Chapter 201: Her Moment (Monthly Pass Plus Changes)
After getting what he wanted, the pain on his body seemed to heal a lot. He blew on the paper and carefully put it away.

Glancing at Ma Rong, he said again: "You arrested me to frame Lord Hou. Well, it's hard to explain if the errand is not completed now. How about writing it down?"

Ma Rong urinated immediately, collapsed on the ground, and murmured: "This, this, no, no... Hou Dajian will kill me, no, no..."


Leng Yun laughed, looked down at Ma Rong and said, "Then you think this Marquis will not kill you? Qingyun, teach him the principles of life."


Qingyun picked up the silver needle and pointed it at Ma Rong, and there was a scream, and the dark cell became more and more gloomy.


Chao Su got up, took the silver needle from Qingyun's hand, shook his head, and said, "You really don't care, this Eunuch Ma is a nobleman, and this nobleman is free from the restraint of a nobleman, it's too much for you to tie him up and scream. I'm sorry, let the miscellaneous family come..."

Chao Su smiled sinisterly, and the full moon couldn't help feeling cold all over his body, this is what his father-in-law looks like!

"The miscellaneous family was born to serve the nobles..."

Eunuch Chao smiled secretly, bent down to grope around Ma Rong, and suddenly found a small porcelain bottle. After making a strange laugh, he took a silver needle and stirred it inside, "This is a good thing. It doesn't matter if you boil it. It's easy, rubbing it on the needle and then pricking it is a comfort..."

"No, no!"

Ma Rong's face was distorted with fright. It was a product of the palace. It was made of poinsettia and other things. When applied to the wound, it was called ecstasy. If more doses were used, it could even poison people to death.

And the bottle in his hand is naturally well proportioned, it won't kill you, but it will make you feel sore and itchy.

And although this thing is from the palace, it was not thought up by any master.The people who came up with these things are naturally their eunuchs...

This thing is naturally used to extract confessions and torture people, and it is often used on low-level eunuchs and court ladies.Even some low-level concubines with no background have been used. Ma Rong is naturally aware of his power,
And the person who is about to use this thing against him has also been hurt by him, so is this retribution?

"What did the miscellaneous family say back then? You bastards, one generation is not as good as the next generation. I want you to read more books and learn more about benevolence and morality. If you are born and don't listen, it's okay now? Hehe, this is called the newspaper of the world..."

As soon as the words fell, the needle went in, and there was a scream, and I saw Ma Rong hugging his left arm and rolling wildly on the ground. After a while, his hair was already wet with sweat, and a strange expression appeared on his face. The flushing, the two eyeballs seemed to burst, which made Yang Manyue and others look terrified, it was too cruel...

Tilting her head slightly, she could resist being tortured, but she really couldn't be happy seeing someone being punished like this, even if this person was her enemy.

Killing is nothing more than nodding, and torture is really the cruelest thing in the world.

Seeing her turn her head to the side, Chao Su shook her head, "Miss Wu, you are really kind-hearted. How can such a soft-hearted person make such a big deal?"

Full Moon said lightly: "Torturing and killing are different..."

Suddenly there was a shadow in front of her eyes, she looked up and saw Leng Yun, before she could figure out the situation, she saw him bent down, and said: "Go back..."


Just in a daze, he had already picked her up, stopped when he walked to Ma Rong, and said, "Qingyun, go to his hand and keep his right hand for writing..."

"Yes, Lord Hou!"

"Master Hou!"

Ma Rong screamed, "Master Hou, spare your life, spare your life! Yang, Miss Yang!"


Chao Su kicked him away, and said: "You son of a bitch, you have to have the consciousness of death to be a dog's leg, tsk tsk, peed again? Could it be that you are not eunuch? Why are you peeing all the time? Hey, have fun, go You leave your head with one hand, be content!"

There were shrill shouts in the prison, and it didn't take long for it to return to calm.

In the huge eunuch mansion, Leng Yun was allowed to come and go freely, and no one dared to move. The blood on the steps outside the door had already explained everything: Master Leng is in a bad mood today, he will kill...

The sun was falling from above, and the full moon unconsciously blocked it with her hand, and suddenly there was a roar of applause like a tsunami in her ears.

She put down her hand, let her eyes adjust for a while, and then looked.

I saw that the door was covered with red silk, Eighth Uncle led a group of local gentry and kept clapping hands, and behind them were many scholars in green shirts and countless ordinary people...

Seeing her look over, her voice became even more enthusiastic.

"When the mountain flowers are romantic, she laughs among the bushes..."

Man Yue thought of Grandpa Mao's poem, this poem plagiarized by herself...

How similar it is to the present situation!

After a cold and dark day, finally ushered in a bright spring day!
After today, Yang Ren'er's name will definitely be heard all over the country, and no one will dare to deal with her easily in the future!At least such indecent methods like Lu's can no longer be used easily.

Because she was beaten by the eunuch, she would rather die than submit to Yang Ren'er!
This is an era of doing the right thing once the character is recognized!

Listening to people's compliments, listening to people repeating the verses she plagiarized, she laughed.

This era is very beautiful!

For the first time, I felt from the bottom of my heart that I finally stood firm in this world and had my own strength.

