Delicious Lady: Lord Wolf, please enter the urn

Chapter 198 Reward him with enthusiasm

Chapter 198 Reward him with enthusiasm
Entering the boundary of Ningbo, the air became obviously humid.But fortunately, the weather is beautiful, the snow has melted a few days ago, and after a few big suns, not only the humidity is much less, but the road is also easier to walk.

On an official road leading to Dinghai County, a long team was moving forward quickly.

The leading man had not been walking for a long time, when he suddenly rode back and came to the side of a carriage and said, "Master Hou, I have already seen the county town of Dinghai County, and I can go back to Xiaogang to see my wife after handing over the official duties."

The carriage and horses were quiet for a while before a hoarse voice came, "Well, I'll go and have a look and then go home."

Qing Yun couldn't help sticking out his tongue, Lord Hou really thought of Miss Yang.I went to see her first, and went back to the house immediately, lest the old lady be unhappy and embarrass Miss Yang.

Leng Yun, who was sitting in the carriage, was lazily leaning on the cushion. He was a little tired from riding for several days. He had already reached Dinghai, so he simply got off the horse and took a carriage instead.

Thinking of this, Marquis Leng felt a little internally hurt.

He has never been too concerned about his appearance, he has been a little worried recently.

This time when I came to Beijing, I heard a story about an old husband and young wife.After listening to it, I felt a little anxious.

It turns out that the old husband and young wife and He Meimei are just legends. The real situation is that the young wife thought the old husband was old within a few years and ran away with someone.

At that time, I felt uncomfortable when I heard it, and felt that this woman was simply hateful.

Now that you are married, even an old man has to live on, how can you love the new and hate the old?

Thinking about it again, I remembered the little things.

Immediately became uneasy.

If I am strong and powerful this year, what will happen in another 20 years?I will be over 40 by then, but that little guy is only in his early thirties, will he despise himself by then?
Master Leng Hou immediately became irritable, and suddenly he became concerned about his appearance.

It is possible that someone's dull|saucy personality is such a shameful question, naturally he will not ask it. After thinking about it for several nights, he didn't think of the answer, so he thought about going back early, and taking her with him when he came out in the future, so as not to let her have the opportunity to talk to others The males are together, so it is safe.

Although the decision was happy, the subconscious mind of a certain man was obviously a sense of crisis because of the story of the old couple and young wife. He wanted to go straight to Guilinju, but after thinking about it, he changed into a carriage.

Wind | Dusty, still quite haggard, it is not appropriate to go to see a beautiful woman.

Thinking of the clever look of that little thing, a smile appeared on the cold face of the man leaning on the cushion.Thinking that he would see her soon, he felt that the carriage and horses were going too slowly, so he better ride the horse faster.

He was resting with his eyes closed, when Qingyun's voice came from outside again, "Master Hou has entered the county..."


He replied lazily, sat up, lifted the curtain of the car to look, and it turned out that Dinghai County had arrived.

After the handover in Dinghai County, you can go back to Xiaogang...

Military generals always have to report when they come back. Although they are already a prince, within the Ming system, military generals are always restrained by civil officials.For example, when you return from a trip, you have to report to the police.

Putting down the curtains, he took out a box from his bosom, and after opening it, a golden silk bee butterfly chasing flower tin appeared in front of his eyes.Leng Yun caressed the flower tin, looked at it carefully for a while, and there was a warm smile on the corner of his mouth.

This is a curved beam made of a narrow gold bar, and the outlines of peonies, peach blossoms, apricot blossoms, bees and white butterflies are pinched out with plain silk.Thin gold sheets are then used to make the torso of bees and butterflies; the heart, petals, and wings are made of flat-filled thin coiled wire, and then inlaid and welded into small pieces. Finally, the butterflies, flowers, etc. Fleeing up and winding around the beam, it looks like bees and butterflies are lightly picking flowers away, and white butterflies are falling among the flowers, as if they are picking flowers.

And the appearance of the pair of bees gathering their wings and about to fall makes this jewelry look elegant and elegant.

A piece of jewelry does not know how much thought it takes for a craftsman, but the person who can use so many techniques on this small flower tin is obviously not an ordinary person.

This flower tin is the latest work of the leading artist in Beijing.The first time he saw it, he felt that the flower tin was very lively, and it matched his little things very well. Such things naturally belonged to his little things.

But it's so hard to die, Hou Jing in the palace also took a fancy to this thing.But who are you?

A eggless thing imitates a man to marry a wife, and still wants to steal his wife's things?
Thinking of an eunuch actually wanting to wear such a smart thing to his concubine, a certain M|Sao Bingkuai felt as uncomfortable as eating a fly.

What should I do if I feel uncomfortable?Our Marquis does not wrong himself. In his opinion, this thing was made for his own little things. After throwing out a lot of money, he directly threw the two little eunuchs who came to buy things out of the door, and returned to Ningbo with the jewelry swaggering. coming.

A mere eunuch dared to rob Mrs. Leng Yun's belongings, so it was a face to the emperor not to kill him!
Thinking of the origin of this thing, a certain man felt a little apprehensive.

He can give the little thing the best things in the world, but what is he afraid of when he is older?
Slender fingers caressed the flower tin lightly, remembering how happy she would be when she saw this thing, a certain ice cube felt an indescribable pleasure in his heart.

