans are like this. It's not worth being angry."

"Yes, I'm not angry, I'm not angry!"

She waved her hand and said, "Don't talk about the frustration, I'll find you a house right away. A few days ago, I heard that Mei Silang's house was going to be rented out. The house is vacant, there are two rooms upstairs and downstairs, but there is no living room, and the kitchen can be used by his family. Other than that, everything is pretty good, the main thing is that Mrs. Mei Shiro is a refreshing person, and the house is clean."

"That's a good feeling!"

Mrs. Chen was overjoyed, "Since you're here with us, you can naturally eat with us. The family asked them to come out to help. You don't have to start the fire yourself, as long as you have a place to sleep comfortably."

"That's fine, then Mei Shiro's house is suitable for you. Let's go and have a look, it should not be rented out yet..."

After passing through a few narrow alleys, I arrived at Mei Silang's house. I saw that the house was indeed well-planned, and the rent was only 200 yuan a month, so I settled down immediately. After paying three months' rent, Holding the keys, Man Yue and Mrs. Chen went to rent an ox cart, and went back to greet a few Yang family children to go to the town to buy daily necessities.

The weather is fine today, and it's not yet noon, so I can buy quilts and dry them in the sun, and I can move in at night.

Seeing Man Yue and Chen's dedication, several Yang family's children blushed immediately, patted their chests and promised to work hard!

Mei Shiro's house also only needs to add some daily necessities, and other furniture is complete.A few people were busy in the town for a while, and made several quilts, covered and spread, and thick and thin. The weather is getting colder every day, so these must be prepared.

A few people bought good things and found a restaurant in the town to eat.Now Man Yue can be regarded as a famous person in Chaiqiao. As soon as she sat down, the shopkeeper came over to say hello with a flattered look on her face. Later, a cook came out to salute her and asked about her cooking experience.

After Man Yue casually said a few words, others bent down happily to salute, and some even asked for apprenticeship, which made the eyeballs of several Yang family disciples almost pop out.

They have never eaten the food cooked by the girl from the direct line of the family, but they only heard that the cooking skills are excellent, but they don't know exactly how much they have obtained.Now I see several cooks in their 30s asking for advice from a 12-year-old girl, and even performing a teacher's ceremony. I am very surprised.

I'll be good, it's amazing!No wonder the ancestors valued it!

My heart is also hot. Is it afraid that I will have a bad life in the future after working with such a girl?
Looking at this meal again, my eyes can't help but get wet.Although they are also descendants of the Yang family, they have been multiplied for hundreds of years, so how can all of them be successful?
A few of them came out with Eleven Niang because their families were too poor to live on, and they were embarrassed to let the clan help them all the time.

The braised pork in front of me, the pickled yellow croaker has not been eaten for many years, and some people even want to eat such a good meal before they die.

Although the law has been reformed, the lives of the people in the world are barely sufficient. If there is any natural disaster, it will be a pile of bones. People's livelihood is still difficult. Even if there is a big family behind them, many people are not happy.

After eating, the spirits of the Yang family's children became better and better, probably because they felt that life had a bright future, and they seemed to be full of energy.There was a lot of work inside and out, and when the sun went down, everything was packed, and they had another meal happily, and then they went home one after another.

The second day is still for rest, the weather is not so hot, and the businessmen who soak in the sea have to go out to the sea again before winter, the pier is prosperous, and it is time to make stew.

After several months of continuous cooking, the soup base has long become an old ingredient, and the constant addition of seasonings and ingredients makes the old stew more precious.The century-old brine in some stores is equivalent to gold.

There is no such old stew in the full moon, but after several months of stewing, the taste is quite good.

After adding all kinds of raw materials, in the evening, the smell wafted for several miles, and several Yang family children were guarding by the stove, and they almost didn't climb in.

Xiao Shi lost his mind and continued to resist, sticking his nose up and sniffing like a puppy, laughing at Xiao Shi's ignorance, completely forgetting what he was like back then.

Xiao Ten didn't talk back, since he came to this house in Ningbo, he didn't cry anymore, he changed the routine that silence is golden.

Now Mancang laughed at him, but he just glanced at Mancang lightly, looking very profound.

Mancang touched his nose embarrassingly, ran to get a bowl, scooped up a bowl of stewed stew and handed it to Xiao Shi, "Here!"

Xiao Shi was stunned for a moment, a little in disbelief, "Give me something to eat?"


Mancang put Luzhu in front of Xiao Shi, and gave Xiao Shi a slap with his hand, "You rich children are so thoughtful, my sister is scaring you, how could I really feed you such a disgusting thing? You If you don’t dislike her, you’re afraid of smelling! I know you’re having a hard time, but what can I do? It’s all up to the adults, do you think I’m willing to have an older brother like you?!”

Mancang looked disgusted, "Don't put on that dying face, even if you didn't adopt my father, we are still brothers, this is your cousin's house, what can't you figure it out? Here, I will cook it for you, Don't be like this after eating, a man's ambition is everywhere, how can he waste his will on such a thing?"

Several Yang family children nodded again and again when they heard this. This little ten is actually very pitiful. Although he hasn't cried for the past two days, he doesn't eat much and doesn't talk. What's the use of tossing around?
When it comes to which family is adopted by children, it is a common thing. Generally, they will be asked publicly first. In the early stage, it is completely self-conscious. Unless no one is willing, there will be a designated family with more sons.

But such things are usually proactive, aren't the parents of the ten young masters?His parents were willing to adopt him on their own initiative, so it's useless for him to torment the Chen family!
Besides, it's a good thing to have a mother like Chen's. Seeing how she treats Man Yue, she knows that she has a good heart, and she is the eldest son of Qifang, so she would be happy to die!

Several Yang family disciples also began to persuade, Xiao Shi pursed his lips and remained silent, then he became a little impatient and left.It’s just that when he walked back, he took Lu Zhu away. When he reached the door, he took a look at the full warehouse, and suddenly said viciously: “I’ll go to the county for an exam next year, and I’ll let you know what a real man is and what an elder brother is like a father.” of!"

After a pause, he said again: "You are not allowed to come in!"

He opened his mouth wide and stared blankly, then suddenly exploded, did he lose his mind and go insane? !
After being stunned for a long time, I finally came back to my senses, and shouted, "Why?! That room is also mine!"

(End of this chapter)

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