Chapter 210 If I Was A Beast

Seeing that he didn't want to say more on this matter, he didn't force it anymore.

For a man as strong-minded as he is, it's best to keep silent when he doesn't want to.

After a while, he said: "Come with me to the garden for a walk."


The two exited the study and walked towards the garden.

The winter has not passed, and the garden is still bleak.

The two walked slowly along the gravel path, neither of them spoke.

After a long time, he suddenly heard him say: "The duty of the Son of Heaven is nothing more than propriety, there is nothing more important than propriety, and nothing is more important than fame... What is propriety? It's about discipline!"

That nonsensical sentence made Man Yue's heart skip a beat.

It's been so long, and in this age of lack of entertainment, she also started to read various books for her brother's homework.Her memory got better after time travel, and as soon as she said this, she knew that it came from Zi Zhi Tong Jian.

It was about King Wei Lie rewarding his courtiers.The above sentences are the opinions of the author Sima Guang.

Leng Yun suddenly said such a sentence, as if saying that etiquette is greater than the sky, but Man Yue heard helplessness from his words.

What's the matter?
For his useless brother?

After thinking about it, he responded with the words of Zizhi Tongjian: "Heaven is respected and the earth is humble, the universe is fixed, the high is the same, the high and the low are the same, the position of the monarch and the minister, it is as difficult as heaven and earth..."

He glanced at her sideways, with a faint look in his eyes, which surprised her and lowered her head slightly.

Are you talking too much?

The atmosphere suddenly became very dull, and it took a long time before he heard his slightly hoarse voice, "Did Qing Yun tell you?"

She shook her head subconsciously, and said in a low voice, "I heard it from another sergeant."

He was silent again.

After a long time, he said: "That beast has tarnished people's innocence."


She looked up in surprise, this, isn't this too much?
"Well, what should I do?"

"It's the daughter of a farmer on the island. She has a big belly..."

"Oh my God!"

Yang Manyue felt incredible.

Because although the dandies these days have forced their way, they always use their power to snatch the girls back. There is really no such thing as Brother Leng Yun.

Because the repercussions are too great.


No matter what era it is, it is the most intolerable thing.Even if you are a powerful person, you will not be able to do it, because it is too difficult to test your eating habits, and you will be tortured by scholars.

"He said that the daughter's family volunteered."

Leng Yun laughed at himself, "What an idiot, what does it matter if it's voluntary or not?"


Man Yue suddenly felt that Brother Leng Yun was telling the truth.

Otherwise, the peasant girl would not talk about it sooner or later, and then wait until her belly is big, she is clearly trying to blackmail people.

"Then...does that girl want your brother to be responsible now?"

Leng Yun nodded.

"Then your brother may not have lied, he's been tricked."

"so what?"

His expression was extremely cold, "They didn't force him, a man has no self-control when it comes to sex, and he will kill himself sooner or later!"

Man Yue was speechless, "Then we can only bring him back now, just give him a title."

After a pause, he continued: "That's always the blood of your Leng family, and if you don't give a title, I'm afraid..."


Leng Yun sighed heavily, and she didn't know if it was the illusion of the full moon, she felt that there was endless hatred in this sigh.

She shook her head, how is it possible?A younger brother who does not live up to expectations and an elder brother will hate him, but there will be no such hatred that wants him to die!

I think too much.

"You have to take care of this."

Man Yue thought for a while and said, "Hou Jingcai sent someone to arrest me and frame you. Now you are hiding Ma Rong secretly and declaring that he is dead. Hou Jingding wants to hate you to death. And this matter is indeed a bit disrespectful to the emperor, killing the servant arbitrarily." Touching the face of the emperor, it is easy to be provoked."

Leng Yun said bitterly: "That bastard didn't take it seriously. My mother always loved him and let him mess around. The girl cried and made trouble and hanged herself. Everyone on Daxie Island knew about it and came to ask for an explanation. , if I hadn't returned in time, I might have killed someone!"

"If we act without morality, we will not be able to do anything."

Man Yue said indifferently, "You can only be a concubine, and that's all you need. You are the head of the family, so you have to be tough sometimes, otherwise, what good will it do them if you fall down?"

For some reason, Man Yue suddenly became disgusted with her future mother-in-law.

In the past, I heard everyone say how Mrs. Leng was eccentric, and I only felt that Yao'er lost his father when he was young, so it's normal for his mother to love her more.And according to the concept of this era, the eldest son should be stricter in inheriting the family business.

But listening to Leng Yun's story about this matter, Man Yue felt disgusted.

She had seen the wounds on the uncle's body before, they crisscrossed and criss-crossed. Everyone said that he was brave in the cold and twilight, but who saw the countless scars on his stalwart body?
Some of the scars are still full of scars. The uncle came out of Sichuan at the age of 14. At that time, it was the most critical time for Ming Dynasty. From the age of 14 to the age of 21, the Jinren negotiated peace. They all said that he was promoted quickly, but no one saw that he had lost his way all these years. blood?

