Chapter 143
Qi Nu ran to the third floor in one breath, heading for his master's room.

"Open the door, open the door!"

He was so frightened that his face turned pale, he kept looking back, and when he heard footsteps approaching, he was even more anxious, needing to work hard, his head was sweating.

"What are you doing?!"

Yuan Zhong opened the door with an angry expression on his face, "Master is resting..."

He got stuck in the middle of the conversation, he looked at the person with wide eyes, his face turned pale, he pursed his lips, and said tremblingly: "Master Yang, Da Furen..."

"It's really you!"

Sang Yuqin (the name of the eldest aunt) had dark eyes and said coldly: "I wonder which family's brat is so rude. It turns out that the scum of the Yuan family who doesn't value credibility has come!"

The full moon who followed was at a loss, and came up with a gun and a stick. Is the aunt eating gunpowder? !
But when he heard the word Yuan's family, he couldn't help trembling. Is it mother's natal family?
After hearing the story of her parents, although she was not the original owner, she also had thoughts about this grandfather.

It is always annoying to dislike the poor and love the rich in this world.

He didn't ask any questions at the moment, just watched with cold eyes.

"Ma'am, please speak more politely!"

Anger also appeared on Yuan Zhong's face, the emperor humiliated his ministers to death, his master was not an emperor, but as a servant, he would never allow his master to be humiliated like this.

"Your Yang family is the queen of Zhonglie, and our Yuan family is also the queen of Zhonglie. You can say such things at will!"


Sang Yuqin smiled lightly, stroked her temple hair, and said lightly: "Have you forgotten what happened more than ten years ago? My seventh brother died tragically in a foreign land, left an orphan and was almost forced to death. Who gave it? Huh?"

As soon as he said this, Yuan Zhong lost his momentum, and murmured: "Back then King Wu was very powerful, and my master also did it for the good of the two families, and he didn't agree to King Wu..."

"Still making excuses now?!"

Sang Yuqin was so angry that her face turned blue, she pointed at Yuan Zhong and said, "Eleven Niang, can you see clearly? This is a good thing done by shameless people! They must come here today with good intentions!"

Full moon also felt a little angry.

This is too shameless!

If they hadn't asked for the divorce, how could my father have left his hometown?If it wasn't for my grandfather's greed for vanity, how could my mother have eloped and finally died of dystocia due to exhaustion? !
Maybe, not grandpa, everyone is still alive, including the original body, who will not hang himself, and himself will not come to this ancient time!

"Daughter-in-law of the Yang family, I haven't seen you for many years, but your mouth is getting worse."

A voice came from behind Yuan Zhong, and an old man appeared in front of everyone.

The old man has a face with a letter A, and it can be seen that he was a handsome man when he was young.Even though he is fifty or sixty years old now, he looks very refined and kind, completely different from those villains in the drama.

He looked at the full moon, and the moment the eyes of the grandfather and grandson touched in the air, the atmosphere seemed to freeze for a moment.

Something flashed in both of their eyes, the difference was that one was excited and the other contemptuous.


The eldest aunt smiled and said: "Mr. Yuan's skin is getting thicker, no matter how sharp my mouth is, I can't pierce your face..."

A flash of anger flashed in Yuan Huandong's eyes, but remembering that everything today was due to his own hesitation back then, he held back his anger and cupped his hands and said, "Daughter-in-law of the Yang family, the old man was wrong about what happened back then, but the old man also told King Wu, There was a verbal engagement back then, although the refusal was not harsh, but it also showed its attitude. On the contrary, it was your Yang family who not only kidnapped the old man's daughter, but also spread rumors everywhere to destroy the reputation of my Yuan family. Should you give an explanation? ?!"

"Well you old man!"

The uncle's voice suddenly sounded like a thunderbolt behind him, "You are so brazen, you can even say a few words, Mr. Yuan, have you read your sage books into the dog's stomach?!"

When Man Yue turned her head, she saw her uncle walking towards her angrily, Yang Lixin held her tightly, "Father, don't be impulsive!"

This roar completely stunned the tenants, many of them opened their doors and came out to watch the excitement.

This habit has not changed since ancient times.

As long as something happens somewhere, no matter if you have money or not, you have to come out and have a look, and give advice by the way.

Take a look, wow!

What's going on here?
Even the boss here was dispatched, hey, no, the man who was yelling at him seemed to be a relative of the boss here!

what's the situation?
Seeing that the crowd of onlookers increased, Yuan Huandong held back his anger and said, "Nephew, the so-called family ugliness should not be publicized. Even if you hate this old man, you don't want your brother's reputation to be damaged, do you?"

One sentence woke up the angry uncle, and he said with a cold face, "Then where are you going to talk about it?"

Yuan Huandong moved half of his body away and said, "Speak inside."

Man Yue didn't follow, and only said: "Uncle, Auntie, there is still something to do down there, I'll go and watch..."

"Yue girl also thinks that grandpa is also a person who is greedy for vanity, so she avoids seeing him?!"

Yuan Huandong's voice sounded, "Even if there is something wrong with this old man, he is also your mother's father. Are you going to turn a blind eye to this old man?!"

