Chapter 176

Zhu Huiyao's face suddenly turned hideous, "Is that the fox charmer who confuses Lord Hou?!"

Mrs. Lu glanced at her daughter, frowned slightly, and said, "What? Does my son know about this?"


Zhu Huiyao said angrily: "Who doesn't know about this? It has been spread all over the world! That foxy girl is really a good trick, the mere peasant girl actually clings to Lord Hou, a slut is a slut. "

"My son is right."

Daughter, does this mean that Lord Marquis intends to be cold?Anyone who is not deaf can hear the sour taste in his breath.

The question is, when did she meet Leng Yun?

Mrs. Lu was secretly surprised, but her face didn't show, she said calmly, "My son met Jinghaihou?"

Zhu Huiyao was discouraged for a while, her eyes were dim and she said: "No... I have been out a few times, and I have seen them from afar, and there is no intersection."

Mrs. Lu nodded, not entangled|entangled on this topic.It's good that there is no intersection, otherwise once that happens, with Leng Yun's temperament, he will marry his own daughter to take revenge.

It can only be said that the Lu family was born in a small family, and he has a dark heart, so everyone is crooked.With Leng Yun's current status, where is the need for such a dirty trick?
And marry her daughter?
The Lu family feels too good about himself, thinking that the emperor is the biggest in the world, and he will be the prince. No one can touch them except the emperor. He never knew that politics has always been a game. too much.

"Okay, you can go back now, don't worry about mother. Xi'er was brought up by me, if I don't play tricks, I'm afraid her life will be gone..."

Zhu Huiyao felt sour for a while, and said: "Why is mother so nice to that little bastard? She stole my limelight several times, so that the world only knows Mr. Huixi, but not me."

"You are still young, you will understand when you are older."

Mrs. Lu patted her hand, and said lovingly: "In short, you have to keep in mind how mother has been housekeeping all these years, and think about it carefully, and you will understand when you are older. We are old women, and we can't tolerate it on the face. The position of a person is not stable, and the position can only be correct if you are magnanimous... Forget it, seeing you like this is hard to understand for a while, just remember what mother said..."

Zhu Huiyao nodded with half understanding, the mother and daughter talked for a while, and then separated.

Seeing the back of her daughter leaving, Lu's heart resolutely magnified little by little.

Thinking of that arrogant Yang Manyue, she sneered secretly.

She had asked someone to secretly write a letter to Duke Wei, telling Duke Wei that his precious grandson was here, and that he had no idea about Mrs. Hou Ye.Thinking that with Wei Guogong's fiery temper, he will soon come to arrest people. Without Xu Yuan, let's see if Yang Manyue can escape Dongchang's plot?

Yes, Mrs. Lu has bought off the guarding eunuch, and this eunuch is obviously the guarding eunuch, but in fact he is the biggest spy chief in this place, a mid-to-high-level existence in the East Factory. In addition to checking and balancing Jinyiwei, he also has to supervise this place official.

In the hands of those perverts, Yang Manyue will have to peel off her skin even if she is not dead. Then I will secretly rescue her as a good person and send her directly to the palace. This will not only satisfy Zhu Heyu's wish, but also make him hate Dongchang. It will be fun to make another strong enemy.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Lu was in a good mood, and suddenly felt that it would be good to go to Jingyi Hall, and then she would have no doubts.

Zhu Heyu allowed you to be as cunning as a fox all your life, but this time you have to stumble!

Don't blame me for being cruel, if you want to blame it, blame you for being too ruthless to me, and for being too affectionate to Yuan Yunniang, so that you are blinded by sex. This is all your fault!

I want you and all your children to be buried with my children!

There was madness in Lu's eyes, it was a destructive light that made people tremble.

After a long time, she calmed down, took a little grease from the porcelain bottle, rubbed her hands together and said, "Go and call Mrs. Jiang."

Anyway, the lord wants her to move there within three days, don't worry, arrange things first, Jiang Shi also has to beat her up, don't Hu Meizi think that she is really the mistress of the house when she becomes a family, you have to remind her to be a human being The filial piety of children...

It has to be said that Lu Shi is a smart woman, but because of her knowledge and her upbringing, she has a poor outlook on the overall situation.It's okay to make some wind and rain in the house, but it's far worse than a monster like Yang Manyue who has been known for hundreds of years.

Leaving Lu's aside for now, after three days, people really came from the capital, and Zhu Huixi was forcibly taken into a carriage.As her father, she also had to go to Beijing this time, to report the matter to Da Zongbo face to face, and then wait for the emperor to deal with it.

Zhu Huixi's miserable cry spread far and wide, but no one cared. What is she in front of Ah Qing's suffering?At least because she is a royal family and has a title, as long as there is no evidence to prove that Ah Qing was murdered by her, then killing Ah Qing's father can only be regarded as an unintentional mistake.

Coupled with the fact that she is still young, the lawsuits of the other suffering masters are at most nothing more than extortion. These criminal evidences are enough to remove her from the throne and demote her to a commoner, but it is almost impossible to die.

Fortunately Ah Qing and many other sufferers just wanted to seek justice. Seeing King Wu's trustworthiness, they were moved and praised him for his kindness.

As for Zhu Huixi's cries, he pretended not to hear it, and said that he was innocent when he was about to die, which is really abhorrent!

Only when Princess Lu came out, she won some sympathy for the heartrending scene of her stepdaughter, but that sympathy was also for Mrs. Lu. For a while, many people felt that they were wrong. Mrs. Lu really loved this child!
Look at her appearance, she is extremely haggard, her eyes are very swollen, it is obvious that she has cried all night last night, if she cries again now, I am afraid that the princess will not be able to bear it.

Speaking of it, the princess is actually good.

They have done good deeds all these years, alas, it's all because of their villainous heart, who doesn't have a few unworthy descendants?

Most of the people are easy to fool. Seeing Lu's attitude, they took the initiative to stop the rumors and voted a lot of sympathy.

Of course, not all people in this world are fools, and those who are confused will understand.On the side of the street not far from King Wu's Mansion, two middle-aged men were standing, each wearing a cloak. The hats on the cloaks covered their faces, making it difficult to see clearly.

"Hehe, Brother Yuxi, what do you think?"

"Grassing fame, this Lu family is a good way. Make the best use of everything, and she can be regarded as a hero among women."

"Hehe. The most poisonous woman's heart, the ancients certainly did not deceive me. It's just that poor Huixi County Lord, who was used as a gun for no reason, and now she is saving me one by one, but I don't know that she is the one who hurt her to such a degree. That good mother..."

"What's the matter? My virtuous brother has a heart of pity for the fragrance and jade?"

"An old and unscrupulous thing, a child as old as my niece, can it be possible to follow the example of Zhang Zi's wild pear flower pressing crabapple?"

"Tsk tsk, isn't that my ambition..."

These two are none other than Yang Shouchi and Song Yuxi!
The two bosses were dispatched for no other reason, just to see King Wu's attitude, so as to facilitate the next move!
(End of this chapter)

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