Chapter 156 Bookseller
Her face flushed.

What are you doing, just eat some candy, why do you feel so ambiguous|ambiguous?
A certain girl sitting in his arms suddenly regretted it.

Why is it that the sense of déjà vu between Shushu and Little Lolita is getting stronger and stronger?
For example, right now, I seem to be being fed lollipops!

A certain girl who wanted to cry but had no tears finished eating the candy blessing word with her uncle with tears in her eyes, and fulfilled their promise to share the blessings.

After eating candy, it's time to go back.

He took her hand out of the yard, and after a few alleys, he let go of her hand and walked forward slowly.

The street was quiet again now.After lunch, it was time for a nap, and many people went home to sleep.

He sent her to the door of the store and said, "Go back."

"What about you?"

Hearing the reluctance in her tone, she said: "There are still some things in the Yamen, I will come to listen to the storytelling in the afternoon."

When I heard that he was still coming, I was instantly happy, "It starts at the beginning of the afternoon, don't miss it."

"Well, I know. You go back to sleep."

"Ah, you too."

wave goodbye.

Watching the man leave, she didn't turn around until his back disappeared into the street.Unexpectedly, when he turned around, he saw Mancang standing behind him with an ambiguous expression, his face darkened suddenly, and he scolded: "Stinky boy, stand quietly behind me, you want to scare me to death!"

"Hey, sister, brother-in-law is going back now?"

"Well, he still has work to do! But you, why don't you take a nap? Otherwise, you won't be able to read in the afternoon. After two days, the back yard will be finished, and Mr. Wang will be here. If you miss your homework, see Mr. How to deal with you!"

"I got bored reading and turned around."

Mancang straightened his face and said, "I won't take a nap in the future."


"Xiao Shi is right. I am enlightened later than others. If I don't work hard, how can I take the imperial examination?"


Man Yue patted his head lightly, ignoring the astonished little face, and said: "The short rest is for walking a longer distance, go and take a nap!"

"A short break is to go a long way? That's really good!"

The sudden voice behind them surprised the siblings. They turned around and saw a man about forty years old with two servants. When Man Yue turned around and looked over, he saluted with fists and said: " If the old man’s guess is correct, it should be Yang’s face to face, right? The old man is from Song’s Bookstore, and I’m here for the mortal’s sage biography if I take the liberty of disturbing you today.”

Man Yue was stunned for a moment, then turned sideways and said, "Please come inside, old gentleman!"

His face was calm, but his heart was full of joy.

This Song's Bookstore is one of the largest bookstores in the southeast. It is powerful, and the quality of the printed books is exquisite and the price is fair. It is widely welcomed by readers.Its owner, Song Yuxi, also has a reputation as a student, and is good at meticulous painting. He is also well-known in Ningbo and has a lot of influence in the local scholar circle.

How could Man Yue not be excited when such a person came to his door?
It's said that it's for her mortal, obviously she wants to find the rhythm of her own publishing!
A certain girl became a little excited when she thought of being able to publish herself.I used to love to write about nonsense when I was studying, and I have produced some tofu cubes, but it is really too far away to publish books.

And now someone tells her that she can publish, how can she not be excited?
But she also knows that this kind of joy cannot be revealed when talking about business, or she will suffer a loss!

She still prefers making money than publishing!
He took this old gentleman to a private room, served three or four plates of dim sum, and a pot of Longjing. After the guests and hosts were seated, after some polite introductions to each other, they got to the point.

Song Yuxi took a sip of tea and said, "This old man lives in the world under the name of Yuxi. Master Yang calls me Yuxi, so you don't need to be so polite."

"The elders are respected, and the full moon dare not be rude."

Man Yue poured tea for him again, and continued: "I'd better call you Mr. Yuxi."

"Then the old man is too polite, how about calling you Yang Xiaoyou?"


"Come here today, the old man is here for the biography of mortals. I don't know who wrote this book? Now the whole city is discussing this matter. I am not talented. I want to talk to you face to face. I, Song's Bookstore, would like to print this book."

Full Moon didn't use her real name as a signature, so except for a few people, the outside world didn't know that the book was written by her.

She thought for a while and then said: "Who is the author? Excuse me, I can't tell you about the whole moon. That gentleman is determined to start a career, so he doesn't want to disclose his name. He only left the pseudonym of Sang Ziyuan. As for the publication, I have also entrusted it, and the young girl is in charge."


Song Yuxi took a sip of tea, with a trace of regret in his expression, but he quickly pulled himself together, nodded and said: "If this is the case, that's great."

These days, there are many literati who write story books under pen names and do not want to reveal their true colors.Although the market for novels is huge, in the eyes of literati and bureaucrats, they are heretics. The status of novels at this time is probably similar to that of Internet literature in later generations. Just like the traditional literary circles of later generations do not recognize Internet literature very much.

I think it's something that can't be put on the table.

And novels are now the same as online literature. Many scholar-bureaucrats read or even write in private, but they are unwilling to reveal their real names in order to become famous.

