Chapter 214 Camping
Leng Yun came over and said, "What are you talking about?"

Qingyun shuddered and shook his head again and again, "It's nothing, madam said there might have been a plague here, so no one..."

Leng Yun glanced at Qingyun, Qingyun smiled embarrassingly, and said: "Hou, Lord Hou, go down and take out the tableware..."

"I'll cook."

Man Yue smiled and said: "It's not fun to visit the deserted village at night and camp outside."

"You haven't recovered from your injury, what are you messing with?"

Leng Yun was displeased, "Can't you take care of yourself?"

Man Yue stuck out her tongue | her head and said: "It's almost better, it's always uncomfortable. At my age, my recovery is fast, and it's fine to do some light work."

After a pause, he laughed again: "Besides, it's the wilderness, and it's the twelfth lunar month. Besides the ingredients we brought, what else is there to eat? Can you make a big dish?"

Leng Yun couldn't help laughing, which could tell the truth.

"Go ahead and explore the village, Qingyun, take someone to fetch some water."

As he gave instructions, he protected Man Yueniang and the others behind him, "Be careful. Although the village is abandoned, it is also a good place for criminals to hide."

A group of people led the order, and Man Yue said again: "Brother Qingyun, if you need to break the ice layer to fetch water, just wait there for a while, and fish will come out!"

Qingyun was surprised, "What's the reason?"

Man Yue pursed her lips and smiled, and said, "Fish also need to breathe. It's frozen for thousands of miles, and there's less air in the water. If you open a hole, can't you squeeze it up?"

"Ma'am, your observation is really careful!"

Qingyun was greatly admired, the automatic brain supplement was the result of Man Yue's daily observations, and he couldn't help admiring him.

Man Yue smiled and said, "Take the torch, and the fish will follow the light. This is what the disciples of Meijiacao told me..."

Qingyun nodded, and then said: "It's really cold today. I heard from my great-grandmother that it wasn't so cold in the south of us before..."

Little Ice Age, can it not be cold?
Man Yue didn't know how to tell them, so she simply chose to remain silent.

A group of soldiers entered the village, but no one found them, but they found several litters of wild cats and wild dogs.The sudden appearance of visitors obviously frightened these little guys, and they quickly disappeared into the night.

Leng Yun asked people to take off the oil lamps on the carriage and light them up, and the whole world was brightened up.

This village used to be very wealthy, but there are a few big houses.

Leng Yun ordered the carriages to be placed in the courtyard of the largest house, and lined up along the four sides. No one entered the house, and everyone stayed in the courtyard.

In this way, if something happens, the buildings outside the house can also be used to resist. Although the door is dilapidated, it is still a shelter!
The yard looked extremely bleak, even a bit gloomy. The old mansion exuded a decaying smell in the night, which made people feel depressing and frightening.

A group of soldiers found all kinds of abandoned cleaning tools, cleaned the courtyard briefly, found a lot of dead branches and leaves, poured a little kerosene on it, and the sparks from the fire bag splashed down, and with a "boom", the fire burned When you get up, the power of kerosene quickly takes away the water vapor on the dead branches, and the principle of mutual generation and restraint of the five elements is vividly reflected here.

With the oil lamp and the fire, the defeated courtyard became much brighter, and the fear was dispelled a lot.A few sergeants went into the house to find some furniture and came out. After a few strokes, they were chopped into planks, wiped, and covered with some cloth, which could be used as stools.

I opened up the felt cloth for marching and tied it to the pillars on all sides. Now it was perfect. There was a cover on the head, there were walls on all sides, and there were several fires. The cold was quickly dispelled.

The horses were also placed inside the house. In such a cold day, the horses would not be able to bear it if they were left outside.

These days, horses are more precious than people.

After a lot of work, Qingyun also brought back all the water. Not surprisingly, the people who brought it all carried a big fat fish in their hands.

"Ma'am, ma'am!"

Qingyun looked excited, "There are really fish jumping out by themselves, and they are so big!"

Man Yue smiled, feeling envious in her heart!
This is the case in ancient times. It is really everywhere to scoop fish and beat spores with sticks.

It is also thanks to the climate of the Little Ice Age, otherwise the feat of digging ice for fish would never have been seen in the south of the Yangtze River.

Although Qingyun is a man, he is careful in doing things.

The fish has been processed, just waiting for the full moon to cook.

A few stones are placed casually, and a cauldron for marching is placed on it. The rough style is the most beautiful true color of a soldier.

Full Moon took out seasonings, ingredients, etc. from the car dedicated to storing luggage, ingredients, etc. In such a weather, and in the wild, it is obviously not suitable to stir-fry. Only a bowl of hot and spicy soup is everyone's favorite.

The combination of fish and sheep is the source of the word Xian, and now there are fresh fish and lightly marinated mutton. The fish is fried until both sides turn yellow, and water is added to make the soup turn white. Put down the boiled mutton, stew for an hour, add a little soaked dried lettuce, fungus, shiitake mushrooms, the soup is thick white, and the lettuce is green. Just looking at it, I feel that my stomach is already very empty, like saliva It's about to fall out.

