Chapter 162 Missed

The corner of Man Yue's mouth twitched, and she thought to herself: "Uncle Fifth is really unpopular at home!"

"But that little ten is much better this time, Yue girl, take care of this kid, I think he has a rebellious mind, just like the fifth, he is a picky eater..."

The corner of Man Yue's mouth twitched again, what kind of enmity is this between Eighth Uncle and Fifth Uncle?

Glancing at Uncle Uncle, seeing his helpless look, he couldn't help but think to himself: It seems that Uncle Fifth is indeed not very good at being a human being, and Uncle Fifth is quite fair, but now that he is showing this expression, it can be seen that Uncle Fifth is of a very good character. up.

Skip this little episode, and it's time for lunch.

Mrs. Chen asked someone to bring a table of dishes, and Eighth Uncle said: "Sister-in-law Seven, you have worked hard."

Chen said with a smile: "What's the matter with the eighth brother? I didn't make it. These cold dishes are all made by Man Yue, and the others are made by the master here. I can't talk about hard work."

Maybe it's because she has seen too many high-ranking officials and nobles, but Chen's eighth uncle, who is the only one in his family who has been in officialdom, can get along with ease.

Yang Shouchi nodded, and saw that although this Chen family was a country woman, she was kind, righteous and well-informed, so he felt a little more fond of her, "It's not easy for you to raise a few children alone, so just go home and talk about it if you have anything to do in the future. Come."


Mrs. Chen responded readily, "Thank you eighth brother."

After speaking, he asked people to bring all the dishes, and the uncle said again: "Don't rush to work, call Xiao Shi and Man Cang, and our family will have a meal."

Mrs. Chen nodded and said, "Hey, brother, I'll go right away."

After a while, Mrs. Chen brought Xiao Shi and Man Cang over.

"Uncle eight!"

Mancang seems to be quite close to this eighth uncle, and has been clinging to him since meeting yesterday.As soon as he saw him, he jumped up, very well-behaved.

Man Yue was a little speechless, feeling that Man Cang was getting more and more cunning, Uncle Ba was a second-class Jinshi, this brat was so clingy, he probably had some intentions.

Uncle Eight seemed to like Mancang very much. He hugged him on his lap with a smile, nodded his nose and said, "Good boy, have you finished your homework in the morning? Now that my husband is not here, but I have to review the past and learn the new one?"

Mancang nodded again and again, "Uncle Ba, I know, and my husband told me that studies are like sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will fall back! Mancang dare not neglect his studies, he writes a thousand characters every day, and then carries all the books taught by him on his back. Ten times, and the rest of the time is to preview the content of the rest."

The eighth uncle nodded in satisfaction, with obvious appreciation on his face, "I heard that you have good qualifications, you can hardly forget it with a photographic memory, and now you are so hardworking, my Yang family has a son like this, so why don't you be able to shine on the lintel of the family?" ?”

They were interacting here, and Xiao Ten looked a little pitiful.Calling in, the uncle and the eighth uncle acted as if they hadn't seen it.The two old men can't be blamed either. According to their thinking, since Xiao Shi adopted Qifang, he should be filial to the Chen family. They never thought that this is actually unreasonable.

The closeness of children to their biological parents is a natural instinct, how can it be easily obliterated?
Although the two elders learned Zhe Xue, they were still influenced by Neo Confucianism in some aspects.

Man Yue understood Xiao Shi's thoughts, and saw him staring at him with envy and disappointment, so she walked over, hugged Xiao Shi, pinched his face and said, "Our Xiao Shi is not bad, our ambition is high, and we will have great ambitions in the future. I will definitely be able to roll the name of Donghua Gate!"

A gleam of gratitude flashed in Xiao Ten's eyes, this demon sister made him feel less embarrassed.

Only then did Eight Uncle take a good look at Xiao Shi, seeing him staring at him eagerly, his heart softened a bit, he stroked his beard and said: "Well, Xiao Shi has grown a lot, so he's a good one."

Although he opened his mouth and softened his heart, his tone was still cold, Xiao Shi pursed his lips tightly, lowered his head, his eyes were already a little wet.

