Delicious Lady: Lord Wolf, please enter the urn

Chapter 178 Father-in-Law, Weak and Strong

Chapter 178 Father-in-Law, Weak and Strong
When we got to the front, the first thing we met was not the group of eunuchs who came to make trouble, but a group of diners with inexplicably sympathetic eyes.

Everyone Yang, this is really...

First the Jin Yiwei, then the eunuch...


The most important thing is that Mr. Xu Xiaogong was taken away by the people sent by Wei Guogong yesterday, and the people who came inevitably ran on everyone Yang, making it very embarrassing.

This time without the young master, what should everyone do?

The corner of Man Yue's mouth twitched, this look...

It's just that he didn't have the heart to deal with these diners right now, so he bowed his hands at the crowd and walked towards the group of people.

The leader was a white-faced and beardless man in his 30s, who was sitting carelessly directly under the stage. The performers on the stage seemed to be very frightened, and when they saw the full moon approaching, they all stopped.

After he stopped, he heard the man say: "What are you stopping for? This is Linju's song, and the opera's is the most beautiful. Why, do you look down on the eggless people like Zajia? Sing it for me." "

Man Yue frowned slightly, the voice was really eccentric, sharp and thin.It seems that the TV series is not blind.Probably after a man is castrated, his hormones will change, and his voice may change.

"Where is my mother?"

She asked in a low voice as she stepped forward.

"Still busy in the future."

"Go and pester her, don't let her come to the front, this is a deadly order, do you understand? The two young masters also stop them and don't allow them to come! If they dare to come, the eldest sister is the mother, and she will serve her according to the family law! "

Old Wu was startled, "Little Boss, this is..."

"I'm afraid the visitor is not good."

" can save the little ones, let's go!"

While speaking, the full moon was approaching, and he saluted, "I don't know if my father-in-law is coming, I will greet you from afar, and greet you from afar..."

"Which one are you?"

The eunuch looked over, and what caught his eyes was a young girl with an extremely outstanding appearance.But this is not the point, what kind of beauties has he never seen since entering the palace?In the past in the capital, I followed my godfather to announce the decree, and I also met a lot of ladies and gentlemen in the capital.

But none of them can be like the woman in front of them, just one glance can be deeply embedded in their minds, and I'm afraid they will never forget it in this lifetime.

Without him.

This woman's temperament is too special.

Although she is young, she has a kind of calmness, and there is also some temperament that he can't explain. He doesn't know what it is, but he can sensitively detect the difference in this woman.

That kind of temperament that is different from that of a Daming woman is unique in this world.

What a talented woman!

No wonder both Leng Yun and King Wu were fascinated by her.

Seeing that she was looking at him with a trace of curiosity, but the eyes were clear, just curious without discrimination, he couldn't help but feel at ease and feel a little more goodwill.

"Master Yang?"

"I can't afford to be called everyone. They are all neighbors and old customers. The father-in-law has a noble status. How can the grassroots be called everyone?"


The eunuch laughed tremblingly, took out an embroidered handkerchief and swept it over Man Yue's face, "Look at this little|monster who can talk."

Nodding his head, he looked the full moon up and down again, and said, "It's a good one."

Man Yue is confused, doesn't it look like he's here to ask for trouble?
But it was true that he was negligent before. Although the guarding eunuch is an eunuch, it is the eunuch who can't afford to offend these days.As the saying goes, it is better to offend a gentleman than to offend a villain. Creatures like eunuchs hold grudges very much.

So now she has to rationalize her negligence and let the eunuch have a step down.

"The father-in-law really ruined the daughters of the people."

Man Yue smiled a little shyly, "Said I was going to visit my father-in-law, but I didn't think my father-in-law would come."


Ma Rong was a little surprised, and asked in a sharp voice, "You want to visit Miscellaneous House?"


Man Yue said with guilt on her face: "Man Yue was originally a peasant girl with little knowledge and no knowledge of human affairs. She only knew that there were parents and officials, but she didn't know that there was a guarding father-in-law who heard about the rumors. The reason why the daughters of the people are what they are today depends on the reputation of the emperor. The father-in-law is the son of the emperor. House slaves represent the face of the Son of Heaven, and women of the people are ignorant, really ashamed..."

A group of diners were petrified.

This is too bare|naked, right?
Although we all know that eunuchs are the emperor's minions and servants, but if you say this in front of a respectable eunuch, does this old birthday star hang himself?

You must know that guarding eunuchs are the eyes and ears sent by the emperor to the localities, such as supervising local officials, coordinating the relationship between the local government and the central government, and being responsible for local security. When necessary, they have military power, collect local intelligence, and help the emperor with personal affairs. You can't afford to offend your family's face easily.

With Yang Manyue's words like this, isn't it going to be the end of such a villain as a eunuch?

Some diners have already thought about it, if things go wrong today, they must unite with the local gentry to put pressure on them to save Yang Manyue.

Yang Manyue wrote an article to criticize the county magistrate and opened a newspaper. After King Wu personally escorted the county magistrate to Beijing, Yang Manyue's reputation among the folk gentry gained unprecedented preconditions, and even reached an unprecedented height in the hearts of the poor.

Originally, her fighting against evil officials could only be heard by the people as a joke; but now she cooks, and the roadside stall is not where she cooks in person now, and she has nothing to do with the people. For the food expenses for a few days, Yang Manyue's craftsmanship really has little to do with them.

