Chapter 188 Arrested

"There was a strange thing in Ningbo in the past. It was said that there was a prince in the previous dynasty..."

Many people gathered in front of a wall, and a scholar shook his head and read the words on the paper to everyone, so there were not many opportunities to show up in the limelight, and today was a good opportunity.

I don't know who it is, and what kind of grievances they have. Overnight, there are many more such papers in Ningbo.Some were pasted on the wall, and some were simply sprinkled along the bustling street.

What's in it is also interesting.

It is said that a prince fell in love with a woman with a marriage contract in the previous dynasty, and that woman met a popular candidate for the princess at a poetry meeting and invited her as a best friend. Who would have thought that this best friend was very jealous, and seeing a girlfriend with a marriage contract made the prince love each other Very annoyed, and very greedy for the position of the princess, so he appeared as a good person, encouraged the woman to elope, and made many covers and arrangements, but under the seemingly kind surface, a terrible evil intention was hidden.

The woman and her lover already had a marriage contract, and their parents had acquiesced in their marriage, and they exchanged name cards, but they were afraid of the power of the prince, so they had to announce that the two fateful mandarin ducks got sick and died.At this point, the two concealed their identities, avoiding the search of the palace, and struggling to survive, but the woman had a body, and when it came time to give birth, the princess appeared as a good person again, and invited Wen Po, but Wen Po was the woman's life-threatening talisman...

Although the ins and outs of the matter are written briefly, the twists and turns are vivid, and some ordinary people listened with gusto.Someone who was a little older and more flexible in mind somehow thought of Wu Niang of the Yuan family.

Without him, the story of King Wu's falling in love with Wu Niang of the Yuan family was widely known in the city, but Wu Niang's fate was unlucky, and she died of the epidemic.At that time, many people also had doubts. How could such a coincidence happen?And what made them suspicious was that Wu Niang of the Yuan family was engaged...

For a while, people thought of the relationship between Yuan Wuniang and the current Princess Lu. Thinking of this, they tasted a little bit. Why do they feel that this is talking about the current Princess Lu?
Following people's speculation, more and more people began to firmly believe that the vicious princess in the story was the Lu family, and they became indignant for a while.

This Lu family is too hypocritical!

Thinking about it again, if she is a good person, how can she teach something like Mr. Huixi County?
There was a lot of discussion in the city, and the Lu family in the palace was also having a hard time.

It just got better today, but when I heard such rumors again, I took those things and looked at them, well, I just fainted from anger.

After waking up, regardless of others' persuasion, she immediately stood up and went to her mother's house. After some plotting, she returned to the palace with a comforting expression.

The end of the new year is approaching, but the business in the store is not much deserted because of this. Mortal Biography firmly attracts repeat customers with its unique charm.Besides, although Guilinju is well-known, it is only limited to Ningbo now, so most of the consumers are mainly big households in Ningbo.

Since it is in the local area, there is no need to rush back to celebrate the New Year. They still come here every day to listen to books and watch cross talk, and many people even inquire whether Gui Linju is closed for the New Year.

Man Yue is also speechless about this, people in the Ming Dynasty have a lot of entertainment spirit!
No matter what, seeing that the Chinese New Year is coming soon, we have to do things to eat and use when the New Year closes.

The store won't be closed until the New Year's Eve, and the employees can't go back to work for the New Year, so I, as the boss, naturally have to make plans for the employees.

One catty of refined salt per person, 3 taels of umami, 5 catties of pork, 2 catties of oil, 10 catties of rice, and 20 eggs.From top to bottom, no matter the size of the position, as long as it belongs to Linju, everyone has a share.

In addition, a year-end dividend of 2 taels of silver is also prepared for each person, and those in charge have more, ranging from 5 taels to 10 taels.

As soon as the news came out, the whole Guilinju was in a state of excitement. For such a generous boss, being able to work in Guilinju was a blessing from previous life!
It didn't take long for the old guests who returned to Linju to find that these workers were working harder than before.

What's the matter?

A group of diners were also stunned when a few guys told the story in a rather mysterious way.

They can be regarded as people with assets, but compared with everyone Yang's actions, they are nothing compared to others. This Yang Manyue is so kind!

At the same time, I was secretly proud of myself.

This person who has read the books of sages is different, he despises profit and values ​​virtue, he is really a role model for our generation!

Man Yue's side was bustling with buying new year's goods, while Lu's side had also launched a conspiracy against Yang Manyue.

That night, after Yang Manyue had finished reviewing the account books, she was about to take a rest when she heard a noise coming from the front. After a while, someone came in and reported: "Master, a person from Chaiqiao came up ahead and said it was Aunt Mei's." He was arrested by the government."


Yang Manyue was taken aback.

Aunt Mei's family naturally refers to Mei Sanniang.

Originally, He Daniu and Mei Sanniang also came to Xiaogang, but later saw that there were high-ranking officials and dignitaries here, and they felt that they were not capable enough, so they went back to take care of the house for Man Yue.

