Chapter 189
Coming to the Dinghai County Government Office again, Yang Manyue was deeply moved.

A few months ago, I was beaten to death here as a commoner. A few months later, although I was still a commoner, it was different after all.

This can be seen from the attitude of the gatekeeper at the door towards him.

"Yang, everyone Yang..."

The yamen servant was trembling, as if Yang Manyue was some terrible scourge, and when he spoke, his tongue seemed to be knotted, but he stuttered.

Yang Ren'er's prestige can make a subordinate official fear like this. It can be seen that the scene that day left a serious psychological shadow on these people.

I haven't seen you for a few months, and everyone's fighting power is even more terrifying!

He actually pulled the county king off his horse. Wouldn't it be a joke if he didn't serve me well and crushed me to death?

The yamen servant bowed his body, and asked very cautiously: "You don't know what's going on here, Master Yang?"

"I have an aunt who came to visit when she heard that she was arrested by you."

The man's expression turned pale, and he asked with a pale face, "Could it be that the surname is Mei?"


Man Yue cupped her hands, took out some money, and said, "Please send me for your convenience, can you let me visit?"

"This, this little one can't decide."

The yamen servant waved his hands again and again, "Master Yang, it's not that you're a little unaccommodating, but that the Mei family's Sanniang incident involves human life. The little ones can't make the decision, the big master has to make the decision."

"Then how about asking my brother to report it for me?"

Yang Manyue smiled and pushed the money back, "It's freezing cold, brother is working hard, buy some hot tea."

Money can turn ghosts around, not to mention it was rewarded by Master Yang, so how could the yamen servant not agree?

After taking the money, he went inside to report.

After a while, he came out again, and said with a troubled expression: "Master Yang, the magistrate said that this case involves human life, so no visits are allowed."

When Man Yue frowned, he and this statement had shared weal and woe, how could he refuse to accommodate this matter?Or did the Lu family bribe someone else to put pressure on the county magistrate?Or simply accepting the benefits of the Lu family, is this going to deal with him together with the Lu family?

Seeing that Yang Manyue's complexion was not good, the yamen servant looked around, and said in a low voice: "The county lord said that homicide cases have been major cases since ancient times, and the government and the public have paid attention to them. Mei Sanniang and He Daniu are employed by you, so you should avoid suspicion." .”

"No reason!"

Yang Xinjie scolded: "What do you mean by that? Could it be that you suspect that our boss deliberately harmed people?!"

"Xinjie...shut up..."

"Aunt Eleven, this is clearly framed! Many people have eaten it and are fine all the time, so why did something happen at this juncture? Besides, the old man was already sick, so maybe he died after taking some other medical treatment. can we blame us?"

The yamen servant didn't dare to show his anger, and said with a smile: "The little one is just a messenger, don't be angry with this little brother."

"Brother Cha is right, Xinjie, you are too rude to back down."

"Aunt Eleven!"

"Get out!"


"The country boy has never seen the world, and his temper is a bit aggressive, and he still looks forward to this poor brother Haihan."

Man Yue saluted, then brought the food box and cotton-padded clothes over, and said, "Since the county lord said so, then we should avoid suspicion. It's just that Mei Sanniang is a woman after all, and she is weak. I don't know if these food and clothes are acceptable or not. hand over?"

"The county lord has an account. Don't let anyone flow into the prison..."

Full moon nodded, not disappointed or anxious because of these words.It was this sentence that reassured her.

In fact, the subtext of these words is: People are here with me, and I will protect them.

"So thank you, old parents."

Full Moon clapped her hands in salute, and then led her away.

Before going far, I found a hostel near the county government office. After a short rest, Man Yue began to think about the words of the magistrate.

"The homicide case is a major case, and the ruling and opposition parties pay attention to it..."

How can it be possible that something that just happened spread so quickly? The "chao" mentioned here should be the higher-level unit of Dinghai County, Ningbo Prefecture, right?As for the "wild", it should be the people of Ningbo, so the combination of these words actually means that the higher-level government and the local people are aware of the case and have paid a lot of attention.

And the sentence "He Daniu and Mei Sanniang are employed by you" is more understandable.

Combined with the previous words, isn’t it telling myself: I, a parent official, faintly feel that this matter is aimed at you, and now the public opinion is pointing at you...

Yang Manyue felt a headache. Now it doesn't matter whether or not Mrs. Lu did it. The important thing is that now that someone is dead, it is no ordinary case. If it was really Mrs. Lu who did it, then her trick is really poisonous !
In fact, in Man Yue's heart, she already believed that this was done by Mrs. Lu, so she was secretly shocked. Mrs. Lu really has no limit, a life, and she gave it up like this...

She thought for a while, then suddenly frowned, and murmured: "Xinjie, Xinde, do you think there is anyone in the world who is willing to die?"


The two children of nephew and nephew look at me and I look at you, and feel that these words are a bit confusing.

And Yang Manyue seemed to be talking to herself, "If the ants are still alive, who would be willing to die?"

