Delicious Lady: Lord Wolf, please enter the urn

Chapter 202 Become famous overnight

Chapter 202

Man Yue pondered for a moment, then blessedly said: "Thank you, old parents, for clearing up our grievances, Man Yue is extremely grateful."


Yang Shouchi nodded, "If the County Magistrate Chen hadn't been around this time and tried his best to investigate the truth under the pressure of his superiors, I'm afraid my niece would suffer a catastrophe!"

As Yang Shouchi said, he raised his hand and bowed: "On behalf of the Yang family, I thank my parents!"

"Can't, can't!"

The face of the statement was about to die of laughter. This time he withstood the pressure of all parties to protect Mei Sanniang, and secretly investigated the case. As a result, now that Lord Hou is back, the situation in Ningbo's officialdom has changed immediately. Take it, if you offend Leng Yun, that is a dead end!
Most importantly, his actions this time were favored by the gentry in Ningbo. With the support of Yuan Yang's hometown in the future, it will be much easier to be an official locally!
"I have received the kindness of the emperor, shepherding one side for the emperor, governing the people of a place, so I must do my best for the people. I state that I am not only an official of the court, but also the son of the people!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked!

Nima, the official is the son of the common people?What is the logic? !
Yang Manyue also opened her mouth wide, this person must not have time-traveled, right?

"As officials, what we eat and what we earn are the fat and anointing of the people. Since our parents feed and clothe me, am I not the son of the people?"

The statement looked smug. In fact, this conclusion came from his recent reading of the mortal biography, which repeatedly mentioned the importance of the people. He looked left and right, and he realized the Tao overnight.

After enlightenment, old Chen's parents and adults changed their previous cowardly style and began to visit the mountains and the countryside. It is good for the gentry to help him, but if he doesn't help, he still has the common people!He is not young anymore, so he can't waste any time on the place, and what happened to Yang Manyue this time has sounded the alarm for him even more.

He thought he had some conscience and wanted to do something for the common people, but it happened to Yang Manyue twice, and both times he seemed so helpless.Why do these people dare to open their eyes and tell lies, and force him to open their eyes and tell lies, isn't it because he has no right? !

If he wants to be a loyal official, he must first be a high official.

And the fastest shortcut to becoming a high official is actually to win over the hearts of the people and let the people speak for him from the bottom of their hearts. This way, the influence will be great, and he will be promoted quickly enough.

The report found a way to get promoted quickly through Yang Manyue!

It is not Leng Yun's power that is behind a woman's ability to call the wind and rain, but her fame!

She was imprisoned, and she had squires and scholars to run for her. After today, people will ignore her gender and treat her as a celebrity in Ningbo. This is intangible wealth!

What he said made a lot of scholars excited. Even Yang Shouchi, the suzerain Yang Xiaocheng and other country gentry were awe-inspiring. They all saluted and praised: "It is really a blessing for the local people and a blessing for the Ming Dynasty that the old parents regard their own people as their sons." !"

"Good! Well said!"

Leng Yun clapped his hands, and suddenly took out what Ma Rong had written, and handed it to the statement: "The disaster of the full moon will probably be caused by this person, and Eunuch Ma has already recruited them all, so the old parents should write a letter to the emperor to report the matter on their behalf." ..."

The face of the statement turned pale in an instant, how can you see the high spirits just now?
The full moon is a little speechless, and the uncle is a little unkind.The declarant is only that big, it is courageous to protect Mei Sanniang and his wife and dare to investigate secretly, okay?

Besides, the old man didn't expect that the person behind him was targeting Leng Yun. How could he have thought that he would be captured by the guarding eunuch?

And Mr. Chen obviously has no right to interrogate a princess. As for Shangzou...

That's hard to say, an official of his level has no right to go directly to the emperor, he can only go to the court, if the king of Wu is in the middle of the bush, then this matter may not be resolved.

She ate a beating and didn't want to get the result of her hard work!
Thinking of this, he said: "Master Hou, you are really joking, this matter involves the Wu Palace, the old parents have no right to intervene in the affairs of the royal family."

After a pause, he continued: "Besides, this is the grievance of the previous generation. King Wu didn't know about it, so he still has to take his old man's face into consideration..."

The ears of the crowd perked up immediately, wow, it seems that they have heard some great gossip?
Yang Shouchi pretended to be puzzled and said: "Eleven Niang, what are you talking about? What is Wu Wangfu, Wangfei's?"

Man Yue also sighed deliberately: "Uncle Ba, don't pretend to be confused anymore, I already know what happened back then..."

Yang Shouchi's face was very strange, it turned white all of a sudden, trembling on purpose: "You, what are you talking about?"

Amazing, amazing wow!
The people are excited!

Seeing a steel-like woman today already made them excited, but they didn't expect that there was a deeper hidden secret in it?
In fact, these people are not stupid. It was speculated that Yang Manyue's arrest by the eunuch might have something to do with Leng Yun.After all, it was no secret that the powerful Hou Jing was at odds with the famous Leng Hou Ye, and it was not surprising that he would take advantage of Hou Ye's absence to attack Yang Manyue.

But now it doesn't sound like that!

How could it involve Prince Wu's residence?
Thinking of the previous events and those rumors, some people suddenly realized.

But even so, those people also pricked up their ears, for fear of missing something.After all, everything is their guesswork, and it is only true if they hear the person concerned say it.

It's a pity that Lord Hou doesn't seem to want to give them this chance anymore.

He took back the note from the statement and said, "Let's go back to Xiaogang and talk about it..."

Ever since, Yang Manyue got into the car amidst the reverence and cheers of the people, and headed towards Xiaogang, leaving behind a lot of legends about her defying power.

Arriving at Xiaogang, before returning to Linju, a group of people appeared.The leaders are Mrs. Chen and her grandfather.

Changing from her usual crying and crying appearance, Mrs. Chen showed pride on her face. When she saw her get out of the car, she immediately ordered someone to play ceremonial music, and even the chief Jia in the workshop presented a plaque with four words: iron bones.

Amidst the sound of firecrackers, Yang Manyue was escorted into Guilin residence like a big star of later generations.

As soon as he entered Guilinju, another group of diners presented various gifts one after another, and they were extremely respectful in words and deeds.

A nameless boy from a family, once he joined the two divisions of the factory guard, he would become a celebrity if he didn't get caught off guard!
This is the ethos of Daming!

Even Chen, the mother, ignored the child's pain. From a mother's point of view, the child's injury certainly made her uncomfortable, but the child's behavior made her even more proud!

"Xiao Niang, the hot water is ready. Today we return to Linju to have a big banquet with our guests. You should go to clean up and rest first. It is enough to have your mother and your grandfather here..."

"Mom, isn't this too exaggerated?"

Chen raised her head and said: "How exaggerated? You escaped from the eunuchs. This is a great joy. Why not celebrate it? Look! When I received the news of you coming out more than an hour ago, the neighbors and diners came out one after another , all kinds of gifts have been sent, and we have accepted all the gifts, how can we not treat everyone to a meal? Besides, my son is now a celebrity, how can I be stingy with a few money?"

(End of this chapter)

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