After getting along for a long time, I also know what kind of person Mei Sanniang is, so Manyue passed on the skill of stewing and cooking to their husband and wife, and asked them to run the business of the house, and gave Manyue [-]% of the money every month.

Many people in Chaiqiao have feelings for the house. Even if Manyue is no longer there, the stewed old soup is still made by Manyue, so it still tastes delicious. Many scholars still regard it as a place for chatting, and the business is still good. .

In addition, Mei Sanniang and He Daniu are refreshing people with a forthright temper, and many people are willing to take care of their business.The monthly profit is also very considerable. After paying [-]% of the full moon, there will be a lot of surplus. As long as it lasts for another two years, it will be enough to make He Daniu's family a wealthy family in Chaiqiao.

He did a good job, but he was arrested by the government all of a sudden?
The first thought of the full moon was that there was a conspiracy in it.

With a heavy face, he said, "Where is the person?"

"Waiting outside."

"Call in quickly."

After a while, Dayou Mei rushed in. When he saw Yang Manyue, he pushed Jinshan down and knelt down, "Master! Little Master, hurry up, save Sanniang and Big Niu!"

"what happened?!"

Yang Manyue stepped forward immediately, helped Mei Dayou up, and said, "Brother Dayou, what happened?"

"My master, my master..."

Seeing Yang Manyue, Mei Dayou immediately burst into tears, "Dead, dead..."

"What, what?!"

Full Moon's brain froze.

"You, what are you talking about? What dead people?"

"Boss, boss, us, our food is killing people..."

"Fart! How is this possible?!"

"Really, really."

Mei Dayou broke down and cried, "A few days ago, an old man from Xiapu came here admiringly and ate a bowl of stewed food, but he died when he returned that night, and the family members sued us, saying that they ate our stewed food. Damn, the magistrate of the county has already detained Big Niu and San Niang, Dong, Dong, this, this, what should I do?!"

Eat dead people?
Full Moon stood there blankly, "You, did you clean the large intestine as I said? Would you rather feed the dog overnight than take it out?"

"Yes, yes, you are famous all over Yongshang, my little boss. We all rely on you for food. How dare you smash your brand? Our business is very good. It is no problem for many people to eat it. Why does the old man die as soon as he eats it?" gone?"

"Don't worry."

Man Yue helped Mei Dayou get up, sat on the sofa, asked someone to serve Mei Dayou a cup of tea, and made herself some coffee. After taking a few sips, Lu's face gradually emerged in front of her eyes.

It's not that there are no coincidences in the world, but if there are too many coincidences, it would be strange.

Right now at this stall, the struggle between myself and Mrs. Lu is in full swing. It's hard not to imagine that something like this happened to someone who is related to me at this point!

While thinking about it, Chen's voice came from outside, "Xiao Niang, is there someone from the Mei family?"

"Second sister!"

Seeing Mrs. Chen come in, Mei Dayou burst into tears again, "Second Niang, San Niang was taken away."


Mrs. Chen was also stunned for a while, and then her face changed, "What, what took it away? You, please explain..."

Man Yue sighed, and then said: "There is an old man who ate our stewed food and died..."


Chen shi went limp all of a sudden, "Why, how come?"

"Mother, this matter is full of weirdness, my daughter will go to Dinghai County to take a look."

Mrs. Chen nodded in panic, "Mother, mother will go with you. Sanniang has an accident, mother, mother is going."

"Mother, who will take charge of the overall situation when you leave? I wrote to me early in the evening, and I will be back in a few days. You keep it. I will go to Dinghai County to take a look. My daughter thinks this may be a misunderstanding. It's no big deal." , don’t scare yourself.”

"Then, do you want to send someone to give your eighth uncle a message? Does he..."

"Mother arranges it."

Man Yue took another sip of coffee and continued: "Don't worry, we are not Wuxia Ameng anymore. Come on, go get some food and carriages, and tell some of my brothers to come with me..."

"Mother, go, mother will arrange for you."

Mrs. Chen seemed a little flustered, thinking about the last time she went to the Yamen, she couldn't help but feel weak.And now that her best friend is in jail, it makes her heartbroken and flustered.She wanted to go with her, but there was no one here, the two children needed to be looked after, and the store also needed someone to make up their minds.

The most important thing is that Master Hou might be going to Xiaogang in these two days, if he waits until Master Hou goes to the county government together, then it will be easy to talk about anything.

Mrs. Chen went to call the Yang family's children to prepare, while thinking wildly, until she was satisfied and got on the carriage, she came back to her senses slightly, stepped forward and said: "Xiao Niang, don't be as brave as last time, if there is something wrong, send someone back to report immediately , we will talk about everything when Master Hou comes back..."

"I can save it, mother. Go back quickly, it's windy outside..."


After some exhortations, Man Yue took seven or eight children of the same family and headed towards Dinghai County overnight.

When they arrived in Dinghai County, the night was already very dark, and they couldn't enter the city, so they found a good hotel outside the city for a short rest. When it was dawn, a group of people entered the city and went straight to the county government office...

(End of this chapter)

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