Delicious Lady: Lord Wolf, please enter the urn

Chapter 142 Returning to Linju's Experience

Chapter 142 Returning to Linju's Experience ([-])
"If you have some skills..."

Yuan Huandong felt a sense of pride in his heart: This is the old man's granddaughter.

"Hahaha, it's so funny!"

Qi Nu laughed so hard, "Master, it's so funny, how did you come up with this?"

Yuan Huandong's mood also became brighter, and he said with a smile: "Little Daoer, it's nothing to worry about."

That's what he said, but the smugness on his brows could be seen even by a blind man. Yuan Zhong couldn't help but twitched his mouth, feeling that he couldn't answer the words.

"Don't say anything else, just go for these tricks, and it's worth the high price here!"

There is no shortage of parents who are proud of their children in any era, and the old man is obviously very proud.

He secretly observed the other diners, and seeing everyone's satisfied expressions, he felt even more proud.He was thinking about how much money his granddaughter could earn in a day like this. After obtaining an astonishing statistic, the old man showed a gratified expression, stroked his beard and said, "Every day makes a lot of money, so the old man can feel relieved."

As he spoke, he got up and said: "The old man singing and dancing doesn't like to watch, so he went upstairs to rest, Yuan Zhong, lead the way."

"Yes, sir!"

Yuan Huandong went upstairs and was surprised to find that the corridors here also had that kind of wall lamp. He couldn't help stomping his feet, "What a crime, how much does it cost?"

Angrily, she went up to the third floor, feeling sorry for the extravagance of her little granddaughter.

It is easy to spend money, but it is not easy to make money!

If Yunniang was still there, would she allow the child to do this?
Thinking of his daughter, Yuan Huandong's eyes darkened, and he couldn't help but smile wryly, the daughter is gone...

All the happiness dissipated in an instant, and the figure seemed to be bent for a moment. When I reached the third floor, I was led by a child to a room. I saw a wooden sign with the characters A and B written on it, and I couldn't help shaking my head.

This child should also be given an elegant name, so he will fall behind.

Yuan Zhong took out the key from the counter, opened the door, and couldn't help being stunned.

It was covered with fine Persian printed carpets, and there were curtains at the windows, all made of silk and embroidered with flowers.That's not the point, the point is, this curtain is quite weird, it actually covers it from top to bottom, dragging from the top of the wall to the floor, mother, it's too prodigal!

After entering, I found that there was also something called a sofa inside, but the difference from the outside was that the one here seemed to be more delicate, the cushions on it were all embroidered, and there were several square soft pillows. It seems to be used to cushion the back.

There is also a book case, although the material is not expensive, it is not vulgar, and the carving is beautiful. The only thing that puzzles him is that it is actually the color of log wood. It looks a little shiny, and it should be covered with a layer of transparent lacquer.

There is a pen holder made of bamboo tube on it, with beautiful green bamboo carved; there are pen holders, paperweights and other things beside it, even the four treasures of the study, such a hand!
There is a strange cabinet behind the desk. When I approached it, I found the word "bookcase" written on it. I couldn't help but nodded secretly: "The little daughter's thoughts are really delicate!"
There is also a low table not far away, which seems to be used for drinking tea and entertaining guests.Not far from the table is a square table with mahjong placed on it, he couldn't help laughing and said: "My lord, you can actually play horse hanging!"

Yuan Huandong also twitched the corner of his mouth, and said, "Thinking too carefully..."

After speaking, he looked at the row of cabinets at the entrance. It was very strange. After pulling up for a long time, he didn't move. After groping for a while, he realized that it was a sliding door.

When I looked carefully, I found that I was careless.

It turned out that there were words such as "wardrobe, storage" written on it, and a row of small characters "do not pull, move to the right to open".

"This child..."

Yuan Huandong smiled and shook his head, feeling proud again.

What a meticulous child!
Asking Yuan Zhong to put his belongings in and turned around in the room, only then did he realize that there is something strange in this room.

There is a small door on the opposite side of the closet. When I opened it, I found a scent inside. There was also a strangely shaped basin with a pipe underneath, a pipe on the top of the basin, and a handle. Searching for characters, I found a row of small characters.

Looking at it this way, it seems a little dull. When you press the handle, water will come out?Still can't press more?

It turns out that this is a pumping device, the principle is similar to a hand-pressed well, there is no way, and the technology is limited, and Man Yue can only use such a thing to replace the faucet, because she can't find anything that can replace the rubber gasket in a short time, so she can only handle it. The principle of well killing is used here.

Although it is very backward in the eyes of the full moon, it is astonishing in the eyes of these ancients!

Yuan Huandong tried it, and found that water really came out, and couldn't help shivering.

Being able to control the power of nature, could it be that his granddaughter is really a person born with knowledge like the legends outside?
Look at the top of the basin and there is a board with a cup on it and two toothbrushes inside.There was also a small box next to it. He looked at it, and it had the word "tooth powder" written on it.

His eyes turned to the basin again. It was made of porcelain, which is not unusual, but the strange shape looked at it before, but now it seems to imply reason.This is the right way to wash your face!

