Chapter 155


Panting, she lowered her head and whispered: "You have to take care. No matter how busy you are, you must eat early, or you will hurt your stomach. The weather is cold, so you should wear more clothes. The capital is damp and cold, don't be brave, get a hand stove to cover it ..."

Listening to her rambling, he didn't feel sloppy at all, he just felt that his cold heart was being melted bit by bit by her bright smile, which was very ironic.

Grabbing her hand, she found that her hand was cold, and she held it with some distress, and said, "Don't worry, I have my sense of proportion. But you... the doctor said that you have suffered too much, your body is not good, and your blood is not good enough. Fullness, severe deficiency, and can’t make up, so I have to rely on food to recuperate. You have to eat the jujube I brought with you every day, and add some red beans... Astragalus stewed bones are also good, but you should not eat too much, after all, it’s still small. Food If you eat well, you will grow back..."

She lowered her head, and suddenly her eyes turned red.

This person has a cold personality, why has he ever talked so much?

He also heard him continue: "Don't be picky, I think you are a bit picky, it's not good. Also, I'm not here, don't force yourself, if you fight hard like last time, see if I come back and don't interrupt you leg……"

She couldn't take it anymore, tears fell down, sobbing: "You are so long-winded."

What are you doing so long-winded?The words made her panicked, she was moved, but also even more reluctant. This kind of emotion involved her and made her extremely uncomfortable.

Seeing her crying, he was stunned for a moment, then hugged her tightly again with pity, rubbed her hair and said, "Why don't you go to the capital with me."

She looked up in surprise, with tears still in her eyes. He lowered his head and kissed away her tears, then pecked lightly on the cheek, and said in a low voice: "Hey, don't cry, I can't bear you either..."

"Where can I go?"

She snuggled into his arms, he was a little surprised, at this moment she is very small woman, as if she has infinite attachment to him, which made his heart weak, and there was a trace of tenderness in his long and narrow black eyes, as if to make people addictive.

"Where can't I get away? Now that everything in the store is going well, my aunt is not as useless as you think. You Ningbo people are born to do business, and you have a few Yang family children and a few litigants to help. It’s not worth it either.”


She shook her head, buried her face in his chest, and listened to his strong heartbeat, only to feel that her heart was getting more and more blocked, and the hand around his waist couldn't help tightening, "After all, we are not married, so going with you like this is not enough." It's not right."

"Then we're getting married today."


She smiled through tears, thumped his chest lightly, and said, "What nonsense?"

"You think I'm joking? Huh? Look at me..."

She looked up at him, and saw that his stern face seemed to be even colder, with a look of solemnity, and she saw him saying every word: "As long as you nod, we will get married immediately."

She knew he wasn't joking, but she couldn't handle this matter.

"A gentleman is not enough to establish a world without trust, let alone filial piety?"

"I knew it would be so..."

There was a hint of disappointment in his eyes, but he admired her even more, pecked lightly on her lips, and said, "I won't force you, but what I said is true..."

"Ok, I know!"

She looked up at him, showing a bright smile, "I heard that the salted duck in Beijing and the cured meat with plum blossoms are very delicious, can you bring me some?"

He couldn't help laughing, nodded her head and said: "Little glutton, you never forget to eat."

After a pause, he said, "It's okay to bring it to you, but I'm leaving. What can you make me eat?"

"Dry food?"

She curled her lips, "It's not far from here to Nanjing. It takes a few days to get there, and it's basically by water. There are so many prosperous places along the way. How can you remember my dry food?"

"I like everything you do. Also, on the way, there are many places where you can't go to the village or go to the shop. Are you trying to starve your husband and me to death if you don't make dry food for me?"


She blushed, stared and said: "What husband? Then tear your mouth apart!"

"With your hands?"

He licked his lips, that look very coquettish|extremely coquettish.


She couldn't help laughing, "You, you are so nice, so cheap..."

"Have fun with the beauties."

He curled his lips into a smile, then pressed a kiss on the corner of her mouth, and said in a low voice, "Are you in a better mood?"

She widened her eyes and said, "Where am I in a bad mood? I was fine at the beginning, it was you, it was you who were unhappy there, which made me unhappy..."

"Isn't it the roundworm in my stomach? How do you know I'm unhappy?"

His ears turned suspiciously red when she said the central matter.Avoiding her visiting gaze, she turned her head to the side, and said with an unnatural expression: "It's normal for a hero to be sad about the beauty pass, and I'm not willing to leave."

She tilted her head to look, and seeing his unnatural expression, she couldn't help being overjoyed, and said slyly: "Uncle, are you shy? Hee hee, are you so reluctant to part with me? You were clearly unhappy just now, because me?"

"Have you always been this self-absorbed?"

His expression became more and more unnatural, "The girl is really thick-skinned."