Seven years of war were enough to turn a naive and ignorant boy into a gloomy old man. Everything that uncle has done to this day is due to his life and death on the battlefield.

How difficult is it to buy something with one's life? !

As a mother, you should cherish this honor even more, right?
Yaoer, this is the rhythm of ruining his big brother's reputation!

If I were Mrs. Leng, I would have slapped this unfilial son to death long ago, it would be a shame to the family!

But Mrs. Leng not only didn't make up her mind, but also helped her younger son continue to cause trouble. With a mother like this, it's no wonder that the uncle is depressed.

Thinking of it like this made my heart ache, and suddenly took his hand and dragged him to the rockery, then hugged him suddenly under his surprised eyes, buried his head in his chest, and said in a low voice: "Uncle, I will support you .”

He stood there in a daze, stretched out his arms and hugged her after a while, and said in a low voice: "Little thing, will you hate me in the future?"


She looked up in surprise, her eyes flashing with astonishment.

What does it mean?
"It is said that I am the lone star of the devil. I killed my father, my sister was not enough, and I killed a few unmarried wives... You see, because of me, I have been suffering and almost hanged. People are really unknown..."

Leng Yun's usually indifferent face suddenly became fragile, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, not smiling, but self-deprecating.

"When my father was there, the family was good, and there were a few poor servants. My father found me a bookboy. Until his old man passed away, three of my schoolboys died..."

Full Moon shivered, this...

How do you think it's a conspiracy?
He felt her trembling and bitterness in his heart, he couldn't help but let go of his holding her, his face returned to indifference.

Feeling his alienation, she panicked all of a sudden, holding his hand even harder, and buried her head deeply in his arms, "I don't believe who will conquer who, uncle, if you never leave Full Moon, Full Moon I won't leave you either."

"Aren't you afraid?"

She shook her head and grinned, "I was also scolded as a bastard, saying that I was born to beat my mother, and then my father. This is great, we can match up."

He froze for a moment, then smiled.

I was moved by her optimism and open-mindedness, but the most important thing is that she said that she is not afraid, as long as he does not give up, she will not leave either.

He stretched out his arms to hug her, bent down slightly, buried his head in her neck, and said in a low voice: "After I left home, everything at home is safe. I seldom go home for many years, and I just take a look when I go back... ..."

Man Yue's eyes were red, and her heart ached.

The uncle at this moment is extremely fragile, isn't the subtext of this statement that I want to have a family?
Hugging Leng Yun tightly, he said: "Uncle, I'm not afraid of being restrained, my fate is hard, I just believe that my fate is up to me, we will live well in the future, and we will have children..."

"What did you say?"

He trembled, suddenly lifted her chin, and said with burning eyes: "Child?"

She blushed, she couldn't help herself just now, and her mouth was bald again.

Avoiding his fiery eyes, she looked away and said, "Well, then, if you're married, you're going to have a baby..."


He murmured, murmured repeatedly, and suddenly became obsessed.

The hand holding her couldn't help exerting force, but after feeling the thinness of the person in his arms, he couldn't help being frustrated, "You are still a child, you can't give birth, it's too dangerous. I heard from the imperial doctor in the palace that it is better for a woman to give birth after she is [-]." , the fetus is strong, and the risk of giving birth to the mother is also small..."


The doctors of the Ming Dynasty were very knowledgeable!

It is indeed not a good thing for women to marry early and have children early. Not only is it difficult to give birth, it is easy to have dystocia, and it is easy to get cervical cancer, uterine cancer and so on...

When I think that I am only 12 years old this year, and my uncle is 23, I am a little frustrated. How can I become a loli?
"Then, after 18 rebirths..."

She blushed and said, "Anyway, we will have children."

He laughed, lowered his head and lightly pecked her lips, and said, "Don't be shy, the eldest girl said this to a man."

"Just tell you, whoever tells you in the future, you will be me..."

"What is it?"

He thought of teasing her again, looked down from top to bottom, and said: "Shouting Husband..."

"Screw you!"

She was furious, and punched his chest with her pink fist, "Smelly bastard!"

"If you don't care about your own woman, then it's Liu Xiahui..."

He said calmly, "I am a normal man."

"I think you're bored | coquettish..."

She rolled her eyes, "He's in heat every now and then..."

"Little thing, your mouth will cause trouble sooner or later."

He bent down and raised her chin so that she was at the same level as him, "I'm like a beast, you've lost your chastity a long time ago."


She blushed, but he was telling the truth.

At most, he just kissed her, and he really didn't do anything out of the ordinary, just like men and women in love would kiss. It would be shocking to put it on an ancient lady, but for a modern person, it's really considered a boyfriend kissing himself Not an offensive gesture.

"It's time for dinner, I won't tell you..."

She pushed him away and wanted to leave, but when she turned around, he grabbed her hand, and when she turned around, she saw him with a serious face, and asked each word: "Does what you just said count?"

"Huh? What?!"

(End of this chapter)

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