Chapter 180 Special Ability
One sentence is too good to make Mrs. Lu vomit blood, this dog slave, a thing without eggs, is really going to be turned upside down!

Her face was distorted, she sneered, stared at Ma Rong every word and said: "Elder-in-law took advantage of this princess but didn't do anything? Then why didn't Yang Manyue go to court?"


Ma Rong raised his eyebrows and said, "What's the good of your mother's words?"


Lu's anger vomited blood. From the day she thought of sitting on the princess seat, she met either weak and honest people or gentlemen. No matter how she calculated, she still had to pay attention to superficial kindness.Where is it like Ma Rong?

To turn his face and deny it, this, this, this is so shameless!

Poor Concubine Wu burst into foul words in her heart. If eyes can kill, Ma Rong must have been beaten by her.

"Good, good, good!"

She gritted her teeth and sneered, "What a shameless villain!"

After all, I don't want to say any more, just throw up my sleeves and leave!

Looking at her leaving back, Ma Rong sneered.

After having a detailed conversation with Yang Manyue that day, he found that he had been raped by this.

It turned out that there was such a deep hatred between her and Yang Manyue, it was simply a knot.So here comes the question, as Yang Manyue's fiancé, will he not take revenge on his daughter-in-law?

This is not an ordinary holiday, it is the revenge of killing father and mother. With Ma Rong's experience in serving the palace for many years, he even suspected that Mian Manyue's mother had dystocia.After all, there are too many such methods in the palace.

That's why Ma Rong hates it!
This Lu family is Yang Manyue's mortal enemy, such a crux, I can't make a fuss about it, otherwise I will die a miserable death.

Given Leng Yun's status and meritorious service, he might not be able to kill King Wu, but in the same way, King Wu couldn't kill him either.On the contrary, Leng Yun's power is much stronger than King Wu's. Although he is no longer in Beijing, he is valued by the Queen Mother.

Besides, as long as the rivers and mountains are not recovered for a day, Leng Yun will not fall, he is a sharp weapon to deter the Jin people!It is also the patron saint of the hearts of the people, a benchmark!
It is undoubtedly unwise to fight against such a person. His father-in-law just wants to get some benefits, and he doesn't want to risk his life.

Moreover, Lord Leng holds the real power, and Yang Manyue will not be able to escape an imperial order in the future. No matter how you look at it, she is better than a princess with no power or influence!
The most important thing: In the future, the madam will treat us as uncles, but this bullshit princess treats the miscellaneous family as a slave, hehe, the miscellaneous family is not cheap, so I have to lick your stinky feet!

Thinking of Yang Manyue, Ma Rong chuckled, shook his head, and said in a low voice, "No wonder she was able to defeat the evil officials when she was a peasant girl. She has such determination at such a young age, which has to be admired..."

After a pause, he looked up at the courtyard, saw the snow falling again in the sky, thought of the little girl, and continued to murmur: "I know that you are just pretending to our family, but in the end that sentence is not about birth, you can choose your way." Impressed the miscellaneous... Interesting..."

Eunuch Ma turned around and walked towards the back hall, "Then let the miscellaneous family see if you are worthy of close friendship, whether you are worthy of the miscellaneous family's help..."

After a few days, the coldness since the beginning of winter was swept away.

When Laba arrives, people who are huddled at home take to the streets to celebrate Laba.

No, to be precise, I went to eat Laba porridge.

This festival, which was the first to worship ancestors and gods and pray for a good harvest and auspiciousness, gradually became a major day for the whole country to give alms because of the same day as the day when the Buddha became enlightened.

The ancient Laba was far more grand than modern ones, especially the Laba in the Ming Dynasty.

Because there is a legend in this dynasty that when Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang was in prison and suffered in prison, it was cold and hungry. Zhu Yuanzhang found some seven or eight kinds of red beans, rice, red dates, etc. from the mouse hole in the prison. Whole grains.

The wicked old man Taizu boiled these things into porridge. Because that day was the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, Zhu Yuanzhang called this pot of porridge Laba porridge.Later Zhu Yuanzhang pacified the world and became emperor from the north to the south. In order to commemorate that special day in the prison, he designated this day as the Laba Festival and officially named the whole grain porridge he ate that day as Laba porridge.

In fact, there is no record in the history books, so it is not clear how the legend came about.But I don't know what to do, but the descendants of the Zhu family seem to be willing to misunderstand the common people. All in all, on this day, it is really lively from the palace to the common people.

