Chapter 137

Holding back a smile, he said, "Nawadang, can you introduce me to the space?"

Wadang's eyes flickered, "Of course! First of all, I am your space farming assistant. The host only needs to buy seeds for me, and I will help you take care of them. This space can optimize seeds, improve the quality of ingredients, and It can shorten the growth cycle of plants, and all the optimized seeds can be brought out of the space for planting, the quality remains the same, and the method of cultivation is attached..."

The full moon's eyes lit up at once!

Now, although Daming has sweet potatoes and potatoes to supplement it, the yield is still very low due to backward seed genes and farming methods.

And in the years of backward productivity, what can make a fortune the most, one is salt, and the other is food!
It's just that salt is controlled by the state. Unless you have the ability to get salt, you will be killed if you resell private salt!

And the food is much safer. I can say that I cultivated it myself, and I am not afraid of not being exposed.Not to mention other things, just this sweet potato, the modern seed yield is about 6000 jin per mu, and even some perverted seeds can reach tens of thousands. According to the current measurement unit, it is about 5,60 or [-] shi. If there is no, farmers Uncle is going to cry to death!
Let’s take a look at these sweet potatoes from the Ming Dynasty. They are small in size and have almost the same taste. If there are 5,6 or 120 stones (one stone: about [-] catties), it is auspicious!

If he sacrificed such a big killing weapon, wouldn't he have to alarm the emperor? !
And the space can increase the yield by 20%, that is to say, she can harvest 5,60 or [-] stones of sweet potatoes at a time. If the rice can do the same, then the yield per mu is not a dream, this is a great auspiciousness!
After being excited, Miss Yang immediately began to count the benefits that this matter could bring to herself, not to mention money, what she needs most now is not money, but social status.

Relying on others is worse than relying on oneself. The independence of modern women is revealed at this moment, and her ambition is also fully displayed at this moment.If Shang Datian listened, at least no one would dare to touch him casually in the future.

After the excitement, I didn't say anything, and started to work immediately.Of course, the actual situation is that she is watching Wada work, and she is a good student on the sidelines.It is always right to learn more things, and you have to fool others in the future!

The robot designed by the system is really awesome, Val is a good chef mentor, and Wa Tang is a good farmer.

After seeing its eyes flickering, it suddenly transformed itself, turned over the soil, sprinkled it, and sowed it. Yang Manyue was dumbfounded when she saw it, and it took a long time before she came back to her senses and said, "Damn it! This is a Transformer! !"

I don't know what that era has become. There is such a heaven-defying technology. Have humans successfully transformed Mars?She was thinking wildly, and couldn't help being a little fascinated.

Everyone said time travel was good, but Man Yue didn't feel any better.

When a person in an advanced civilization comes to a backward civilization, he is not used to basic necessities of life.Not to mention anything else, I just use the toilet every day, and emptying the toilet is very cheating.

There is also a bath, a wash is like a big battle, so this time when the restaurant is being renovated, she plans to lay pipes and use water trucks to lift water, firstly for cooling in summer, and secondly to build a tap water system .

Thanks to the exam-oriented education, I have developed in an all-round way. Although I am a liberal arts student, I have studied mathematics, physics and chemistry. The water system sounds high-end, but it is not responsible.

It is impossible to build a large water tower, but it is still possible to build a few large water tanks and a heating system.

The only inconvenience is that it is tap water, but due to various conditions, this water supply system is only available for a limited time, and there is an additional charge...

After leaving the space, she entered the system learning space again.

Before the hotel opened, she not only had to be responsible for staff training, but also had to improve herself.

After two major exams, she was finally ready to go to the stove.

When you enter the learning space again, you will start the learning of levels 3-6. These three|levels are mainly to learn various cooking methods, such as "burning, frying, sautéing, braising, stewing, steaming, simmering, frying, smoking, simmering, Sauce, stew" and so on.

In addition, you have to learn seasoning and baking, which is not a little more difficult.After passing the three |level exams, she can count as a teacher, and then she will learn the concrete local dishes, snacks, foreign delicacies and diet therapy.

As for the later study, this level 3-6 study can also be said to be the foundation of the foundation, which is a very important study.

Man Yue clicked, and there were as many as 25 items in these levels of study, even if he was a chef, he was frightened.


Are there so many cooking methods?
The learning process is naturally painful, even if you like it very much, but such day after day, lonely study, countless failures and repetitions will also numb your interest.

Even so, she still had to persevere.

Even if there is no systematic danger, it is also related to her survival, so she cannot be slack and sloppy, or she will be the one who will be harmed.

And she is still far from the requirements of the system. She can be said to be famous in Ningbo now, but that's all.What's more, the poem she copied was the most famous one, and her cooking skills were wiped out in that poem and the bizarre koan.

She was tortured to death. In 3 months, she finally learned the stew in 25 items, passed the small assessment, and finished eating the food rewards given by the system. She regained her energy. When she came out of the space again, although there was no change outside , but it feels like yesterday.

