Chapter 197
In the middle of the night, Yang Manyue felt dazed and powerless, and she knew that she must have a fever.

After thinking about it, he gritted his teeth.

Ma Rong deliberately punished her by not giving her food or water, but this was not a problem for Yang Manyue.

First of all, she has a storage space. In order to deal with possible situations, she is used to putting money, medicine, and food in it, so as long as she avoids people's eyes and ears, getting something to eat and drink is not a problem.

Even if there is no storage space, she can still buy ingredients from the system. Some ingredients can be eaten without processing, such as fruits.

Taking another step back, if it doesn't work, she can still retreat to the farming space or the learning space, but the learning space is not very easy to go to, because she can't get out after only one quiz.

Moreover, she was playing tricks to bring down Mrs. Lu.As soon as she entered the study space, her injuries would heal after a long time, so wouldn't she suffer for nothing?
She won't enter the space until the end.

Leaning against the prison wall, besides the pain, my body was itchy badly.Although it was winter, the cell was not a clean place.

The straw piled on the small bed where she slept gave off a musty smell, and Full Moon always felt that there were bugs biting herself, even if the cloak was wrapped tightly, she still felt uncomfortable.

Sure enough, it is not so easy to be a martyr.

Leaning against the wall and looking around secretly, fortunately, the position of the bed is not that kind of wooden pillar, but a solid wooden plank. The purpose of doing this is probably to fear that the prisoner will be killed by the inmate next door, right?

After all, if it is a wooden pillar, everyone is asleep, and a hand can kill someone.Those who are secretly imprisoned here are all damned, but before that, they still have the value of being squeezed.

Before the value is drained, it is estimated that the father-in-law here will not let people die.

He secretly took out a meat bun from the space and ate it. His body was injured, and the pickled cabbage bun couldn't be eaten.

The insurance function of the space is powerful, what happens when things are put in, what happens when they are taken out.

No, it's still hot.

Man Yue actually has no appetite, but she feels that she has a fever now, which only means that her immune system is fighting against the invading germs, and the wound may be a little inflamed.

At this time, she must force herself to eat something so that her body has enough nutrition to fight the disease.

It was not enough to just eat steamed stuffed buns, so she took out a bamboo cup from the space, which was filled with white fungus soup.Sideways, secretly eating.

"What is the taste?"

Just as she was concentrating on eating, the old man's voice suddenly came from the next cell.

"Why does it smell like meat buns? Huh? I seem to smell tremella and red date soup..."

While speaking, a pair of hands suddenly stretched out from there, "The smell is coming from here, girl, are you stealing something?"

Man Yue, who was holding the bun, opened her mouth wide, and a piece of bun skin fell out of her mouth before she could swallow it.


This, is this person a dog?

Can you even smell tremella red date soup?

And doesn't he sleep in the middle of the night?

"Straight mother thief! What is the distance between the cages so small? Ouch, the old man's face is stuck, come and help me..."

Yang Manyue was speechless, she stuffed the steamed stuffed bun into her mouth in one gulp, drank the white fungus soup in two or three gulps, threw the things back into the space, wrapped her cloak, and fell asleep.

"Ouch! Damn girl, are you trying to pretend to be asleep? I don't care where you got your stuff from. Anyone who sees it will have a share. Old man, I'm starving to death. If you don't give me food, I'll tell the people here that it's... tsk tsk, You thought it would be useful if you pretended to be asleep..."

Seeing Yang Manyue pretending to be dead, the old man yelled for a long time and ignored himself. After thinking about it, he suddenly shouted: "Ah! Molested!"

Yang Manyue sat up immediately, angrily, "You are a stinky old man and a dead eunuch, who wants to molest you?!"

"Haha, how could you get up otherwise?"

The old man smiled very lewdly, with a lewd look, Man Yue really couldn't figure out, how could an eunuch have such a lewd laugh, it was simply unreasonable!

"You smelly old man, why are you so wretched? I think you have to be eunuched again!"

"Ha ha!"

The old man's laughter came from over there, "You little girl is cruel to yourself, and even more cruel to others!"

After a pause, he continued: "Are you stealing food? Tsk tsk, I want to eat too, or I'll say you're molesting me..."


2 meat buns and 2 pickled cabbage buns were thrown to the opposite side.

"It's poisonous, eat it if you're not afraid of death."

"Still hot?"

A surprised voice came from over there, "Could it be that you know some magic in your sleeves? Is it true that you said that you have been to the Palace of the King of Hell?"

The old man exclaimed again and again, and then there was the sound of chewing, "Tsk tsk, it's delicious! This skill is better than that of the imperial chef!"

This old man is really not particular!

The corner of Man Yue's mouth twitched, such an illogical thing was revealed in such a way to himself, this old man is either very shrewd or just stupid.

After a while, the old man suddenly said again: "Where's your tremella soup? I haven't eaten it for several years, old man, so give me some..."

