Chapter 213

On the second day, the snow stopped, but the sky did not clear up, it was still gloomy.

There were already several carriages waiting at the gate of Guilinju, and several Yang family children loaded their luggage and other things into the carriages.

Man Yue and a few slaves inspected the Guilin House again, and after confirming that there were no potential safety hazards, they laid the door panels piece by piece and locked them, and Guilin House was completely deserted.

Leng Yun was sitting on the horse, the bay red horse who had always looked down on Man Yue was also snorting at the moment, Man Yue looked at it, feeling helpless.

I don't know where I offended this uncle Ma?Why do you still feel the contempt in its eyes?
She took out a pair of gloves from her satchel, which she made overnight with several servants and Tailor Wang.

Embroidery is too difficult, the embroidery needle is so small that it is difficult to hold it, let alone embroidering.However, sewing and mending, making a simple gadget is not difficult for her.

Like this glove, Tailor Wang figured out what she meant after some gestures and pondering, and cut it out very quickly, then stuffed it with cotton, sewed it up, and a comfortable modern glove came out.

Man Yue probably knew the size of Leng Yun's hands, while others were completely blind, and the gloves in her hands were more delicate, with a layer of leather sewn on the back of the palm and the front and back of each finger, which not only It's warmer, it looks better, and the key is that it doesn't slip when pulling on the reins.

As for the others...

It's too late for the full moon, just to fix these gloves, they stayed up late yesterday before going to bed.

"what is this?"

His eyes fell on her hand, "For me?"


Man Yue yawned, her eyes were red, and she said rather listlessly, "It's cold on horseback today, so I came up with an idea to make gloves for you all."

"Gloves? What gloves?!"

Qing Yun came over, and Lu Zhu hurriedly asked the others to take out the gloves, "Master Mu, this is what my girl thought up, it won't be cold after putting it on!"

Green Bamboo made a demonstration action, and the soldiers in charge of the escort all looked over and felt warm in their hearts.

It is said that Mr. Yang has a good heart. This is true. It is great that Lord Hou can marry such a woman. This is also their blessing!
Leng Yun got off the horse, took the gloves over, and found that his own was different from others', and there was a little joy that was hard to detect by outsiders.

Putting the gloves on, I found that they were just right, and I felt more comfortable.

Little things are very caring!Know my hand size.

Qing Yun next to him tried several pairs before he found the right one.Listening to that guy's complaints, a certain Hou Ye felt more at ease.

"Well, I have a heart."

He gave a word of encouragement quite reservedly, and the full moon curled her lips, arrogant!

Anyone who sees it has a share, whether it is driving a car or riding a horse, there is a pair.It's also thanks to Man Yue and the others that they did more. Everyone picked the one that was right for them.

The remaining pairs of full moons were put away, and when they got home, the Yu family organized people to let those in difficulty at home learn how to do it, but it is a good business!
Leng Yun got on his horse again and said, "It's windy outside, go sit in the car."


She nodded, looked at Leng Yun again, and said: "It's not cold when it's snowing, it's cold when it melts, it's the coldest now, you're riding a horse and it's windy, you have to take a blanket to block it."

Leng Yun put the cap on the cloak and said: "How can the man's family be so delicate? With these gloves, it is already very good, let alone, you are not in good health yet, go to the car."

She nodded and returned to the carriage.

It was much warmer in the car. There were no chairs in the car, and it was covered with thick quilts. If it was too late to rush to the next county and wanted to sleep in the wild, sleeping in the car would be much safer and warmer.

A quilt was used to cover it, and there was a Tang Pozi inside, an adult with three children, so that sitting in the carriage was not only not crowded, but also very warm.

Full Moon took off her cloak and outer jacket, folded them into cushions, put them behind her, stretched her feet into the bed, exhaled, and felt extremely comfortable.

It's just that the thought of uncle still having to eat and sleep in the open makes his heart ache, and he feels a little uneasy.

I am so comfortable, but the uncle is blowing cold wind outside, no matter how you look at it, it is not good.

Just as she was thinking wildly, the carriage started.

She opened the curtains, and all the neighbors came to say goodbye to them, waved their hands, and looked at the cold cloud in front of them. The figure, even when riding on a horse, is so tall and stiff, which made her feel at ease while being obsessed.

With him around, I don't have to be afraid of anything.

Putting down the curtain, seeing Chen's ambiguous smile, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he said, "Mother, I, I'll squint for a while..."

"Go to sleep, go to sleep."

Mrs. Chen said with a smile: "Mancang, sit on the side of the mother, let your sister squint for a while. Yesterday she worked hard to get gloves for your brother-in-law..."

A word of puns, Chen's also imitated it badly...

Man Yue blushed, and randomly put the folded clothes around, fell down, and said: "Mm, Mm, I'll take a nap for a while."

There was low laughter from Mrs. Chen and the others, and they couldn't help but think: "Should I find myself another stepfather? Otherwise, I won't be able to avenge my little stepmother!"

