Chapter 148 The Disliked Bosses


Yang Jiumei exclaimed, and jumped to her feet: "I forgot about the business once it got messed up! My father told you not to go back today. He will ask people to bring all the things later, and return the yard over there. From now on, I will follow the full warehouse. My aunt lives in the store."

"What's the point?!"

Yang Jiumei looked around furtively, and said in a low voice: "My father said that there are many nobles here, and it is safe for you to live here. You will also live here when Mr. Wang comes later."

After a pause, he continued: "Who knows if that bad woman will do something wrong again, she is so bad, if King Wu still misses your mother, she will definitely come to trouble you, it's better to live here to be safer."

Man Yue thought for a while, and said: "Be careful that you can sail for thousands of years. Uncle's worries are not unreasonable."

After a pause, he continued: "Actually, our restaurant has not been completely completed, and there are still many rooms in the back that need to be remodeled. If this is the case, we can simply stay in the courtyard and live there by ourselves, and save the need to rent a room outside."

"It's long overdue!"

Yang Jiumei looked envious, "Eleven Niang, I really envy you, you are free and easy, you are only 12 years old and already have such a big fortune, and you will not be angry when you go to your in-law's house..."

Man Yue's heart moved, and she suddenly asked, "What's wrong with Eldest Sister?"

As soon as the elder sister was mentioned, Yang Jiumei looked depressed and said in a low mood: "What else can I do? After hearing what I said, I went back and fought for the two children, but in the end, that beast secretly abused her again. I dare not do it again." Got an idea."

"What's the point of making a fuss?"

Man Yue sighed, "If Eldest Sister is not tough, she will be bullied anyway."

After a pause, he said again: "Jiumei, bring my letter with you when you go back, and then bring the elder sister to play together, as a relaxation."


Yang Jiumei is naturally willing, but when she thinks that her eldest sister is married, she can't help but ask anxiously: "Can it be done?"

Man Yue chuckled and said, "As long as the eldest aunt comes forward, it will be fine."

"How to do it?!"

Yang Jiumei was excited, even if the eldest sister couldn't get a divorce, if she could take her out to relax, it would be better to get out of the clutches temporarily than to suffer there!

"I'll tell my aunt later that there are many noble ladies here, and I don't understand anything, so I want to ask my eldest sister to help..."

"Good idea!"

Yang Jiumei clapped her hands and said excitedly: "That Weng Pu must not dare to offend you, now the elder sister will come out!"

As she said that, she hugged Man Yue, kissed her on the face, and said happily: "Eleven Niang, you are really the lucky star of our family, resourceful and resourceful, I will always listen to you from now on!"


The corner of Man Yue's mouth twitched, you are always the elder sister!

"Ninth Sister and Eldest Sister are here, why don't we just stay for a while before going back. I don't understand a lot of things, and I'm bored by myself, so we sisters can be good companions."


Yang Jiumei nodded repeatedly and said, "Let's talk now."

"Not urgent."

Man Yue said: "I'll let someone reserve a few second-class rooms first, and don't go back at night. When we have some free time in the afternoon, we'll go and get our things, and then we can sublet the room to others."

"Eleven Niang, do you think about problems by taking one step at a time?"

Yang Jiumei's eyes were complicated, "I envy your intelligence, but I also love you. You must have suffered too much. Sometimes I feel that you are like my mother. I treat you like an old man, too. Calm down."

Man Yue froze for a moment, but she didn't expect that Yang Jiumei, who had always been evasive, would say such a thing.

After a long while, he stuck out his tongue|head and said, "You are right, the children of poor families are already in charge of the family!"

She was joking, but Yang Jiumei's heart hurt even more when she heard it, "Eleven Niang is really a role model for our generation of women. If Elder Sister is half as strong as you, she won't be like this..."

Tears flashed in her eyes, and Yang Manyue was once again moved by her sincere feelings. She couldn't help but took her hand, squeezed it tightly, and said in a deep voice, "As long as the elder sister needs it, I will never hesitate!"

Yang Jiumei held her hand instead, and said in a low voice, "Thank you, Eleven Niang."



The boom in business was beyond Man Yue's expectations. When she went downstairs to reserve a few standard rooms for her family, she was told that all the rooms were full.

Man Yue also felt a little surprised. Although she did send out some leaflets and used some modern promotional methods before the opening, the business is so good, it is too surprising!
After careful questioning, I found out that many of them came for her name.This answer can't help but make people feel sick, these Ming scholars are too cute, aren't they?

No wonder the ancients liked to write and compare poems. It turns out that this is a great opportunity to become famous!

When I was beaten by Rong Huai, I copied that song, tsk tsk, shouldn't I find another chance to show my character, and then copy another song?
Touching my butt|butt, remembering the taste, forget it, don't look for it, being spanked|butt is not a wonderful experience!

Since there is no room to live in, naturally I can only go back to live.