At this moment, there were people crowded around the three cauldrons, and those sergeants had heard about the craftsmanship of Lord Hou's future wife for a long time, but it was a pity that Gui Linju's consumption was too expensive, so far they had no chance to taste it.

Today, I can see my wife displaying her magical skills, and I can also eat the food made by her old man. I am moved and excited at the same time.You know, it's not just a question of money for Madam to cook a table of noodles for people now, but she also has to have a good face, otherwise she won't bother.

A group of cute soldiers gathered around the pot, and they kept admiring it even though they hadn't eaten it yet.

"It's so fragrant, you can tell it's extraordinary when you smell it."

"Look at the color of this soup, it's so white..."

Man Yue looked at these people and felt very happy.

As a cook, the happiest thing is that others like to eat what you cook.

She also felt happier to make these ordinary soldiers and ordinary people happy.

Although she runs a high-end restaurant and has no casual contacts, she actually prefers to associate with grass roots, which is more comfortable.

Leng Yun sat on the side, looking at her who was busy not far away, and seeing how close his subordinates were to her, feeling a little proud in his heart.

Only those who can share weal and woe with their subordinates can make great achievements.

Although the little thing is small, she understands this truth naturally, and she can get along with others without emphasizing it.This is also what he values ​​most about her. Even if she becomes prosperous, she will not forget her roots. It is not easy to maintain a pure heart.

He took out his hip flask, took a sip of the plum stuffing, and let the hot | hot feeling rush around his chest. He saw the harmony and warmth among people in this small, defeated courtyard.

The soup was ready, Xiao Shi and Mancang clapped their little hands, like children aged 7,8 or [-], and shouted happily: "Mother, Mr. Wu Gu, the soup is ready, the soup is ready!"

Man Yue smiled and added salt and umami to the soup, and said, "Go and wash your hands, you need to use soap, you know?"

"Hey, sister, let's go!"

Chao Su straightened his nose, looked at the color of the soup, and nodded again and again, "It's so enjoyable, it's comfortable to look at!"

"Mr. Wugu, would you like a bowl first?"

Man Yue served him a bowl, and said with a smile: "You are the oldest here, and the elders are the respected ones, please invite first!"

Chao Su was not polite, took it over with a smile, and said, "Then I won't be polite. Tsk tsk, the smell just now almost made the old man's heart break out. You girl has so many ideas, and you can still do it in the wild." After eating this kind of soup, I will be a good housekeeper in the future!"

After hearing this, Mrs. Chen laughed so hard that her face almost rotted.

Is there anything happier than praising your daughter's virtuousness?
Eunuch Chao has served the emperor before!
"Mom, you eat too."

Man Yue served Chen Shi soup, put the huge fish head into her bowl, and said with a smile: "Here comes the silver carp head, here is the herring tail, mother, you prefer the fish head, here is for you to eat."

Mrs. Chen was very comforted, there were only two fish in a pot, and Chao Su was an elder, so it was no problem to eat one.And the remaining full moon can think of her mother, how can he not be moved?

"Give it to Lord Hou."

After being moved, Mrs. Chen handed the bowl to Leng Yun, "It's hard work at dusk, so I have to eat the best."

Leng Yun also felt warm in his heart, Chen Shi was very kind to him, although she was not a few years older than him, but she really loves the house and loves Wu, she regards herself as a son, compared to her mother...

There was a slight dimness in the eyes, and then disappeared in the eyes, pushed back and said: "Auntie, you can eat, I don't like fish heads."

Man Yue smiled and filled a few pieces of mutton, and then pinched a section of the stomach, saying: "Mother, you eat, Mu Shi loves meat, hee hee, I have prepared it for him."

Handing the bowl to Leng Yun, Leng Yun looked at the contents of the bowl, then at Man Yue, seeing that she had shared the rest of the fish with the two younger brothers, and he only ate a little tail, he nodded secretly in his heart, My own little things are the best at taking care of people, and they are really selfless to people.

The tastiest part of silver carp is the head, but there is nothing to eat the head, and the most tasteless is the tail of silver carp.Two big fish, she gave the best to others, and ate some of the fish tails herself. It is not pitiful, but at home alone, among friends, she can think of giving the best to others. Come is a virtue.

There is no need to mention Leng Yun's satisfaction with the character of his future wife.

The fire was crackling, and a group of people lined up, eating delicious soup, not to mention how happy they were.

Those sergeants were even more exaggerated, and specifically proposed to catch fish again, which was naturally scolded by Qing Yun.

Do these guys treat Madam as a coolie? !
Man Yue smiled and said: "If you have the ability to catch me, I'll do it. All these people have laid hands on me, and it's nothing more than frying a fish..."

A group of big-headed soldiers cheered when they heard it, they were all at the age where they could eat, and this little food was not enough for them to bite their teeth.

All of a sudden, 7 or 8 people were dispatched, and they came back after a short time, all of them had processed fish in their hands, including silver carp, herring, bighead carp, and even crucian carp and carp.

Man Yue laughed heartily, clapped her hands and said, "After drinking the soup, let's have some braised miscellaneous fish!"

(End of this chapter)

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