Man Yue thanked him for unconsciously holding her hand, and said: "Yes, we Yang family descendants are all good. Youdao is hidden in your body, and you can move it when the time comes. In my opinion, these words are not encouraging people. Conspiracies and tricks. On the contrary, these words are positive. There is a meaning in them that after ten years of sharpening a sword, it will be a blockbuster. The descendants of our Yang family will be able to make great achievements like their ancestors in the future , to be admired by future generations.”

Xiao Ten raised his head in surprise, he was not an idiot, he could naturally hear the encouragement and comfort from the witch's words.

But why is she so kind?

Shouldn't she be thinking about killing herself?When I came here, my mother told me to be careful, because when I died, Mancang was the eldest son, and they would try to make things difficult for me.

But after coming here for so long, it seems that no matter whether it is the witch or the Chen family, or even Mancang who always calls him a little fat man, he has not felt sorry for him. Is it true that as others said, his mother is actually using him?
no, I can not!
The witch also said that the mother is for her own good!

Yes, yes, maybe the mother thought too much, the witch and the others are not bad people.

Every day, she would let the beggars eat the leftover meals of the guests. If there were uneaten buns and snacks, she would be willing to give them, or she would simply take them back to the poor family.

Those beggars and poor ghosts have nothing to plot for her, so this must not be acting, maybe the witch is a good person, and the mother misunderstood.

Just when he was thinking wildly, he heard Mancang say: "Sister is right! Heaven is healthy, and a gentleman strives for self-improvement. I will definitely win the Jinshi examination to win glory for my father, glorify my Yang family, and earn orders for my sister and mother." !"

"Good boy!"

The uncle nodded in satisfaction, "Ambition!"

"Yes, he is a good boy!"

Eighth Uncle also nodded, "From now on, I will come to my place every ten days, and I will teach you how to make crafts."

After a pause, he said again: "Although it's a biased theory nowadays, art making still takes the lead, so we can't be negligent. Let Xiao Shi also come with Mancang. I heard that you are going to go to the county for an exam next year. Time is running out. In the next few days I'm here, so you can learn more."

Little Shida was overjoyed, and hurriedly broke away from the full moon, knelt down and kowtowed: "Xiaoshi, thank you, Eighth Uncle!"

"Get up, get up, it's all my family."

Uncle Ba was obviously satisfied with Xiao Shi's understanding, and his tone was much gentler, "I don't expect you to pass the exam next year, just go to see and see, and when you have seen it, you won't be stage frighted in the next subject, so you can be sure of it." .”

Both Man Cang and Xiao Shi listened carefully, this is all experience!

Man Yue and Mrs. Chen didn't dare to rush to eat anymore, who knows if interrupting this Jinshi master would be unhappy, what if he gets angry and doesn't talk about his experience?
Fortunately, Uncle Ba also felt that this was not the time, so he gave way to dinner after a few words.

Having dinner with Uncle Ba, Man Yue felt the difference between being an official and not being an official.

For example, my uncle is a juren. Although he has the qualifications to be an official, there are not so many real shortages in Daming now, so the uncle has not become an official, and he treats others more easily.

Unlike Uncle Ba, although he is very polite, it is natural to get used to it. His official tone is very heavy, and he has a sense of oppression from top to bottom.

This is not what he did on purpose, but because of the officialdom, the imperial court requires officials to be majestic, it's just a matter of habit.Furthermore, don't look at the eighth uncle is just a county magistrate, the county magistrate in a place far away from the Tiangao Emperor is the Tudi Emperor. Over time, this habit can't be changed, even if he tries to be as casual as possible, he can't change it. something in the bones.

For example, when we are eating now, everyone just wanted to eat, but saw that he first wiped his hands, rinsed his mouth with tea, and then straightened his clothes before picking up chopsticks and eating.

And every dish is ordered to the end, chewing slowly when eating, trying not to make noise or show teeth, and follow the rules of not talking when eating or sleeping; in contrast, my uncle eats more casually, Occasionally, I also comment on one or two dishes, which seems relatively relaxed.