So when Man Yue said this, Song Yuxi didn't force it, and immediately started the business-like way, and started to negotiate the price.

Man Yue listened quietly, and had a preliminary understanding of the Ming Dynasty's publishing industry.


She frowned, the other party's conditions were a bit harsh.

Exclusive publishing also means that she can no longer print small-character newspapers, which is absolutely intolerable to her.

You must know that after half a month of fermentation, the circulation of Mortal Biography has reached 2, and this is the result of her control.She has occupied the market by herself, even if she doesn't cooperate with others, she still makes a lot of money.

Letting this old man in now is nothing more than fancying their sales channels, but if she wants to be an exclusive agent, it is absolutely impossible to prevent her from printing small-character posters.

She thought for a while, but didn't agree immediately, instead she asked Xu Hui, "Brother Xu, how many small-character posters do we print every day?"

Xu Hui was not a bookworm, so when he heard this, he immediately understood what his boss meant, and immediately responded, "Go back to my boss, about 2 taels. After all costs are taken into account, there will be a daily profit of 6,70 taels."

After a pause, he continued: "If the master had opened the seal, I'm afraid it would have already paid forty to fifty thousand..."

The tone that sounded like complaints fell into Yuxi's ears, but it was like a thunderbolt!

He has also seen that small-character poster. The paper is very ordinary and the handwriting is still clear, but there are so many people buying such a thing?
Before he came here, he knew that mortal rumors are very popular nowadays, and he probably counted them, but he is not a person who returns to the forest. He never thought that he was so popular. Hearing this, they still restrained themselves on purpose. If there is no limit to the supply...

He suddenly didn't dare to think about it.

The biography of mortals is excellent both in terms of subject matter and conception, and it appeals to both refined and popular tastes. Not only ordinary people love to read it, but even the upper-class people like to read it.Now many teahouses and restaurants are talking about this book, although it is slower than Gui Linju, but because of this book, the business of the shop has improved a lot, which shows the charm of this book!

And he has no doubts about Yang Manyue's limited supply, because there are many manuscripts and other counterfeit products on the market.

No one is a fool and can see the huge benefits in it, so this is the reason why he personally went out.

He felt that 10 taels of silver for a chapter was a sky-high price, but now it seems that it is insignificant.

It is foreseeable that as long as the author does not have a convulsion in the future and maintains this level, big sales are guaranteed!He couldn't even imagine that amount!

After all, it's only been half a month and the popularity has reached this level, who knows what will happen in the future?After all, Daming is very short of words!Many people buy dog|shit-like translations of historical stories, not to mention such a boutique!
After some calculations in my heart, I thought for a while and said, "The old man is willing to pay more for the finishing touches. How about 10 taels for a thousand characters?"

This is really a sky-high price, and Xu Hui's eyes were green in an instant.

But he looked at Man Yue, seeing her calm face, he couldn't help feeling ashamed.

My self-cultivation is too bad, look at the little boss, this is the one who can't show his emotions!

Man Yue took a sip of tea and said: "Mr. is very sincere, Man Yue is very grateful, thank you on behalf of Mr. Sang Ziyuan. It's just..."

She put down her teacup, glanced at Yuxi and said, "Now I rely on this book for Linju's business. If I'm not allowed to announce it, then I'll lose more than I gain."

After a pause, he continued: "Sir, they are all elders in my hometown, and I will tell you the truth at the end of the month. When Mr. Sang Ziyuan gave me this script, I told him about the current sales model, sir. Approved. He has a pen fee for a small-character poster, and he is very satisfied with it."

"But the old man is giving ten taels for a thousand characters!"

Song Yuxi thought for a while and said, "So, how about 12 thousand characters? That 2 taels is for Yang Xiaoyou's hard work."

There was already contempt in the words, I thought that this woman who could write such poems must be a fellow, but I didn't expect that she was full of copper stink, which was contemptible.

Man Yue smiled, and didn't care about his contemptuous attitude, she just said indifferently: "Mr. I don't know, can you see the mystery from my small-character poster? Mr. Sang Ziyuan has seen it. He is the same as Fang Yu in the book, I am so poor that I don’t even have the money to buy books, and all my knowledge is learned from listening to private schools..."

"This, isn't this the same as Fang Yu in the book?"

Song Yuxi was a little surprised, "So, Sang Ziyuan almost starved to death?"


Full Moon's nonsense skills are getting stronger and stronger, and she just opened her mouth, "What else can we blame in such a situation? Canglan knows etiquette well enough!"

She deliberately sighed, "So now I am satisfied with what I am doing now. And the power of this small-character poster is far from that, and Mr. Ziyuan has seen this."

"Which point?"

There was a little more smile in Man Yue's eyes, and she was happy in her heart: Did you finally follow the rhythm of your sister?I'm afraid that if you don't come, if you come, you will be taken down!Humph, many of the things in it are actually my sister's original creations. If you work so hard, if you don't make good use of them, you will be sorry for yourself!

 Wow wow wow, today is relatively smooth, I hope to write another chapter, is there a monthly ticket to encourage it?
(End of this chapter)

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