Chapter 191

Yang Shouchi looked at his niece, his immature face was full of hatred for those in power.The hatred was so obvious that it made her face look so determined at this moment.

In a daze, Yang Shouchi suddenly felt that this little girl would one day rule the world, and everyone would know her name.

"Dong Dong".

A knock on the door suddenly interrupted his train of thought.

"The guest officer is delivering hot water."

As soon as Yang Xinjie opened the door, he saw a few guards in Jinyi rushing in like wolves. The disciples were caught off guard and had no time to turn around. Then they saw a few guards in Jinyi rushing to Yang Manyue, grabbed him and said, "Finally caught You! Yang Manyue, you killed Jin Yiwei, and it happened!"

Everyone was dumbfounded, killing Jin Yiwei?

Are my ears hallucinating? !
Yang Manyue also opened her mouth wide, with question marks all over her head, she didn't even know she was being dragged to the door.

Fortunately, there was another person who reacted faster, and shouted loudly: "Who are you?! Do you have evidence to say that you are Jin Yiwei?!"

The man glanced at Yang Shouchi, sneered, and brought a sign.

Yang Shouchi saw that it was indeed Jinyiwei's brand, and his face changed instantly.

She cupped her hands and said, "I don't know what crime my niece has committed, it's actually..."


The chief leader looked Yang Shouchi up and down, cupped his hands and said, "Your Excellency is Mr. Yang from Shixin Newspaper, right?"


"Mr. was also an official in the court. You should understand the rules of our Jinyiwei."

The man showed pride on his face, "But since the old man was once an official, it's okay to tell you for the sake of the emperor. Yang Manyue is involved in the murder of Jin Yiwei, so we will take her to investigate."

Yang Shouchi was even more inexplicable, "Can this lord speak more clearly?"

Seeing the once mighty civil servant bowing to his small family, the man felt extremely happy, and with a desire to show off, he really said one more sentence, "That Xiapu Wang Shicheng is a spy of Jinyiwei..."

After finishing speaking, he waved someone to take Yang Manyue away.

"Little boss!"

The few disciples refused, and when they stopped, they were beaten by some Jin Yiwei with the back of their knives.

The sluggish Man Yue finally came back to her senses, and hurriedly said: "Stop it all! Those who clean up will clean up themselves, you don't have to worry! Master Hou will be back in two days!"

After saying this, Man Yue turned her head and never looked at her younger disciples again, and said, "Big Brothers, let's go."

"Okay! It's Yang Ren'er! Our lord has told us not to be rough. Since Master Yang is sensible, we won't tie you up anymore. You guys, let go! Master Yang is from Sizhitang and has also read books. Yes, that's a decent person, how can you make him look like this?"

Man Yue glanced sideways at this Jinyiwei Baihu, this person was very unfamiliar, but hearing his tone, the Qianhu in his mouth should be the Qianhu Zhang Qian who was slapped by Xu Yuan last time, right?
Thinking of this, I felt relieved, turned my head and nodded at Yang Shouchi, and went downstairs without looking back.

As soon as she went downstairs, many eyes looked over. They were all too familiar with the red color of Feiyu suit and Tiqi.Every time there are officials and eunuchs whose homes are ransacked, they are always indispensable.

Or a high-ranking official who had returned home was suddenly taken away...

Many people shrank to the side, and the timid ones trembled. Jinyiwei, Dongchang, and the closed West Factory are representative words in Daming.

The people's fear of it can be seen here.

It's just that Jin Yiwei usually doesn't arrest ordinary people. What did this daughter do to be arrested by Jin Yiwei?

"She, she seems to be Yang Rener..."

Someone recognized Yang Manyue, "Yes, yes, it's her, that's right! I was there when she protected her mother in the county government last time, and I was right in front. This is Yang Ren'er, this is Yang Ren'er!"

The onlookers burst into a commotion, and the hundred householders shouted: "What Yang Rener? Do you want to rebel?! Sit down!"

As he spoke, he pulled Yang Manyue over, took off his cloak, and wanted to put it on Yang Manyue's head.

But the hand was only halfway out, but it froze there abruptly.

Seeing that the little girl's dark eyeballs seemed to have some magical power, they became faint, looked at herself and said every word: "Scholars can be killed, but not humiliated."

The voice was soft and indifferent, but there was an undeniable sense of majesty rushing towards him.

Bian Ke will never forget this scene and this voice all his life, so many years later, whenever he thinks of this scene, he will feel shuddering.

He stood there in a daze, but unexpectedly nodded and made a gesture of invitation.

Yang Manyue walked forward slowly, and the whole world fell silent.

People looked at this 12-year-old girl, step by step, walking so calmly, every step of her seemed to be able to bring a force, that force was invisible to the naked eye, but it was so strong that you couldn't see it. ignore.

People can't help but think of the poem she wrote, and some scholars can't help but shed tears.

With a firm heart, why be afraid of tigers and leopards? !

If it is Ren Er's southeast and northwest wind!

Whether the county government was punished by the stick or arrested by Jin Yiwei, this 12-year-old girl has never shown any fear.If it wasn't for his extraordinary determination and keeping in mind the teachings of his ancestors, how could he have such a demeanor?

