Chapter 179

As Man Yue said, she took a card from Lao Bai, stuffed it aggressively into Ma Rong's hand, and said: "Minnie girls respect people with ambitions the most, but anyone with ambitions is my comrade! Lin Ju Jinka, Man Yue is waiting for your father-in-law to come and discuss with Man Yue often in the future!"

She said in a low voice: "Eunuch, this card has a face value of 5000 taels. Eunuch can use this card when he comes to the store to relax in the future. Minnu will visit Eunuch later."

Ma Rong's heart moved, he felt that Yang Manyue was on the right track!
The words are nice, but this can only make Eunuch Ma look more pleasing to Yang Manyue, and cause some wavering.But no matter how nice it sounds, how can there be money so moving?This is because Lin Ju is now famous all over Yongshang, and idlers can't afford it. If it's worth 5000 taels of food and drink, then it's good!
In the final analysis, no matter how nice the words are, it is not as good as the money.Listening to Yang Manyue's tone, there will be a gift later, tsk tsk, what a well-behaved person...

Eunuch Ma sighed in his heart, and then realized something was wrong. Isn't her attitude a bit strange?

Just wondering, but the little man said in a low voice: "Elder-in-law's great kindness today, the full moon will never forget it, and the return of Lord Marquis must be to pass on the kindness of protection to Eunuch."

Ma Rong was taken aback, and couldn't help blurting out: "You, do you know that someone calls me to deal with you?"

"Elder-in-law, meeting by chance is worse than meeting by chance. Since you're here, why don't you sit in the private room and taste our Guilinju's dishes?"

Man Yue suddenly raised his voice, Ma Rong is not an idiot, there are so many people here, it is not a place to talk.Then he nodded and said: "Zajia and you little friend hit it off right away, and sooner or later you will be very good at cooking, let's have a taste today."

As he spoke, he called a few people to follow Man Yue to the private room on the second floor.

A group of diners only felt that they had seen a ghost, they were supernatural powers!too terrifying!

Mancang and Xiaoshi finally broke free from the hands of several servants, but when they reached the hall, they saw their sister leading someone upstairs, and they were about to catch up, but they were caught by shopkeeper Bai, "You two young masters, the little boss said , I want you to go back and study hard, the matter here has been settled, and now she wants to treat the distinguished guests well..."

Mancang looked suspicious, "Didn't it mean that we have occupied the official land here? This is a bad comer!"


Lao Bai clapped his hands triumphantly and said: "Master, you don't know something. It looked like he was here to make trouble. But who is our boss? He was someone who went to the Palace of the King of Hell. I didn't see any ghosts and snakes." Yes? That was granted by Lord Yan himself, how can a mere eunuch stand up to the righteousness of the world?! After the boss made some remarks, the father-in-law was moved and cried..."

Man Yue and Xiao Shi looked at each other, feeling that Lao Bai had been stunned.

"Treasurer Bai, you, aren't you exaggerating?"

Mancang carefully considered the words, he knew that his sister had gone to the Palace of the King of Hades, and the people outside were just guessing.Although he said it was strange, but Mancang firmly believed that his sister would not lie to him, and he also knew that this matter was not easy to publicize, so he said cautiously: "The villagers are ignorant and like to chisel. Shopkeeper Bai, you are a person who has seen the world. , how come there is one sentence of supernatural powers and one sentence of spells?"

Lao Bai rubbed his chin, pondered for a while, and said leisurely, "I didn't believe it before, but today, after reading a few words from the little boss, the father-in-law cried, so I believe it."

Lao Bai lowered his voice as he spoke, and said nervously: "Do you know that things without eggs are the worst things in the world..."

Mancang and Xiaoshi were a little bit dumbfounded, since the elder sister has taken care of it, then they don't want to cause trouble anymore, they should go home and study in peace.

Leaving aside the two little ones, after Man Yue took Ma Rong upstairs, Ma Rong waved a few attendants to wait outside the door, while he only left two confidantes with the same roles to wait by him.

While ordering a few small dishes, Man Yue poured wine for Ma Rong herself, and said: "Come here, father-in-law, some thin wine, Man Yue will do it first as a respect, and I hope father-in-law will not dislike the simple dishes."

"Master Yang is really joking."

Ma Rong saw that Yang Manyue was very good at being a man at such a young age, and he took advantage of him, and this man's words and attitude made him feel very comfortable, not to mention, he even gave him a gold card worth 5000 taels!

Eunuch Ma loves money but loves name even more, and he feels that he has a special face to be presented with a VIP card by Gui Linju.

Such a person is undoubtedly cute in Ma Gonggong's heart, and he, Ma Eunuch, likes to give cute people more face.

"You, Gui Linju, are now famous all over Yongshang. I heard that even though your newspaper spread the word, this name has been spread to Suzhou! Many foreigners come here to taste your craftsmanship. humble!"

"Eunuch is exalting the full moon."

Man Yue smiled and poured another glass of wine for Ma Rong, and said, "Elder-in-law is someone who has seen the emperor, how capable is the royal chef in the palace? How can my three-legged cat's skills compare to the delicious food in the palace?"


Ma Rong laughed loudly, seeing Man Yue's envious face, he couldn't help but secretly proud.