Full Moon turned around and said angrily: "Don't talk about my mother, what right do you have to talk about my mother?! For so many years, have you ever fulfilled your responsibility as a father?! Do you know that I was almost starved to death? Do you know that I was starved to death? Desperation when you put a rope around your neck for someone else to marry?! If it weren't for your selfishness, my father would not die, my mother would not die, and I don't need to show my face at a young age!"

She was surprised by her anger, and felt a voice in her heart that forced her to scream, "Grandpa? Grandpa, hehe... Where were you when my father was holding my mother to seek medical treatment? I was beaten to death in the yamen Where were you then?!"

The questioning made Yuan Huandong turn pale, and Man Yue's chest heaved violently. She knew that the real anger came from the original body's unwillingness and pain.

Even though the soul has changed to another person, the pain of the past is deeply engraved in her bones. She still remembers the burning|hot feeling in her throat when she woke up, and she still remembers shouting angrily at Mrs. Ye, "Come and kill me again!" "And the coughed up blood...

That anger, that unwillingness, that bloody accusation was not hers, but the real full moon's grievance!
When the 12-year-old girl learned that she was going to marry a murderer, she put her head in the rope in despair. Who can understand the feeling? !
Yuan Huandong seemed to be getting old all of a sudden. He looked at the tears in Man Yue's eyes and pursed his lips. The tears were also rolling down, "My child! Grandpa doesn't know that a moment of cowardice will cause today's mistakes! My child, if I knew that in this world With you, how could it be possible for you to be left outside?"

"Little girl!"

Yuan Zhong burst into tears, "The master has been living in remorse for more than ten years. The king of Wu came to propose marriage that day, but the master didn't agree at all. Later, he sent a lobbyist. There were many threats in his words. The master was afraid of offending the king of Wu, so he had no choice but to think about it." Excuse me, I want to discuss this matter with the Yang family... Who would have known that the Yang family betrayed their trust and encouraged my daughter to elope, if the master hadn't been bearing the anger of King Wu these years, how could the Yang family be safe?!"


The uncle said angrily: "Do you still want to show your face?! I will fuck your mother..."

The uncle was really pissed off by these words, and the dignified master was swearing, and jumped up and said, "Well, you old man Yuan, you actually turned the truth around! I have never seen such a shameless person in my life! Forget it, but in the end, I just brought a letter and didn’t even give me a chance to meet in person. What do you think of my Yang family?! If my seventh brother doesn’t escape, won’t he be killed by you?!”

"What letter??"

Yuan Huandong and Yuan Zhong were dumbfounded, "What letter? What letter are you talking about?"

"Pretend, you still pretend?!"

The uncle was so angry that he stomped his feet, and the aunt was also trembling with anger, wiping away tears, not afraid of the crowd watching, pointing at Yuan Huandong and saying: "You, you old man is too deceitful, you still dare to lie Good, good, brother Xin, you go back to Pan'an immediately, go to the old lady and get the letter. Hehe, the mother-in-law is really right, you old man is really a moth again, thinking that we destroyed the letter ? Haha, mother-in-law is wise!"

The clay figurines are still somewhat rustic!Yuan Huandong is old, and being scolded by a junior in front of so many people, no matter how guilty he is, he should be scolded out of anger, and sneered: "Okay, okay, okay, just go and get it, the old man wants to see what you guys are up to." You moth! Not only are you spreading rumors, describing the old man as a man who is greedy for power and sells his daughters for glory, but now he still has a letter of repentance, which is really ridiculous!"

As he spoke, he sneered a few more times, "I haven't settled with your Yang family for the fact that you abducted my daughter and caused her tragic death, you are better off!"

With a heavy snort, he looked at Man Yue and said, "Son, grandpa can swear to God that grandpa has never regretted the marriage. Grandpa's only fault is that he didn't reject King Wu more ruthlessly at that time! You don't have to listen to other words, But you must listen to these words! Yang Jia has ulterior motives, so don’t worry and be kind!"

As he spoke, he went back to the house. The uncle stomped his feet and said, "Don't run away, the handwriting is yours. When we get the letter, we'll see how you deny it!"

A group of onlookers saw the uncle turn around, and immediately all went back to the house to report the gossip to their master.

Walking to the bar on the third floor, my uncle sat there slumped, silent for a long time.

After a while, he stood up suddenly, his body trembling suddenly, "No, it's not good!"

Everyone was depressed and deep in thought, but they were taken aback by his shout.

"what are you doing?"

Sang Yuqin complained a little: "I was so shocked, I was scared to death by you."


The uncle suddenly slapped himself, and said in a trembling voice, "Yu...Yu...Yuqin, you, do you think it is possible for us to be fooled?"


Man Yue's heart trembled, in fact, she felt strange just now.

That cheap grandpa didn't look like he was fake, besides, his mother had passed away, and the king of Wu hadn't made a fuss for many years, so what reason does grandpa have to slander?

If it's for the sake of face, he doesn't have to come; if it's because of his relationship with Leng Yun, he should come a few days later, avoiding the Yang family, isn't it easier to handle himself?
(End of this chapter)

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