Chapter 172
"You idiot!"

In Prince Wu's mansion, a man about 27.8 years old pointed at a little girl and cursed: "How dare you lie?! Tell me, is it you that the newspaper said?"

"No, it's not..."

Zhu Huixi was trembling, lying on the ground without daring to lift her head. The hair accessories on her head were also beaten up and down, and there were several clear fingerprints on her face, which was swollen like a steamed bun.

It is said that self-inflicted crimes cannot live, and now Zhu Huixi deeply understands this.

She never imagined that there were people like Yang Manyue in the world.Not only did he beat her, but he also scolded her like that in the newspaper. How could she marry in the future if her father scolded her?
Thinking of this, she felt even more resentful, but she didn't dare to show such an expression in front of her father, she just kept saying: "Father, it's not me, it's not me, it's really not me..."

"Evil son!"

The King of Wu was furious, "How dare you deny it? You've completely disgraced my old face!"

"My lord..."

At this moment, a gentle voice sounded, and a fragrant breeze blew in. A gorgeously dressed woman in a lavender jacket and skirt came in, "What's the matter, my lord? Huixi has always been well-behaved, why would she cause trouble? I think there must be someone Pretend to be Xi'er and cause trouble."


King Wu snorted coldly, glanced at Mrs. Lu, and said meaningfully: "Really?"

Mrs. Lu was startled, and felt guilty for no reason under the gaze of King Wu, but then she calmed down again, pretending to be nonchalant and said: "My lord, don't you trust your daughter? Huixi is naughty, but she is not domineering." My child, why is she humiliating a woman?"

"Ha ha."

King Wu laughed, his slightly thin face had an unrestrained, a bit ruffian taste, as if everything about Zhou Za had nothing to do with him, he was obviously talking to someone, but he always felt his eyes drift away , with a carelessness.

And just in this casual heart, you can feel two contradictory temperaments mixed together: elegant and gloomy.

The contradictory temperament and the inheritance of excellent royal genes are what attract Lu Shi.Seeing him laughing, the contradictory temperament was highlighted, but he couldn't bear to look away while being frightened.

Although he is 32, but due to proper maintenance, he still looks like 27 or 8.And because of advocating the style of Wei and Jin Dynasties without growing a beard, it looks weird in the eyes of outsiders, but in the eyes of Lu Shi, it is really handsome.

She looked at her husband obsessively, remembering that he had married concubines one after another in the house over the years, all of them were somewhat similar to that bitch Yuan Yunniang, and the jealousy in her heart burst out uncontrollably.

I thought that Yunniang was dead and everything was over.But when she found that she could no longer find any news about the family, she became a little anxious, and she was relieved only after several years without any movement.

It's just that she never thought that although Yuan Yunniang died, she came back to life in another way!
That little girl named Yang Manyue is simply a copy of Yunniang, if the prince saw it, she wouldn't dare to think about it...

Glancing at Zhu Huixi who was on the ground, he couldn't help calling her an idiot in his heart!
There are many ways to find trouble, but she chose to use the most stupid one.Although Yang Manyue is small, but has a strong temper, how can she watch her mother and younger brother be humiliated?

Thinking of the article in the newspaper, Mrs. Lu felt that the fire was going straight to her forehead, and she felt that her hair was going to burn!

What a little bitch, pointing at Sang and scolding Huai, it seems that he already knows what happened back then!
Now everyone in the city is laughing at her for being a poor teacher, and even more viciously saying that she deliberately flattered and killed Zhu Huixi. If they really love her, they will not indulge her arrogance.She has never seen her own daughter like this, she must have deliberately indulged Zhu Huixi.

But Zhu Huixi will be 17 after the new year, but has not yet arranged a marriage. On the surface, he is picky, but secretly he just can't tolerate this child. Who made Zhu Huixi's biological mother the first woman of the King of Wu?
Just when she was thinking wildly, King Wu suddenly fell silent.

No one dared to make a sound. King Wu's temper was very bad and violent, and the silence at this moment was the precursor of his final rage.Everyone held their breath, for fear of offending the master.

After being silent for a long time, King Wu suddenly looked at Mrs. Lu, and said word by word: "Isn't the princess very clear why she wants to humiliate a woman?"

Lu Shi was startled, and his face turned pale immediately.And Zhu Huixi, who was lying on the ground, also stopped crying instantly, his trembling body became stiff instantly, his face was firmly stuck to the ground, and he dared not move.

Lu was stunned for a moment, then forced a smile and said: "What does this mean, my lord? I don't understand..."

"You don't understand? You don't understand? Hehe..."

King Wu's expression was extremely mean, "Why don't you understand? You understand the people in this room best."

His voice was light and light, but there was an undeniable sense of doubt, which made Mrs. Lu kneel down in fright, "What is the meaning of the prince's words?!"

Tears dripped from the corners of her eyes, "You and I are young couples, don't you know what the concubine is like? It's all for you..."


King Wu sneered, pointed to the door and said, "Get out of here, my king! I feel disgusted when I see your face!"

