Chapter 133 A blockbuster that shocked the world
A few servants looked at him stealthily, and they felt that the Hou Ye was extraordinary in appearance, handsome and lifeless.The only pity is that it is disfigured, and I don't know whether it will be a blessing or a curse in the future.

The ancients paid attention to facial features, and in their view, those with impaired facial features were disabled, not IKEA or IKEA.

And this Lord Hou killed|killed too much. In the battle with Dajin, the number of souls who died under his sword was unknown, and he was even known as a wife. It is a bit strange for her own girl to marry such a person like a fairy. Pity.

No matter how you look at it, it's not a good match for a fair lady and a vulgar warrior.

The idea of ​​Wen Zun Wu Ji has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. These servants are the sons of big families with high vision. Even dignified Hou Ye and they feel that they are not as noble as a fourth-rank magistrate.

Probably in their thinking, a talented person like Man Yue should marry a literati.

Just looking at his girl's happy appearance, it's clearly a secret promise from her heart, what a pity!

"Are you eating stewed food?"

Leng Yun saw several Yang family children eating stewed stew, but he was a little cautious when he saw him. He couldn't help stammering when he saw Lord Hou questioning, "Go back, go back to Lord Hou, yes, yes..."

"It's been a long time since I've eaten this kind of food, please bring me a bowl, too."

As he said that, he sat down carelessly, and several Yang family children hurriedly got up in fright, Leng Yun didn't take it seriously, "Let's sit and eat together, my family, you're welcome."

The phrase "my family" was so serious that several Yang family children were about to cry.Although they are surnamed Yang, their food and clothing are not as good as these servants of the master's house. They have a deep inferiority complex buried in their hearts. Because of poverty, they are looked down upon wherever they go.

Now a person with such a high position and authority is willing to have a table with them, even saying that they are his own family, how can he not be moved?
"Brothers, nephew, don't be rude..."

Mancang is like a little grown-up, "Brother-in-law is a good person, but he doesn't like to laugh, but he is actually very easy-going."

easy going?

Leng Yun is easy-going?

The full moon, who was boiled with stew, couldn't help but twitch the corners of her mouth when she heard this. If this person is easy-going, there will be no hard-to-talk people in the world.

Leng Yun was satisfied with Mancang's closeness to him, patted his little head and said: "I still have a set of Annotations of the Four Books of the Fanfu, I will take it later."

I am overjoyed, books are very expensive these days, even the worst one for a folk-printed Analects costs about one tael of silver, and the Analects totals tens of thousands of words.

Among these printed books, the Royal Publishing has the best quality, clear handwriting, and well-documented materials, but the price is too daunting for most people, even if they have a little wealth, they can't afford it.

In addition, the books published by the feudal government are also more exquisite, and they are more comfortable to read. They are not much different from those published by the royal family, but the price is much cheaper.

After all, how can the books published by you, a prince, sell more expensive than the emperor?

Therefore, such exquisite and affordable feudal books have become the object of pursuit of the world.

Of course, the so-called cheap is also relative, like a set of Four Books Annotations published by the feudal government must cost at least a few hundred taels of silver, no wonder the warehouse is full of joy!
Joyfully gave Leng Yun a big gift, "Thank you brother-in-law!"

"Sister... brother-in-law..."

When she was rejoicing, she heard a weak voice. When Man Yue saw it, her head was covered with black lines.

I saw Xiao Shi holding a bowl, leaving his room at some point, and hearing that he got a set of books, his eyes were red.Looking at Leng Yun anxiously, with shyness on his face, "Sister, brother-in-law..."

Mancang stared wide-eyed, then rubbed his own eyes, wondering if he was hallucinating.

Xiao Shi slowly moved over and saluted, "Sister, brother-in-law, I am Yang Liyuan, Mancang's elder brother, and Eleven Niang's younger brother."

I go!

You are so immoral|Do your parents know?

Leng Yun glanced at it, then looked at Man Yue, who smiled awkwardly and said, "This is also my father's child, who was adopted."

Leng Yun nodded to show he understood, and waved to Xiao Shi, "Come here, let me take a look."

Xiao Ten was acting so well-behaved at the moment, causing Man Cang to keep complaining in his heart: "This guy is too weak!"

"Have you ever been in school?"

Leng Yunhao really loves the house and loves Wu, and is also very kind to Xiao Shi, "Do you want books too?"

Xiao Ten nodded vigorously, and said proudly, "I'm going to take the county test next year!"


Leng Yun said with a smile: "I think you are at most 12,3 or [-] years old this year. Have you already started your career?"

As he spoke, he nodded, "He's a promising one, so I'll give you a set of annotations to the Four Books as well, and you should study hard."

"Is it also rigid in the feudal mansion?"

As soon as these words came out, Mother Qian was terrified, and stomped her feet: "Master Ten!"

The corner of Leng Yun's mouth twitched slightly, looked at Man Yue, and suddenly felt that this child should be adopted by her father.With this temperament, they all look alike!

Squeezing the space between his eyebrows, he said helplessly, "The carvings in the feudal mansion are gone, but they are of high quality. Can you make do with them?"


Xiao Ten hesitated for a moment, then looked at Mancang again, and then he was having fun, frowned, and hummed: "If the mountain is not high, it will be famous if there are immortals; if the book is not good, it will be spiritual if you work hard. As the eldest son of Qifang The matter of honoring our ancestors is incumbent, thank you brother-in-law for giving me the book!"