There is also a porcelain box on the basin, with the words "soap, bath, wash hands, face cleansing" written on it.

I couldn't help opening it curiously, and at first glance it was a lavender round piece, and when I smelled it, there was a scent of sweet-scented osmanthus, which made me feel miraculous.

After thinking about it for a while, I figured it should be the same as pig pancreas, so I wet my hands, frustrated, and scared to pee!
Delicate bubbles emerged, but after washing, I found that my hands were all white, and I couldn't help but feel embarrassed when I compared it with another hand.

Are his hands so dirty?
No comparison, no harm, after comparison, I found that the pig pancreas I bought at a high price was simply rubbish!
Thanks to the development of information in later generations, Man Yue started to popularize handmade soap when she was in college in her last life. A roommate was fascinated and took her to play a few times.

And she also met by the way, and made a bunch of handmade soap in the space. After passing through the space, time accelerated, and finally saponified and matured a few days before the opening, ready to be used.

In fact, she didn't expect it to be successful. After all, the power of plant ash cannot be compared with that of limestone. After making it, she realized that it was her own appearance. For saponification, oil and alkali are enough.

Later, she changed her mind and replaced plant ash with alkaline noodles for steamed buns, and found that the effect was better, which opened up a new world.

It turns out that I, a liberal arts student, can also make inventions!
So it got out of hand, I couldn't make a mirror, but I could inlay thin metal sheets on the bottom layer to enhance the brightness, so the magic of the mirror was purely Yuan Huandong's self-imagining!

The full moon has no money to that point!

This is probably the difference between modern people and ancient people.

The brains of the ancients were no worse than those of modern people, what they lack is knowledge.

Even if the full moon is an ignorant modern person, but because the whole society is highly civilized, his knowledge is much wider than that of the ancients.

She is indeed ignorant of some things, but the ancient artisans are not weak, sometimes she raises her head, and others can automatically fill in for her, so she is also worshiped by the artisans now, and they feel that she is the reincarnation of Lu Ban, opening a new era for them. world.

Far away.

Besides, Yuan Huandong didn't go to rest after discovering the surprise everywhere, and looked here and there with the two servants like curious babies.

"This bathroom is worthy of its name. It's a good name. It's a bit inappropriate to put the toilet here, but fortunately, I know how to make a cubicle."

"Master is right, why do you take a bath here! It also says that there is a large bathhouse below, and you can take a bath. Isn't this too degrading? So many people bathe together with their bare spindles..."

Yuan Zhong shuddered when he thought about the scene.

Once you meet a master rabbit, don't you?
Well, it's not surprising that the butler has this idea.

Because rich men and good men in Ming Dynasty have a lot of flair, they won't be despised, that's fashion.

But fashion is fashion, which is unacceptable to straight men, so the butler shudders at the thought of a group of men taking a bath together.

Congratulations to the housekeeper, I knew in advance that the source of the soap was from the men's bathhouse!
In fact, the matter of taking a public bath appeared quite late, but there was a similar behavior before that, that is, taking a hot spring.

However, hot springs are not something that can be played with money. In ancient times, princes and generals enjoyed them. Such high-end enjoyment is not a precipitous iron relationship. They would not do it together. Therefore, bathhouses appeared very late in China. Only at the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China.

However, it is not uncommon to take a bath together. For example, the people near the capital of the Tang Dynasty would take a collective bath in the river during Qingming, and men and women bathed together. For this reason, the Tang Dynasty also gained the reputation of "dirty Tang".

There are so many Yin chaos in the history books. The upper class is like this, and the lower class people are so heroic. This is the so-called upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked.

"It's nothing if they're all boys."

Old man Yuan was quite open-minded, "Maybe it's fun, let's see it tonight."

The butler opened his mouth wide|, suddenly feeling frustrated: Sure enough, we idiots can't understand the thinking of rich masters?
Looking around again, I found that there was another room with a big bed against the wall, and there was also a delicate bed curtain on it, and there was a table beside it, which seemed to be used to put some small things.

On the ceiling of the room, just like the outside room, there is also a huge lotus-like oil lamp. I really don’t know how high it is, how to light it at night?
There are 2 wall lamps on the side of the wall, just like the corridor outside; in addition, there is a compartment, which is a bit surprising when you open it!

Good way!

There is actually a small room here, although it is small, but it is enough for one person to rest, I think it is for the servants to sleep here.

Looking carefully, I suddenly found a few signs. When I opened it, I felt that the dog was beeping. It actually connected to the cloakroom outside. It turned out that this was a secret passage, and I could go to the living room outside, so as not to disturb the owner's rest.

No wonder there is a piece of the cloakroom that doesn't fit just now. The feeling place is not for placing things, but for people to walk away!

Just admiring it, I heard Qi Nu's voice, "This, this is so exquisite! This sofa can be opened, and it becomes a bed! I said why there is a cabinet underneath, and there are bedding in the cabinet. It turns out It’s for this purpose, my God, my lord, the little daughter’s idea is too clever!”

 Sorry, sorry, my mother came back from Zhejiang, today is too busy, the update is late, there are only two chapters, wait for some free time, come up quickly, make up for everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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