Delicious Lady: Lord Wolf, please enter the urn

Chapter 211 Sending red envelopes

Chapter 211 Sending red envelopes
On the 22nd, all the employees came to the main hall beaming with joy. After seeing off the last customer, they put up a closing sign at the door. Even if this year is over, it will not open until after the Lantern Festival.

The kitchen is still busy with greenery, and the habits brought by the previous life have moved the employees of this era.

I have never seen such a good host, and even invited them to a New Year's Eve dinner.

The people in the kitchen are still busy, and all employees can eat in the lobby today.After months of hard work, they can also be the guests who return to the forest today, and enjoy the feast that the guests can only eat.

A group of artists who performed in the store on weekdays were also invited. After some people discussed it, they simply performed for free today, which can be regarded as a return for Yang Manyue's care on weekdays.

There were even a few lively masters with unique skills in their hands who asked to perform for everyone, and the whole hall was very lively.

And in the core office area of ​​Guilinju, several accountants are also hurrying to calculate the commissions of the employees for this month. In addition, they have to prepare everyone's red envelopes, which is the highlight of the banquet.

Full Moon changed into a lavender padded jacket skirt. Although it was not made of silk and satin, this jacket skirt was specially made by her, and it carried some elements of later generations. The Hanfu of the Ming Dynasty in later generations is actually much more beautiful than the current one. With more modern design concepts, it is both traditional and novel.

She has such clothes several times. The tailor Wang in the workshop is quite skilled, and his wife and daughter's female celebrity is even more powerful.They make all the clothes of the employees in the full moon store.

They are familiar with each other, and they also let them make the clothes of Man Yue's family.

And the design of the full moon also surprised Tailor Wang, and then he was overwhelmed by the huge surprise.

Without him, Man Yue is a well-known figure in Ningbo, the actual helm of Gui Linju, and all the high-ranking officials and dignitaries come and go. Wearing such trendy and ingenious clothes naturally arouses imitation and becomes a new fashion in Ningbo.

And Yang Manyue was not stingy, and directly told them that they were hired by Tailor Wang in the workshop, so Tailor Wang's business is so good now that they have hired several people, and there is no time to do it.

Everyone in the market has benefited from the full moon, so this time when she had an accident, many people really ran for her, and when she came back, they sent a lot of things.

Although it's worthless, it's all the wishes of the neighbors.So today I simply called the neighbors to have fun together.

After changing clothes, it was almost noon, and everything was ready. When Man Yue and his family appeared in the hall, there were bursts of applause and applause.

Man Yue glanced over and saw Eunuch Chao and Leng Yun sitting behind, grinning at them, then waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

The hall fell silent again, the prestige of the full moon was impressive.

She walked up to the opera stage, cleared her throat, and said, "Everyone, folks and elders..."

As soon as this remark came out, many people's eyes turned red.

The boss didn't treat them as human beings, and they had already felt it.But today's words of "companion" raised their identities to an equal status. The ordinary people of Ming Dynasty, who had always been in awe of the superior, turned red-eyed just because of the word "companion" of the venerable, and were moved in their hearts.

"So far, when the new year is approaching, we gathered together, looking back at the past, looking forward to the future, and being able to walk with you, the full moon is a blessing, and it is a blessing to return to Linju!"

Man Yue suddenly clasped her hands together, and made a respectful salute, causing the people below to exclaim, "Young master can't do it!"

Some people got up in a panic, evading in panic, and almost fell over.

The concept of superiority and inferiority is deeply rooted in the bone marrow. From the perspective of these employees, they really cannot afford such a big gift from their boss.

Man Yue got up slowly, and said: "Everyone, don't panic! This gift is to thank you for not leaving me when I was in danger, and leaving Guilinju! This feeling is in Man Yue's heart, and today I promise, As long as everyone doesn't do anything to apologize to Gui Linju, I, Yang, will never abandon anyone."

"Everyone is here with me, that is my companion, don't forget about wealth, I am your boss, but you are also my family, and you are a part of Guilinju! In just two months, we have become famous all over Yongshang. This is not due to me alone, but the result of everyone's joint efforts! You can make Gui Linju the head of the family, as long as we continue to unite as one, behave sincerely, and do things in a down-to-earth manner, then Our Guilinju will one day be famous all over the country and become the first-class restaurant in the country!"

Everyone gasped, darling, the boss is so ambitious!

Immediately, they became excited.

If you run into such a good employer and are still so motivated, are you afraid that you will not have a good life in the future?
Many of Guilinju's employees are locals, and many of them are families working in Guilinju. Although it has only been open for a few months, the overall living standard is improving at a rocket-like speed.Compared with the sallow and thin skin when I first came, I have gained a lot of weight now, and I have a lot of energy.

Such a good place naturally hopes that he will become stronger and stronger!

Not to mention that the owner said they were their own people!

"You don't abandon the full moon, and the full moon will not abandon you! If there is any difficulty, we will find a way to solve it for you!"