As he spoke, he made a big gift, and Man Yue and Man Cang felt that their three views were smashed to the ground, and they couldn't pick them up again.

No matter how cold-tempered Leng Yun was, he was amused by Xiao Shi's nondescript words. He suppressed a smile and said, "Okay, okay, okay, if you are ambitious, if you are in high school next year, I will open hundreds of tables."

Man Yue laughed, "Why are you spending money? Dalang will only be 12 next year. If he can go to the county, government, and college exams, and get the honor of a scholar in the exam for his family, he will definitely have a feast in the village."

As she spoke, she looked at Yang Liyuan with a smile, and said, "Xiao Shi, there are not many people who can become birth members at the age of 12. If you win, you will really be the glory of the ancestors!"

Xiao Shi was also a little excited by what Man Yue said, but when he thought of the insidiousness of this new sister, he turned cold again, pouted and said: "It's natural, you just look at it, if I, Yang Liyuan, don't cry, if I sing, I will Shock the world!"

I want to cover my face all over my warehouse, it's so shameless!

He is now living in the same room as Yang Liyuan. This guy was enlightened at the age of five, and now he has studied university in the fourth book, and he is still just getting started.Even if Guochao discovered that the imperial examination system has changed over the years, if there is no basis, you can make a fuss!
Even posting scriptures (similar to filling in the blanks) is a problem!
It's too embarrassing, this big talker, hmph, I don't know how to make a fool of myself then!

Mancang was waiting to see Yang Liyuan's jokes, but after thinking about it, he became worried again.

This person is my elder brother now, if he doesn't do well in the exam, won't he also be laughed at?No, I'll go and beg my husband, let him teach him too, and I must not let him be too ashamed!
Mancang, who made up his mind, developed a feeling of compassion and compassion for others. Poor Xiao Shi must have been spoiled by the fifth aunt all these years to be so ignorant!

Mancang was muttering in his heart, while Man Yue laughed, but he didn't laugh at it, but felt that the little child was quite angry, and his appearance was very serious, which made her want to laugh.

Patted Xiao Shi on the shoulder, and said: "Then you have to work hard. I just asked Mr. Wang these two days to see if he is willing to teach you another one. Mr. Wang Ziming is a great talent in Ningbo, and his warehouse is full now." gentlemen."

Xiao Shiben wanted to refuse, although he also needed a teacher very much, but he always felt that the witch was uneasy and kind to him, so he wanted to find out by himself.But now, when he heard that the gentleman was good at teaching the whole warehouse, he immediately changed his mind.

The witch can't teach her brother badly, so it's safe for him to study together.

The most important thing is to let the demon girl and that cheap mother know how extraordinary the young master is, and it is your blessing to be your son. It is best to be more polite to the young master!
While talking, Chen's voice came from outside, "Why are they all gathered here? Oh, are you here at Twilight?"


Leng Yun got up, Chen quickly waved his hands and said: "Sit down, sit down, continue to eat, continue to eat, don't get up, don't get up, it's all yours."

As she spoke, she put down the basket in her hand and said with a smile, "I just saw someone selling water chestnuts at the entrance of the village, so I brought some back.!"

"Water chestnuts?"

Man Yue was stunned for a moment, "There are water chestnuts in August?"

The growth of all things in ancient times is very regular. When it should be listed, it will be listed at that time. Even if it is earlier or later, there will only be a gap of ten days. How can it be so early?
"In the past, there were also some, but they were not so big."

Mrs. Chen was not surprised, "Maybe they used a secret method? I bought some because they looked good. This thing is good, it can be used as fruit, it can also be used as a stir-fry, and it can be used to clear the fire. It's a good thing."

Hearing what Chen said, Man Yue didn't worry about the season anymore, she took the basket and said, "Mancang, you take Mother Qian to buy some meat, and I'll make water chestnuts and lion heads."

As soon as she heard that elder sister wanted to add more food, there was a burst of cheers from the warehouse, and she dragged Qian's mother outside, and Man Yue couldn't help laughing at his appearance, "What a greedy cat!"

Xiao Ten followed, and said calmly, "I'm tired of reading too, so I'll just watch Mancang go, lest he lose his manners."

What a tsundere|kid!

Obviously, I also want to go to see the excitement, but I still speak so grandly, I am really sick!

The family quickly became busy again. Man Yue looked at the round and black water chestnut, and couldn't help but brows happily. While quickly peeling the skin, she said: "This water chestnut is really good. I will save some later. It will dry out in a few days. It’s a little wrinkled, that’s sweet!”

Leng Yun discovered that Yang Manyue was really a foodie!

He is a person who knows how to eat. This dried water chestnut is best eaten raw. It is not only sweet but also crisp, and has more flavor than when it was just dug out.

This girl!
This mouth is absolutely perfect!

Smiling and eating the stewed meat, seeing her seriously peeling the skin, I felt a little itchy in my heart.

It's been a long time since I hugged her, and I don't know if she misses me?

The full moon was cutting, cutting, and felt a sense of oppression. When I looked up, I saw Leng Yun staring at me intently. The eyes seemed to be faint, but I felt that the inside seemed to be on fire. Turning red, she said coquettishly, "Why are you looking at me?"

(End of this chapter)

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