Chapter 134 The Tsundere Kid
"You're looking at me too."

His answer puzzled her.

"Otherwise how do you know I'm looking at you?"


Qingyun backed away slowly, feeling the urge to rush out the door.

Master Hou, is this flirting?

It's obviously a very ambiguous thing, but why does Hou Ye make it look like a robber?
and also……

Are you really good at flirting in front of so many people like this? !

Qingyun took a few glances at the others, only to see that the servants had put their eyeballs somewhere, which was embarrassing.

Man Yue also felt quite embarrassed, the uncle is sometimes too arrogant, so proud that no one else is around, he can do whatever he wants.

With so many people watching, it seems embarrassing to say this as if flirting.

She glared at him, pursed her mouth and ignored him, quickly peeled off the water chestnuts, Chen came over to help with a smile, but the look in her eyes was ambiguous, this little stepmother was also drunk!
After a short time, he finished a plate of water chestnuts, and the other full moons did not move.This water chestnut can not only be used as lion head but also other dishes, fried with shrimps, the taste is also very good.

And she also wants to eat dried water chestnuts!

Not long after, Mancang also came back.But to Man Yue's surprise, it was Xiao Ten who was carrying the meat.

Seeing Man Yue's suspicious face, Yang Liyuan coughed slightly and said, "Mancang, your body is not good enough, and you can't even lift a piece of meat. No? Do you know what brothers and sisters mean..."

Mancang's expression of seeing a ghost on his face slowly sank into a daze.


Didn't you rush to get it just now?

Yang Liyuan turned a blind eye to Mancang's sluggishness, stepped forward with short legs, handed the meat to Man Yue with one hand, and put the other behind his back, as if he was giving you a gift.


Without even thinking about it, Man Yue just snapped her fingers on his forehead and said with a smile: "Xiao Shi, don't you beat yourself up when you lie? Man Cang is not a delicate young master like you, he is in good health! Since you want to help Can't you be more generous? Are you ashamed to act like a daughter?"


Xiao Ten covered his head and said angrily, "A gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands!"

Man Yue shrugged and said nonchalantly, "I am a woman."


Xiao Shi opened his mouth, unable to refute, tears gradually filled his eyes, and when they were about to fall, he turned around abruptly, and said in his mouth: "Only women and villains are difficult to raise, and a sage does not bully you!" Me! Hold on, Yang Liyuan! The heavens will send a great mission to the people of Sri Lanka, and they must first suffer from their will, exhaust their muscles and bones, starve their skin, and empty their bodies..."

He flicked his sleeves and went back to the room, it seemed that he was hit hard.


Even the serious mother Qian couldn't help laughing when she saw the tenth young master. Chen said helplessly, "Manyue, you child, why are you trying to expose him? He is still a child, and needs time to adapt to us... "

"I do not know either……"

Man Yue looked innocent, "Just seeing him like that can't help but want to bully him, hee hee, don't you guys think it's fun like this?"

Xiao Shi, who came back to the house, couldn't help trembling slightly when he heard these words, and tears fell down uncontrollably.

Why didn't my mother come to save me?This witch must see that I am fat and chubby, cuter and more beautiful than that, so she wants to turn me into her toy.

Well, it must be so!
Otherwise, she wouldn't be threatening me and throwing a banquet for me. This is trying to subdue me!
I will not give in easily, just dream!When I'm in high school, I'll support you and not support you, let you scare me, let you tease me!
Leaving aside Xiao Shi's little awkwardness, Man Yue's words stunned a group of people. A group of people looked at me, I looked at you, and finally looked at Man Yue's innocent face, and suddenly felt that Young Master Ten was so pitiful!

Mancang looked disdainful, and thought to himself: "Xiao Shi is so fragile! I was even played by my sister!"

Leng Yun chuckled softly, not only liking her eccentricity, but also sympathized with that little brat: With such an unscrupulous sister, let's ask for more blessings!
Man Yue ignored everyone's weird gazes, and went into the kitchen with a water chestnut.

Chop the water chestnuts and put them into the minced meat, then add egg white, cooking wine, starch, salt, monosodium glutamate and other ingredients and beat until it becomes sticky, then knead into large meatballs and fry in oil pan until it turns yellow, then add the broth, Add soy sauce, sugar, turn to low heat and simmer thoroughly, put the boiled cabbage on the plate, arrange the meatballs one by one to form a circle, and put the cooked cabbage and shiitake mushrooms in the middle Fill in the gaps, and after pouring the marinated gorgon, it is natural, fresh and green, and looks good.

Whether it's minced meat or water chestnuts, in ancient times there was no meat grinder, so naturally they could only be chopped by hand.

And the current pork is also different from the pigs that will eat feed in later generations.

For example, to make this water chestnut lion head dish, the minced meat must be beaten with two sticks.In ancient times, pigs ate hogweed and grew up. The tendons were thick and rich in gelatin. The meat tendons would not be damaged by beating them into minced meat with a stick. Find out the tendons and fry them in a pan. The tendons are tied open and golden in color. The fried tendons look like a lion's mane, hence the name Lion's Head.

