Delicious Lady: Lord Wolf, please enter the urn

Chapter 177 Leng Yun's Letter

Chapter 177 Leng Yun's Letter
After the joking and squabbling, Song Yuxi was silent for a while, and said, "My dear brother, what do you think of King Wu's move?"

"It's hard to say..."

Yang Shouchi said lightly: "Only he knows in his heart whether he is sincere or righteous to kill relatives."

"No matter how you make a gesture, it will always be reported."

Yang Shouchi nodded slightly, with a hint of unwillingness flashing across his expressionless face.But he also understands that it is impossible to bring down the king of Wu by relying on this. He caused his younger brother and younger siblings to die tragically. Now that he can get rid of his daughter and eradicate a scourge for his father and fellow villagers, he can comfort the seventh brother and the younger brother to some extent. The spirits of the brothers and sisters are in heaven.

"Let's go, this matter can be successfully concluded, and it can be regarded as an explanation to the elders."

Song Yuxi seemed to be in a good mood, "Now our Shixin Newspaper is about to become famous, it is really famous, famous! Such a happy event, it should be revealed!"

The shadow of a person's famous tree, if you don't come to this era, you can't appreciate the importance of fame.

Due to the lag in information dissemination, the ancients cherished reputation very much.This is why many handicraft shops can survive for a hundred years.

From scholar-bureaucrats to ordinary people, don't care what you think in your heart, at least you must be absolutely honest when you are outside.

This is the foundation of establishing a reputation.

Many centuries-old stores in later generations could not continue to operate, probably because they only inherited the signboard but not the spirit.

Today, Shixin Newspaper is not afraid of power, and even dares to report about Wu Wang's daughter, and has received substantial results.

If before today, Ningbo Daily was only well-known in Ningbo, then after today, his name will definitely leave a strong mark in the history books, which will directly affect the whole country and make many scholars look here. The seeds of mass media sprouted in this way.

Of course, this is something for later, let's not mention it for now.

Besides, after Zhu Huixi was escorted to Beijing, Leng Yun's letter also arrived.

When Man Yue opened the letter and saw the first typeface, it made people blush.

"If you don't see the letter, you have been away for a long time, and you miss it so much. Do you agree with it?"

Nervous, is this a confession?I haven't heard him say that he misses himself usually, but it's bold to write a letter now.Ask yourself if you miss him as much as he does?
Only the devil would think so!
His face was blushing, his heart was filled with honey, just as he was about to read on, he saw two little heads poking thievery, put the letter away abruptly, slapped it, and said angrily: "Two little bastards! If you don’t study hard, what are you playing here?”

"You seem to be thinking about spring."

Xiao Ten observed for a while, and said very firmly: "I heard that people said it was the letter from Lord Hou. The swan geese passed the letter, and the red paper conveyed love, so you blushed."


This kid is precocious!

Man Yue, who was said to be the center, was furious, glanced at Man Cang, who was smiling ambiguously, and cursed: "It's too late for you to be enlightened, and you haven't worked hard..."

"Sister, I didn't say anything..."

Mancang looked innocent, "It's all Xiao Shi said."

Xiao Ten glared Mancang, and snorted coldly, "Spineless!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around, shook his sleeves, and walked towards the door, still muttering: "Tomorrow will be tomorrow, and there will be so many tomorrows. I live for tomorrow, and everything will come to naught..."

"Xiao Shi is right. Sister, I'm going to review my books too. After the Chinese New Year, my husband will be here. If I find out that I haven't made any progress, I will be angry..."

Mancang caught up with Xiao Shi, and said, "Brother Shi, wait for me."


Man Yue's face was full of grief and indignation. These two guys completely ignore the majesty of their eldest sister now?

Especially Xiao Shi, since Zhu Huixi came to make trouble once, he is no longer afraid of himself. Recently, he often shows off, NN's...

A certain girl gritted her teeth, stroked her chin, and thought to herself: I have to find a way to regain the dignity of my elder sister...

Xiao Ten staggered to the door, and when he turned a corner, he quickened his pace and walked quickly. Mancang behind him shouted: "Brother Ten, wait for me, what are you doing so quickly?"

Unexpectedly, the more he yelled, the faster Xiao Shi walked, and he scolded: "Stop making noise! ​​How decent is it in the public?!"

Mancang caught up with Xiao Shi, and couldn't help but sneer, "Brother Shi, are you afraid that sister will chase you out?"

"Gibberish, I don't know what it means! Don't be long-winded, have you memorized everything I taught you?"

"It's natural."

"So fast?!"

Xiao Ten was depressed again. Mancang's aptitude is so good that he can barely forget it. These days when his husband is away, he uses his early enlightenment advantage to make up for him, but now he feels that Mancang's learning progress...

It will be emptied soon...

Xiao Ten thought dully.

It wasn't because he was kind enough to give him extra lessons back then, but because this kid was too arrogant, so he wanted to suppress him.But looking at it now, Xiao Ten felt that if he didn't work hard, he would really be ashamed!
Thinking of this place, they quickened their pace and headed towards the backyard. The backyard has been completely remodeled. After a few days of wind, they retreated from the previous house and all lived here.