Sighing slightly, he closed his eyes and went to sleep. He had nothing to say all night, and when he woke up the next morning, he saw cold clouds coming.

He was carrying a food box, and Man Yue looked a little like laughing.

The uncle is actually a warm man, but he has the face of an old cadre. It's against the law to look at him like this, and she can't help but laugh.

He was always paying attention to her, seeing her sniggering, he couldn't help being happy.

Dead duck mouth, seeing him coming, happy to do so.

Uncle Leng, who was in a good mood, immediately ordered Qingyun to buy some breakfast, and brought an extra meal for the others.

The people who got the benefits naturally shouted that Lord Hou is mighty, only Yang Manyue was puzzled: Why does it look like you are in a good mood today?

"This black rice porridge nourishes qi and generates blood. You should eat more. I made it boiled specially."

He handed the porridge to her, pointed to the steamed stuffed bun on the table and said, "This steamed stuffed stuffed bun is specially made by someone. It's not suitable to eat too greasy in the morning. This kind of three-pack is the best. After eating, eat this soy milk It's..."

Man Yue is a little speechless, even if she eats a lot, but this is too much to eat, right?
She has already drank a bowl of black rice porridge!Want to drink now?I have to eat steamed buns and soy milk, my God, that would make me fat!

"You're too skinny, you can't eat."

A certain man would not allow her to refuse and gave a powerful reason.

The corner of her mouth twitched, she looked at Mancang and Chen Shi as if asking for help.

But these two are fine, just ignore them.

On the contrary, Xiao Shi was quite righteous, saying: "Eleven Niang has been eating a lot, but she doesn't gain weight."


Are you helping me, or taking the opportunity to scold me? !
Immediately gave a blow, and said: "Call my sister!"

Xiao Shi pursed his lips, and said aggrievedly: "You demon girl has also studied, why are you like a shrew? Gentleman move, ouch, you hit me again?!"


She withdrew her hand, stuffed the steamed stuffed bun into his bowl, and said: "You should be beaten for being rude to elder sister, and punish you for eating steamed buns!"

Xiao Ten held his mouth and sobbed: "You, you, you wait, when I am nominated for the gold list, I, I, I..."

"I'm your fart!"

Man Yue said unhappily: "Let's go through the county test first!"

"Swearing again!"

Leng Yun slapped him with a sharp glance, and the siblings immediately shut up and stopped talking. Xiao Shi felt aggrieved, "One by one, they are all so hateful!"

Man Yue was also aggrieved: "Damn, why are you afraid of him?! I am Yang Ren'er! You can't be subdued with power, you can't be subdued, you"

Chen let out a laugh from the bottom of her heart: it's funny that the girl who is not afraid of nothing is afraid of Lord Hou.

After breakfast, Leng Yun went back to work. He has been dealing with those French people who came to China these few days, and he is also very busy.He left Qingyun behind as a form of protection, and this move warmed Man Yue's heart.

She didn't know what uncle was thinking. Last time when he saw her lying there dying, beaten and bruised all over her body, at that moment, he felt his heart stopped beating.

He went to the battlefield at the age of 14 and started killing the enemy at the age of 14. He was never afraid.But at that moment, he actually felt an unprecedented fear, afraid of losing his fiancée whom he had known for a short time but had the same interests!

So in this strange place, he would never let his little thing act alone, he must be accompanied by someone, so as not to be bullied again.

Her unyielding mouth is easy to suffer!
When we arrived at the leased compound, it didn't take long for the hired people to come, and they all signed the employment contract with Man Yue; If you follow the rules, he will have less worries.

It is clearly written in black and white, and with this as evidence, if there is a conflict, everything can be negotiated based on this.

Those craftsmen are also veterans, and they were stunned when they saw the drawings of the full moon, my God!There are so many secrets here!No wonder they were asked to sign a confidentiality contract!

These craftsmen didn't dare to play tricks, because the other party had too much background, and although they were asked to keep it secret, the treatment was good.

Not only are three meals provided, but the wages are also high, so there is no conflict in my heart.

After figuring out Man Yue's intentions, they went to the restaurant.After all, the full moon is a layman, and some things have to be inspected by the craftsmen before they can start work.

Not long after these people left, Man Yue sent a few of his children to buy ingredients and daily necessities, while Qian's mother brought a few servants to clean the yard. After a while, the former employees of the restaurant came.

Man Yue was delighted to see it, and she didn't say anything, and even brought a few new faces over, some of them were still scholars by their appearance.

It's just that these people have panda eyes, as if they haven't slept all night, and their eyes are bloodshot.

When the chef Wang saw the full moon, he saluted first, and then said: "The boss is really a god! The employment contract is meticulous and the salary is extremely reasonable. The villain chef Wang is willing to do his best for the little boss!

(End of this chapter)

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