Chapter 149
No matter how much Sang Yuqin and Yang Shouyan thought about it, they would never have imagined that there are such creatures as timetravelers in the world.

How can you look like a 12-year-old child when you act so thoughtfully?

Thinking that her precocity was forced by life, the husband and wife felt more pity, Sang Yuqin took her hand, patted it and said, "Good boy, don't worry, my aunt will help you Take a good look."

Man Yue looked touched, nodded repeatedly, and then said shyly: "Actually, my niece has an unfeeling request..."


Sang Yuqin raised her eyebrows and said in surprise, "What request do you have?"

"Auntie, what do you think of the people who came today?"

Man Yue looked terrified, "I won't mention those elders, and there are many noble ladies coming. It's also thanks to the fact that I have bamboo curtains in the place by the window, and I can be regarded as Xiaoya just by pulling it." Otherwise, this private room is occupied by the elders today, where will these noble ladies sit? You can’t just sit in the lobby and eat like men, can you?”

"Well, fortunately, you thought clearly and didn't make a fool of yourself today."

"Yes! Mother!"

Yang Jiumei interrupted suddenly, "Oh, mother, I was scared to death today! Fortunately you are here, otherwise those expensive wives would not know how to deal with it."

Man Yue almost cheered for Yang Jiumei, this flattery is brilliant!The pit was dug well, and now I am waiting for my aunt to jump down.

Sure enough, when Sang Yuqin heard this, a glint of complacency flashed across her brows, and then she yelled at Yang Jiumei: "Look at your frizzy appearance! You're still an older sister, not at all as stable as my younger sister."

She took a sip of water, pretending to be calm and said calmly: "Besides, what is there to be afraid of? Those women are of course not young. They are either the wife of the master, or the daughter of the nobleman... But our Yang family is also a famous family. Need to be afraid of them?"

"Auntie is right, I'm afraid you don't have to be afraid. But what Auntie and Sister Jiu said is also reasonable. We open the store across the street and attract customers from all over the world. People feel like home. Thanks to my auntie, you are here today, otherwise I really don’t know what to do..."

As she spoke, she suddenly blessed herself and said: "So my niece is bold enough to ask my aunt to come forward and ask my elder sister to come and teach Man Yue for a few days, so that Man Yue can follow her to learn how to deal with noble ladies."

Sang Yuqin was stunned for a while, then suddenly "puchi" and laughed with her mouth half covered.

"I don't know what's going on!"

She smiled and pointed at Man Yue and Yang Jiumei and said, "You two walked around for a long time, just for this?"

Yang Jiumei smiled embarrassingly, while Man Yue touched her nose and said, "Aren't you afraid that the eldest aunt will disagree? After all, the eldest sister is already someone else's wife."

"Where is this?"

Sang Yuqin smiled, put down the teacup and said: "Although it is wrong to worry about the family affairs after the water spilled by a married daughter. But this breaks the bones and connects the tendons. It is not easy for your sister now. She came back as the eldest sister." It should be helpful for a few days."


Man Yue pretended to be hesitant, "Will this make it difficult for eldest sister?"

"What's so difficult?"

Sang Yuqin suddenly said in a serious tone, "You will be the life of a first-class lady in the future. No matter how powerful the Weng family is, can it be compared to Lord Hou? You have already opened your mouth, and you still don't know people. That's too ignorant."

Man Yue and Yang Jiumei were taken aback, the tone of the eldest aunt, the words...

Could it be that she knew something?
Yang Manyue glanced at Yang Jiumei, saw that she was not in a good mood, thought for a while and said: "Auntie said that, Manyue dare not call the eldest sister here. The so-called family and everything are prosperous, if we let us use power to oppress others outside the brother-in-law's house All right."


The eldest aunt smiled lightly, and I don't know if it was the illusion of the full moon, but felt that the laughter of the eldest aunt was a bit cold.

"So what do they think?"

The face of the eldest aunt suddenly became a little distorted, "After all, he is a nouveau riche, an uneducated thing, and he won't be afraid of dirtying his house when he comes back with a fan!!"

Man Yue and Yang Jiumei breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, seeing Sang Yuqin like this just now, she thought she knew something.

The uncle snorted coldly, but didn't comment.

It is obvious that the eldest brother-in-law married a brothel woman and neglected his wife, which has made the father-in-law feel uncomfortable.It's just because of the man's face that he didn't comment.

"Don't worry about it."

Auntie patted Man Yue's hand, "Your eldest sister is not going well at home recently, you can let her come here at this time, firstly to relax, and secondly, you, my younger sister, are supporting her."

Man Yue repeatedly said that she "can't afford to be taken up", and after Fushen thanked Sang Yuqin, she changed the topic again.

So it was getting late, and after the things to be done tomorrow were finalized, the group left the restaurant and went home.

There was nothing to say all night, and the next morning, when the genius was twilight, Man Yue and Chen Shi had already got up.

He rushed to the restaurant in a hurry and entered through the back door. Everything was carried out as discussed yesterday.

The breakfast master and the guys who got up early to make breakfast were very surprised. Isn't this owner too diligent?This early?
I was secretly startled, but fortunately I didn't slack off, otherwise it would be bad.

Man Yue and Mrs. Chen went upstairs to the workshop on the third floor, changed into the clothes they had prepared earlier, and when it was time to bring hot water, they asked the staff on the third floor to replace them, and went to Room A and C by themselves.