Uncle Ba also seemed to realize that he was getting old-fashioned, so he couldn't help but smiled wryly, and said, "I forgot that I'm no longer an official..."

As he said that, he raised his hand to pick up the dishes in the distance, but he raised his ass slightly and sat down again, shaking his head again and again, and said, "I'm used to being stared at by a group of people, and now no one is watching, but I Fart|Butt still can't lift..."

One sentence made the uncle's eyes turn red, "Eighth brother, I have suffered you all these years. If you hadn't supported me, my Yang family would have been lonely in my generation."

The officialdom of the ancients was dark and dark, but the rules were not so heavy.There are people watching the behavior of officials everywhere, especially in places like Yunnan, because of the distance, Jinyiwei, and Dongchang people have ambushed in secret; there are even a group of subordinates who want to overthrow the boss all the time Watching your every move A move can be described as a heart-stopping profession.

Uncle Ba's words express the sadness of officials who have no background and are unwilling to curry favor with their superiors.And Uncle Ba's sad reminder doesn't stop there, because he learned Yongjia's learning, and he was demoted to Yunnan because of his amazing words. Now he was driven back, although it was because of Leng Yun's incident, there was no reason to attack him. Still a matter of school.

"Don't mention it."

The eighth uncle said: "You all relax, don't worry about the old man, this is just a habit of the old man, it will be fine after a while."


Man Yue said with a smile: "Uncle Ba, eat a lot of meat and drink a lot, you just have to try it a few times. But Man Yue thinks it's good, otherwise a group of people will be chattering and croaking when they hear it."


Yang Shouchi almost spit out, swallowed the food with difficulty, stared at Man Yue and said, "You stinky girl, are you deliberately teasing me to make me look bad, an old man?"

After the full moon was stirred up like this, the atmosphere became lively again, and the eighth uncle also relaxed a little bit, and the meal was enjoyed by the host and guest, very happy.

In this way, Yang Shouchi stayed here at Manyue, and was responsible for negotiating with Song's Bookstore on all aspects of the details and operations.

The previous full moon had already made Song Yuxi feel quite difficult, but now that there is an extra Jinshi master, it is really one head and two big.

After several times of back and forth, Yang Shouchi successfully stuffed in all the people he needed, and became the deputy editor-in-chief by the way; while Song Yuxi comforted himself, at least he only needed to share half of the profits, and the position of editor-in-chief Still in my hands.

Everyone got what they needed, and it was a happy day.As soon as the candidates are finalized, the compilation of the report will be started immediately.

Man Yue published a blackboard newspaper before, and she has a little experience in typesetting. After putting forward some suggestions of her own, she became a big shopkeeper again. With Ba Shu, who is so smart, nothing can go wrong.And because he has been in the officialdom, he is more familiar with what can be released and what cannot be released, so he can avoid it clearly.

Song Yuxi was still a little worried that a master Jinshi was sitting in the town at a young age, but now he saw Yang Shouchi's ability to do things, and he also admired him.

After quietly inquiring with the people in the door, they learned that the master was demoted because of school issues, and even felt sympathy for each other. This is good, and the two of them have a sense of confidant.

This afternoon, Yuxi just came back from the outside, seeing Yang Shouchi sitting in the yard watching something, she couldn't help being curious, so she stepped forward and said: "Hengshui brother, what are you doing? Fusheng stealing half a day's leisure?"

When he saw Yang Shouchi, he took a few pieces of paper, thinking it was the latest update of Mortal Biography, and couldn't help joking, "I didn't expect that there are so many manuscripts saved by Miss Full Moon, after our first newspaper comes out, I am afraid that there will be nothing to publish. "

"Where am I sneaking..."

Yang Shouchi smiled wryly and gave the things to Song Yuxi, "My niece is really born in the wrong birth. If she is a boy, she will definitely become a great success!"

Song Yuxi looked puzzled, took a look, and suddenly his eyes straightened, "This, this is..."

"Not bad!"

