Chapter 150 Obligations
"Why, how could this happen?!"

After reading the letter, Yuan Huandong said, "Old man, I have never written such a letter, no, no, I have never asked anyone to bring me a message. Moreover, I have clearly told King Wu that your mother has a marriage contract, but, just Wu Wang Na is powerful, I, I put it more tactfully..."

Yuan Huandong stood up immediately, and said with absent-minded eyes: "No wonder... no wonder... no wonder your mother fled with your father regardless of her reputation. In this way, the person who came to bring the message is also very suspicious!!!"

Man Yue's heart trembled, and she hurriedly asked, "Grandpa, what message?"

Yuan Zhong also sensed that something was wrong. Seeing the master's distraught look, he hurriedly stepped forward to support him, and said, "Little lady, there was a prince from the palace who came with him before, and his words were threatening..."

Man Yue squinted her eyes, pondered for a while and said, "Is there something wrong with that long tail?"

"Looking at it this way, I think the Lu family has a big problem!"

Yuan Huandong came back to his senses again, gritted his teeth and said: "Wu Wang met your mother accidentally at the poetry meeting, and fell in love with her at first sight. But now, Mrs. Lu will be embarrassed. Yes, she must have done this! She is Princess Wu now, she has benefited, it must be her, it must be her!"

Yuan Huandong seemed to be dazed, and he scratched his hair in pain, "How could this old man be so confused? How could a gentle gentleman like Brother Xin do such a thing if he hadn't been under great threat? I hate that this old man still feels that she He is a good friend with Yunniang, and Ju has always treated her as a guest of honor..."

"Master, master!"

Yuan Zhong's complexion changed, Yuan Huandong's chest heaved violently, and he was about to let go of his anger, he patted his back vigorously, and said, "Master, you have to hold on, or Fifth Miss will be wronged... "


Yuan Huandong panted heavily, and it took him a while to calm down. He sat down slumped, saw his granddaughter showing concern, and felt a little better. After thinking about it, he said: "Although there is no definite news, the old man has also heard rumors. It is said that the palace intended to choose the Lu family as a concubine. It was only later that the old man thought that the palace was afraid of losing face and forced a betrothed daughter to flee, so I said that..."

"Master, now it seems that there should be something true. The acquaintance between the fifth girl and Mrs. Lu now seems that Mrs. Lu did it on purpose..."

Full Moon closed her eyes, her hands tucked into her sleeves trembled slightly, and she asked in a trembling voice, "Grandpa, what will Queen Wu's attitude be?"

"I, I didn't dare to say that your mother ran away..."

"Then what did you say?"

"I said she had a serious disease..."

The words came here but didn't go on, but Man Yue understood everything.

"So, at least on the face of it, we didn't have an antagonism with the King of Wu?"

Yuan Huandong was stunned for a moment, and suddenly he said: "I can't say that...Actually, I think he should know that your mother has run away, and that long follower came several times, and his words are so ironic and dissatisfied, I will give them money... "

At this point, Yuan Huandong himself couldn't go on talking.A major joint is opened, and things that were previously taken for granted can become suspicious.

With a trembling voice, he said in a low voice: "Yue girl, what are you doubting?"

"Why does grandpa need to ask granddaughter again?"

Man Yue looked at Yuan Huandong, "Grandpa already has the answer in his heart, doesn't he?"

The atmosphere suddenly seemed to freeze, becoming extremely dull.

Man Yue drank tea slowly, thinking about it.

Now, the matter seems to be very clear, the crux of the problem is: Was the letter ordered by King Wu, or was Lu's own initiative, and King Wu turned a blind eye?
But no matter what the result is, it seems to be very bad for the full moon.

Because one thing is certain: King Wu knew about his mother's escape!
As for why he didn't pursue it later, only Wu Wang himself knows.

Perhaps his mother died, and he felt that there was no need to pursue it...

This is probably the best guess, and the only reason why he didn't embarrass his father anymore; or maybe, in this, Lu Shi played an active role in the end. She didn't want her husband to have anything to do with her mother anymore. Among them, tampering was done, but the peaceful life of his father for more than ten years was protected.

Yuan Huandong's heart was extremely heavy. If King Wu knew about it, then...

He didn't dare to think about it anymore, thinking that he still regarded the person who killed his daughter as a guest of honor, the old man wanted to die.

Seeing his loss, Man Yue feared that the ups and downs would damage the old man's body, so she said in a low voice, "Although the father is punished, it is only natural for the son to take revenge, but if it is King Wu, granddaughter thinks we should bear it..."


Yuan Huandong's reaction was the same as Yang Shouyan's, his eyes were full of shock and anger, "They are the murderers who killed your parents, you, you unfilial son!"

Man Yue let out a long sigh, and said in a low voice: "Otherwise, what can we do? Although King Wu is not as good as before, as long as he is not rebellious, we can't do anything to him. But my Yuan and Yang families have thousands of clansmen, Is grandpa going to let them be buried together? He is not a Fuguo, nor a lieutenant, but a prince!!"

