Chapter 136

As soon as these words came out, Chef Wang became excited, gave a deep salute, and said, "Thank you, Master."

For craftsmen, if the other party is willing to teach housekeeping skills, it is better than giving anything!And once you have learned the skills, it is the status of master and apprentice, which is the strongest relationship in the Ming Dynasty, and it is good for everyone.

Man Yue nodded with a smile, received the gift, and then said: "I have only one request for everyone: do things seriously and be honest! You are worthy of me, Yang Manyue, and I, Yang Manyue, will live up to everyone! Don't express your opinion in a hurry. , go back and take a good look at the terms and conditions, and then take a look at the monthly salary, before the sun goes down tomorrow, I think it's enough for you to figure it out, and it won't be too late to answer me then!"

A group of people were talking about it, and Man Yue didn't care about them. Right now, she had to find a place to rent as a temporary place to stay.

In addition, some craftsmen had to be found here. Although the decoration of this restaurant was not bad, it was obvious that many places did not meet her requirements and had to be remodeled.

We need to set up a stage on the first floor, so we can invite some people to perform in the future.More importantly, as a liberal arts student, she may not be able to do other things, but isn't it easy to be a copywriter?
The market for popular novels in the Ming Dynasty was huge, but there was a shortage of works. Even when some unscrupulous booksellers translated the history into vernacular, many people rushed to buy it.

So it can be seen that as long as it is done properly, if a better storyteller is invited to tell the novel she copied here, it will definitely become a hit.

With popularity, can the restaurant business still be bad?
The second floor doesn't really need to be changed, it's mostly private rooms and half of the residents, just redecorate it.

Of course, the style must be different from what it is now, and some modern and simple concepts will be added to it.For example, modern simple cabinets will be added to the guest rooms. Considering that they are next to the dining room, she plans to make all the guest rooms on this floor into standard rooms.

As for the third floor, it is naturally a business room plus a presidential suite. The rooms here are all equipped with a compartment for servants. What, it's good to have a care.

As for those who live in standard rooms on the second floor, Man Yue has also thought about it for them.After all, this restaurant not only has a large facade, but also has several entrances, and it also has a small garden.Naturally, Full Moon will not demolish the small garden, because she will have to undertake various cultural events in the future!

And there is an open space behind the small garden, and a building will be built at that time, and a three-story building will be built, not only for the staff living in other places, but also for the attendants of these noble people.

And according to her design, she had to design large shops, single rooms, and double rooms in these floors. This was to encourage employees to do tricks, and it was also open to some entourages with certain identities.

After all, the seventh-rank officials in front of the prime minister's door, although some people are servants and followers, are still different after all.

There are a lot of things to consider when opening a store, especially in this very humane Ming Dynasty, if there is a slight inappropriate consideration, it may offend people.

She has been thinking about these things since she got the bank note, and she has been supplementing them until today. It should be considered comprehensive after all, and basically thought of everything that can be thought of. I also showed it to Leng Yun. He felt that the details were incredible. You don't have to worry about making mistakes again.

There are a lot of things to do. Fortunately, in this era, there are also intermediate companies to run errands on your behalf, and that is the dental office!
In fact, even though Qingyun brought her to see the restaurant, Ke Yaren was right next to her.

The reason is very simple, Zhou Fugui entrusted Guanya to sell his shop, and Leng Yun only knew the information about the sale here through Yaya, so naturally he couldn't make decisions in private, he had to go through an intermediary.

So after getting a lot of agency fees, when I heard that the girl still wanted to find a craftsman, hired a craftsman, and even a tailor, this guy was overjoyed, and patted his chest | boasting about her official teeth God, he ground his teeth again and scolded his private teeth into the ground.

Man Yue saw that what he said was interesting, but she didn't express it right away.

It's useless to say anything, less agency fees are the real deal!

How clever is that man?Immediately understood the meaning of the full moon, greatly reduced the intermediary fee, and then happily went to run errands for the full moon.

To say that this guy really didn't brag, it's true that the government-run intermediary is powerful.

In a short time, artisans, tailors and various suppliers were found.

She also had to inspect the house and negotiate the price, she definitely couldn't do it alone.He simply asked Mama Qian and Qingyun to accompany him to look at the house, while he brought a few Yang family children to discuss the project and the price with various people.

This conversation went to Wujin Xizhui, and even the rice was bought by a few Yang family children, and they continued to talk after eating a few mouthfuls. Finally, the negotiation was settled, and another problem was discovered: they didn't have any quilts or bedding. Ready, where can I sleep tonight?

Seeing that Man Yue was worried about this matter, Qingyun couldn't help being happy.

"Ma'am, what's so embarrassing about this? There's nothing else here, only a lot of inns. That old man Zhou is not a fool, if the business is so good, why would he be willing to close it? Go to the capital by yourself and find a boy from the same family to be the shopkeeper. The location of Xiaogang is good, the guests don’t have to worry about it, so the competition is also high, the old man couldn’t compete with others and had to change hands.”

"Why didn't you say this earlier?"

Qingyun was stunned, why did he feel that he had said something wrong?
"Well... Ma'am, I'm afraid you'll feel bad if you hear it. In fact, old man Zhou's business is not good because he's old and always makes some things that are not available, that's why..."