Yang Shouchi smiled wryly and said: "She said that she went back and thought about it, and felt that the cost of our newspaper was too high, and the reason for the high cost was that the movable type did not last long, so she came up with the method of using metal molds to cast characters, and improved the ink. I made something called ink, mixed pine oil in it, and you can see the words printed with this ink, isn’t it much clearer?”

Song Yuxi looked in the direction of his fingers and saw that the words "Ningbo Daily" were clear, and said in horror: "The outside world has rumored that your niece is a chef who sat down and descended from the boy, but now it seems that she is the reincarnation of Lu Ban! If I remember correctly, she still has a shop that is being decorated now, right? I heard that it sells the soap that is currently in the restaurant. Now the news is spreading all over the city, and I think the business will not be bad once it opens. "

"Who says no? She seems to like to mingle with craftsmen. Have you seen the machine she designed? She said it uses water power and can cast characters directly. She also said that it would be good for blacksmithing in the future...she really is. My descendants of the Yang family have learned the art of deeds better than this old man..."

Song Yuxi's gaze was a little dazed. On the blueprint, there was a strangely shaped thing with a hammer-like thing in the middle. Is this thing able to strike iron?What are you kidding?
"Now the group of craftsmen regard her as a god-man. She doesn't seem to know much about craftsmen, but she always has amazing words, which are heard by those craftsmen and regarded as treasures. So now more than 20 craftsmen follow her, Made a bunch of weird stuff and spent a lot of money."

Song Yuxi finally understands, the old man of feelings has gone around in a big circle because he wants to set himself up!
This person is also true. If it can really save costs, what is the point of spending a little more money?

These officials are like this, it's better to be that girl, she is much more direct than her uncle.Although sometimes it makes him itch with hatred.

"Miss Full Moon's intelligence is unknown to Mingzhou people? Brother Hengshui is really lucky! We are really envious to have Master Hou as his nephew and son-in-law..."

"Hey, hey, I don't dare to say this. How dare I, a grassroots, befriend Lord Hou? It's just to give some thin face to the face of the full moon girl..."

Hypocritical old man!
The day before yesterday I received the old wild ginseng sent from Beijing by Lord Leng, and everyone in Ningbo knew about it. This old man suffered a crime because of Lord Hou, and now he is sending old wild ginseng, which means to praise him in the future.

This is saying...

No matter how you look at it, you want to strangle him!This is awesome!

Not wanting to talk to this hypocritical guy, she changed the topic and said, "Then Miss Full Moon, did you say how much money it would cost to build such a machine?"

When it came to business, Yang Shouchi couldn't be bothered, stroked his beard and said: "The girl said that this machine is not yet mature, they made a palm-sized one, called it a model, and it is being improved; and what she wants to recommend is a metal machine. The method of making molds, if so, the cost of our newspaper can be reduced by another five or six yuan..."

Song Yuxi's eyes lit up, and he was about to express his opinion, but he heard Yang Shouchi continue: "Actually, to be precise, the more we print, the more our cost will be reduced. After all, the mold is there, and it is easy to cast characters. It is used to print other books, there is damage, because of the mold, it can be added at almost no cost..."

Song Yuxi's eyes became brighter and brighter, and when he heard the back, he couldn't help admiring, "Brother Hengshui, your niece is really a pity! The old man has never heard of her methods, and the cost estimate is very clear, tsk tsk, if it wasn't for her I can't get away from the restaurant, I really want Xian!"

Fuck you XX!

Yang Shouchi smiled, but in his heart he scolded Song Yuxi for being cunning and hypocritical.

If his niece really came to be the editor-in-chief, it is estimated that he would immediately try to kill the newspaper, because he knew that the full moon would not come, so he would say such a thing.

But well...

He chuckled, who wouldn't say nice words?
"Brother won the prize, what is a girl worth? This newspaper can't afford it without your small body. Brother, we will be a family in the future, and we have to support each other, let's apply to Ningbo Daily to promote Daming!"

"it is good!"

The two middle-aged men spoke passionately, spitting stars flying around, and they almost beheaded the chicken head and burned the yellow paper to worship.

