Chapter 193 Retransfer

The people can carry a boat or capsize it. This truth seems to be the truth in any era, but it may not be popular in the Ming Dynasty.

Because the theory of Confucius and Mencius that was popular in the Ming Dynasty has actually been deleted by the founders of the Ming Dynasty.

After that cowherd boy became the emperor, he couldn't accept the saying that "the people are more important than the emperor" and made people delete all comments about royal rule in "Mencius" that were not in line with their own interests!
That's why Daming was an extremely greedy dynasty. Many times, the people were just slaves in their eyes.There was no large-scale peasant uprising in the Song Dynasty for more than 300 years, but it was the norm in the Ming Dynasty, and even the emperor was driven out of the Forbidden City.

Chongzhen, who ran to the south of the Yangtze River, was enlightened, because along the way, it was the people who were regarded as slaves by the superiors who helped him escape to Nanjing.At this moment, Chongzhen truly understood that the greatest power in the world does not come from the sky, but from the people!

Since then, once the common people besiege the imperial court, the besieged officials will be punished regardless of the reason.In Chongzhen's view, the people of Huaxia are very tolerant. They are very afraid of the government, and they can bear it as much as they can, unless they can't bear it.

Zhang Qian, who knew the national policy well, felt a little weak in his legs. Seeing a few young people wanting to argue with the people, he hurriedly pulled them away, and cursed: "How do you do things?!!"

As he said that, he cupped his hands at a group of common people, "Everyone, I brought Mr. Yang here to interrogate after I received a report. Please rest assured, our Jinyiwei will never embarrass a little girl..."

"Ha! When did you Jin Yiwei become so kind?"

A scholar spat hard and said: "We don't care whether that old man Wang belongs to you or not. But this matter is very clear. That day, many people ate the stewed food from Yang's shop in Chaiqiao, including the deceased. My relatives, everyone is fine, but the old man had an accident, what does this mean? It can only mean that it is time for the old man to leave!"

"Not bad!"

A tall man responded repeatedly, "I don't think that family in Xiapu is kind, it's clearly trying to blackmail people! Otherwise, what are you doing in such a hurry to be buried?! Also, Mrs. Yang is not a god, you said she murdered old man Wang, Could it be that Yang, who is far away in Xiaogang, is sure that old man Wang will go that day? Why did they poison her alone? As far as I know, Mei Sanniang, He Daniu and Yang Manyue are not related, why would they Doing such outrageous things for Yang Manyue?!"

Facing the people's questioning, Zhang Qian Khan came down, complaining endlessly in his heart.

He also knew that Yang Manyue was wronged, okay? !
But the problem is that now the people above want to use Yang Manyue's mouth to bring down Leng Yun. This matter has already involved the power struggle in the court, and even Zhang Qian is just one of the little shrimps, who may be pinched by them at any time die.

I cursed those eggless things in my heart again, and I just apologized and planned to continue to appease, but I saw a group of people and horses coming from the other side, and a person got out of the car, still holding a whisk in his hand, flicking it left and right, looking weird A voice came, "Oh, I said Mr. Zhang, your place is really lively today!"

Ma Rong?

Zhang Qian stood there in a daze.

Why is this eggless thing here?
"Yang Manyue is with you, right? Hey..."

Zhang Qian took out a document, "Then Wang Shicheng is from Dongchang, Mr. Zhang, you should leave him to us..."

The noisy people were stunned.

How?how?What if Yang Manyue, who has only been here for a while, is guarding the eunuch's mansion again?

And how many restaurants did the dead old man eat? !
Zhang Qian stared wide-eyed, Nima, isn't this too good at talking?
It's just that Jin Yiwei was asked to arrest people before, and now they want to get them back. What does this mean? !

Zhang Qian glanced at the people in front of him, and felt that it was most reasonable to hand them over now.

As for whether the dead eunuch will do anything to Yang Manyue, he has no control over it.

A dead fellow Taoist is not a poor daoist, no matter what that Eunuch Hou is going to do, in short, Yang Manyue, a hot potato, cannot rot in Zhang Qian's hands.

In just half a day, Zhang Qian had an intuitive understanding of Yang Manyue's local reputation.I couldn't help but secretly rejoice, fortunately the little grandpa was here last time!I gave myself a slap, well played, wonderfully played!Otherwise, I'm afraid Wu Sha will be lost now.

He waved his hand and said, "Go and bring people out."

After a while, Yang Manyue was brought to the door.Seeing Yang Manyue coming out, there was a commotion among the people.

"Everyone Yang is out!"

"Miss Yang, don't be afraid!"

"We are all seeking justice for you!"


Before Yang Manyue could reply, Ma Rong said, "Don't worry, the elders of Ningbo, Zajia and Master Yang are acquaintances, and they will not embarrass her. Now that the person is dead, people related to this must investigate, and everyone Make it difficult for the miscellaneous family! This is what Eunuch Hou meant..."

As he said that, he winked at the person beside him, and as soon as that person waved his hand, a group of people with swords came over, the threat was very clear.

Although there are many people, how can they not be afraid of the glaring sharp knives?

Seeing a few scholars ready to move, Man Yue hurriedly said loudly: "Eunuch Ma is right! The love of all the elders is appreciated by Man Yue! But Man Yue hereby begs you to leave quickly. What you have done today is already inappropriate. Go home some time, don't make Yue a sinner, Full Moon is grateful!"

As Yang Manyue spoke, she saluted deeply, and then said to Ma Rong, "Uncle Ma, I'm sorry for your trouble..."

"do not……"

Ma Rong changed his polite face before, and said very coldly: "The miscellaneous family can't afford to be your uncle..."

Man Yue's heart trembled, but her face remained calm, knowing that Ma Rong was about to forget everyone's friendship.

No wonder people don't like eunuchs, it's true that they don't behave well.

Not long ago, he was having a drink with himself, wishing to recognize a god-in-law; but now that Hou Jing was about to deal with him, he immediately turned his back on him, so he didn't even bother to act.

Yang Manyue sneered in her heart, and let a few guards pull her into a car, neither struggling nor resisting, as if she had accepted her fate.

The crowd instinctively became angry again. Although they didn't make any more drastic moves, they silently followed the team, wanting to see what this dead eunuch wanted to do to Yang Manyue.

At this point, ordinary people are aware of the taste of conspiracy.

That old man Wang is now the secret guard of Jinyiwei and the son of Dongchang, damn, why not go to heaven? !
Blind people can see that someone is using this to clean up Mr. Yang!
The first thing people think of is Princess Wu. After all, many people in the city now say that Master Yang was born to the fifth girl of the Yuan family, and the fifth girl was killed by Princess Lu...

No matter from which angle you look at it, if everyone in Yang is in such a catastrophe, then the Lu family cannot escape the responsibility...

(End of this chapter)

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