Chapter 161
"Eleven Niang, do you think Eighth Uncle can be a deputy editor-in-chief?"

Man Yue was slightly taken aback, and said: "Uncle Ba is a Jinshi, so it's too wronged."

"Where is the grievance?"

Yang Shouchi smiled wryly, "I'm not as good as a phoenix with a hairless hair now, how can a person who has been expelled have any glory?"

Manyue thought for a while, and said: "If Uncle Ba is in charge, then Manyue will feel relieved. For other editors, Uncle Ba will decide. It's just that I have a few trustworthy people here who are good at collecting anecdotes. At that time, the family was indebted to Eighth Uncle to take care of one or two."

Yang Shouyan and Yang Shouchi admired: This is a child who is very good at how to behave.

Such a person is easy to attract favor, Yang Shouchi stroked his beard and said: "Although Wang Ziming is a celebrity, he may not have much experience in the imperial examination. From now on, Xiao Shi and Xiao Shi will come to this old man to study every ten days."

This is reciprocating, and it is a great thing to have a second-class Jinshi to give advice on how to take the exam!How can there be no reason to be unhappy at the full moon?
Immediately she blessed herself happily and said: "Yes, Man Yue thanked Uncle Ba on behalf of the two younger brothers."

"Silly boy, what are you being polite about?"

Man Yue smiled, and thought to herself: "If I'm useless, can you still be so polite?"

That's how people are. In the final analysis, most of the time it's because of profit!
She didn't care what the purpose of Yang Shouchi's joining the newspaper was, she only knew that she would have another helper at home in the future. She was a descendant of the Yang family, and he would be as prosperous as Yang Shouchi, and he definitely had no reason to harm him.

On the contrary, because it is a family, it is the strongest alliance in this era. Compared with the fellowship, the fellowship is much stronger.

Then the details were finalized, and at the end when he talked about King Wu, the eighth uncle said indifferently: "The current King Wu can't afford to make waves. He knows that he is tabooed by the palace, so he didn't dare to take the initiative to find him. trouble."

Yang Shouyan couldn't help nodding, "I've inquired about it these days, and I found that King Wu's life is really difficult now. Hehe...retribution..."

The always gentle elder uncle looked a little ferocious at the moment, "As a vassal king, he did such an ignoble thing. It would be a miracle if this was only done by Mrs. Lu."

"It doesn't matter if it's true or not?"

Uncle Ba took a sip of tea, and said in a calm tone: "I don't agree with you guys looking for something to do with the King of Wu. The emaciated camel is bigger than a horse, and after all, it is used to hide ugliness. The palace doesn't like it. Concerned about the face of the late Emperor, you should know that unless it is a crime of treason, you cannot move him."

"Is that so?"

The uncle gritted his teeth and said: "He calculated my Yang family so much, and Eleven Niang lost her parents since she was a child, and almost lost her life. Is it just like that?"


Eighth Uncle sighed and said, "Later, the limelight passed, and Seventh Brother didn't return home. He obviously noticed something, and if he didn't come back, he didn't want others to mention it again? If you pursue it now, not only will Seventh Brother and Seventh Sister-in-law The reputation is damaged, and Man Yue will become a concubine because of it, do you want things to become like this?"


Yang Shouyan was suddenly speechless.

Yes, if the matter is exposed, my younger brother would be disgusted with kidnapping a woman from a good family; even if this suspicion can be cleared, a name that is not polite, immoral and immoral will be on him; and the seventh brother and sister are even worse , directly became a woman who did not obey women's morals, and she could only be a concubine.

In this way, Man Yue became a concubine.

I was confused once back then, and I must not harm the only flesh and blood of my seventh brother again!
But thinking about it, I'm not reconciled, so let's forget it?

I don't know how the news from Yuan Huandong's place is going...

Just when he was struggling in his heart, Man Yue said, "Uncle Ba is right, we can't act rashly. Even if he is not a prince, but just a county king, we have to deal with it carefully. Because once we make a move, it will be like a royal face .Now my prince of Ming Dynasty, Jingui, doesn't dare to mess around."


Yang Shouyan smiled wryly, "I don't know this truth, but I just feel aggrieved in my heart. I was negligent back then, and it wouldn't be the case if I sent someone to Yuan's house to ask."


Man Yue said solemnly: "Don't blame yourself anymore, the other party has figured out that we won't pretend to be only after verifying the matter."

After a pause, he continued: "For now, let's finish the newspaper. With such a sharp weapon in hand, King Wu will have to weigh it if he wants to do anything. Besides, he is now jealous of the palace. Is it the greatest retribution? As for the Lu family..."

Man Yue sneered, "If she dares to come..."

The corners of the mouth were slightly raised, "No, it should be said that if the husband and wife don't come, then it's fine! If you dare to come to bring misfortune to our Yang family again, I don't have the ability to kill them, but I still have the ability to disgust them."


Yang Shouchi and Yang Shouyan looked at each other, and couldn't help laughing, "What method? Tell us two old guys."

Man Yue chuckled, "Let's see if Uncle Eight can get the newspaper up."