Looking at this scene, Feng Yi in the corridor couldn't help feeling chills.

My boss said that the older you are, the more hypocritical you are. This is really good advice. Don't deceive me!

Soon, Song Yuxi began to make molds and inks according to the recipe given by Man Yue. Ten days later, one morning, the streets and alleys of Ningbo were awakened by the voices of children.

"Sell newspapers, sell newspapers! Daming's first newspaper close to the common people has come out!"

"The French mission from the Xiyi Kingdom came to Beijing to present tribute. Your Majesty is gracious and respects the etiquette of the Xiyi. Instead of prostrating, kneel on one knee and practice Western etiquette!"

"The biography of mortal sanctification is taught by Ningbo Daily. Fang Yu is going to be baptized in the county today. The details are all in Ningbo Daily!"

"According to reliable news, Bumbutai, the Empress Dowager Borjigit of the Pseudo-Jin Kingdom, is critically ill. Emperor Kangxi of the Tartars set up a list to find famous doctors. Many Chinese doctors were forcibly plundered into the palace and persecuted by the Tartars..."

"Uncle Eight..."

When Man Yue heard this, the corners of her mouth twitched, and she said, "That Bumbutai from the Kingdom of Jin is also considered a hero among women, isn't it good to spread rumors like this?"

The eighth uncle said with a deep expression: "The ass decides the head, so it must be written like this. Anyway, the old lady is really sick..."

"I'm talking about arresting Han people for medical treatment..."

"This should be written all the more. In addition to speaking out for the people, our newspaper office must spare no effort to discredit the Jinren, so that the higher authorities will not touch us..."

As he spoke, he laughed, looking extremely sinister, "I'm not afraid of such outrageous words. We are patriotic and loyal to the emperor. Those factory guards saw it and reported it back. Maybe they will protect us!"

High, high, really high!

This time, Man Yue has learned the power of old officials in the officialdom!

This is taking one step and seeing ten steps!
Seeing the full moon's adoring face, Yang Shouchi's vanity was also greatly satisfied, and he said in a low voice: "My good boy, this time the eighth uncle came back to understand something. I used to talk about doing things well, but at the end of the day But it’s pedantic. After watching your actions, Eighth Uncle knows that three people must have the truth of my teacher. It was too pedantic in the past. why not?"

"What does Uncle Eight mean?"

Uncle Eight straightened his face, and said: "Those who study Neo-Confucianism like to be Mr. Moralists the most, ha ha, but they live a luxurious life, so how can they cultivate themselves? I want them to look good this time!"

Man Yue felt a chill running down his back, and suddenly wanted to knock Ba Shu unconscious with a punch, and then lock him up, he missed it!This is an angry youth!
Looking at Uncle Ba, he is actually only one year younger than his father, and he is only 33 years old now. It is the time when a man is full of energy. At this time, men are not yet fully mature, and they still have the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of young people. Cute, maybe this eighth uncle came here because he saw the power of the newspaper?
The full moon is a bit painful, why does it feel like being cheated?

Seeing that Man Yue responded, Yang Shouchi, who was laughing at himself, became a little bored, and put on the demeanor of an elder again, saying: "Man Yue, don't worry, your eighth uncle and I will not mess around in the ups and downs of our official career."

Man Yue nodded, "Actually, Man Yue also wants to challenge them. These guys who talk about harming the country! But Uncle Ba, we still have to endure when we are not strong enough. If one day our newspaper can issue hundreds of thousands of copies, then Then we can wrestle with them in terms of public opinion."

As he spoke, he smiled mysteriously and said, "I think the superiors would also be happy to see a few college schools arguing?"


Yang Shouchi also smiled, and then straightened his face again, saying: "Let's go, Eleven girl, it's not easy to come to Ningbo again, Uncle Ba invites you to eat the most delicious noodles in Yin County."

"Haha, that's a good feeling!"

Full Moon laughed, "Then I want to eat offal!"

"little bastard!"

