Chapter 209 Serious

The next day, Grandpa and Eighth Uncle went back.

Chao Su was arranged by the full moon to live in the backyard.The old man likes to read, so he asked people to go to the bookstore to buy some books, and also bought a set of desks, bookcases and the four treasures of the study.

Chao Su was satisfied with Man Yue's meticulousness. Seeing Man Yue's two younger brothers studying, he also gave advice.

I don't know if I don't give pointers, but I'm startled when I give pointers. This father-in-law's knowledge is not so good.

Shi Cong, who was listening by the side, also couldn't help nodding. After the two of them exited the study, Shi Cong said, "I heard from my grandfather before that my knowledge of internal physiognomy is not inferior to that of a great scholar, but seeing it today is extraordinary."


Man Yue laughed, "It really surprised me, Eunuch Chao is as knowledgeable as Uncle Ba!"

After a pause, he said, "However, there are accidents in everything, and not every palm print knowledge is good, such as Liu Jin, Wei Zhongxian..."


Shi Cong took a fan and tapped her on the head again, "Being tricky, those few are the ones who are charming, and most of my Da Ming's palm prints still need to be learned."

After a pause, he sighed again, "But you're right, there are always surprises in everything. This Hou Jing's learning is sparse and ordinary, and he gathered a few civil servants to help him read the memorial."


The full moon was surprised, "Eunuch Hou is actually illiterate?"


Shi Cong thought about the meaning of the word, and couldn't help laughing, "This word is interesting. But it's not right to say that he is illiterate, and he has read some books. It's just that this person has a lot of power, but his knowledge is not very good, probably. Is it due to limited qualifications..."

Shi Cong looked at the sky, and said, "I'll be back in the afternoon, your fruit tea is very delicious, can I bring some to my grandfather to taste?"

"What is that? Green Bamboo."

"The servant is here."

"Go and make some fruit tea for Mr. Shi."


"In addition, I also wrap some bacon sausages."

Man Yue smiled and said: "I made some sausages not long ago, you can take them back and give Ge Lao a taste."

"Sister Full Moon has a heart."

Man Yue laughed, "Elder Ge gave me such a precious matsutake, so it would be rude for me to send back some homemade sausages and fruit tea."

The two went to the garden while talking.

In the middle of winter, the garden is bleak, but fortunately, there are still a few wintersweet and pines standing proudly in the cold wind, adding some color to this monotonous world.

The two walked along the small pond in the garden. The weather was very cold. This period was in the Little Ice Age, and it was very cold even in the south.Many people love Laigui Linju because it is warmer and more enjoyable than at home.

Fortunately, the two still had hand stoves and cloaks, and they were also wearing padded jackets and furs inside, so it would be too cold to walk around like this.

"You're much more comfortable here than at home."

Shi Cong looked envious, "Even the prince's house is not as comfortable as yours."

"Actually, you can set up a kang at home..."

"How do you make it? That's the stuff of the golden man..."

Shi Cong shook his head, "Southerners practice beds, while northerners practice kangs. Even if they freeze to death, they should not learn from barbarians."

The full moon was a little speechless, "how can the nation's gains and losses be on a kang?"

After a pause, he said: "King Zhao Wuling learned from the barbarians, and with the barbarian clothes, riding and shooting, he was able to destroy Zhongshan, smash the land, and Dai's hegemony, which is unrivaled except for Qin."

She shook her head, "Even the state of Qin is not a stickler. The times are changing and the forms are changing. When King Wuling of Zhao saw that the cavalry would replace the infantry, he immediately imitated Hu; and when the chariot war was eliminated, Hangu Pass was already dead. Unable to become a dangerous obstacle, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty moved the capital immediately... If we stick to our prejudices, how can we grow stronger?"

Shi Cong was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "Grandfather said you have a great talent, I don't believe it, now it seems that I am really shallow."

After a pause, he continued: "It's just that in this extraordinary period, if you are a student of gold, you may suffer losses..."

"Learn the skills of the barbarians to control the barbarians."

Full Moon paused and said: "We can despise them with our mouths, but a small tribal barbarian beat me, Da Ming, to the point of destroying the country. Isn't there any merit? My Da Ming despises martial arts, and I feel that Wu can disrupt the country. , But these years, are there still few literati who have disrupted the country? This is what happens in the end. A country that doesn’t even trust its own soldiers and generals, but expects military generals to fight to the death is tantamount to a dream.”

I could hear some emotion in her words, and couldn't help but think that her future husband is a general. Is she complaining about him?
But why?
Obviously she was calculated at the beginning, why did she accept her fate like this?
A trace of unwillingness emerged in his heart, why did Leng Yun get her?

My heart is sour, but when I think that I will marry a wife next year, my eyes are sad.

Even without Leng Yun, it is impossible for her to marry him.

Sizhitang is a well-known local family, how could the prostitute's daughter of the main house be a concubine?Moreover, Yang Manyue's temper must be disdainful.

Thinking of this made me feel bored, and said: "This is the human heart, we can't stop it..."

He looked at the pines and cypresses in the distance and suddenly said, "When did you and Leng Yun get married?"