As expected of the offspring of Yang Zhen!As expected of Yang Jisheng, a descendant of Yang Lian's clan!
Those who are not afraid of factory guards these days will definitely be worshiped by all scholars and common people!

If Yang Manyue can come out alive this time, it will be a sensation all over the country!

From then on, no one will remember the identity of her daughter's family, people will only remember her nickname: Yang Ren'er!
The whole audience was quiet, and there were occasional muffled sobs. Yang Shouchi and the Yang family disciples followed silently. It was obvious that Yang Manyue was the prisoner, but Bian Ke felt that he was the prisoner.

Everyone looked at him silently, coldly, silently, with disdain...

When they reached the door, the curtain was pulled open, and the door blew in from the outside. Yang Manyue looked up at the sky outside, and stopped there. The guards in Jinyi didn't dare to urge her, as if she was possessed by an evil spirit.

A 12-year-old girl really terrified them once.

After a long time, I suddenly heard the girl sigh slightly, and then began to sing, "The wind and rain send spring back, and the snow welcomes the spring. It is already a cliff with hundreds of feet of ice, but there are still beautiful flowers and branches. Beauty does not compete for spring, but only repays the arrival of spring." .When the mountain flowers are romantic, she laughs among the bushes."

Yang Shouchi's eyes became moist at once, he had no intention to taste the quality of the poems, but the things to be expressed in the poems made his blood boil, and those young people who had read books even cursed, "Yang Rener What did you do? She is just an ordinary person, when did you Jinyiwei even arrest ordinary people?!"

"Running dog! The current Jinyiwei is the running dog of Dongchang. Hou Jing and Lord Hou are at odds, and there is no way to take him down. When Lord Hou is away, he will vent his anger on his unmarried wife!"

Man Yue turned around again, bowed to everyone, and said: "Thank you, elders. I, Yang Man Yue, cleared myself up, and I am not afraid of being interrogated by the guards! Don't argue about Man Yue, the court has its own laws and regulations, don't think about it. A good person will be wronged and a bad person will not be missed."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Yang Shouchi again, bent his legs, kowtowed and saluted, got up without saying a word, and suddenly laughed when he turned around, "I am confident that if I live for 200 years, I will be hit by water for [-] miles! Laugh, go and keep the two Kunluns!"

Everyone was stunned.

How heroic is this? !
There is a lot of free and easy heroism of "laughing up to the sky and going out, we are not from Penghao"!

Facing Jin Yiwei, who was like a wolf like a tiger, the fearlessness and freedom shown by a 12-year-old girl made everyone present feel ashamed!
Thinking of the previous poem again, I am even more ashamed and ashamed.

What is Tao? !

The descendants of my Yang family can only live standing up, not kneeling to die!
Yang Manyue's words in the Dinghai county government that day rang in her ears again, this is her way!
For this, she can be fearless!

"Eleven Niang, you can go with peace of mind. When you come out, Eighth Uncle will welcome you out with a red carpet all over the place!"

As Yang Shouchi said, he bent down deeply, bowed to Yang Manyue, and when he got up, he suddenly shouted: "If you don't fall into the family style, this is the daughter of my Yang family!"

"There is only life standing, not death kneeling!"

Several children also shouted, at this moment they were infected by Yang Manyue's spirit, and suddenly felt how lucky they were to be able to live in the same era as a person like Shi Niang, and to be of the same clan!
She has done things that many men can't do. A Jin Yiwei is enough to scare a normal man crazy. How can she be as calm as her?
Hearing the applause coming from her body, Man Yue couldn't help but hook her lips into a smile.

Bian Ke, who had been watching secretly, shuddered violently. A person who can still laugh at this point is definitely not a normal person!

Somehow, I remembered Yang Jisheng, that Yang family member who lived in the Jiajing period...

He trembled, his breathing was a little fast | and he said: "Actually, it's just a scene..."

His voice became dry, and he said in a low voice: "I, we won't make things difficult for you, but, but there are orders from above..."

"Whose order?"

"Small, I don't know even the small ones."

The majestic families were so shocked by Yang Manyue's calmness that they were able to call themselves "little ones", which shows how terrifying Yang Manyue's domineering look is at the moment.

Man Yue nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

I sneered in my heart, no matter which idiot troubles me and gives me a chance to gain fame, as long as today is over, the poems and words I plagiarized and cobbled together will be resounding all over the world with my name!

Different from last time, I am going to be famous this time, really famous!
Because I was facing Jin Yiwei! ! !
And he is still a civilian!

Jinyiwei has created countless unjust, false and wrong cases since its establishment, but most of them are officials and scholars!Now that I am a 12-year-old girl, if a commoner is accused of murdering the Jinyiwei and the dark guards for no reason, wouldn't it be a sensation in the whole country? !
In this way, I don't know how many civilians will be sad because of this!As for those scholars...

Hehe, I will only be more indignant, because everyone is a sworn enemy!
So I have to recite some poems that are worthy of the atmosphere. While gaining my reputation for myself, I am also expanding my influence. The appeal of poems these days is not so strong...

 The fourth update!Please ask for a monthly ticket... Do you still look forward to it?Hee hee, do you want the author to come to the fifth update?

(End of this chapter)

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