Fortunately, even if Princess Wu wanted to make a move, she probably wouldn't be so quick, so the rented place is safe for the time being, and she only sleeps at night, and spends most of her time in the store, so it's better to wait until all the rooms at the back are remodeled. It's not too late to move.

It's just that, once you enter the courtyard, you can't use it as a guest room. Fortunately, that place used to be the residence of the original owner. With a little renovation, you can live in it in ten days.

The eldest uncle saw that there was nothing he could do and no longer forced him, but just reminded Man Yue not to go out alone, and must send his children to follow.Seeing her uncle nervous, Man Yue felt warm in her heart.

He must have been overly nervous because of guilt over this matter, and that's why he was like this.

Seeing his frowning look, he comforted him: "Uncle, you don't have to be nervous. Maybe it's just that we're overthinking. Besides, King Wu is not as good as before, so that woman may not dare to come."


Yang Shouchang let out a long sigh, and said rather sadly: "I am the elder brother, and it is my duty to protect the safety of my younger brother. How could I have killed your parents if I hadn't made lies back then? How can I tell my ancestors?" Confession? I don’t have the face to see my father after I die, and I’m even more sorry for my mother..."

"Others intend to harm others, and if they want to hide, they can't hide."


The uncle's face became ferocious again, "This revenge must be avenged! That damned Mrs. Lu must be a trick by her. I'll go find your grandfather right now. As long as he didn't lie, then I can be sure that this matter is true." Mrs. Lu has made a fool of himself!"


Man Yue immediately said: "Uncle, don't go in plain sight! We have to come secretly, and we have to pretend to be discord..."

Yang Shouyan opened his mouth and asked back, "Do you have an idea?"

"Later I dress up as a servant and bring them water."

"You don't know what happened that day, how can you argue?"

"Uncle, write a handwritten letter, explaining what happened that day, and I'll see how grandpa answers."

Yang Shouyan pondered for a while, and said, "That's the only way."

As she spoke, she picked up a pen and wrote a letter. Man Yue put away the letter and planned to act again tomorrow morning.

Today is the opening day, and there is still a lot to do, no matter whether that Concubine Wu will come or not, life is still going on.

In the evening, after a clear account, the depressed uncle finally smiled a little.

The eldest aunt even clicked her tongue secretly, the profit in one day was as much as thousands of taels, so if calculated in this way, wouldn't there be several 10 taels of silver in the account a year? !

The eldest aunt was surprised by this data, but Man Yue was a little dissatisfied, she could only hear her muttering: "It's all those elders, why come here if they have nothing to do? It's just disturbing the people! If they don't come, the private room can do it." The business has started; when they come, they will not only delay the business, but also eat and drink for free, otherwise, we can have at least 3,40 taels of silver in one private room, and if they eat according to their standards, there will be a profit of 5,60 taels! Let them occupy a dozen private rooms, and I will lose hundreds of taels of silver, damn it!"

The corner of the eldest aunt's mouth twitched, shedding tears for those gentlemen.

Such a high-ranking official at the ministerial level is actually disgusted by a little girl. In her eyes, the value is not as cute as silver. Thinking about it is heartbreaking!

But Eleven Niang's idea is dangerous!No, I have to correct myself, "Eleven Niang, I dare not say that. In the past, we couldn't invite those big figures. It is our honor to come to us for nothing. After they come here, they will be here in the future." Who on the ground would dare to trouble you?"

"It's only because I know this truth that I'm troubled!"

Full Moon scratched her hair, her face was like a bitter melon, "Oh! I also want to have a long-term vision, but seeing the white|flower|flower's money run away, I realized that the long-term vision is so expensive! Auntie, my heart aches!"

She clutched her chest as a living treasure, Chen and Sang Yuqin couldn't help it, they laughed until tears came out, and the depressed uncle was completely amused by her, pointing at her and saying: "You child, what are you doing?" Learned it? You ladies can’t take money for granted..."

"Hee hee, Uncle, only a gentleman treats money like dung! I don't pay much attention to a little girl!"

After a pause, he continued: "Auntie, Uncle, I also saw a lot of problems after today's day. It is enough for us to run errands and serve tea, but there are few elegant people who can read and write. You also saw it today. That's really a no-nonsense relationship! My niece thinks that I should find some people who can read and write at home? I don't need any fame or fame, as long as I can help with the management."

As she spoke, she looked at Sang Yuqin again, and said, "My aunt's house is also the best, maybe I can help my niece?"

This is really ironic.

Sang Yuqin had never seen such a talkative person, and her heart softened when she said help her.

What a delight this kid is!Even with her sincere attitude, I, Sang Yuqin, can't cheat her. I have to find some reliable, honest and capable people for her.

Yang Shouyan was also consoling, the child did not forget his roots, and cared about his family, what a Chicheng child this is!
She obviously didn't give her anything at home, and she foolishly harmed her parents, but she still trusts me so much...

Seventh brother, don't worry, Man Yue and Man Cang will be my children from now on, and I will treat them as my own...

(End of this chapter)

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