As he spoke, his eyes slowly focused, "Xinjie, you should go and find out the situation of the deceased right away."

"Auntie, what is this?"

Full Moon sneered, "Because I suspect that the old man was murdered!"

Several people trembled, their faces turned pale quickly, Yang Xinjie stammered: "Auntie means, yes, yes...someone intentionally killed that old man and put the blame on Mei Sanniang?"

"Or that person's target is actually me."

Yang Manyue didn't want to say more, and said: "Go and find out, you can spend more money, but remember not to go to the deceased's house, as long as you find out the deceased's family background."

"Yes, aunt, we're going right now."

"Bring money, and don't be stingy when it's time to use money. The livelihood of petty officials is difficult. They are not scholar-bureaucrats, and their ethics are not so strict. They can always dig out things."

"Auntie, we're all leaving, it's too dangerous for you to be alone in the hostel."

Man Yue waved her hand, "This hostel is not a small hostel, they are not so courageous, they dare to do black hands in the county town."

"I'd better stay."

Yang Lixiu said: "It's good to have someone to take care of me."

"I'll go back and call some more disciples."

Mei Dayou said: "This place is close to Chaiqiao, so if you call more people, you can help me a lot."

Man Yue nodded after thinking about it, "That's fine, you guys go and come back quickly."

Several disciples took orders and went out soon.

After waiting for the people to leave, Man Yue asked Yang Lixiu to fetch a pen and paper, and wrote down all the information he had now. Looking at the things on the paper, Yang Man Yue felt troubled.

"Eleven Niang, the old man is dead now, whether it was murder or not, it's not good for us."

Yang Lixiu couldn't help but patted the table, and said bitterly: "I think it's probably the concubine's fault. If you can't get cheap here, start with the people around you."

"She is playing a big conspiracy. This move is too cruel."

A gleam of coldness flashed in Yang Manyue's eyes, "These people usually have rich clothes and fine food, and eat the offerings from the common people, but they treat the common people like nothing. In their eyes, a living human life is just a tool to use against me, Mr. Yang. Ah……"

She sneered, "I hope I'm thinking too much, otherwise Mrs. Lu would be too scary..."

"Those who treat human life as a trifle are indeed terrible..."

Yang Lixiu showed anger on his face, "Eleven Niang, why don't we tell Uncle Ba that in the newspaper..."

"She didn't show up this time, so don't attack her in the newspapers just yet. It won't be too late to plan after they get back on Xinjie."

After waiting until the afternoon, when the disciples came back, they didn't even bother to drink tea, so they poured out what they had inquired about.

The more Man Yue heard it, the more solemn his face became, and then there was a flash of anger behind him, and he said through gritted teeth: "From this point of view, there is no doubt that it was murder. Where is the deceased now?"

"It has been buried..."


As soon as this remark came out, Yang Lixiu exclaimed, "This case is full of doubts, and the facts of the case have not yet been clarified, so why are they buried?"

"I heard that the county magistrate also had doubts, but the family made a big fuss and asked for the burial. I also found out that the Ningbo magistrate personally intervened in the case. He thought it was unreasonable not to allow people to be buried, so he personally approved the order and let him be buried."

"Simply confused!"

Yang Lixiu slammed the table, "What's the difference between being such a foolish official and disregarding human life? Isn't it considered that people are boiled and eaten to death?!"

Yang Manyue sneered, "This Lu's energy is not small."

"Auntie, what do you mean?"

Man Yue nodded, "The prefect of Ningbo was also born with two Jinshi scholars, both of whom were officials in the local area. The punishment is the most important thing in a place, and his mind is not stuffed with pig grass. How could he act so hastily? There must be something abnormal. Monster, it seems that our Lord Mansion has been bribed."

One sentence made everyone's faces serious. Yang Lixiu thought for a while and said, "Should we inform the family? And your grandfather..."

"Don't startle them yet."

Full Moon waved her hand, "This is the tricky part of this case. When there is no absolute evidence, even grandma's presence is useless."

"Then, let's wait for death?"

Several people were anxious, "This matter is aimed at you. If they torture Mei Sanniang, she will not be able to bear it. Wouldn't it implicate the boss..."

Man Yue narrowed her eyes, thought for a while, and said lightly: "Then I won't blame her, I'm the one who got her into trouble."

"Eleven Niang is not the time to talk about getting involved or not. This matter is obviously aimed at us. If you don't actively play games, I'm afraid..."


Man Yue got up, walked to the window, opened the window, looked at the county government office not far away, and after looking at it for a long time, said: "In fact, there is evidence."


"It's on the dead man!"


Full Moon turned around, "If the coffin can be opened for an autopsy..."

"how can that be?!"

Several people exclaimed that even the most ignorant people know that it is disrespectful to the deceased to open the coffin once buried, and it is very taboo.The family members of the deceased absolutely cannot agree!

"Eleven Niang, it's not easy for them to make a fuss about the burial. They were either bribed or threatened. How can they answer your request?"

(End of this chapter)

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