Delicious Lady: Lord Wolf, please enter the urn

Chapter 192 Who Are You Going To Kill?

Chapter 192 Who Are You Going To Kill?

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree, this sentence is especially applicable in ancient times.

Because this is really an era where people can rely on their fame for a living.

Especially when you are not afraid of Jin Yiwei and eunuchs...

Man Yue was brought into the carriage and stopped in front of a courtyard in a short time.

I couldn't help but feel a little happy when I saw it at the door.

This Jinyiwei yamen seems a bit too casual, it just hangs a sign.

Looking at the temporary office, Yang Manyue suddenly lost even the last bit of fear for Jin Yiwei.

That Baihu seemed a little embarrassed, but he couldn't help it.Except for the Jinyiwei yamen in the two capitals, which are more prestigious, other places are similar.But now, Beijing has fallen into the hands of Jinren, so the more prestigious Jinyiwei Yamen is only left in Nanjing.

Following the hundred households, Man Yue saw Zhang Qian, blessed her body, and said, "I have seen Mr. Zhang."

"Don't be too polite."

Zhang Qian rubbed his hands, and said with a embarrassed face: "Master Yang, I know you have been wronged by this matter, but the superiors..."

He didn't continue talking until here, turned his head slightly, and whispered: "You, we won't make things difficult for you even if you stay here..."

"What does the superior want you to do? Is that old man Wang really your secret guard?"

Zhang Qian didn't answer, but said in a low voice, "I want you to write a statement..."

"Oh? What confession?"

Zhang Qian blushed, suddenly he didn't dare to look directly at Yang Manyue, and asked someone to bring him a note.

Full Moon took a look, and her face froze.

At dusk, reverse.

"Jin Yiwei is the emperor's pro-army, so could it be the emperor's meaning?"

Yang Manyue sneered, "Is it unreasonable to learn from Song Gaozong?"


Zhang Qian was terrified, "I dare not say that..."

His eyeballs rolled wildly, "Actually, the Commander is not willing to do so, but it's just that the eunuch is very powerful now..."

"So, it's actually Eunuch Hou who wants my confession?"

Zhang Qian fell into a daze, didn't he say anything?How did she know everything?
This girl has such intelligence at the age of 12. Is it true that she is a person of great fortune who was born with Su Hui, just like the folklore?

Yang Manyue occasionally heard Leng Yun talk about his feud with Hou Jing.

In fact, there was really no grudge, it was nothing more than Leng Yun not being filial to him and driving his tentacles out of his own Leng family army.

It was understandable for Leng Yun to do so, but Hou Jing hated him.Moreover, Leng Yun was cold and arrogant, and the other ministers gave Hou Jing some face on the surface, but Leng Yun ignored him, which made Hou Jing's teeth itch with hatred.

Man Yue dare not say whether what Leng Yun did is right or wrong, but she envied Leng Yun's unscrupulousness, or she envied his inner strength.

If you don't want to be strong!

If you have too many scruples, you will naturally be afraid of many things.

Seeing that Zhang Qian didn't speak, Man Yue probably understood.

He couldn't help but smiled wryly, this Lu family's move was considered to be a noble person to get along with, and finally let himself have a taste of the accident.

The reason why it was called an accident was that Man Yue felt that she hadn't lost yet.

Yang Manyue leaned back on the chair, thought for a while and said, "Eunuch Hou wants me to write it, but I want to kill someone."

Zhang Qian's eyelids twitched, wondering why Yang Ren'er, who has always been stubborn, is so easy to talk all of a sudden?And this is to slander her fiancé, not only will Ling Chi be murdered for treason, but also the nine clans will be punished!

"You, who are you going to kill?"

"Princess Wu!"


Zhang Qian was taken aback, "Are you crazy?"

"The Lu family killed my mother and my father, do you think I'm crazy?"

Full Moon squinted at Zhang Qian, and said softly: "For the revenge of my parents, I will give anything!"

All the doubts were solved in an instant, Zhang Qian asked with a trembling voice: "Then, the person who asked me to go to your place last time, too?"

Full Moon nodded.

Zhang Qian became confused immediately, "Then, the matter of that old man Wang is actually..."

"Not bad!"

Zhang Qian's face became weird, and he thought to himself: "It seems that Yang Manyue's blessings should be exhausted, right? Mrs. Lu wanted to harm her, but the one above got the news. There are such coincidences, isn't it just right? Prove that her luck is over?"

"You, your request is too..."

"Is it difficult?"

Man Yue chuckled, "I want to slander my future husband to avenge my parents, Mr. Zhang, do you think it's difficult for me?"

The light sentence made Zhang Qian tremble, and he couldn't help but look at the full moon.

There was a hint of a smile on the little girl's face, faint and cold.

That is the will to win the sworn hatred of parents.

Zhang Qian couldn't help but miss a beat of his heart, and then said: "You are not dreaming. Since I can find this excuse to get you here, no matter what method I use, I must recruit you."

"Even if you treat me Ling Chi and don't avenge my parents, I won't recruit."

"You have to think about your family."

"Do you think this can threaten me?"