Man Yue froze for a moment, not knowing why he suddenly asked herself this.But she still replied honestly: "We'll talk about it when the filial piety period is over."


After hearing this, I felt relieved, and my mood improved slightly, "When are you going back to your hometown?"

"I wanted to come back on the eighth day of the lunar new year. But the store didn't open until the fifteenth day. I went to Chaiqiao to tidy up first, and then came back to the store."

Shi Cong nodded, "Come and play at my house that year. You have so many servants now, it may not be easy to live in Chaiqiao, so you can live at my house."

"How to make it?"

She laughed, "It's okay, don't worry, Aunt Mei has made arrangements for me, and now no one in that village dares to bully me, many people from other villages want to come to work, and when I heard that I want a house for my servants Live for a few days and rush to rent it to me."

"That's good."

He nodded, somewhat disappointed.

But thinking about it again, if Yang Manyue agreed, it wouldn't be Yang Manyue.

"Hehe, I will definitely go to give you New Year greetings then."

"The grandfather will be very happy. But I think you have to be mentally prepared. The old man will let you cook. He doesn't know what politeness is."

"Ha ha!"

Man Yue giggled, "How could you say that about your grandfather? He heard and beat you."

"Isn't this inaudible?"

Shi Cong pursed his lips and smiled, the rare naughty Tianzhi faded away the gloomy aura on his body, and he appeared as bright as clouds, which made people unable to take their eyes off.

Shi Cong is undoubtedly a handsome man, with a pair of slender eyes with a hint of sparkle, his temperament is feminine and romantic, he has a bookish air of a scholar, but this bookish air is mixed with a trace of gloom, which seems a bit mysterious, an ordinary woman It is difficult to resist such a temperament.

Man Yue was also dumbfounded, and found that Shi Cong would really look pretty if he really laughed.

Tsk tsk, it's really eye-catching!

Looking at the full moon is purely with a sense of appreciation, nothing else.However, Shi Cong's heart skipped a beat with this straight, careless view, and his face turned red, "Sister Man Yue, what are you looking at me for?"

Man Yue smiled and said: "Brother Shi, actually you look pretty when you smile, you should smile more in the future."

"Am I serious in your eyes?"

he asked a little depressed.

She tilted her head and thought for a while, then said: "Since I met you, you have either laughed at me or sneered at me. These two times are better, but your smiles often do not come from the tip of your heart, I can see that." .”

As she spoke, she stuck out her tongue and said: "I'm talking nonsense, don't be angry. But life has passed for dozens of years, and sometimes it is really unnecessary to carry so much. The son must be the old man, don't you think?"


Shi Cong was surprised, and then a warm current flowed through his heart.

Unexpectedly, she understands me.

She squeezed her eyes, and said with a chuckle, "Don't take it to heart if you're wrong. That's right, you'll be back in the afternoon, and I'll treat you to another meal."

Shi Cong couldn't help laughing, "It sounds like I'm very greedy."

"Food is the most important thing for the people. Isn't this the fun of life?"

The two walked out of the garden chatting and laughing, and the lunch chatting ended happily.

After seeing off Shi Cong, Man Yue went to see her two younger brothers, sat with Chao Su for a while, and then went back to the house to sleep.

In the evening of the second day, Leng Yun came back.

It's just that Man Yue felt that he was in a bad mood. She had been here for a long time, with a gloomy face all the time, as if someone owed him money.

"What's wrong with you?"

Man Yue had a strange expression on her face, "The Chinese New Year is coming up in a few days, why are you still frowning, this is not auspicious."

He looked up at Man Yue, then at Man Cang and Xiao Shi who were studying with Chao Su not far away, and said involuntarily, "It would be great if my younger brother could compete with your two younger brothers."

As soon as Man Yue heard this, she knew that Leng Yun's younger brother had messed up again.

Knowing him for so long, although he seldom mentioned family affairs, after she came to Xiaogang, because she always delivered lunch, she became acquainted with several of his subordinates.

Leng Yun's younger brother was five or six years younger than him. Mrs. Leng had three children. The eldest was Leng Yun, and the second was a girl. Unfortunately, she died before she was five years old.Later, she had another son. Due to the death of her daughter, Mrs. Leng loved the youngest very much. After a long time, she gave birth to a dude.

Leng Yun has taken money from his family in recent years, but the more he gives, the more trouble his brother will cause, and his mother is becoming more and more partial.

Qingyun secretly complained to her, saying that the old lady of the Leng family is like a stepmother, the eldest is working hard outside, and today's wealth is all in exchange for life.But the old lady was fine, she asked when she went back, but she always felt a little perfunctory; and if the youngest son fell, he would feel sorry for him in the middle of the night, and the servants in the family only knew the young master now...

Thinking of this, Man Yue said: "We are elder sisters, elder brothers always have to be more patient, especially for the early death of our father, we have to take responsibility."

Leng Yun snorted coldly, "It's better not to wait for the naughty..."

Man Yue took his hand and said, "Go out and talk."

"No, I'm fine..."

 I still owe a chapter!Hope to make it back tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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