That power is not money, nor does it come from Leng Yun's power, but reputation, which belongs to her!
She would rather die than surrender, defy power, defend her neighbors, and uphold justice. These will be her capital to walk in this world in the future, and no one can take it away!

From now on, everyone who sees her will raise their thumbs up in admiration, and no one will care about her gender in the future, because she is a person who has resisted from the eunuch.

Probably the meaning is the same as the Ming Dynasty minister receiving the court stick. Once the court stick survives, it will immediately bring endless political capital.

Hai Rui, for example, was born in Juren and was admitted to the entrance examination at the age of 40. Because of his reputation of being unyielding and upright, he achieved many official positions that Jinshi could not achieve. He was even regarded as a spiritual leader by scholars because he scolded Emperor Jiajing.


Very important in ancient times!

Leng Yun hugged her, she insisted on coming down, this moment belonged to her.

She was put down, and the cold wind blew her cloak, revealing the blood-stained clothes inside, which caused a huge response!

People cheered enthusiastically and praised her loudly, even ordinary people saluted her one after another.

Full moon walked step by step, although the pain was unbearable, but she was happy in her heart, and she couldn't help clenching her hands that were tucked into her sleeves.

Looking back at the moment when I opened my eyes, the journey along the way was really difficult.

Everyone is speaking in terms of class.

They are richer than her, and they can humiliate her at will if they have the power.

But why? !
Just because she is poorer than others and born worse than others, so they can bully her for granted?

If you must speak with strength!

Well then!

She has nothing, but she will go for it!

just now……

She took the first step!
Despite the embarrassment and pain, she did it!

A sedan chair came in a hurry in the distance, and the sign that cleared the way showed the identity of the comer.

The magistrate is here...

"A person's birth cannot be chosen, but the path a person takes can be chosen..."

Once upon a time, in her previous life, when her parents passed away, these words from the Prime Minister encouraged her to overcome all the difficulties in life.Now, it is still the same sentence. When she said it to Ma Rong, she was actually saying it to herself.

She came to this world with relatives, she is no longer alone, if she must have strength to protect her family, then she doesn't mind becoming scheming.

Those who have the right way but no skills are not suitable for this ancient times where the strong prey on the weak!

So she changed...

She wants to practice magic first, and then walk her own way after gaining power!
His eyes were firm again, and he walked steadily step by step.

"Eleven Niang, Eighth Uncle is here to pick you up..."

Yang Shouchi's face was full of pride, "Look! Justice comes from people's hearts!"

The full moon bowed profusely, "My niece is not filial, and my eighth uncle is tired of running around!"

"Why do my family members have to see outsiders?"

Yang Shouchi laughed, "One sentence to keep the courage and courage of Kunlun is enough to go down in history. My Yang family has this strong daughter, which is enough to shine on the lintel and comfort the ancestors..."

"I am confident that if I live for 200 years, I will be hit by water for [-] miles! It is also heroic. If I don't see it with my own eyes, I can't believe it was made by a woman..."

An old man in his 60s stroked his beard and couldn't help nodding, his eyes were full of admiration, "My Yang family has a daughter like you, so it's a comfort to our ancestors..."

"How can the full moon be the elders of the clan to welcome you? Uncle is an octogenarian, and the weather is very cold. Waiting here will really make the clan and grandchildren panic..."

"Haha! What a smart kid! You guessed my identity right away!"

The old man laughed loudly, and Yang Shouchi introduced: "Eleven Niang, when our ancestors came to Zhejiang to take root and spread their branches and leaves, several branches of mine in Zhejiang belonged to one family. Now we enshrine the Yang family in Jinghu as the suzerain. This is the suzerain. Seniority, it's not bad for you to call him uncle."

"It turned out that the suzerain uncle was in person, and Man Yue was rude..."

Man Yue was also a little surprised. She thought it was an elder of the main sect, but unexpectedly it was the suzerain who came in person. Such kindness really made her terrified.

Is this the power of "name"?
While talking, the county magistrate over there stated that he had come to the front, and there were two people behind him. He took a closer look and saw that it was He Daniu and Mei Sanniang.

Compared to my own haggardness, apart from being a little dirty, the other two are pretty good.

Man Yue nodded inwardly, the county magistrate still thought of the friendship of sharing weal and woe, not only did not embarrass others, but also protected them well, it is very moral to be able to do this under the pressure of guarding eunuchs and Jin Yiwei.

"See you Lord Hou!"

According to the official rules, he first saluted Leng Yun, who had the highest official title, and then saluted Ba Shu as a junior. He was older than Ba ​​Shu, but Ba Shu got a Jinshi in one subject earlier than him, so he was a senior. So the poor county magistrate still has to perform the junior ceremony.

After the greetings that should be greeted were finished, he said: "Miss Yang, everything has been found out, the deceased was murdered, but the murderer was someone else..."


 Monthly ticket plus update!I just went to see it and found that there are more monthly tickets. After doing this calculation, except for this chapter, I still owe you 3 chapters!Allow me to repay slowly these few days, thank you for your support, okay!In addition, I wish everyone a happy Labor Day on 51!
(End of this chapter)

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