Young age sometimes has an advantage, such as a few courtesies, after a couple of old drinks, Eunuch Ma forgot Yang Ren'er's ruthlessness, and just acted like a child, proudly saying: "That's not bragging. We are slaves Yes, if it pleases the masters and sons, it is also a common thing to give food. Alas, when the late emperor was still there, the miscellaneous family served in front of the late emperor. Although it was only a small yellow family at that time, the late emperor was kind and often gave Food, at that time the imperial chef was proficient in cooking from the north and the south, but unfortunately now..."

Thinking of the delicacy in the north, he couldn't help but his eyes darkened, and he said in a low voice: "The late emperor never forgot the Northern Expedition, alas...Miss Yang, you are also a learned person, you say, why can't our Ming Dynasty beat the Jinren? We It has been many years since the reform, and the Northland is still in the hands of the Jinren... Alas, I heard from the seniors that the Forbidden City is so magnificent..."

Man Yue was taken aback, and thought to herself, how dare this dead eunuch speak!Wait, he won't dig me, will he?This topic is a bit sensitive, so we have to avoid it.

Status is a very important symbol of Daming, it is okay for scholars to discuss things like this, but it is not good for her to be discussed with people she does not know well.

Seeing that Man Yue didn't answer, Ma Rong couldn't help but shook his head, drank a glass of wine, and said with a wry smile: "I made the girl laugh."

Man Yue shook her head, pondering over the words and said: "Eunuch has hatred for the country and family, and Man Yue really saw the right person. Eunuch is a person with great ambitions."

Ma Rong was stunned, he had been boasted so much today, and he suddenly felt that he was an aspiring eunuch.


We want to be the palm print of the Supervisor of Ceremonies!

"Thank you for your compliment, girl."

After saying a few words of politeness, the various side dishes over there have been served, and Man Yue smiled and said, "It's cold, so let's eat some hot pot. The soup base is made by Man Yue himself, father-in-law, please try it."

"Hot pot? Hot pot is good!"

Ma Rong smiled and said: "The most unaccustomed thing to come to Ningbo is winter. It is very wet, much worse than the capital. Eating some hot pot can keep the cold away and make you feel more comfortable."

Man Yue smiled, but was puzzled in her heart, this eunuch seems to be quite easy to get along with!

Without the hypocrisy of literati, it is much easier to deal with.

I was thinking about it, but I heard the father-in-law suddenly say: "Miss Yang, to be honest, the miscellaneous family appreciates you very much. This is not flattering to Lord Hou, but pure admiration. Come to think of it, you and I are also the same kind Man, when I was young, it was a miserable life, but the miscellaneous family is not as courageous as you, if the miscellaneous family is your younger brother, even if you have a sister like you, you will not enter the palace..."

The full moon is confused, what's going on?
This topic is jumping, and my sister can't keep up!
Is the father-in-law's thinking so weird?
Suffering from the first meeting?
"I think you dared to fight against evil officials alone when you didn't recognize your ancestors and returned to your clan. Although Zajia is a eggless person, it is precisely because of his lack of eggs that he admires those who have seeds. Originally, the nobleman ordered, and Zajia didn't want to embarrass you, so he just left It's just a cutscene, but now it seems that you know who it is, so the miscellaneous people won't come to be this villain."

"Thank you for your maintenance!"

Man Yue said gratefully: "Elder-in-law doesn't know about it, since my father passed away, it's so difficult. It's just pointless to eat bran and swallow vegetables. I just hate that there are always villains who make me feel uneasy... Sigh, I don't know what's going on. ...Could it be that God doesn't like me?"

Ma Ronghaoxuan didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood, you still don't like it?If it is pleasing to the eye, is it possible that you still want to go to heaven?
"Miss Yang, do you know who wants me to deal with you?"

Man Yue thought for a while, and said: "I offended the county magistrate, probably..."

But he didn't go on talking until here, he couldn't help but smiled bitterly, and said in a low voice: "The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop, I can't run away..."

She drank a glass of wine, cupped her hands and said, "Thank you for your protection, father-in-law. You will never forget your great kindness in this lifetime, and you will repay it!"

"Look at you."

Ma Rong happily ate a piece of mutton, and said: "It is said that Zajia is depressed, but I think you are more depressed than Zajia. This young man looks like an old man. You don't have to belittle yourself, Zajia will show you Dier, the one you are going to deal with looks upright, but inside you are biased; looking at you again, that is the man on the cusp of Master Hou, who is also from Sizhitang. She wants to use you in a way, Why bother to find miscellaneous family? Those people look down on me and other eunuchs the most..."

The appearance is positive, but the inside is biased?
This is interesting.

After thinking about it for a while, I felt that what he said should be Princess Wu.Can't help being secretly surprised, does this mean that although Princess Wu is a princess, she is not favored?

She glanced at Ma Rong with complicated emotions. Could it be that he was so kind because he admired himself?
After pondering over his words for a while, he finally understood.

He cupped his hands and asked, "After talking for a long time, you still don't know your father-in-law's name?"

"The surname of the miscellaneous family is Ma, and the single name is Rong."

ha?Ma Rong? ! ! !

Man Yue spit out a sip of old wine, which made Ma Rong quite displeased: "Master Yang, what do you mean?"

"Forgive me, Father-in-law, it's really you. Your name is the same as the one in an anecdote, so I'm surprised..."

(End of this chapter)

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