Delicious Lady: Lord Wolf, please enter the urn

Chapter 196 The Cellmate Next Door

Chapter 196 The Cellmate Next Door

Full Moon was taken aback, and looked into the darkness, "Who's there?"

A face full of vicissitudes and vicissitudes slowly appeared behind the wooden pillar, and under the faint moonlight, it looked even more ferocious.

"You, have you been here?"

The full moon is a bit scary, the cells here are like wooden grids, not separated by walls, but made of wood.At this moment, the man on the opposite side pushed aside the cloth strips hanging on the cell, pointed at the leftover roast chicken and wine on the table with two skinny fingers, and said, "You can't eat it now, can you? Why don't you get cheap, old man."

The corner of Yang Manyue's mouth twitched, and she suddenly said, "Have you been covering it with this cloth?"


The old man let out a strange laugh, "Although the old man has been imprisoned here for several years, he has also read the books of sages, and he knows the principle of not seeing evil. Besides..."

He looked Yang Manyue up and down, "What's so good about a shriveled girl?"


Yang Manyue was furious, "You're still a shriveled old man!"

"Ha ha!"

The man laughed for a while, "I still have the strength to swear, it seems that Ma Rong is getting older and his heart has softened, so he doesn't have the strength to give up!"

As he spoke, he suddenly threw something over and said, "Take it on."

Man Yue crawled over and saw that it turned out to be half a candle and a torch. She couldn't help being curious, "Why did you offend him?"

"I didn't offend him, but it was in the way of humanity. The man didn't want to kill me. He wanted me to see his majesty and put me here. I said, why are you so troublesome, little girl? Are you going to give it to the old man? eat?"

Full moon pouted, endured the pain and crawled back to the table, and lit the candle.The orange light slowly dispelled the darkness, bringing out a little warmth.

He took the roast chicken and plum stuffing, handed it to the old man and said, "Eat it."

The old man was not polite, took the roast chicken and ate it.

After taking a few mouthfuls, he suddenly said: "This plum brew is very strong, I will give you some to wash your wound."

Full Moon is a little speechless, obviously I gave it to you, okay?How did you reward me?

"No need, just drink."

"Take it."

The old man threw a small porcelain vase over, "I think you're pleasing to the eye, so I'll give it to you."

After speaking, he turned sideways and continued to eat and drink.

Man Yue picked up the bottle, opened it and smelled it, it turned out to be herbal medicine for healing wounds, she couldn't help being curious, this old man had a lot of good things, obviously his status was unusual.But since he is a powerful person, how can he be trapped in the eunuch's mansion?
After thinking about it, I felt that the old man might have been kidnapped.According to normal judicial procedures, guarding the eunuch's mansion has no right to detain anyone, including himself!

The wound on her body hurt so much that even a slight movement made her gasp, and she couldn't help cursing, "Damn, this group of eggless things are so sissy when they talk, but they are really ruthless when they start!"


The old man's laughter came, "Hahaha! You, you are at most eleven or twelve years old, right? A girl's family is full of foul language, how did your parents teach you?"

"The gods still have times when the thunder is furious! What's more, I'm an ordinary person? It's strange if I don't scold them for being beaten like this."

"Interesting, interesting, haha, I haven't seen such an interesting person like you for a long time."

The old man took a sip of wine, hiccupped, and said in silence for a while: "You are only 12 years old, tell me, how did you offend them? Who do they want you to accuse?"

"Do you have good ears, old man? The execution place is still some distance away..."

"Hey, it's easy to talk about. Tsk, this wine is really good, you are so clever, you played tricks on them, and you know how to order something to eat before you are tortured..."

"Old man, if you are full, go to bed? I'm going to take medicine."

"Do you have money?"


"If you have money, you can feel comfortable here."

"What do you mean?"

The old man suddenly grabbed the pillar, his cloudy eyes looked particularly scary under the dim light, faint and heavy, "Someone will come to deliver food tomorrow, if you have money, ask them to bring you something, tsk tsk, they want you to frame me Man, I won't let you die for the time being, but if you don't make some preparations, the old man is afraid that you won't be able to survive..."

The full moon is speechless, this guy has already gained experience in prison?

Enduring the pain, he reluctantly got up, hung up the cloak that had fallen on the ground before, and said: "Thank you for reminding me, I have written down your love. But I don't think there is any need for bribery, but in two days, he will ask for it." I am going out."

"Yo? It seems that you are not an ordinary person."

Man Yue squinted her eyes, pulled the cloak over, looked back and forth on the old man, and suddenly said: "Are you also an eunuch?"

"Did you hear it?"

The old man patted himself, "Why can't this habit be changed?"

A raised "yo", unless it's a sissy, no man would speak like that.

As soon as Yang Manyue heard the word yo, she thought of Ma Rong. It was just a test, but she didn't expect that her cellmate was really a eunuch.

"You, how could you?"

"Strange, isn't it? But I advise you not to inquire, or your life will be lost."

As the old man said, he pulled up the cloth on his side, "Eat and drink enough, and sleep!"

Yang Manyue slowly walked back to the bed, full of doubts in her heart.

Although this old man looks haggard and beggar-like, his eyes and demeanor are definitely powerful...

So the question is, who is he?Why was he secretly held here?

Sitting down, looking around, after making sure that no one could peep at him, with a thought, a bottle and cotton cloth appeared in his hand.In the bottle is the traditional Chinese medicine lotion that the doctor boiled after the injury last time. I thought it was good, so I asked someone to boil it more, secretly put it in the bottle, and stored it in the storage space of the system, thinking that it can be used when I get injured, anyway. Space has a fresh-keeping function!

It's just that she didn't expect that she would use this thing again so soon.

Thinking about his trip to Ming Dynasty, he couldn't help but smile wryly.

When people time travel, she also time travels.

Other people's time travels are not for princesses or concubines, at least they are for rich families.Even if she is a peasant girl like her, she can change her destiny with her own hands and organize a group of wonderful things in a proper way.

But what about yourself?The conditions are improved, but they will be punished at every turn, what is this called? !

The script must be wrong, these opponents are too powerful.

Grinning his teeth, he wiped the wound with a cotton cloth, and then took out the wound medicine given by Leng Yun from the space and applied it to himself. The good golden sore medicine brought a refreshing feeling, and the pain finally eased a lot.

He got up again and brought the cloak, the clothes were all torn, it was really indecent, and it was too cold in here, at least a cloak could cover it.

After finishing everything, he looked at the wound medicine given by the old man on the bed, thought about it and threw it back into the space.

Although she was suspicious, she was kind enough not to rule out others, so she hid it to avoid embarrassment for everyone...

Enduring the pain, he lay down wrapped in a cloak, looked out the window, and secretly prayed in his heart: "Uncle, you have to hurry up... Otherwise, I might really be unable to hold on..."

(End of this chapter)

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