The eighth uncle stared, "It's a pity that you have been a peasant girl, how do you not know that my cattle are so precious that they cannot be slaughtered privately?"

"But if the cow dies and reports to the government, you can eat it!"

"What's the problem? So many cows are dead? Farmers look like eyeballs! You little slicker can eat, but also offal? Offal is hard to come by. Do you eat offal noodles?"

"Eat, eat, eat! The weather is getting colder, it's better to eat some haggis... Hey, eighth uncle, what are you doing so fast? Did I say something wrong?"

"...Slippery! After a few days of good life, eating haggis has wronged you..."

"Uncle Ba, you don't want money, do you?"


When I arrived at the noodle shop, the full moon looked at it, oh, it is indeed a century-old shop!
There are many people here...

Although the place is small, it is kept clean. Some people come to eat noodles wearing silk and some wearing cotton cloth. Classes have disappeared here. Everyone is talking and laughing. She even saw some people holding Holding a freshly baked newspaper, eating noodles while reading it, surrounded by a circle of people, all urging and asking, "Oh, Wang Xiucai, you should eat quickly! Read it after you finish eating, and read it to us too." Read Sarah!"

"Buddha is in a hurry, Buddha is in a hurry (not in a hurry), the soup is hot, eat the Buddha, I will read it first, and then I will read it to you."

Yang Shouchi was also secretly pleased when he saw it, and whispered to Man Yue: "I heard from elder brother that you made preparations before opening, and I think you did a good job. So I hired a lot of newsboys, some from beggars, and some from good families. , Yuxi and I spent a lot of money this time, and hired more than 200 newsboys, just to cover the whole city of Ningbo and make our daily name famous.”

Man Yue nodded and sat down when she saw someone leaving. The shop assistant came over to tidy up and asked, "What do you two want?"

"Two bowls of haggis noodles."

"Good Le!"

Soon, the noodles with green shallots floating in the past were served.

After taking a sip, Man Yue felt that the soup was oily but not greasy, very delicious.After eating noodles and noodle knots, when the food was finished, I couldn't help sighing: "As expected of an old shop, this soup is not oily or greasy, the noodle crust is delicate and plump, the fresh meat filling is not thick, and the ingredients are just right. After one bite, you can only taste the tenderness, and it goes well with the noodle crust! The oily tofu is full of soup, and with a little lamb haggis, the seasoning is just right, no wonder no matter how rich or rich you are, you have to come here to eat the noodles in person.”

Yang Shouchi chuckled, and said, "If you can win Eleven Niang, tell me something, the boss here is the ancestor who smoked."

"Uncle Ba's words are wrong!"

Full moon shook her head, "Threesomes, there must be my teacher! Although I am good at making big dishes, I am still far behind in making small dishes. And, don't you think, Uncle Ba? A chef who is good at seasoning and ingredients It’s good to cook well, but it’s hard to cook the taste of fireworks in the world. This small shop is similar to a roadside stall, but it can last for a long time. !"

Yang Shouchi couldn't help being awed by what he said. After looking at the full moon for a long time, he suddenly cupped his hands and said, "If three of you are walking together, you must have my teacher! A sage first teacher will not deceive me!"

Man Yue hurriedly turned away and said, "Uncle Ba, what are you doing? Everyone is watching."

Yang Shouchi laughed, and said, "Uncle Ba is proud of you. Okay, don't stare at me, eat, eat, see what else you want to order..."

The two uncles and nephews here are eating, and the Wang Xiucai over there has finished eating and started to read the newspaper. If he can't die, he will start reading from Bumbutai's article.After reading about the persecution of our compatriots in the North, everyone in the room stopped eating and shouted, "Kill these Tartars! It's inhumane!"

"People nowadays are really embarrassing to their ancestors! When the Tatars attacked the capital, Yu Shaobao didn't surrender. Didn't we win in the end? Now it's good, what are you talking about, I think the old men in the court are living a good life I've lost my ambition..."

Man Yue couldn't help but feel ashamed: Mingren looks very aggressive!Is it really okay to criticize the court like this?

(End of this chapter)

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