Leaving aside those complicated festive decorations, since it is the Laba Festival, it is natural to eat Laba porridge.And the Laba porridge in this Laba Festival naturally has to eat other people's Laba porridge!
Why do you eat Laba porridge from other people's homes?

Because the family is poor and can't afford it!

On this day, needless to say, all major temples, anyone with some wealth in their family will do something to benefit the village.For example, a bowl of Laba porridge with many varieties, delicious and beautiful.

The ingredients of Laba porridge vary according to the products of different regions, and there are far more than eight kinds of ingredients for wealthy families.On the day of Laba, the content of porridge from rich and noble families has also become a kind of comparison.

The original intention is pure and the end is kitsch.

However, it is a good thing in the end.

For the rich, it is a competition to show off, but for the poor, it is a feast of gourmet food.

Not to mention beggars on the street, even those with a bit of wealth will eat it.After all, there is meat in Laba porridge, and many people cannot eat meat.

After hearing Lao Bai's report, Man Yue also felt the need to make Laba porridge.

Guilinju's business is so booming that their neighbors on this street have also benefited.There is a large flow of people, and it is a commercial area.

When the nobles go out, the coachmen and servants have to spend. Although there is a big dining hall for the servants to eat in the Linju, but what is the place in the Linju?Even the large canteen is more expensive than the ones outside, and the canteen is limited and cannot supply many people. The internal staff of Linju alone will take up more than half of it.

So mostly eat out.In addition to the entourage of the nobles, there are also many scalpers waiting for the first-hand manuscripts here!Full moon always controls the circulation of small-character posters, and the serialization of newspapers is slower than that of small-character posters, so many scalpers can still make a living by relying on this.

These scalpers also have to eat, and because of the fame of Gui Linju and Full Moon, there are always some people who can't afford it but want to watch the fun at the door.In this way, the whole street is flourishing.

For this reason, Yang Man received many gifts from his neighbors.

Although the neighbors on this street are prosperous, they also suffer from a lot of jealousy.So after much deliberation, Man Yue felt that she had to benefit her relatives and elders who went to the countryside, and planned to cook for herself.

It is also very difficult to make Laba porridge for multiple people. Fortunately, there are many people who can help. In fact, Miss Yang can't just put the things into the pot in order. In this way, she has the skill of God's Hand.And she has to be more precise in controlling the heat.

In Ningbo, people don't like the sweet Laba porridge, they eat it all salty.

The pork ribs that have been salted for a |night are perfect for soup base.Then add rice, millet, black and white glutinous rice, peanuts, red beans, kidney beans, taro cubes, and finally add the big killer of dried vegetables. I think it will satisfy the villagers.

On the day of Laba, a group of old diners feel happy.Although he is a regular customer, it is not easy to eat dishes cooked by Mr. Yang himself.But today, the Laba porridge is open for supply. Although it is the same as the porridge donated outside, they don't care at all. It is happiness to eat the food made by her old man!

Full moon stood outside in person, organizing people to give porridge to others.

I heard that Gui Linju also gave out porridge, and Mr. Yang made it himself, Xiaogang was a sensation!
Well!The whole family mobilized together and directly blocked the entire street. The local officials were so scared that they peed, thinking that everyone was going to rebel!
Order all the people and horses to have a look. It turns out that everyone Yang is giving porridge?

We rubbed our noses, and sneaked into the crowd calmly. Anyway, we are servants in the yamen, not officials. If we eat some porridge with fellow villagers, that is also fun with the people!
While thanking the elders for their support, Full Moon ordered people to bring the big pot over. There were too many people, and the big bucket of porridge bottomed out very quickly.

Fortunately, a certain girl is also a big-hearted person, so she naturally knows what the poor want.Not to mention too much food, the porridge is also dry, and no matter who comes, everyone who sees it will have a share, and if there is not enough, another bowl can be added.

With Gui Linju's current speed of making money, although she, Yang, has not yet reached the point where she can make a lot of money every day, she can still afford mere Laba porridge.

They were serving porridge there when suddenly there was commotion at the back of the line. A few Yang family children who were in charge of maintaining order held up baseball bats to take a look. They were immediately amused. When they came back, they told Man Yue, who sneered, "Pests are indispensable everywhere, let's go!" , take a look!"

Yang Manyue led the people to the back of the line, and saw a few rogues with hatchets pinned to their waists, and some of them simply held small knives, standing at the entrance of the alley, and put a few large buckets in front of them, so that everyone who received the porridge Everyone goes in half.