In this way, the reading conditions are much better.In order to let the two younger brothers study with peace of mind, the Yang family sent several children of similar age to act as companions and servants. A child with the same surname can be regarded as having a future. Now it is a companion, and later it will be an aide. At worst, it is also a companion. It was a common thing in big families at that time.

Unlike later generations, the ancients paid special attention to family relationships.Apart from these things, it is neighbors, fellow countrymen, and fellowship.One or two of them can be glimpsed from the business gangs handed down from later generations.

So the Yang family sent their children over, and Man Yue couldn't stop them.And these days, because it is a clan society, it is true that family members are more reliable.Don't look at how rich or poor everyone is, but if they betray their families or ignore them after they get rich, they will definitely be scolded to death by the whole society.

Nowadays, the former poor boy from the farm has changed his shotguns to cannons, and there are book boys and older children to protect him.The Yang family spent all this energy, hoping that this boy with good aptitude could win glory for the family in the future.

If it is written in the genealogy, it means that the birth is the Yang family, and the death is the ghost of the Yang family. It is funny to say, but in fact, the ancients did not pay so much attention to blood, they paid more attention to legal system.Mancang is on the Yang family tree, unless the Yang family does not want him, otherwise his life's glory and sorrow will be tied to the Yang family.

The two of them passed through several doors, and finally reached the last one. Once they entered the courtyard, it was really forbidden for idlers to enter. There were guards patrolling 24 hours a day, lest the guests in front come to harass and disturb the female relatives.

After entering the study, just sitting down, I heard someone scream, "It's not good! Brother Yuan, brother Yan, outside, outside, there is a father-in-law outside."

Mancang looked puzzled, "What father-in-law? What does the old man have to do with us?"

On the other hand, Xiao Shi was born in the top ten families, so he frowned and said, "Is it an eunuch?"

The man nodded repeatedly and stammered: "Yes, it's the guarding eunuch here..."

Little Eleven was delighted to hear this, "A eggless thing scares you like this, clan brother, our Eleven Niang is not a vegetarian, last time that Jinyiwei... oh, you didn't come then, I don't blame you... ..."

As he spoke, he stood up and said with a smile, "Twelve, let's go and watch the castration of dogs."

Mancang said curiously: "How did you know they would come to make trouble? Maybe they came to eat and let go..."

"Now these gangsters have become arrogant again. Ever since Hou Jing was in charge, hehe, they have started to exploit the people again. Now I return to Linju and my business is booming. Eleven Niang thinks it's because I didn't take care of it. This is a good thing. ..."

Mancang clapped his hands and said: "Brother Ten is right! Although those litigators helped my sister deal with these trivial matters, how can scholars of my generation flatter eunuchs? They must have done nothing, and here they are looking for trouble! Let's go Let's go and have a look!"

The new kid from the Yang family stared dumbfounded at the two brothers who left together, what, what's going on?

These two have always been bickering, but they are highly united in this matter, even, even...

A certain boy had a ghostly expression on his face: Why do you think they are quite excited?Don't the dramas say that eunuchs are very cruel?
Besides, Yang Manyue secretly lamented the fact that her younger brothers had grown up for a while, and then continued to read Leng Yun's letter.

Looking at it, it almost spewed out.

I saw him writing: As for what you said, if you provoke and cause trouble, don't care about ghosts and snakes, you will be killed!Kill it!The sky is falling, don't worry!The handwritten letter has been sent to Yong's subordinates, and I will contact you when the letter arrives to protect you.

How domineering!
He is indeed the cruelest person in the world!

Look at this tone, the prince is also directly killed, the sky is falling, he is holding it!This is the most domineering and sweet love story she has ever heard!

The most important thing is that he also made an arrangement for his subordinates to come to help, which can be regarded as public use for private use. Although it is not good, but a woman is so guarded by a man, she was moved to tears.

"Uncle, you are too kind to me..."

Man Yue wiped the corners of her eyes, feeling extremely happy.

A woman is emboldened by a man's wholehearted love...

I don't know which book I read about chicken soup, but at this moment, Man Yue deeply felt that this statement was justified.

Now, she has a fearless spirit in her heart, as if she is no longer afraid of any difficulties and difficulties, and feels that she is full of strength!
If there is someone who doesn't have eyesight to make trouble now, I will punch him until his parents don't know each other!

I was thinking there, but suddenly I saw an old Wu rushing in, "It's not good! My master, some father-in-laws have come, saying, saying, it's illegal to belong to the forest house, and it's occupying the official land..."

"Eunuch? What Eunuch?"

Man Yue was stunned, "What right does a mere old man have to ask about my return to Linju? Besides, where is Guan Tianzhi... No, you mean the guarding eunuch here?!!"

Old Wu nodded again and again, "Could the master be revenge from King Wu?"

Man Yue frowned, took a sip of tea, and said: "Isn't it... At this time, the king of Wu escorted the county king to the capital, and then he made a gesture of righteousness and extermination of relatives. If he is looking for someone to seek bad luck, wouldn't it be self-defeating? I think the other There is something hidden, let me go and have a look..."

(End of this chapter)

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