Chapter 182

Lu's face was distorted instantly!
She never thought that Yang Manyue would be so shameless, and so courageous, that he dared to provoke her like this!

Man Yue sneered, raised her eyebrows, and said two words in a deep but slow and clear voice: "Bitch..."

"You bitch!"

Mrs. Lu raised her hand abruptly, and stopped in the stunned crowd of onlookers.

The atmosphere suddenly fell into a ghost-like silence, and the friends were all stunned!
She looked at Man Yue, and saw that the corners of Man Yue's mouth were raised slightly, so unruly and disrespectful, the anger was burning like a fire in her heart, until her eyes were red and her body trembled wildly.

The sound of discussion spread into the ears, and only then did I realize that there were still many people around.The raised hand quickly retracted, took Man Yue's hand, pretending to be innocent and said: "Good boy, won't you invite me in for a sit down?"

Man Yue sneered, there is no silver 300 taels here, this woman is not ordinary stupid.

"My aunt can come to visit. My parents must be very happy to see them in the sky. How dare the full moon not welcome me?"

These words were very strange, Man Yue felt that Lu's hand tightened unconsciously, she chuckled lightly, and said in a low voice, "Don't do anything wrong in your life, and don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door in the middle of the night! Lu! How dare you come?! "

"Who? You, what are you talking about?"

Mrs. Lu looked at Man Yue, why did that voice sound like Yuan Yunniang's?
Full Moon opened her eyes wide and said innocently: "What did the princess say? When did I speak?"

Full Moon, who is well versed in psychology, naturally knows how to manipulate other people's minds. It is the same as the saying, life is smooth and undisturbed, and evil will not invade. Lu has ghosts in his heart. Give her some psychological hints. If she is someone who is easy to be deceived The person who hinted, hehe, the parents who died tragically will come to find her in another way!

She didn't know if this method could be successful, after all, she had only learned a little bit.But as long as she can add obstacles to the Lu family, she has done her best to be a child and is happy to see it succeed.

Lu's eyes flickered, and suddenly regretted coming.

In the end, his conscience is still lingering, thinking of Yunniang's tragic death, he still feels a little scared in his heart.

Looking at this Yang Manyue was like seeing the young Yuan Yuniang, which made her feel uncomfortable.

Especially those eyes, faint, looking at you coldly, but when you look carefully, you will find that there is warmth in those eyes, as if they are the eyes of an ordinary girl.

This experience made Lu's heart a little edgy, especially just now that her loss of control might bring criticism, and she was already at a disadvantage before the fight. This made her very upset, and at the same time, she became vigilant. Watch as a child.

After entering the lobby, the Chen family who rushed over hurriedly wanted to salute. Man Yue went over to support Chen, and said with a smile: "Mother, the princess and mother are handkerchiefs. The princess just said that you don't need to be too polite."

Mrs. Chen nodded, unexpectedly indifferently, she glanced at Mrs. Lu, blessed her body, and said casually: "The peasant woman has seen the empress."

After a pause, he continued: "Mother, mother is going to the back kitchen to arrange the dishes, and you accompany the princess. The private room is full, and there are only private seats..."

Lu's face twisted again.

Forget about Yang Manyue!
What is this Chen family?A mere second wife, a peasant woman, dares to be so perfunctory? !
The hand that was shrunk in the clothes was retracted hard, and suddenly a voice rang in the ear, "Bold! Yang Manyue, you are so rude! Repeatedly rude, is it easy to bully us when we are princesses?"

Full Moon squinted at the mother-in-law who spoke, and said in a cool tone: "What are you? Huh?"


The speaking mother-in-law widened her eyes and said angrily: "I want you to know that I am the aunt of the princess..."


Man Yue smiled lightly, "I don't know what it is, she was just a slave girl. Look, this angry person has already passed the master. Not long ago, the Lord of Huixi County went to the capital, I thought it was a villager. The people are coerced by ignorance, now it seems that the Huixi County Lord is not wronged. After all, this slave is so arrogant, and it is normal for the master to be generous."

There was a dull pain in the old woman's chest, as if someone had hit her hard with a hammer, and her face turned pale instantly.

Scholars don't use dirty words when they swear, she has figured it out, these words are cruel and shameless, without saving any sympathy, what's going on with this little girl?Is it really on the line with Wu Wangfu?

A group of people have completely seen the way.

Everyone Yang is usually not such a sharp person, and what he said was inside and outside, but he didn't show any sympathy. Thinking back to the recent events, people's curiosity was immediately aroused.

There is a play!

There is an inside story!

The people are not fools!

Even the blind can see that Mr. Yang has grievances and grievances with Wu Wangfu, very deep grievances!

For a moment, it was like a chicken blood, listening carefully to the development of the incident with ears pricked up.

Lu's face turned pale, and her body kept trembling. She already understood that Yang Manyue was going to tear her face apart, and she didn't even think that a snake was too lazy to do it, so she was about to slap her in the face.

He raised his hand and pointed at Yang Manyue, his lips trembling with anger, "Shu, Shuzi, An Gan?"

Full Moon sneered, "Where was my aunt when my mother was in trouble? Did my aunt know about giving birth to me?!"

One sentence exploded in Lu's ears like a silent thunder!
She listened to what she didn't understand, but she understood it very clearly!

Her face turned pale all of a sudden, her body trembled more and more, Man Yue saw her appearance, and her heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

The mother's death really had something to do with her.

In fact, she wasn't sure whether Yuan's dystocia and death were related to Lu's, but there were too many such plots in the film and television dramas in her previous life, and she also felt that the theory of dystocia due to running around and fleeing from exhaustion was a bit far-fetched, so she decided Suspicious.

According to what my uncle and grandfather said, Lu's reason for helping Yuan's escape was for the position of princess, so she will try her best to protect them from being found in the early stage, so the inferences of the previous few people are untenable.

The only thing that makes her wonder now is whether her father knew about it at the time?And what kind of role did Li Mingsheng play in it?All of this can only be clarified when she goes back to find Li Mingsheng herself.

Anyway, she solved another mystery today.

Mrs. Lu killed her own mother, and she tampered with her mother when she gave birth to her!
And so she solved another mystery, in which King Wu may have protected their father and daughter, otherwise Li Mingsheng alone would not be enough.It's just that this mystery is solved, and another mystery arises again: Why did King Wu do this?The elopement of his father and mother made him feel ashamed, shouldn't he hate his father?But why do you want to protect your father from being harassed by Mrs. Lu?
What role did he play in this matter? !

Man Yue pressed her heart in confusion, looked at Lu Shi coldly, and asked back word by word: "Why didn't Auntie answer Yue'er?"

(End of this chapter)

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