Chapter 183
People always like to use their own settings to frame others and set the outcome of things.But the fact is that things in the world cannot be set in a second, so where is the established route and framework?

Lu thought that she came here in a high-profile way, so she could humiliate Yang Manyue and make her opponent kneel down to him, so as to relieve the anger of losing many fights.

But she never expected that Yang Manyue would not play her cards according to the routine, and instead she would be at a disadvantage everywhere.Looking at the other party's seemingly respectful smile, I feel that my heart is bleeding.

That is provocation, ridicule, contempt!

Yang Manyue has enough reasons to despise this princess.

As an ancient person, you should know the truth that "knowledge changes destiny".But look at this princess, it's not wrong to be born in a small family, but people know how to make progress!

With nothing to do in her free time, she only knows to do some idle things, but doesn't know how to read a few more books. The dignified princess is so naive, she came here in person just to fight for breath.

She, Yang, was worried that if this matter spread, it would damage her parents' reputation, but under the oppression of the princess, her parents would become miserable people.People always sympathize with the weak, sometimes this has nothing to do with pity, it is just the empathy of the weak and the sorrow of the rabbit and the fox.

In the past, she held back her words for the sake of her parents' honor, but now...

She hooked her lips and sneered.

Someone presented an opportunity to you!If she doesn't make good use of it, she will be too sorry for her parents!

Thinking of this, she suddenly raised her voice and said, "Auntie, please clarify!"

Everyone was confused for a while, it was clearly a joke, but what was it?
Why do you feel that Wangfei's eyes are flickering, as if she has a guilty conscience?

A person's gossip heart can't stand teasing, if that person doesn't like gossip, it only means that the gossip is not enough to attract him.

Obviously, as the most special group of people in the Ming Dynasty, their gossip will always be loved by the public.

Man Yue stabbed straight, Fang Zheng was extremely upright, and caught Lu Shi by surprise, making it impossible for her to avoid and retreat. If she didn't answer directly, the public opinion would be against her.

And even if she answered, if she answered inappropriately and was pinched by the full moon, the public opinion would still kill her.Therefore, Yang Manyue's sword is extremely masculine and well-planned, but it just leaves the Lu family no choice, fighting or not fighting is death.

Man Yue looked at Mrs. Lu, Mrs. Lu looked at Yang Manyue, the wind was blowing on the water, the waves were turbulent, and then the wind stopped, only to hear a burst of laughter, with sadness, "You are too stubborn, if it weren't for me, How can you stand here? Sister Yue, don't let others instigate you, your mother and I are close friends in the boudoir, there are some things that should not be told to outsiders, if we..."

"Wangfei's words are wrong!"

Yang Manyue suddenly changed her address, "The so-called things are all things that cannot be told to others. If the princess is innocent, why should she be afraid of being provoked by villains? I heard from my uncle that you and my mother were handkerchiefs back then. Hua Chunyu, Cardamom is in a good time, you and your mother participated in the poetry meeting together and hit it off, and became best friends..."

This is actually a bit inexplicable. If you don’t watch the smart people in the crowd, you immediately think of one thing: 13 years ago...

King Wu chooses his concubine!
That poem will...

Everyone's memory has been unlocked. Speaking of which daughter of the Yuan family Yang Manyue was born to, it is still a mystery. It is vague to the outside world, so it is easy to attract speculation from the outside world, okay?

And the Yang family was very tight-lipped. Although Yang Shouheng had some talent and fame, he was in Ren'an, so Ningbo was always curious about which daughter of the Yuan family he married?In people's minds, it seems that old man Yuan hit the mandarin duck with a club...

But now it seems...

People's minds are blown up!

 Since the night before yesterday, the author has been suffering from a low-grade fever. It has been two days, and the low-grade fever has not subsided. Today, I couldn’t hold on to see a doctor. After taking medicine, it turned into a moderate-grade fever. I couldn’t hold it anymore, so I wrote 1000 words, I really can’t write any more, my mind is like a paste, it’s uncomfortable... The author is actually in a bad state this year, and old readers should have found this book to be lazy.In fact, it’s not that I don’t want to work hard. Like the previous book, I update the basics every day. It’s just that I suddenly have to live with my parents. The conflict of values ​​always makes me tired. How to deal with it has become an important topic in the author’s life. It’s always difficult to concentrate In addition, the atrophy of the gallbladder is getting more and more severe, and the reflex area hurts after eating, and sometimes it is difficult to sleep all night. Although the author is unwilling, he still has to face the need for cholecystectomy in his early 30s The reality is that if you don’t cut it, you may become cancerous... I am rambling today, I hope you understand, people who are sick are sometimes more fragile...

(End of this chapter)

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