"I say……"

Yang Manyue became angry, "This is a prison cell!! It's not easy to get some steamed stuffed buns in, you still want white fungus soup?!"

"No? I just heard it...why are you so stingy..."


Yang Manyue suddenly realized that she was helpless with this old man, and snorted coldly: "I've given you all the buns, you can eat whatever you like, if you don't eat it, you'll fall asleep, this girl is going to sleep!"

After all, he lay down, took out a pill from the space, swallowed it and closed his eyes.

The old man murmured, "If you don't give it, I won't give it... You little brat has some tricks, tsk tsk, thank you! If the old man can see the sun again, I will never forget your kindness of giving food..."

After the old man muttered, the cell fell into silence again, and he probably went to sleep too.

Yang Manyue also fell into sleep in a daze. After a long time, I don't know when, she was suddenly pulled up by someone. When she opened her eyes, she saw Ma Rong's face enlarged in front of her.

Subconsciously looked at the window above the cell, there was a bright white light outside, was it already daylight?

"Yo, you're very energetic..."

Ma Rong said strangely, "What? Have you figured it out? Do you want to write down what Master Hou wanted to do against you?"

Seeing that Yang Manyue was still silent, Ma Rong snorted coldly and said: "Yang Manyue, you are a smart person, and the miscellaneous family advises you to cooperate more. A person who knows current affairs is a hero. Yesterday, just a little appetizer made you go through a lot of trouble." Half-Life, how many times can you, a cutie like a flower bone, be tortured? Tsk tsk, it hurts everyone to see it..."

Yang Manyue sneered, "Then father-in-law, take a rest, don't torture Man Yue, naturally you won't feel heartbroken..."


The old man sneered from the next cell, "Hahaha! Well said, well said!"

Ma Rong's face distorted immediately, and he yelled towards the cell: "Chao Su, you old dog, don't worry too much!"

"Hey, yo, angry? Then kill the old man..."

"Do you think I dare not?"

"That's right! How dare you, a puppy, kill me without the order of that big dog from Hou Jing?"

Ma Rong's face was flushed, and he pointed to the cell and said, "Chao Su, I won't kill you, but I can beat you!"

"whispering sound……"

The old man let out a disdainful voice, and his voice suddenly became majestic, "You son of a bitch, don't you beat me less? When the miscellaneous family was serving in front of the late emperor, did you see any battles? You can also bark like a dog, so you are not as good as others. What about the little girl... Tsk tsk, this little girl didn't even snort after being tortured so badly, look at you, can't you stand it with a few words?"

"You old dog!"

Ma Rong gritted his teeth and said: "Don't be arrogant, wait for me to tighten your bones and see if you can still laugh."

"Haha! It's just right, the old man's bones are so tight that it's uncomfortable, come and loosen me..."

Yang Manyue was put down, and several people left the cell. There was a noise from the next door, and Man Yue ran to the side, grabbing the pillar and looking at the next door.

But seeing an old man who was about 60 years old was dragged out by them, and the white head was also pulled, and the old man's face could not be seen from her angle.But just looking at it from behind, I felt that the old eunuch was very extraordinary, with an indescribably noble air.


Yang Manyue shouted: "You can do it with such an old man?"

After finishing speaking, he laughed eccentrically, "It's really fun for eunuchs to beat eunuchs. Is the fight between these eggless things so fierce now?"

"What did you say?"

Ma Rong turned around, saw Man Yue sneered, and was furious!

"Tsk tsk, you really get angry easily, Eunuch Ma."

Yang Manyue continued to speak venomously, "Speaking of which, some eunuchs are really pitiful, but some eunuchs are pitiful. There must be something to hate. The lower part is cut off, and the etiquette, righteousness, and shame are also cut off, ouch, when you die later A part, what is that called? There is no dead body... Tsk tsk, Eunuch Ma loves me so much, I will definitely let him have a whole body in the future..."

Ma Rong was furious.

These words are extremely vicious.

Chinese people value death more than life, even a eunuch doesn't want to be buried without something.Therefore, after castration, the cut things will be castrated with lime, and kept well, so that they can be buried together when they die in the future, so as to have a whole body.

But Yang Manyue's words are a naked threat, which means: If you have the ability to kill my mother, if you don't let my mother go out, you will definitely die without a whole body!
Regardless of whether Yang Manyue can do it or not, such a threat is definitely the most vicious curse for an eunuch!
Immediately, he threw away the old man, walked up to Yang Manyue, opened the cell, pulled Yang Manyue past him, slapped her in the face, and cursed, "

As your mother, the miscellaneous family is polite to you, you are lucky, right? "

It's now!

A cold light flashed in Man Yue's eyes, and with a thought, she was about to get the dagger out when she heard a commotion from outside, "No, no, it's not good! Hou, Hou, Lord Hou hit, hit, hit in..."

After a while, a little eunuch crawled to the front, crying out of breath, "Godfather, rebellion, rebellion, rebellion, Leng Yun rushed in..."

(End of this chapter)

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