Chapter 171
"To long as to live..."

Feng Yi stood in the same place in a daze, and was a little crazy for a while.

Unknowingly, he felt a pain in his heart, the words of the old man stung him, and he thought of the years when he struggled to survive and was bullied by others.

Yes, as long as you are alive...


A voice sounded in my heart: no justice, I would rather die! ! !

He shook his head violently, and when he came back to his senses, the old man had gone far away, disappearing into the wind-piercing alley.

"Brother Feng, are we still going?"

The two Yang family disciples asked.

Feng Yi thought for a while, remembered the voice in his heart, took a deep breath and said, "Go!"

He believes in his boss!
Believe in justice more!
Although he is a lawyer, he is not the kind of lawyer who does not distinguish between black and white. He has always been determined to speak to the sufferer. Although he is no longer a lawyer, the profession of a reporter is more precious than a lawyer!

If their reporters dare not speak out and investigate, wouldn't the world be darker?
What is the purpose of Xiaodong's newspaper?

It is to speak out for the poor people!
And at this stall, the county magistrate will definitely not give up, so he has to go in.Only when more darkness is exposed, can the boss be helped!
Thinking of this, he turned pale, straightened his clothes, and shouted at the door: "Excuse me, does Mr. Sun live here?


After a while, a woman came out with gray hair, she looked like an old woman.

Feng Yi felt sour when he saw it, and hurriedly saluted and said, "I'm a reporter from Ningbo Daily, oh, yes, it's a newspaper, you know the newspaper, right?"

As he spoke, he pulled out a newspaper from his cuff, "Has Auntie seen this before? That's what I do..."


Before she finished speaking, the woman screamed and ran away, and came back in a short time, her face was covered with tears, and her whole body was shaking constantly. A young man caught up and said: " Sister-in-law Ah Qing, please slow down! Are you really from the newspaper office? They really came!"

While speaking, a young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes appeared in front of Feng Yi. He supported the trembling woman, bowed and said, "Gentlemen, please come inside!"

After entering the yard, Feng Yi looked around and saw vegetables hanging in the yard. It was obvious that his family was poor, and potherb mustard was too expensive, so he had to use vegetables instead.

There is a well and a stone table in the courtyard. Although the main room not far away is not magnificent, it is neat.It can be seen that this family was not very rich in the past, but at least they had no worries about food and clothing.

Entering the house, I saw a young man in his 20s, his legs were covered with a piece of ragged felt, he was wearing a whitish blue jacket, and his elbows were covered with pudding. Seeing them coming in, he was obviously excited, Holding on to the edge of the table desperately, using the strength of both hands to prop himself up, his mouth|opened his mouth, and tears fell down before he could speak.

People who have never experienced darkness do not know the value of light. For Ah Qing, this may be his last hope.

Grasping the edge of the table, his phalanx turned white, his lips trembled, and he couldn't say a word in the end, the majestic seven-foot man let his tears flow unscrupulously.

Seeing this scene, the two Yang family children and Feng Yi felt a pain in their hearts for no reason.

Although the two Yang family children were born in Sizhitang, they are not from the main house, so they have suffered hardships.But no matter how hard they are, at least they have to be protected by the family. As long as they work hard, at least they will not starve to death, nor will they be bullied like this.

Although Feng Yi's family is poor, he has at least read a book, and he is more than enough than the last. Seeing the fairly neat house in this family, and seeing the desolation of the young man in front of him, he just feels dull.

Class is like an invisible chain that binds the people of this era, and the oppression from the upper class makes people feel the same.Maybe they can't tell the reason for this, maybe they don't know the word class, but they can feel the oppression, dense, everywhere, and breathless.

With a heavy heart, he stepped forward and supported Ah Qing, Feng Yi said: "Little brother, at the request of the boss and the editor-in-chief, Feng Moute came to find out about your family's situation..."

After a pause, he said: "I have heard about your matter for a long time, but I don't know the details. I hope you can tell me about it in detail when I come here today. Don't worry, since I'm here, I won't be caught off guard because of the situation." Give up, our Times Newspaper office is a newspaper office that petitions for the people..."

People become great because of their ideals, even in Feng Yi's previous career as a lawyer, he was once disgraced, but at this moment, surrounded by the brilliance of humanity, his eyes are firm, his voice is calm, and he feels a kind of responsibility.

This responsibility makes him feel heavy, but also makes his blood warm.He remembered his ambitions when he was just studying.

"To establish a life for the heaven and earth, for the living and the people, to inherit the knowledge of the past saints, and to create peace for all generations!!"

At this moment, Feng Yi understood what his boss was thinking.

No one is born to be oppressed, the prince who breaks the law is the same as the common people!
The boss is that kind of person, if there is reason to listen to, if there is no reason, even if the jade is broken, he will fight to the end!
County Lord?
Feng Yi narrowed his eyes, comforted Ah Qing and said, "Brother Yang, bring the things the editor-in-chief gave you."

"Good Le!"

Mrs. Ah Qing was a little helpless, she didn't come back to herself until the two Yang family children moved all the things in the car into the house, and said, "How can this be done?"

"Sister-in-law, please take it. This is a wish from Mr. Yang, our deputy editor-in-chief."

Feng Yi said: "This Mr. Yang is the book of a certain boss. You may have heard of the name of a certain boss. Her surname is Yang, her name is Man Yue, and she was given the nickname Ren Er."