The people below applauded excitedly, Chao Su couldn't help sighing, and said: "Speaking like this, I have never heard of it, I have never seen it before, such a method, how can I not be loyal?! Boy Leng, how can your daughter-in-law be 12 years old? She is an old fox, with sophisticated methods , the understanding of human nature... Strange, is there really a person who knows it from birth?"

Leng Yun remained silent, but secretly thought: Why do I feel that she is from another world?Maybe it's heaven?

Even if you learn from your mother's womb, it is impossible to learn to be a human being like this...

Putting the weird thoughts out of his mind, he curled his lips into a smile, with a bit of pride in his words, "Otherwise, how can you be my Leng Yun wife?"

"Tsk tsk, the son of a turtle is so proud..."

Chao Su smacked his lips and turned his head away, displeased with Leng Yun's undisguised complacency.

"Okay, let's not talk nonsense. We have worked hard for the past few months, and the Chinese New Year is about to come. This year, the store is good. Hello everyone, let everyone have a good New Year, Lao Bai!"


"Red envelopes!"


The employees were excited. They had heard rumors that the owner was going to give everyone red envelopes. The red envelopes were everyone’s bonuses, not included in the commission, but their New Year subsidies. Such a good owner, they all wanted to kneel down and call their mothers. !
Full Moon stood aside cheerfully, and whispered: "Mother, look, we have earned 2 taels of silver in just over two months, and it's only a drop in the bucket to give 2 taels of dividends to employees, but a small favor can be exchanged Come to their loyalty, do you think it is worth it?"

Mrs. Chen didn't know how to answer it well. Naturally, it was distressing to take 1000 taels out.

In her opinion, everyone should be rewarded for not abandoning them, but 1000 taels is too much...

But she knew that Man Yue had an idea, just like the staff's food, she felt sorry for her, and said whatever she wanted, but in the end she still let Man Yue decide.I can only comfort myself in my heart: the girl was instructed by Yan Jun, and she, a country woman, can't understand how to act...

Seeing Chen's pained face, Man Yue smiled unkindly.

"Mother, now you have a heartache and don't understand, but in the future you will feel that the money was worth it..."

"Mother didn't say anything... This, isn't this a fear of poverty? Seeing the money go out, my heart always hurts, like cutting flesh..."

"Mom, don't feel bad about it. How happy do you see everyone?"

Mancang said at the side: "The daughter comes back after leaving, the shop assistants are more important to us than anything else. Don't sisters often say, whoever wins the hearts of the people wins the world? This is Lin Ju, and sister's world!"


Xiao Shi nodded his head like a little adult, thinking to himself, "The demon girl really has a way of doing things, so she bought people's hearts? I have to study hard. I will be the chief assistant in the future. How to control the subordinates is also the same. It's a science!"

"Two little debt collectors have come to bully your mother. Please, please, mother is not distressed, she is happy!"

Man Yue and Man Cang looked at each other, and couldn't help laughing, which made Mrs. Chen stare, feeling very sad in her heart, as she was becoming less and less majestic as a mother...

Counting Chef Wang in the store, there are a total of 12 stewards, one person is 20 taels, the big shopkeeper is 5 taels, and 10 accountants are also 6 taels. There are 20 children, five taels per person. After removing these, none of the 89 ordinary employees in the store can still get 7 taels of money. This is definitely a great event worthy of joy!

You must know that the nominal salary of a county magistrate is only 45 taels a year!If it is converted into meters, it is 90 stones!Converted into later generations, the RMB is less than 2000 yuan. There is no comparison and no harm. When I think that I will be divided into 7 taels of silver in the new year, some people are so excited that they are almost going out of their minds!
Seeing the joyful appearance of the employees, Man Yue couldn't help but sigh that the compatriots in the Ming Dynasty were so easy to pass...

If it is in later generations, not to mention other things, even a CEO like Lao Bai, don't even think about spending 500 taels of silver...

After she got 2 taels of silver, she gave Lao Bai 20. This person was so excited that she wanted to kneel down. She was so simple that she wanted to cry for Lao Bai, and then found that she did have the potential to be a capitalist. black heart...

But a certain girl doesn't want to be an idiot, it's okay to be generous, otherwise it will cause other troubles.

Seeing the happy faces of the guys makes me feel happy. Sure enough, the greatest happiness in this world can only be obtained if you are willing to give.

After receiving the red envelopes, the employees stood up and saluted one after another, thanking Man Yue and Mrs. Chen for their kindness.

Man Yue waved her hands and said with a smile: "Next year, I hope that all of you will continue to work hard and create greater glories again! Well, let's not talk nonsense, and the last sentence, everyone eat well, drink well, and play well today! Chef Wang, serve the dishes Heck!"

There were applause and applause, and the employees shouted in unison: "Chinese New Year! Happy New Year to the owner..."

(End of this chapter)

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