She suddenly tiptoed and stretched out her arms to hug his neck, pretending to be frivolous and said: "Oh, I'm so sorry... Come on, come on, give me a smile, little beauty..."


He glared, grabbed her thin arm and said, "Can you speak well? Where did you learn it? Huh?!"

A slightly rising "um" scared the girl to let go immediately, because the expression of the uncle was changing at the speed of light, and it was already gloomy in an instant.

Withdrawing his paws, he said embarrassingly, "Just kidding, why are you so serious?"

"gone back."

"Huh? Are you going back now?"


He took her hand, licked his lower lip and said, "Yue'er still wants to stay here with me?"

She shivered and shook her head again and again, "Let's go for a walk on the street."

"Why don't you go back and think about what to do for me, I'm leaving the day after tomorrow..."

"Tch, I've thought about it a long time ago, why do I need to go back and think about it?"

"Oh? Then what are you going to do for me?"

Man Yue glanced at him, suddenly smiled mysteriously, and said, "I won't tell you."

"What do I have to know?"

"Really want to know?"

She leaned closer to him and poked his waist with a rather lewd expression.

He looked at her little hand, and thought to himself: "It is said that a woman will become lawless if she is pampered too much. Am I pampering her too much?"

Thinking like this in my heart, but subconsciously, I liked her undisguised intimacy. I raised my eyebrows and said a word, "Say!"

"Haha! Of course it is the most delicious dry food, Wu Dalang's cooking cake! Hahahahaha!"

"What's so funny about that?"

He frowned, and suddenly said: "If you dare to make me cakes, I will break your hands!"

She was taken aback, and suddenly turned her face, what's wrong?
She glanced at him cautiously, with confusion in her eyes.

He snorted coldly, "I am not Wu Dalang, nor Ximen Qing, nor Wu Song."

The inexplicable words sounded a little thoughtless. Is this person crazy?
Man Yue was confused, seeing that she was still staring at him blankly, he couldn't help saying bitterly: "If you dare to betray me, just like Pan Jinlian, I will definitely make it impossible for you to live or die!"

The words were full of evil spirit, as if the sky and the earth were darkened, and the cold murderous spirit emanating from the man's body instantly made people tremble.

But it's also a ghost. In the past, she was scared to death when this evil spirit stared at her, but this time she was not so scared. How can I get along with that Ximen Qing? Besides, I want to be Pan Jinlian, and that Pan Jinlian poisoned Wuhan University to death early in the morning, everyone is dead, how can you take revenge?"

His eyes instantly became sinister and vicious, and he paused every word: "Little thing, do you know what you're talking about?"

She nodded, then suddenly stretched out her arms to hug him, and said with pity: "Uncle, these years must have been difficult for you, right?"

He was confused again by her sudden movement, Leng Yun suddenly felt that the little thing was a little strange.Or maybe, I never knew her before?
Is her temperament so changeable?

But no matter what, after being treated like this by her, the anger couldn't be vented, and she stood there stiffly.

"Only people who have suffered enough from childhood will be like you and me..."


"Lack of security! I want to cling desperately to the things I care about. Are you angry if you just use an analogy?"

He thought for a while and asked, "So what?"

"Hee hee, not so good!"

She hugged him tightly, put her face on him, and said in a low voice: "I just want to tell uncle that I am also such a person, and I can't tolerate the slightest bit of sand in my eyes. Uncle, what I want is a couple for life, uncle If you can't do it, even if it's just once, then you will always be the husband of the full moon, not the uncle of the full moon..."

After she finished speaking, she let go of her hand, took a few steps back, and said, "I'm going back."

As he said that, he turned around and was about to leave, but he caught him just after taking a step, and only heard his hoarse voice, each word paused, with his characteristic deep voice, "I never made such a promise." Don't bother to do it, time will prove everything, I just tell you, if you go to Qin Muchu, I will let you die!"

She turned around, glared at him, and said, "Overbearing!"

"Why aren't you?"

He rubbed her head, "Dare to say such things to my husband before entering the door, forbidding my husband to take a concubine, it is really audacious, and regards etiquette as nothing!"


She pouted and said angrily: "Men can't accept that a woman has another heart, but he can have three wives and four concubines. Isn't a woman raised by her father and mother? Don't women have a heart? What is the husband? Shit, virtuous and generous, it’s all done by people who are trying to catch fame! Including the people who wrote those books, bah, if a woman doesn’t care, then she is ruthless to her husband, and that is the biggest injustice!”

He rubbed his eyebrows, and said helplessly: "You seem to have a lot of opinions on men... You were the same when you talked about the women in the brothel last time. This temper is not small. I guess the wife of Fang Xuanling is like you, a shrew." ..."

(End of this chapter)

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