Yuan Huandong opened his mouth, shivered for a long time, finally closed it weakly, and said, "Such a big enmity, should it be forgotten?"

"It's good to have a chance to block them."

A gleam of coldness flashed in the eyes of the full moon, "They better not mess with me again, or I will let them die without a place to bury!!!"

These words were murderous, coming from a 12-year-old girl's mouth, if it was normal, it would definitely cause a joke.But Man Yue said it out of her mouth, but she felt that she could really do it.

"You, what are you going to do?"

Full Moon laughed, "Since that's the case, we don't need to act. The two families just reconcile. Besides, Grandpa, there are too many things in this world that are small and big. Since the reform, these clansmen have been dissatisfied. Doing business in this city, but apart from the prince and the county king, the other clan members have no benefit at all. I heard that the Wu Wang family has a big business, many children, and it is a romantic prince. Many clan members are jealous."

Yuan Zhong's heart trembled, and only now did he realize that this little girl of hers didn't take revenge?She's just enduring, looking for the right moment to take revenge.

Yuan Zhong was right!
No matter what Man Yue thinks in her heart, in this era where filial piety is the heaven, if you don't avenge your parents, you will be cast aside.And in such an era, if your moral character is flawed, everything you do is evil.

So whether Man Yue is willing or not, she has to show her attitude.Even if it is a mayfly shaking a big tree!
Even if King Wu can't be punished, but if Lu's family is brought down, then she has fulfilled her duty as a son of man!
Filial piety is the highest moral standard in this empire, even the emperor is not exempt!
Except that it is the Son of Heaven who plots against Man Yue's parents, otherwise even if you go to the prince, you have to ask him for an explanation, otherwise it is unfilial!When this lawsuit is brought before the emperor, the whole moon must show its attitude!
What is this called? !

The full moon is also helpless.

A good farm girl farming script, how did it become a story of revenge now?

"what do you mean……"

"There are quite a few clansmen in Ningbo. Not to mention anything else, I heard from my uncle that the King of Wu has many sons. Heh, he doesn't worry about being few, but about unevenness!"

Yuan Huandong's eyes lit up, and then he said sinisterly: "Young girl Yue is right, I'll go back and inquire now, inquire."

"Grandpa, don't be impulsive. We just pretend that nothing happened. If they come, it's not too late for us to act."

"Isn't that too passive?"

Man Yue shook her head, and said in a low voice: "I'm not Wu Xia Ameng, even for Mu Shi's sake, they wouldn't dare to act rashly..."

She smiled wryly as she spoke, and thought to herself: "After all, I still have to take advantage of uncle's power!"

But I also thought about it in my heart, if fate destined them to be intertwined | threads, then there would be no need to distinguish so clearly.

After all, even if he is full of mouths now, no one will believe him if he says that he has nothing to do with Leng Yun.

Just like what Leng Yun said, from the moment he hugged himself in Dinghai County, everyone in the world recognized that she was his wife and couldn't get rid of her.

Yuan Huandong looked at this granddaughter, she was so thin, only 12 years old, capable of acting out of date, with a long-term vision, she looked like someone in her 30s, she was relieved, but also sad.

If I had been decisive at the beginning, wouldn't I have given others a chance?

If that's the case, is his daughter and son-in-law still alive?And the full moon will also be a lady of everyone, unlike now, who clearly recognizes her ancestors and returns to her clan, but still has to come out to do things.

Yuan Huandong was also born in a big family, so he is naturally aware of the twists and turns in the gate of the mansion.So he can also be sure that this is Man Yue's own idea!
What a clever boy!

In fact, people are very fickle.

Even relatives are the same.

She didn't grow up in that family, and bringing a younger brother back would have to divide the family property.Close relatives have no objections, but what about the others?Can you guarantee it?

Only by coming out of that family and making some contributions to the family can this be safe.

Yuan Huandong thought clearly, and guessed exactly.

Full Moon needs a family's support, and that's the price she has to pay.

When something is revealed, everything is truly terrifying.

"Yuan Zhong, go and take out the things."

"Yes, sir!"

A box was brought over, and Yuan Huandong handed it to Man Yue, saying, "Son, this is a gift from grandpa for meeting you. Besides that, there is your mother's dowry. She has a hard life, so you can keep it for her."

"This, how is this possible?!"

Man Yue quickly refused, because Yuan Zhong had already opened the box, and apart from some jewelry, all she saw was the land deeds of farms and shops.

She dare not accept this thing.


Yuan Huandong sighed for a long time, and said: "Perhaps it was to punish me for being weak at the beginning. In the past ten years, my Yuan family's descendants have withered. Although your mother is the fifth, but now you only have two aunts alive, and the rest are gone. ..."

Speaking of this, he turned red-eyed again, and said in a low voice: "This old man has only two sons in total, but one died of illness, and the other lost his eyesight. The grandchildren can't grow up, and only one is still alive." Cheng Huan under her knees, but she is only nine years old..."

 After thinking about it, it’s better to have a chapter of 3000 words, a chapter of 1000 words is very uncomfortable...

(End of this chapter)

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