Yang Manyue sneered, "If I wrote this thing according to Eunuch Hou's wishes, even if I survived, I would be left with a bad name for thousands of years. What good would my family get? Qin Hui was scolded hundreds of times just for doing things according to Song Gaozong's wishes. Years, and the cold twilight at this time happened to be the Yue Wumu back then! As his fiancée, to report and slander him is that he has no human relations, how is human relations different from animals|beasts?!"

She sneered, "I'm afraid that when I go out of this door, I will die, and my family will also be beaten to death!"

Zhang Qian trembled uncontrollably, he had never seen such a terrifying person.

A woman, no, a little girl, a 12-year-old girl.

Her calmness and clarity frightened him.

It seemed that the person in front of him was protected by the gods. For such a person with a vision, he would not dare to strike even if he had no relationship with the previous bribery.

People who walk in the dark for a long time are actually very afraid of ghosts and superstitious.

Zhang Qian didn't dare to do anything to Yang Manyue, and felt that he didn't want Yang Manyue to recruit anything for the time being, so he asked someone to take her down, so that he could take care of her.

Man Yue was locked in a room, and after looking it over, she couldn't help sighing: Jin Yiwei's hospitality is not bad!
Although the furniture is simple, everything is clean on the bedding, with the scent of the sun on it, and I have prepared a toilet for myself, tsk tsk, and there is hot tea on the table.

There are even paper and pens, so where is this going to jail?Is to enjoy the wow!
She took off her cotton boots and didn't want to think about it, she covered herself with a quilt and fell asleep. Several maidservants who came in to deliver food were frightened by this situation and rushed to report it.

After hearing this, Zhang Qian couldn't help sighing: Yang Manyue is really a hero among girls!
Then he said: "I think Yang Manyue is an extraordinary person, this time it seems unfortunate, the way of heaven seems to be not on her side, but strange people have visions, I'd better not provoke this darling of heaven, go get some exquisite dishes, Add a quilt and get her a Tang Pozi..."

"My lord, now that Yang Manyue has been brought here by us, if she doesn't go to prison, I'm afraid she won't write..."

"Idiot! She can't write even if you are executed..."

"That adult just now..."

"I'm just trying to test it... Some people don't need to use a knife, you can tell if he is a good guy... Yang Manyue is this kind of person... Last time she was beaten like that in the yamen and can still laugh. You think this kind of person will Give in?"

"Then we'll catch it..."

"Idiot! We have already offended the Yuan and Yang families by arresting Yang Manyue. If we continue to arrest people, I am afraid that all the local gentry will retaliate... and this is the grudge between Hou Jing and Leng Yun. He will not send his followers." To come forward is to make our Jin Yiwei offend others, why?"

Zhang Qian sneered, "Master Commander gave instructions not to make things too difficult for Ms. Yang, don't you understand the meaning of these words?"

"What do you mean?"

Zhang Qian's expression froze in an instant, and after a while, he raised his foot and kicked that person a few times, and said in grief and indignation: "Why did I raise a bunch of idiots like you?! You don't even understand?!"

A rare blessing to the soul, Zhang Qianhu, who has a clear mind, suddenly feels that life is as lonely as snow. What should he do when facing a group of idiot subordinates whose IQ is not as good as his own? !

Maybe I should talk to Ms. Yang...

Just when he was thinking wildly, a small flag suddenly ran in from outside, and said in a panic: "It's not good! It's not good! Da, my lord, outside, outside, many scholars came outside, and surrounded this... ..."


Zhang Qian was taken aback. The relationship between them and the scholars was not good, but it was so serious that the siege of the Jinyiwei Yamen rarely happened.

Because Jin Yiwei is a pro-army, he is directly ordered by the emperor, and he is the face of the Tian family. If no one dares to surround Jin Yiwei unless he has to, it is tantamount to rebellion.

"Maller, is this a rebellion?"

Zhang Qian was furious. Originally, their majestic son of heaven and his army were now under the control of Dongchang. It was already depressing enough to be controlled by a group of eggless things. They're sick cats, aren't they?
I rushed outside angrily, but I heard someone shouting, "I'm laughing at the sky, I'm going to save Kunlun! The factory guards oppressed the good people, and Yang Manyue's heroic words like these are not really heroic, but desperate! Knowing that it will be difficult to get out alive after entering Jinyiwei, so I left such peerless words! We scholars, how can we sit back and watch the weak and bullied?! Today Jinyiwei must give an explanation! When will they even control the common people! "

"It's a pole, it's a pole!"

A group of scholars seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood, and at the same time, the people who followed also responded one after another. The thousands of shouts were like a gust of wind passing through the country, which frightened a group of wolf-like guards in brocade clothes.

Zhang Qian's legs went limp at once. Although they were Jin Yiwei and the Son of Heaven was close to the army, there were at least a thousand people in front of them. If there was a conflict, it would be a change of people!
Hou Jing will not be unlucky at that time, but he will be taken to top the tank!

"This dog official is a thousand households! He must have ordered Yang Manyue to be arrested. Fathers and villagers, Mrs. Yang runs a newspaper to speak out for me and other poor people. That is our civil envoy! Now she has offended someone, and her crime is called unwarranted. , to speak for the people! Folks, would such a person kill someone?"

"No, no, no!"

"Release Yang Manyue!"

"The eunuch lackey..."

 The fifth is more dedication, thank you for your long-term tolerance and support for the author!mwah!

(End of this chapter)

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