As he spoke, he dipped his hands in the sewage and wrote a line of words on the table. After the two of them saw it clearly, they said coldly: "They used words to fool the Yang family, and I will make them suffer from it in the future. They have also tasted the pain of being wronged, misunderstood, and accused by thousands of people!"

Yang Shouyan gasped, and he suddenly understood why his cheap niece could always defeat opponents stronger than himself.

Obviously she looks like she has nothing, and she looks very weak, but every time she can make a big difference with a small one, and win in the end.

He didn't understand it before, but now he understands it.

This little girl has a compassionate heart, but once her bottom line principle is touched, it's called cruel!Not only is she ruthless to others, but she is even more ruthless to herself. You can see how ruthless this person is to herself from the fact that she would rather die than surrender in the Yamen.

Everyone is an old world, so naturally they won't think about problems as easily as Nuntouqing.What Nentouqing saw was Yang Rener, but what they saw was Yang Cunning.

Under such circumstances, she wrote such poems to win the favor and sympathy of scholars outside and incite them to make trouble. She was not beaten for nothing, she was calculated!

How can a person who can be so cruel to himself to achieve his goals not be scary?
So when these words came out of Man Yue's mouth, Yang Shouyan inexplicably felt a chill go down his back, and he suddenly had a thought that he thought was absurd: King Wu is going to be in trouble.

Thinking of the few words she wrote was even more inexplicably flustered. She used the newspaper to discredit the person who harmed her parents!
Yang Shouchi was not as frightened as Yang Shouyan. He felt a sense of excitement, which he hadn't felt for a long time, as if his blood was burning all over his body, just like when he just got a Jinshi, he was full of enthusiasm and wanted to do something. I feel the same way when I start a career!
Yang Shouchi looked at the full moon with admiration in his eyes, and nodded repeatedly, "No wonder you want to cooperate with Song's Bookstore to run a newspaper, maybe you have thought of this step long ago, right?"

Full moon smiled and didn't deny it, but she was not as noble as they thought, it was true that she wanted to protect herself.

Speaking of which, her desire for revenge is not that strong, she just feels that she has the responsibility to be filial to the body she possesses, and if she doesn't show some attitude, the public opinion may run against her to death.

So she didn't want to take the initiative to cause trouble. The purpose of running the newspaper was to protect herself.Just thinking that the King of Wu or Princess Wang wanted to harm her, so she had a way to fight back.

By the way, I get to know a group of Wang Xue people, and then I can build my own network, so I won't be passive like relying on my family everywhere.

Yang Shouchi couldn't help applauding and exclaimed: "What a Yang Rener! Take one step and see ten steps. If he is a man, he will be the pillar of my Yang family in the future."

Man Yue smiled and said, "Uncle Ba, I'd be proud of you for complimenting me like that."

"That's right!"

Yang Shouchi laughed and said: "This is your true temperament, you don't have to be so tired in front of your family in the future. Your father left early, we can all be your fathers, don't give birth to us."

Man Yue nodded, thought for a while and said, "I have one more thing to ask my uncle."

"What's the matter?"

Man Yue cried and laughed: "I just want to ask my uncle to find me some reliable accountants and..."

She paused and said, "I want to buy some fields."

"It's easy to do."

Yang Shouyan said indifferently: "There are quite a few children in the family who can write and count, and I will pick some reliable ones for you. As for the land, the seventh brother already has a share, and the fifth brother has always been in charge of it. Now you I'm back, I should give it to you."

When Man Yue heard this, she frowned and said, "Aren't you going to offend Uncle Wu by doing this?"

"What does it matter to you whether he likes it or not?"

Eighth Uncle, who has always been very elegant, suddenly spat, "Bah! Snobbish, how can my Yang family have such descendants? The [-] mu of land belonged to your seventh family, and now it's just returned to the original owner. .”

"Three hundred acres? So much?"

Man Yue was taken aback, and he didn't care whether Uncle Fifth was happy or not, anyway, a dead fellow Taoist would never die a poor man, that's 300 acres of land!It takes thousands of taels of silver to buy it!
"Well, my mother mentioned this a while ago. He said that the autumn harvest will be handed over to you when you go back at the end of the year..."

"It sounds nice."

Before the uncle finished speaking, he saw the eighth uncle sarcastically saying: "I'm greedy for a season of food, brother, our family should be run by the fifth brother, look at this one's strength to get in and out, it's forced When it comes to that, I have to think about it, tsk tsk..."

"Okay! Eighth brother, why are you talking about this in front of the child?"


Man Yue is a little confused, why does Eighth Uncle look like an angry middle school boy now?How much enmity does he have with Uncle Fifth?Anyway, he was born as a Jinshi, and he has been an official for several years. He has lost his demeanor. To scold his brother like this in front of his junior, this is the rhythm of hatred to the bone!

Yang Shouchi was shocked when he saw Man Yue's eyes, and he couldn't help being amused, "What are you looking at me for? I heard that your mother's tablet almost failed to enter the ancestral temple. From this, you know how despicable this person is, right?"


(End of this chapter)

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