The carriage was long and the road was a little bumpy, but it wasn't the first day she came to Daming, and she had already gotten used to the bumpy carriage and horses, and fell asleep after a while.

"Mother, if we have to stop later, can we sit with Mr. Wugu?"

Mrs. Chen was a little surprised, "It's not good to be with Mother?"

Mancang scratched his head, and said with some embarrassment: "Mr. Wu Gu is well-informed and knows a lot of interesting things. Sister is sleeping again. We are so bored..."

Chen's was slightly sad again, well, now the little one also despises her...

"Then if you stop later, go."

Chen shook her head helplessly. Fortunately, there were more carriages. Wugu sat in a carriage by himself, and it should be more lively with two more children, right?

It was snowing, the temperature was low, and the road was very difficult to walk. They moved very slowly, and they didn't arrive in Fenghua until it was dark.

It was getting dark, and the gates of the city had long been guarded. Fortunately, Fenghua is also a large county with a prosperous economy. There are many satellite villages outside the city, so it is easy to deal with food and drink.

And there are also those nice little hotels, not fancy, but at least clean.

You can't pay too much attention to walking outside, just wash up and go to bed after hastily eating dinner.

I had nothing to say all night, and when I got up the next day, the sky was clear, but the road was even more difficult to walk.

The sun is out, and the snow is melting fast, but it is wet everywhere, and some roads are still frozen, making walking really inconvenient.

And then, the distance to the city will be great, and the distance to the next county is not short.

The sky soon became dark again, Leng Yun looked at the sky, and said: "Hurry up, there is an abandoned village in front, let's go and stay there for one night."

There are wild beasts in the wild these days, and Leng Yun has the vigilance of a soldier, so it's better not to sleep in the wild if you can.

Although the abandoned village is not much different from the wild, but after all there are some fortifications, it is much better than sleeping in the wild like this.

After walking for a while, there was an abandoned village. Qingyun couldn't help admiring his master's memory and diligence in his work.

It hasn't been long since he came here, but his old man can feel the whole area clearly, he even knows that there is an abandoned village here!

"Master Hou, why is this place abandoned?"

Leng Yun took a look at Qing Yun, and said with an authentic expression: "I heard that this village was very rich before, look at those fortifications. But it is said that these riches came from plundering my compatriots..."

Qingyun was stunned for a moment, and then his expression became serious, "You mean there are big pirates attached to Japanese pirates in this village?"

Leng Yun nodded, and suddenly frowned, "Didn't some officials mention this when I first came here for inspection? Why did you forget?"

Qingyun's face turned blue instantly...

Leng Yun turned cold, "If you know yourself and your enemy, you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles, and you will be punished later."


Qingyun really wanted to slap his ears, what a mouthful!
"I heard it's haunted..."

Leng Yun suddenly said, "The one before me played tricks, and then the place became haunted, the village was abandoned, and outsiders didn't dare to come..."

Qingyun's face turned greener, but he said: "Bah, I'm waiting for the dead to crawl around, why should I be afraid of this?"

"Well, it's best not to be afraid, go and fetch Madam."

Qingyun turned around, his resolute face instantly turned into a sad face.

Hey, hey, he's only afraid of ghosts if he kills a lot!
No, no, I have to calm down, I am killing the enemy for the country, no poison will invade, no poison will invade...

Just as she was thinking wildly, she saw that Man Yue had already got out of the car and was walking with her family.

"It's so strange!"

Mrs. Chen looked around, "Every inch of land in the south of the Yangtze River has always been rich, why are all the good villages abandoned?"

Qingyun originally wanted to talk about being haunted by ghosts, but when he thought about it, he scared them, especially Madam, why should Master Hou peel off his skin?

Compared with ghosts, his Lord Hou is the scarier one, okay? !
As soon as the words came to his lips, he swallowed them back, "Auntie, there are many abandoned villages in this village. I think the land here is barren. They probably can't survive, so they all leave."

Chen nodded, but she was puzzled in her heart.

After all, this kind of thing rarely happened in ancient times, and once it happened, it would be a big change.

Looking at the abandoned and unpopular village, she felt trembling in her heart, and suddenly she didn't dare to ask any more questions, subconsciously forced herself to accept Qingyun's explanation, and pretended to be relaxed: "Fortunately, we brought pots, bowls and chopsticks, and rice and meat .”

Qingyun nodded again and again, "Madam is still thoughtful."

Man Yue looked around and was also puzzled.

There are rivers and streams here, so why is such a good place abandoned?Surely there has been a plague here before?
Careful, said: "We must not drink raw water, everything must be cooked before eating."

As he spoke, he lowered his voice and said, "I think it's a bit weird here. If the whole village is relocated, something big will happen. Chinese people always value the countryside. If they want to relocate, it must be a matter of life and death. Maybe there has been a plague here..."

Albatron's tears came down.

Although it's not the truth, the future wife is obviously not easy to fool. Do you want to be so smart, old man?

(End of this chapter)

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