But writing articles criticizing bullies and speaking out for the weak, especially when I heard that this newspaper is still her idea, and she is still a shareholder, these ordinary people feel that everyone has something to do with them.If there is a grievance in the future, wouldn't it be enough to spend a small amount of money to have someone write a complaint and report it directly to the newspaper?

If you take the initiative to go to the newspaper office, you will save even the money for writing the petition.This newspaper office sells so much every day, and in the future, as long as the newspaper office reports on things that cannot be resolved, even if a bad official comes, you will not be afraid!

With so many civil envoys here, once the officials here do evil, they will be attacked by the elders of Ningbo. In this way, the life of ordinary people will be guaranteed. Haven’t you seen that the subordinates are honest recently?I didn't dare to exploit them anymore, and some even refunded the money, because I was afraid that everyone would go to the newspaper office!
The people living at the bottom are actually very smart. They immediately realized the importance of newspapers from the matter of Wu Wang's daughter. Now that the eunuchs are looking for trouble, they must save the person at the helm!The squires in Ningbo are not stupid, they have seen from the newspaper that they can fight against the government, so naturally they want to save Yang Manyue, lest the benchmark fall and the newspaper die prematurely.

A group of people exchanged glances, wondering how to respond.

And a scene that surprised them happened.

The eunuch actually didn't get angry when he heard this, but he seemed to be very useful, and even said angrily: "Look at you, you are such a fool! Miscellaneous is a dog in the hands of the emperor, everyone, for the sake of the emperor, how much do you give me?" Save face, is it like what you said? The one who hears the wind is the imperial envoy. You compare the miscellaneous family to the imperial envoy. If it is spread to others, you must be scolded to death? Those people hate me and other eunuchs the most Well, you're insulting people by saying that..."

"This is what the father-in-law said."

Man Yue suddenly said solemnly: "Too depressed!"


Ma Rong felt that he couldn't keep up with the little girl's thinking, so he didn't dare to say anything, why was he so familiar?

But seeing the girl with her head held high, she said righteously: "A person's birth can't be chosen, but what kind of path a person takes can be chosen! Throughout the ages, there are many eunuchs who did bad things, but there are eunuchs who do good things." Not a lot!"

Everyone was dumbfounded, Nima, this is really encouraging!
Ma Rong was also stunned, and murmured: "A person's birth cannot be chosen, but is it possible to choose what kind of path a person takes?"

He couldn't help being crazy.His eyes turned red, what he said...

"Elder-in-law, have you ever heard that the body is disabled and the mind is strong? But to achieve great things, you must first suffer from your heart, starve your body, and work your muscles and bones. Not to mention, let's say that there are three eunuchs in this dynasty who went to the West seven times to preach My country is majestic; and he is honest and loyal like Eunuch Huai En, who protects his loyal ministers with his own future... Yes, there are many villains in eunuchs, but how can a person's quality be determined by his occupation? There is also the most noble and most fearless eunuch in the humble and vicious imperial envoy!"

"Elder-in-law looks dignified, and he is a strong-willed person, but now he is saying such depressing words, it really shouldn't be!"

Ma Rong was completely dumbfounded. He nodded unconsciously, arched his hands, and said with guilt on his face: "It is said that Master Yang once went to the Palace of the King of Hades, saw the real good and evil, and obtained great supernatural powers. Today's words make me feel so guilty." I am suddenly enlightened, and the knots in my heart have dissipated for many years, please accept my worship."

All the diners were stunned!

Did Yang Ren'er really have some supernatural powers?
Wrote an article and scolded a county lord, and the county lord's father escorted his daughter to Beijing with guilt...

Now facing the most ferocious creature in this dynasty, how could you call him docile?

Everyone swallowed unconsciously, feeling that this scene was very miraculous and unreal.

Everyone does not know that in the 21st century there is a discipline called psychology, which specializes in the study of a person's psychological problems.Unfortunately, when Man Yue was free in her previous life, she liked to watch criminal psychology, workplace psychology, behavioral psychology and so on.

No way, she opened the door to do business, observing other people's actions to calculate their psychology, and saying the right words can make the business flourish, which is a skill she learned specially. Well-informed people in the 21st century can't stand it, let alone a father-in-law who already has a mental illness?
Every word of Man Yue's words has reached Ma Rong's heart, and he only feels that Yang Manyue is a confidant!Not only did he not hate himself, but he also encouraged himself. If the Zajia really followed what the woman said and asked this flower-like woman to marry the King of Wu, would the Zajia still be human?

It turned out that Mrs. Lu gave Ma Rong 3000 taels of silver, asked him to come over for a cutscene, get Yang Manyue over for a cutscene, and then let her go without anyone knowing, so that her people would have a chance to attack Yes, take Yang Manyue away and bring her into the palace.

Ma Rong thought, this is a good deal, 3000 taels is a huge sum of money!Why don't we just go through the motions?Moreover, I am here to be supervised by the order of the emperor, so I can just find an excuse and ask someone to interrogate me, and I won't offend Leng Yun if I let him go.

Anyway, I let the person go, but the road is not under my control?

He came here just thinking about it, but he didn't expect to meet a confidant, so the Zajiabi couldn't do such a thing!Otherwise, who would come to comfort the injured mind of Zajia!

(End of this chapter)

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