Delicious Lady: Lord Wolf, please enter the urn

Chapter 170 The Routine Is Too Deep

Chapter 170 The Routine Is Too Deep
Man Yue had no choice but to go out, Xu Yuan yelled loudly when he saw her, "Man Yue, Man Yue, you came out just in time, these few kills won't let me in!"

Man Yue passed him and looked at Shi Cong behind him, only to see him touching his nose, and smiled awkwardly, obviously shocked by Xu Yuan's convulsion, there was a trace of helplessness between his brows, and he rushed Man Yue cupped her hands and said: "I heard that the old master of the Yuan family is here, I will come to visit you."

Found this reason...

"Grandfather asked me to invite the two sons in."

Man Yue stepped forward to salute, waved her hand and scolded: "How dare you be rude to a distinguished guest?! These two are from my own family, so you don't need to see outsiders!"

Then he made a "please" gesture, and said: "Brother Xu, the servant is ignorant, so don't worry about it. Come, come, come and drink with me."


Xu Yuan snorted coldly, and muttered: "A dog's eyes look down on people. If you say it's all from your own family, I dare to stop you. This time it's just for the sake of your boss. There will be another time, hehe..."

Shi Cong sighed helplessly, for the two hundred and five, it would be uncomfortable if he didn't cause some trouble for a day.

This is a family banquet, and people also join in. If it sounds good, it is straightforward, but if it sounds bad, isn't it that it is uneducated?

It's also thanks to his grandfather being Wei Guogong, otherwise the Old Master Yuan inside would probably be angry.

The two followed Full Moon into the house. Xu Yuan was an acquaintance. Before anyone could introduce him, he bowed, "Xu Yuan, my junior, Xu Linchuan pays respects to the old lady."

"Can't, can't."

Yuan Huandong got up, turned his body sideways and said, "Young master is the most expensive, I can't bear it."

"The old man deserves it for the elderly."

The corner of Man Yue's mouth twitched, and she said helplessly: "Grandpa, Brother Xu is from my own family. I was able to establish Guilinju thanks to the support of Brother Xu. Since I am from my own family, I don't need to see outsiders."

"You child, neither big nor young."

Yuan Huandong glared at her, then looked at Shi Cong, and said in surprise, "Ziyu also knew Yue'er?"

"The younger generation pays homage to the old man."

Now it's Man Yue's turn to be surprised, why does Shi Cong look familiar with his grandfather?

"Second Uncle Yuan, I haven't seen you for a long time, how are you doing?"

He cupped his hands again and bowed to the second uncle.

"Nephew Lao Xian is in trouble, but his body is quite strong."

Man Yue was even more surprised now, how could she be so familiar?It's a rhythm that can't be more familiar!

Xu Yuan and Man Yue looked at each other, and they both saw a trace of confusion in each other's eyes.

"Grandfather has been talking about you a lot lately, especially after learning that Man Yue is your granddaughter. He told the younger generation to bring a message if they can meet you this time."

Shi Cong felt a little embarrassed when he said that, cupped his hands, and said: "The old man has become addicted to chess again, and wants to play chess with you."

The corner of Yuan Huandong's mouth twitched. Apart from delicious food, Mr. Greedy also loves to play chess, but at that level...

"Grandpa, you and Mr. Ge..."

Man Yue couldn't bear it anymore, "Acquaintance?"

"Ha ha."

Yuan Huandong wiped his beard, and said: "Master Ge is my teacher. I was a Jinshi in the middle of my year, and I was a senior member of Ge. I am ashamed to say that my student is of no help to the teacher, but I have repeatedly hurt his old man... say Wake up, I haven't visited the teacher for a few days due to physical discomfort, Brother Cong, if you see the teacher, please help the old man to convey it, and go when you feel better in a few days."

Shi Cong knew that old man Yuan was stimulated by the search for his lost granddaughter, so he walked less these days.Naturally, this kind of thing cannot be forced, so he said: "Don't worry, old man, I will definitely pass it on to grandfather."

After a pause, he continued: "Grandfather also told me that some things are just as good as they are. We have reached the age of knowing the destiny. It is best to play chess, drink tea, and cultivate one's morality when you have nothing to do."

Yuan Huandong's heart trembled, his eyes dimmed, and he said in a low voice: "The teacher is right, I will visit in a few days."


Xu Yuan finally couldn't take it anymore, "What are you guys talking about! Why can't I understand a word? Old man, you are a student of Mr. Ge, so you are not an outsider. The boy came in a hurry, and he didn't understand anything. Bring a gift, I'll give you an extra salute, you've been taking care of me!"

If it is a sophomore boy...

Cracks appeared on Yuan Huandong's face, and when he came back to his senses, Xu Yuan had already saluted and sat down.

Shi Cong smiled helplessly, and said in embarrassment: "Brother Linchuan is a man of true temperament..."

I added another sentence in my heart: "Actually, I don't know what my grandfather asked me to say, okay?"

In fact, he was also puzzled.

When Xu Yuan came to look for him, his grandfather asked him to bring someone back to Linju, and then told him to bring this to him if he saw Man Yue.What the hell, could it be that grandfather really had a clever calculation, not only figured out that Yang Manyue was in trouble, but also figured out that Old Man Yuan would come?
If he thought that the appearance of Lord Huixi was just a coincidence before, but now that he saw Grandfather Man Yue, he felt strange.