Mrs. Lu stood there in a daze. For many years, although the lord has been indifferent to her, he has given her enough face as a wife. How have you ever said such a thing?

Feel sick when you see her?
She knelt there in a daze, as if her soul had come out of her body, staring blankly at King Wu, her tears flowed uncontrollably, her mouth opened and opened, and finally she didn't say a word.

Wiped her tears, kowtowed and said: "Yes, the concubine is resigning..."


Zhu Huixi was trembling with fright, his father actually told his mother to go away, could it be that Yang Manyue is his father's reverse scale, touching it would kill him?

She saw the palpable disgust in her father's eyes, undisguised.

"As for you..."

The King of Wu looked at Zhu Huixi who was on the ground, and said calmly, "You are not allowed to leave the mansion without my order, and you will get twenty boards yourself."

After Wu Wang finished speaking, he didn't give her a chance to answer, and walked out.

When passing by Zhu Huixi's side, he said in a low voice: "There is only one chance. For the sake of your dead mother, I will let you go this time. If you dare to find out people's right and wrong again, I will break your hands and feet."

The voice was soft, with a hint of chill, Zhu Huixi couldn't help shivering, and shouted: "Father, why? Why? Why are you doing this to me? Could it be that Yang Manyue is your daughter, and I am not yours?" Is it a daughter? The father treats a vixen so favorably, ignoring the main family..."

King Wu, who was walking over, trembled violently, and two cold lights shot out of his slender eyes, and said, "Shut up! Where did you hear that? Huh?"

As he spoke, he turned back a few steps, pulled Zhu Huixi up and said, "What did you say? What daughter?! Where did you hear about it?!"

Mrs. Lu, who had just retreated to the door, knew that something was wrong when she heard this, so she immediately stopped and looked in, but she saw the gaze cast by her husband: cold, with deep-seated hatred meaning.

Immediately, he put down Zhu Huixi, with a smile on his face, and said sinisterly: "You know everything?"

Lu's face turned livid with fright, and he shook his head again and again, "What is the prince talking about?"


He pointed at Zhu Huixi and said, "Get out!"

He rushed to Lu again and said, "Come in!"

Lu Shi's body was shaking constantly, standing at the door, he couldn't move his feet, his ears were buzzing, his eyes were dark, the prince is going to have a showdown?Could it be...

Suddenly, as if she had realized something, she shook her head desperately, no, it's impossible, how could the prince know?If the prince knew, how could he watch him keep threatening Yang Shouheng and Yuan Yuniang?
She took a deep breath, forced herself to calm down, and stepped inside.Zhu Huixi, who was limp on the ground, was dragged out by several women, the door was closed, and the room became gloomy.

King Wu sat down, tapped his slender and white fingers on the table, and after a long time he made a sound, "You instigated Huixi to make trouble?"

"What the prince is talking about, the concubine can't understand..."

"Oh... Well, I don't understand. You have no other skills, but you can pretend..."

King Wu sneered, "Back then, you tricked Yunniang into elopement, Yang Shouheng into thinking that the king was plotting against him, and Yuan and Yang's families turned against each other, and finally took the position of princess, tsk tsk, it's really a good plan..."

He suddenly got up and walked towards Mrs. Lu, looked down at her, stretched out his hand to pinch her chin, raised his eyebrows and said: "What a mouth that can fool people, from a small family background, the family's business dealings are really calculating... ..."

Lu's body kept shaking, he, he really knew...

His body weakened and he could not stand upright, and then he heard the cold voice continue in his ear: "You told Huixi that I secretly went to see the full moon, right? Are you implying that she is my daughter... Tsk tsk, Mrs. Lu, your ability to lie is getting better and better...but..."

King Wu suddenly smiled strangely, "You are right, Yang Manyue will be my daughter from now on. I will take good care of her, and I will make her the happiest child in the world, and I will even give her the family fortune in the future... "

"My lord!"

Lu finally yelled uncontrollably, "My lord is ridiculous!"


King Wu let her go, looked at her coldly and said, "When you made Yunniang difficult to give birth, did you think of your absurdity? If I hadn't protected her, Man Yue would have died early, right?"


"Surprised, aren't you? You think I should hate Yang Shouheng to death, don't you? Yes, I have already noticed your actions. I didn't stop you at that time because I wanted to take Yunniang back, but you shouldn't You shouldn't have tampered with the midwife and killed Yunniang!"

King Wu's face turned hideous, "Hehe, you've left a full moon without a mother, and I'll let you die childless!!"


Lu Shi was stunned, and then scratched like crazy, "You crazy, you crazy! You, you, you..."

"Very angry, aren't you? Hehe..."

King Wu laughed loudly, "No one is worthy of giving birth to a son for me except Yunniang... Man Yue is good, Man Yue can be raised as a man, Yang Shouheng has done a good deed, and taught my daughter well. From now on, she will be my son." The daughter of King Wu..."

(End of this chapter)

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