The guy on the third floor is clever, and he saw the farce yesterday.Seeing his wife and the boss coming here early and still dressed like this, he knew that the boss was going to see his grandfather secretly.

Not only did he not make a fuss, but instead he acted as a cover.

In his opinion, after all, it is blood and family relationship. Isn't the boss afraid of being blamed by the uncle if he wants to be like this?The uncle is a master of Juren, and he looks old-fashioned.

"Little boss, don't worry, I'll watch over here."

Man Yue couldn't help being funny, but the play still had to go on, so she could only hold back her smile and said: "Then you stay here with Madam, I will come whenever I go."

"Yes, my little boss!"

"Full Moon, you should be careful."

"Mom, I'm not going to do anything, you are all too nervous."

"Why are you sneaking here when you're not nervous?"

Mrs. Chen nodded her head, "I knew my mother, obviously I also knew in my heart that being careful makes the Wannian ship."

Man Yue stuck out her tongue | head, made a grimace and said: "Then I'll pull it!"

"Hey, go and come back quickly."

Man Yue came to the door of Room A and C with hot water, knocked on the door, and heard a voice after a while, "Who?"

"Bringing hot water."

"Our master hasn't gotten up yet, you can come and see him off later."

"Not now, there will be no hot water soon."

"What do you mean by that?"

The sound came closer, and the door was opened. When he saw the person standing at the door, Yuan Zhong lost all sleepiness and said excitedly: "Little, little..."

"Do you want hot water?"

Full Moon winked.

"Yes, yes, yes! Come on, please!"

Yuan Zhong moved half of his body to let Man Yue in, then poked his head out and looked around. Seeing that there was no one in the corridor, he immediately closed the door, and said repeatedly: "The old slave please... pray for the slave! You bastard, How did you wake up?!!"

Man Yue opened her mouth wide, never would have thought that a young man would come out from the secret passage of the closet, and he was a disheveled young man.

The little guy rubbed his eyes, yawned, and said in a daze, "Uncle Zhong, who's here? The master hasn't gotten up yet, so I dare not... Ah! You, you, why are you here? You, who are you?" ?!"

Qi Nu subconsciously clamped his legs and covered his hands, but on second thought, he was wearing clothes!
But when he saw how he was dressed, he blushed a lot.

It turned out that the clothes were crooked, the whole chest was exposed, and a shoulder was exposed.

Yuan Zhong was horrified, stepped forward to block it, and bowed again and again, "Little lady, forgive me, he, he didn't do it on purpose..."

"Forget it..."

Full Moon shook her head, "However, a little hairy boy is not a great defense against men and women. Those who don't know are innocent. I came here rashly."

Yuan Zhong only felt that the dog was beeping!
Qi Nu is 2 years older than you, you say he is a little boy?


Qi Nu exclaimed, "You, you are, you are..."

He screamed, covered his face and retracted into the tunnel, and Yuan Huandong's reprimand came from inside, "Prayer?! What are you doing so nonsense?! Why don't you let me sleep?!"

"Old, sir!"

Yuan Zhong became excited again, and ran to the door of the bedroom, "Go back to the master, yes, yes, it's the little girl, yes, yes, um, it's Sister Yue who is here!"

"What?! Qinu, hurry up, help me up!"

"Slow down, don't worry!"

Man Yue sat down, poured herself a cup of hot water, and drank slowly.

It didn't take long for Yuan Huandong to leave. The moment he saw the full moon, his eye circles turned red. He trembled, but he didn't dare to approach him. He just said, "My child, my child..."

Tears fell while speaking, and I couldn't say a word anymore.

Man Yue took out the uncle's letter from her bosom, stood up and saluted, and said, "Grandpa, today I..."

"Again, shout again..."

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by the excited grandpa, "Come on, call it again."

The full moon looked up, and what she saw was an eye full of expectation.

There is no utilitarianism in the world in those eyes, only an old man's longing for his relatives.

She saw in his eyes his longing for his mother and... self-blame! ! !
His heart softened at once, he stepped forward to support him, and said: "Grandpa, sit down, Man Yue greets you."

At this moment, Man Yue is willing to believe this old man, because the eyes cannot be deceived.

"Ai, ai."

Yuan Huandong burst into tears, looked at Man Yue and said, "Son, it's all because of my grandfather's fault for suffering you these years. It's all because of my grandfather's fear of trouble. If it wasn't for his weakness, your father would not have done such a thing, and you would not have done it." I won’t suffer so much, it’s Grandpa who’s sorry for you, children…”

The old man who was over fifty years old cried heart-rendingly, and Man Yue's eyes were red. The grandpa and grandson looked at each other and wept. After crying for a long time, Man Yue sniffed and said, "Grandpa, watch your eyes carefully." .The full moon came here today, and I actually want to ask you something."

She wiped away her tears, and handed over the uncle's handwritten letter, "This is also what uncle meant, you can tell when you read the letter..."

 Ahhhhhhhh, the author has been in too much pain these days, the plot has not been smooth, the outline needs to be sorted out, typing is slow, 6000 words are updated every day, I am really sorry everyone!But the author will try his best to straighten out the plot, I hope everyone will continue to support me!In addition, I would like to ask you something: the author sees that other authors are 1000-word chapters, is the author also adapting to the trend and changing to 1000-word chapters?Please give me your opinion!

(End of this chapter)

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