"Ren Er? Yang Ren Er?!"

Ah Qing finally came back to his senses, and said excitedly: "Is that Mr. Yang, the magistrate of Dinghai County who is fighting against Dinghai County and who cooks top-notch?!"

Feng Yi nodded vigorously, "You can tell us any suffering you have, and we will definitely report it truthfully."

Ah Qing shed tears and fell limp. Mrs. Ah Qing helped him to sit down. After a long time, she grabbed her hair and cried loudly: "Heaven has eyes! Father, have you seen it? There is a noble person who wants to replace him." You have been wronged!"

All the narrations are like weeping blood, every word is the blood and tears of Xiaomin, the father who was killed, the legs that were beaten and crippled, the insult of being called a lunatic...

Poverty, disease, and threats are like three mountains | On the head of this family, every word is full of despair, and every tone is dripping with blood...

When Feng Yi walked out of the small courtyard of Sun's family, it was already late. He stood at the alley for a long time, finally crying uncontrollably.

"Snow, snow..."

A child of the Yang family suddenly exclaimed, "It's snowing..."

In 1687 A.D., the third year of Shaowu, the snow came very early. On the last day of late autumn, it drifted towards the world, as if it was foreshadowing something, which was very sad.

Feng Yi looked up at the sky for a long time, and after a while he said: "Let's eat and go home, I've had a hard day today, I'll treat you to a restaurant and have some old wine."

The two Yang family children were also depressed, and they naturally agreed to this proposal.

A group of three dragged a mule cart and found a small restaurant nearby.

I randomly ordered a few home-cooked dishes in Ningbo, ordered a pot of rice wine and ate them.

After drinking for three rounds, he was a little drunk. Feng Yi suddenly sang: "The peaks and mountains are like gatherings, and the waves are like anger. The mountains and rivers are outside and inside Tongguan Road. Looking at the west capital, I hesitate. The sad Qin and Han Dynasties, where the palaces and palaces are all Make the soil. Prosper, the people suffer, die, the people suffer..."

Taking a sip of old wine, he murmured, "What am I waiting for to study?"

The two Yang family children have never read books, but they can still understand such poems in this culturally prosperous place in the south of the Yangtze River.Feeling the distress in Mr. Feng's heart, he knew that he was complaining for that Ah Qing, and couldn't help feeling sorry for him: "If it wasn't for his fate, Ah Qing would have died. Now that his leg is crippled, life is torture..."

"It's more painful than losing a leg if you can't avenge your father as a child."

Feng Yi shook his head, "If I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on anymore, I don't know how he survived."

"Mr. Feng, as soon as the newspaper came out today, the city exploded, but Eleven Niang kept the bottom line and only said that she was a fake county lord. If we report Ah Qing's affairs, we will die forever."

Feng Yi lowered his face and said: "Our newspaper is to speak for the poor people. How can we back down just because the other party is powerful? Besides, this is what the president meant. won't hurt her..."

The two children stopped talking.I thought to myself: As long as Eighth Uncle's unscrupulous temper doesn't drag Eleven Niang back, his old man has a bright future, but it's the impeachment of Hou Jing that made his life so miserable, okay?

But it's hard to say, so I can only promise.

Just as he was about to drink some more wine, there were suddenly discussions from other guests.

"I said, man, have you read today's newspaper?"


"What do you think?"

"Hehe, it's exciting again. This is fun, even a blind person can see that the county king must be real, that is, the Huixi county king. Tsk tsk, this is amazing, Yang Rener is really a god People, if you don't sing, it's all right, Yiming is always so earth-shattering, she almost scolded by name, and even satirized that Wu Wangfu has no tutor, tsk tsk, she has such guts that she doesn't know what to do, she is not so big!"

"Isn't that right? Although that Princess Wu is not the biological mother of Lord Huixi, she has been with her since she was a child, and she is very fond of her. Now Yang Ren'er has stabbed a hornet's nest, but how will it end? This is not a small official, but the prince. what!"

"Cut! It's not been a day or two for the Lord of Huixi County to harm the township. If Yang Ren'er can teach some lessons, she can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people!"

"But Princess Wu is not a good person..."

"Old brother is pessimistic. Hehe, Yang Ren'er is not Wuxia Ameng. She is now a member of Sizhitang. Even if Ren'an's branch is relatively lonely now, the Jinghu and Fenghua branches should not be underestimated; Leaving aside these things, she is the future mistress of the Jinghai Hou Mansion, and that person protects her weaknesses in the cold, if he knows that her future mother-in-law has been humiliated, she may not give up."

"You're right, Leng Mushi...that's someone the elders of the court have to be courteous to, a mere county lord..."

"Hehe, come here, drink and drink, Ningbo is lively now, the whole city is exploded today, everyone is talking about this matter! Come, let's have a drink for Yang Rener, I am really a hero of Ningbo girls! This woman will definitely be included in the county annals with one move!"

 Well, the layout is almost ready, the most exciting scene of this article is about to be staged!Come, come, give some monthly tickets to encourage, the author found out today that he is actually No.10 in the monthly ticket list of the new book list, so excited!From today onwards, readers of this site (romance novel bar) will add one chapter for every 15 monthly tickets, that is, one chapter will be added on top of the basic update, and it will end at the end of the month!Come, come, come, if you have the ability, you keep asking me to add updates, hahahahahahahaha!Fly away with a wicked smile!

(End of this chapter)

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