Like happiness, but also like vanity, the little thing's adoring and joyful appearance flashed in front of his eyes, and a certain Marquis sitting in the car laughed unconsciously.

After putting the things away, he just put them into his sleeves when he heard a commotion outside, someone shouting something loudly, which made him feel a little strange.

There will never be another Japanese pirate, right?
"Master Yang was taken away by Jin Yiwei, and later by the eunuch guarding the eunuch's mansion, and he hasn't come out yet! I think everyone, Yang Ren'er is a member of my generation. Did you hear that? Let’s go to Kunlun! How heroic! I’m not as talented as a woman in Ningbo! I don’t want to see everyone wronged by Yang, so I went to Ningbo to guard the eunuch’s mansion and asked them to release Yang Rener... ..."

"Brother Tai is's unreasonable. The factory guards are even arresting a 12-year-old girl. Why did Master Yang kill Jin Yiwei? Haha, it's just..."

With a sound of "hum!", Leng Yun's mind exploded.

He was stunned there, and a voice in his heart sounded repeatedly: They...are they talking about...little things?

"Lord Hou, Lord Hou..."

I don't know how long it took before Qingyun's anxious voice came from outside, "Mrs. was arrested, I asked clearly. Damn it, which one is Gou R's Jin Yiwei and dead eunuchs singing? Lord, Lord? !"

Leng Yun came back to his senses, his thin lips were pursed into a straight line, all the warmth on his face disappeared instantly, a pair of slender black eyes instantly reflected a gleam of coldness, even through the curtain, Qingyun couldn't help shaking, He seemed to feel the murderous aura coming from the car.

The car curtain was lifted, Qingyun took a look and shivered.

It's over, Lord Hou is really angry this time, it seems that someone is going to die today.


Master Hou smiled.

Every time he was about to fight, the old man would show this kind of expression. In fact, that smile didn't seem like a smile. Where could there be such a smile in the world?Cold as ice, full of fickleness and bloodthirsty, obviously smiling, but extremely cruel.

"Lead the horse..."

The shouting people suddenly fell silent, and they were surprised to find that it was Lord Leng Hou.

The crowd cheered immediately, stepping forward one after another and telling the ins and outs of the matter.

Leng Yun, who was riding on a horse, listened carefully. After listening, Houju laughed and nodded repeatedly, "Yes, yes, I have never seen a father-in-law who is not afraid of power. Let's go and have a look!"

As soon as he rode Juechen, the guards hurried forward, and Leng Yun arrived at the guarding eunuch's mansion an hour later.

At this time, a lot of people had gathered in front of the eunuch's mansion, protesting, and when they saw someone coming, they took a closer look, and suddenly found the backbone!

"Master Hou!"

Everyone saluted one after another, Leng Yun glanced over and saw that there were quite a few Yang family disciples inside, the leader was Man Yue's cousin Yang Lixin, and said: "Brother, what are you doing here?"

"I asked Ma Rong to let him go."

Seeing Leng Yun's return, Yang Lixin was also relieved.

This time they have activated their greatest abilities, and there is no need to worry about public opinion. As long as they can get Yang Manyue out, Ma Rong is waiting to die!

"Brother, do you think you can let them release people with your mouth?"


Yang Lixin stood there in a daze, his words sounded like mockery but not like that, what does Leng Yun mean by this?
Before he recovered his senses, he saw that Leng Yun had already passed him and stepped forward step by step. The watchdog on the steps went limp, and the murderous aura exuded by the number one killer in the world almost made them stand still. unstable.

All the people also stared wide-eyed, Master Hou is trying to force his way in?

As expected of the most tyrannical Marquis Leng of Ming Dynasty!
So handsome!
The fury in Leng Yun's heart is gathering, do people in this world really think that he is dead?How dare he humiliate her time and time again knowing that Yang Manyue is his? !

As soon as he left Ningbo, people came to seek trouble. It seems that he has been too comfortable in the past two years, and some people have forgotten how he got the nickname of Xiaoshen.

With a bang, the treasured sword he was carrying was pulled out, and a white light flashed in the blink of an eye, and a stream of blood sprayed into the sky like a fountain, and a person rolled down the steps with his skull, stunned a group of people.

The scene suddenly became quiet, and a needle could be heard.

The atmosphere fell into a strange state, as if at this moment, the air froze and time stood still.

Only the head that fell on the ground still had two eyes open, and he didn't know why he was being seen?
With a sound of "Bang!", the headless body fell down, breaking the brief silence. The man on the steps slowly pulled out a snow-white handkerchief to wipe the blade, and a hoarse voice came, "Some people reason If it doesn't make sense, reward him with enthusiasm, and then he will understand everything..."

The slender black eyes squinted, looked at those people, the dark eyes were full of cruel smiles, "Do you think so?"


Screams sounded, and the brief silence was broken. It was like the beginning of a dance on the stage. The dark curtain opened, and cries, shouts, and begging for mercy were mixed together. The man standing on the steps continued to wipe slowly Seeing the blood on the blade, he said casually: "I heard that you have arrested Benhou's wife?"

 I wrote a chapter today and went out to do errands. When I came back, I was surprised to find that there were too many monthly tickets. Did I owe two chapters?I am too tired today, I will make up for it tomorrow!Thank you guys, huh!

(End of this chapter)

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