When Man Yue looked at the scene, she sneered suddenly, and ordered in a low voice: "Take a few people and take what, and go to the other side to have a look..."

"Yes, master!"

Seeing the full moon approaching, the rogues were stunned for a moment, and then flattered and said: "Oh, isn't this everyone Yang? The little ones greet you. It's a good day in Laba, and I came here to ask for a bowl of food."

Man Yue chuckled, and said, "The way the elder brothers beg for food really opened my eyes."

After finishing speaking, she stretched her hand into her sleeve, just when the rogues thought that Master Yang would reward her with some money to fulfill the perfection of her donation, they saw something coming out of the cuff...

Ok?Long, dark red, like mahogany... Fuck!That's a ruler!

Before the rogues could react, rulers and cursing fell down everywhere, and everyone in Yang danced wildly at the rogues, cursing: "Damn Xipi! Red pockmarked, old man from home!" Also blackmail, promising!"

"Ouch, ouch!"

Several lands were caught off guard, how did they expect that a delicate little girl from Master Yang would do it?
He ate a few times, unfortunately, he hit his nose and got a nosebleed. He fell to the ground, hugged his face and yelled loudly. While rolling, he vaguely came up with a word about Mr. Yang's bad temper. The legend of beating people if they disagree.

I heard that the last rogue who troubled her has been delayed...

I couldn't help but shivered, knelt down and begged for mercy, "Grandma, Grandma Yang, we were wrong, we were wrong..."

They would never dare to fight with everyone Yang. Those weapons are just to frighten ordinary people.Obviously, everyone Yang is not an ordinary person.

"Look at that promise!"

Yang Manyue sneered, "Return the porridge to the folks!"

"Yes Yes Yes Yes!"

"You guys are doing great!"

A group of elders cheered, Man Yue smiled slightly, and said to those hooligans: "Come with me..."

"Master Yang, this, this is unnecessary..."


"Go, go, we'll follow you!"

Only then did Man Yue put the ruler into her sleeve with satisfaction, and took the rogues to the office. After sitting down, she didn't speak, but looked the rogues up and down, as if she was looking at some goods. It made their scalps go numb, not knowing what this vicious little girl wanted to do.

After a long time, I heard the little girl say: "Have you ever done anything wrong?"


A few people were dumbfounded, what the hell kind of problem is this?

Scratching his head, he said, "Master Yang, although we are a bit rascals, we were actually forced to do so. We have never done any serious evil..."

"They're all locals?"


"This girl wants to recruit a few people to be nurses, are you willing?"


The poppiers were dumbfounded, huh, there is such a good thing?

In fact, it's not that they are willing to be rogues, and there is really no way to make money.

These guys are all guys whose parents didn't get up early, and who have been hanging out on the street since they were young.The family has no property or job, and because of petty theft in the past, it is always impossible to find a job.Or if you find it temporarily, you will be exposed and lose your job.

In order to survive, they can only do some blackmail.

When Man Yue saw them begging for mercy, she knew that these few had done nothing serious. Of course, the little evil couldn't escape.But now she really needs a few guys who are familiar with the terrain to do something for herself. They say it is a nursing home, but they are actually doing some shady things for her.

For example, keep an eye on Wu Wangfu.

But these words can't be said for the time being, she has to test it out.

"Go back and think about it, but don't spread a word about what I told you today! Well, the nursing home is just a theory..."

She deliberately took out the green jade hairpin that Leng Yun gave her and played with it, as if absent-mindedly said: "If you want, come find me from the back door in three days..."

After a few rogues came out, I was a little confused. What does everyone mean by this?
But it would be nice to have a job, and to be honest, they don't want to do such a thing!Although they mostly blackmailed foreigners, they were despised by the elders in their hometown.

If there is a job...

"Brother, why do I feel that everyone Yang has something to say..."

"I feel the same way. You won't let us kill and set fire?"


Liu Si slapped Wu Goudan on the head suddenly, and cursed: "Do you have any brains?! If you want to kill anyone, Yang, you only need to talk!"

As he spoke, he lowered his voice and said, "Even the eggless thing can be convinced by her words, this is a great supernatural power...Hmph! I don't understand from the looks of you, in my opinion..."

Liu Si straightened up, and suddenly became inscrutable, touching his chin and said, "The hairpin just now belonged to a man... I think it's probably because Lord Hou needs someone to do something, someone with special talents like us... "

(End of this chapter)

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