However, due to the use of feed, the pigs of later generations have finer meat and less meat tendons. In order to save costs, the merchants finally turned the lion head into a super-large meatball.

Furthermore, due to the high level of use of machinery, not to mention beating meat with sticks, there are not many people who have knives to chop minced meat.Before the full moon crossed, those vegetable farms provided meat chopping services, but she still followed the ancient method handed down by her family and insisted on chopping by hand instead of machines.

The high-speed rotating machinery will destroy the fiber and structure of the twisted food, and will lose the most authentic taste of the food.The meat whipped by a machine is fine and delicate, but it doesn't feel like meat in the mouth, and it lacks the fragrance of meat.

Therefore, Man Yue has always felt that some things still need to be made by hand, and the warmth of hand-made cannot be replaced by any machine.

Although it's hard work, it's more delicious when you eat it, isn't it?

However, there are many people in the family, and she couldn't make such meatballs for a while, so she simply learned from the unscrupulous merchants of later generations and made meatballs.It's better to be happy alone than to be happy together!

After making three big plates, when they brought them to the living room, everyone looked at them and felt that their saliva was about to drop.

In fact, they were full of doubts and curiosity when Man Yue said that they would use water chestnuts to make lion heads.

They know about the lion head, but the question is, how can water chestnuts be added to the lion head?
When the full moon comes up, a few knowledgeable servants can't help but look at each other: It seems that the cook in the mansion made a lion's head like this...

But they were puzzled for a while, because they were soon distracted by the aroma of the dish.Does it matter if it looks like a lion's head?As long as it tastes good!
Especially the girl who spoke: one for each!
There was a burst of cheers, thanksgiving, and immediately took a bowl and ate it.

As soon as he ate it, he couldn't stop. Some people started to cry while eating, "I, why do I miss my mother?"

"I, I also think of my mother, woo woo, it would be great if my mother is still alive, I will give my mother all these big meatballs..."

The stewed stew is not made by the full moon now, so those few people only feel that it is delicious; but this water chestnut lion head is different, it is all made by the full moon, and with the blessing of the hand of God, these people's xinxing And simple, how can I bear it?
At the moment, extreme joy begets sorrow, and he started to cry.

"Eleven Niang, forgive me, I don't know why, but when I eat your cooking, I think of my childhood, my mother's cooking..."

"Yeah, Eleven Niang is the same for me. For some reason, I have never eaten such a good thing, but I just feel like I have eaten it hundreds of times, kind."


The full moon has a black line. It seems that the system has indeed mentioned that the more pure and emotional people are, the easier it is to be affected by the hand of God. Could it be that these relatives and servants of mine are all honest-minded people?
Leng Yun, who was silent for a while, suddenly said: "It's really inappropriate for you to name this dish Lion's Head. I think it should be called Guiyuan Meat."

After a pause, he continued: "Pork is rich in taste, water chestnuts are light and agile, one is thick and the other is thin, and the taste complements each other. The food makes these people think of their parents' kindness, return to the original and return to the original, and get the heart of a child. "

The corner of Man Yue's mouth twitched, feeling that the name was too low.

Although what the uncle said seems to make sense, why do we feel so out of touch?

Seeing her curling her lips secretly, the man raised his eyebrows, "Do you have a good idea?"

She shivered, and hurriedly observed his expression, and saw that his expression was calm, as if he was not angry, so she was slightly relieved. She was about to say that it was not good for you to name this name, but for some reason, the words came to her lips. Changed, "Guiyuan is good, Guiyuan is very good..."

After finishing speaking, I burst into tears in my heart, my sister is indeed a person with no integrity!

Knowing that she didn't agree with what she said, a slight feeling of discomfort surged in her heart. Is she afraid of herself?

The beautiful sword eyebrows were twisted into a pimple, the room became quiet, and everyone seemed a little embarrassed.

After a while, the man said: "Forget it, you can call it whatever you like..."

Man Yue was a little surprised, he has always been very machismo, why did he suddenly become easy to talk to?
Seeing her looking at him with that look again, he felt a tightness in his chest, and suddenly got up and said, "Come out for a walk with me."

That's what he said, but he didn't mean to ask at all. He took her hand and walked out the door.

Mother Qian saw that this was not bad, so she hurried to stop it.Unexpectedly, as soon as she moved, Qingyun stood in front of her, and Chen's voice came, "Mother Qian, sit down and eat, don't worry about it."

Qingyun nodded, and said: "I advise you not to go, when Master Hou is unhappy, no one can handle it except your girl, this mother just wait here."

Mama Qian opened her mouth, hesitated for a long time before saying: "Madam, although Master Hou is engaged to the eldest girl, but, after all, it hasn't... Is it really all right?"

"What do you think can be the problem? Man Yue has always been measured, Master Hou is not the kind of person who will do anything wrong. Besides, Man Yue is only 12, not yet old enough, so she can't be considered a big girl..."


What she said was so reasonable, but the servant girl was speechless!

 I have something to do today, and there are two updates for the time being. Let the author rest early today!Well, thank you for your support, please ask for a monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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