After all, there are not so many coincidences in the world!
However, his grandfather didn't tell him, so he didn't dare to ask more questions, and only asked Yang Manyue later.

After some courtesies, I took my seat.

Because of the presence of outsiders, Auntie Chen took Xiao Shi and Mancang away.

Man Yue also wanted to leave, but was stopped by Yuan Huandong, "You are a child if you are under 15. Since you are part of your own family, there is no need to pay attention to the etiquette of different seats for men and women when they are seven years old. Just sit down."

Full Moon is at a loss, what is Grandpa going to do?
"It's the pole, it's the pole, don't go when the moon is full."

Brother Xu showed extreme dependence on Miss Full Moon, "What's the point of you leaving? If you leave, I won't eat!"

It really is……

The corners of Yuan Huandong's eyes twitched, he had heard that this young man in the capital was rude, but when he saw him today, he was of a very good character, which can be regarded as a rare thing.


Shi Cong coughed lightly, changed the topic and toasted: "I haven't congratulated Mr. Yuan's family on their reunion yet, this junior respects you."

"Thank you, Brother Cong."

After Yuan Huandong drank, he showed a sad expression, "Oh, I'm afraid our grandparents will not be together for a few days, God really..."

Tears flowed from his cloudy eyes as he spoke, and the second uncle on the side also suddenly switched modes, and suddenly became a bitter woman, "Yeah, God is so cruel to let us get together and separate at the same time..."


Xu Yuan was in a daze while eating, what the hell?

Why do you cry while eating?

What does get together in a few days mean?
The full moon is also a shock!

She suddenly understood what grandpa was going to do.

He is going to fight to the death, take advantage of the situation!
But she didn't expect that her grandfather turned out to be a student of Mr. Shige.

In this age when teachers are regarded as fathers, disciples have to do the work for them, but the teacher's interpersonal relationship has also become his own.So after thinking about it for a while, Man Yue knew what her grandfather was going to do.


In this way, the matter of my mother's elopement with my father will also be revealed, and my grandfather will also be blamed at that time. Is this really good?
Isn't it because I am worried that my mother's reputation will be damaged?
As for whether she will become a concubine, she is not worried at all, and she doesn't care.

It's just that she occupies Man Yue's body. Judging from Man Yue's resistance to Chen's, although she has never been with her biological mother, she misses her very much.

"Old man, what do you mean by that? What do you mean we haven't met for a few days? Are you sick? What's wrong with you? Tell me if you have any difficulties. I'll write to grandfather and ask him to find a famous doctor for you."

The corner of Yuan Huandong's eyes twitched again, this was too reckless...

But it can be seen from this that Xu Yuan is a real gentleman, and he is a little more close.


The second uncle sighed, "Thank you, little father-in-law, but this time I'm afraid we will have to settle the old and new accounts together, and we can't avoid it. Little father-in-law, you should not get involved with my Yuan and Yang families in the future, so as not to hurt you. "

"What are you talking about?"

Xu Yuan became angry, "Could it be that someone made things difficult for you? Who? Tell me! I hate it when someone bullies you!"

Shi Cong looked at the full moon, and then thought about what his grandfather said, and his heart became clearer.

After thinking for a while, he said, "Could it be that the Huixi County Lord came here to trouble you on purpose?"


Xu Yuan was confused, "Is that really the county lord?"


A group of people are speechless, what is this kid's brain made of?He was also there that day, anyone who is not blind can tell that it was Man Yue playing a scoundrel that day, he is a serious son and grandson of a dragon, okay?
"Manyue, what enmity do you have with her? Don't be afraid, so what if you are the county lord? Tell me if you have any grievances, and I will go back and tell my cousin and let him decide for you!"


Yuan Huandong sighed heavily, "This is a scandal in the family, so I don't need to mention it. Come, come, drink, drink, drink now, get drunk today, don't mention those annoying things."

Where is Xu Yuan willing to give up?
The more grandpa was like this, the more curious he became. His heart was like a few cats scratching their paws, and he stomped his feet anxiously, "Oh, my good grandfather, what's the matter? You are talking about it!"

Full Moon understood.

Emotions guessed wrong again.

Grandpa didn't go at Shi Cong at all, but aimed at the young grandpa!
This fellow is the cousin of the Son of Heaven, and the person he offended was also a member of the Tian Family. When he learned that he had a good relationship with Young Master Xu, Grandpa started thinking about it...

I have to say that the Ming elite should not be underestimated!

This routine is too deep!
Having said all this, Man Yue naturally wanted to sing for Grandpa, put down the bowl and chopsticks, wiped the corners of her eyes and said, "Brother Xu's kindness is appreciated. It's just that Man Yue got into a big trouble, even if it's difficult for the emperor, So the little father-in-law will live in the store from now on, but don't get so close to the full moon, lest you be troubled."

It was fine if she didn't say this, but when she said this, she was still crying, Xu Yuan felt as if his heart had been hit hard by something, and it hurt all of a sudden.

He has grown up so much, and this is the first time he has seen such a sincere person as Man Yue. Although she is younger than him, he feels that she is like his older sister, with the air of a confidant.

Now seeing my confidant like this, with tears in his eyes, how can we not be shocked and angry?
(End of this chapter)

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