Man Yue couldn't help laughing, "Brother Qingyun, what are you thinking? I mean, if you know it earlier, you can pay him more..."

Qing Yun fell into a daze again, "Then why didn't Madam accept his kindness?"

"How can it be the same? I don't want to cause trouble for uncle!"

She looked regretful, "In terms of business, I made a mistake this time. I should investigate first. That's all, that's all, the old man is a wonderful person, let's make a friend."

"Then my subordinate will find a hostel for you? But there are too many of us..."

"No, I've already found it."

"You're here?!"

"Master Hou!"

Leng Yun came in from the outside, bowed to Mrs. Chen, and said, "Is everything settled? Let's go to eat after the talk. I have booked a banquet at Fushun Building..."

He looked around at the crowd and said, "All go."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked out, a group of people cheered naturally, after a busy day, if there is a delicious meal, then all fatigue will be gone.

Fushun Building is not far away, just a few steps away.

When the boy saw Leng Yun, he immediately stepped forward, bowing and bowing, "Oh, you're here, my lord? Come on, come on, come on, sit inside, the shopkeeper has already made tea for you, what will you do now?" It's good to drink."

Leng Yun nodded and said to Qingyun, "Qingyun, take them to dinner."

"Yes, Lord Hou!"

Man Yue also waved her hand and said, "Go, don't need to be waited on, it's delicious."

"Thank you for your grace, girl!"

"Then Eleven Niang, we will not be polite!"

"Hey, you're welcome, we're all family."

Several servants and Yang family's children happily followed Qingyun to eat in the hall on the first floor, while Man Yue, Mrs. Chen and the two younger brothers followed Leng Yun to the private room on the second floor.

Xiaogang is closer to the sea, so the food is naturally seafood-based.In the places near the sea, the seafood is basically boiled, and the taste is the same.The razor clams with the length of the index finger are stir-fried with a small amount of oil, and a little salt is very delicious. One bite, it is juicy, tender, and delicious.

Blood clams are scary to outsiders, but they are extremely delicious to Ningbo people.

Put it in boiling water and dip it in soy sauce, that is the best way to eat it.

There is also the first-class red cream soy crab, which is made into a thick salty stew with only salt, white wine, green onion, and ginger, and then eaten after soaking for 8 hours.Although it is eaten raw, it is fresh, salty, smooth and tender. Whether it is with wine or rice, it is very appetizing.

And the color is also very attractive | The crab meat is crystal clear white, and the crab paste is orange-yellow and reddish. When matched together, it is a pair of autumn dollars, which makes the index finger move.

There is also the large yellow croaker with pickled vegetables, which is indispensable for banquets. The fish is tender, the dishes are fragrant, and the mouth is clean. Combined with the fresh and tender fish meat, it produces a special aroma. With the soup and the unique japonica rice in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, one bite, the rice is soft, glutinous and sweet, and the rice is wrapped in the soup. Only this dish is delicious. Last life.

The yellow croaker of later generations is no longer authentic. Now that you can eat this authentic taste after living hundreds of years ago, it is probably the best reward for a chef and foodie!

After dinner, I went to a hostel called Anleju.Although the place is small, it is quiet and clean, and there is a well in the courtyard, and there are two red carps in it, which is quite interesting.

After a busy day, he was already very tired, Leng Yun didn't stay long, and soon took Qingyun back to the yamen to sleep.But the full moon did not sleep after washing.

Before going to Ren'an, she obtained the purchase authority of modern ingredients and 100 square meters of farming space.What she got was a bit too sudden at that time, but when she went to Ren'an, there was always a maid waiting in the compartment of the house, so she didn't dare to move casually, for fear of being found abnormal.

Now that she has finally stopped, she also wants to see her own space.

After buying purple potato seedlings, potato seedlings, green peppers, chaotian peppers, red peppers, and pumpkin seedlings with points, I used my thoughts to move them and prepare to enter the space.

After a flash of white light, Man Yue found herself in a strange place.Except for a robot that looks very similar to Val, there is only the land left here, which is swarthy. Even if she is not a farmer, being a farm girl for a long time can be regarded as having eyesight.

Looking at it, I feel that the soil is very fertile. Could it be the legendary black soil?

"This is a high-tech land that is better than the black land. Hello, host Yang Manyue, I am your space farming lock assistant, Wadang."


The full moon is so hanging that I didn't choke on my own saliva. Both the land name and the robot's name are too funny, right? !
It turns out that the products produced by the system may not all be high-quality goods, for example, the name is very scumbag...

 In other words, in order to add more updates in the future, the author is practicing Shuangpin, which is very painful.You must know that the author has been playing Quanpin for almost 15,6 or 3000 years, and suddenly he has to change to another input method. It takes 2,3 or 6000 hours to write a chapter of [-] words, but in order to speed up the speed in the future, the author is gritting his teeth and insisting. For my readers, I must overcome difficulties!So the update time is a bit unstable, or only [-] updates, please forgive me!Don't worry, the author is not an idiot, I feel that if I give me another month, I will be able to return to the previous speed!Love you ha!Ask for the recommendation ticket and monthly ticket, hee hee!

(End of this chapter)

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