Chapter 215 There Are Ghosts

After a lot of work, although she was a little tired, Man Yue felt happy.

It seems that here, the distance between people has become closer, and the concept of hierarchy has become blurred. She likes this atmosphere.

After eating a piece of braised fish, he squinted his eyes in enjoyment, and said, "Salted fish with light meat, fish should be salted and delicious."

He ate so much that his stomach was rolling, and he still refused to let go. The memory of childhood hunger was so deep that he had to eat as much as he could before giving up.

Fortunately, he is not fat enough to eat, and Man Yue will force him and Xiao Shi to run in the yard every day, so there is no need to worry about eating any problems.

Xiao Shixian is very gentle, but the speed of chopsticks is fast enough. After living with Man Yue and the others, he ate more.Fortunately, there is a terrible elder sister who is in charge of the house and is forced to exercise every day, but instead of gaining weight, she has lost a little weight.

Leng Yun and Chao Su drank wine, looked at the three siblings who were having a good meal, with different expressions.

Leng Yun felt that this scene was warm, and then he thought of his useless younger brother at home, with a hint of envy in his eyes.

And Chao Su was lost.

The happier others are, the more disappointed he is.

What if he also had relatives?Those distant relatives are not his relatives, and he really wants to have a normal child who calls him grandpa or dad.

Man Yue felt something was wrong while eating, looked sideways, saw the disappointment in Chao Su's eyes, and couldn't help but sigh slightly in her heart.

The eunuch is actually really pitiful.

No matter how powerful and powerful he is, he is always despised and has no family affection to enjoy.This is also the reason why many eunuchs who were castrated by their parents and sent to the palace were still keen to bring their relatives to the capital to enjoy the blessings after they became prosperous.

They always have low self-esteem in their hearts, even if their parents hurt them, they still long for the love of their parents and treat them equally.

Turning his head slowly, he thought for a while and said, "Xiao Shi, the warehouse is full. From now on, if you call Mr. Wu Gu, you should call him Grandpa."

Xiao Shi was stunned for a moment, Mancang is smart, after all, he has suffered a lot since he was a child, but it is easier to think about problems from the standpoint of others.

Man Yue lowered his voice and said: "Mr. Wu Gu is a good man, and it was fate that made him enter the palace. Now he is in his sixtieth year, and his relatives are gone. Calling him Grandpa Wu Gu is somewhat of a consolation, isn't it?"

Xiao Shi suddenly realized, thought about what Man Yue said, and thought about how he got along these days, secretly glanced at Chao Su, looked at the gray hair, and suddenly felt that what Man Yue said made sense.

The old man is indeed very pitiful.

What about the most wealth and power?Is it worth family affection?
Thinking of this, Xiao Shi inevitably felt sad again.

He followed Eleven Niang to Ningbo. He had been here for a long time. His mother and father didn't say they came to see him, but just a letter, no, not even a verbal letter, which made him restless.

Like Mr. Wugu, I am a loner...

Xiao Ten thought sadly.

In fact, after so long, he knew that Yaonu's family were all good people, but he just couldn't fully blend in, couldn't call Chen's mother, and couldn't treat Man Yue as his own sister, he could only treat her as the clan sister.It's full of warehouses, and I really feel like my younger brother. After all, he sleeps in the same room and fights. The relationship is actually the deepest.

For a while, Xiao Shi was also lost.

After thinking for a while, he picked up a piece of fish, got up and walked to Chao Su, and said, "Grandpa Wu Gu, can I call you Grandpa? I'll give you fish..."

Chao Su was stunned for a moment, seeing the loneliness on Xiao Shi's face, he understood in an instant.

He beckoned him to sit down, pinched his chubby little face, and said with a smile, "I wish I could."

Man Yue looked sideways, and sighed slightly when she saw this scene.

Xiao Shi is no longer a child, he is Wei Wei's sensible age, it is not so easy to integrate into their family.It's good to be so calm now.

Swallowing the fish meat in his mouth, seeing Chen Shi looking at Xiao Shi worriedly, he comforted him: "Mother, Xiao Shi is a smart boy, he knows how to choose, don't worry."

"I'm afraid that when we go back, sister-in-law Wu will say that we abused Xiao Shi."

Mrs. Chen sighed, "This child is becoming more and more thoughtful. The fifth sister-in-law is also cruel, why didn't she send a single letter? She is the child's mother, how can I care about this..."

Maybe it's for the old lady to see?
Full Moon sneered in her heart.

Even children are calculated, such a mother is not worth mentioning!
Helped tidy up the dishes, boiled hot water, and was just about to drink, but suddenly heard a burst of crying from outside, faintly singing, "Lang Lang Qian Kun, the blue sky and bright moon, the wind at dawn, and the wind at dawn. I am innocent..."

Everyone's hairs stood on end, and Qingyun's face turned pale.

No, it won't be so evil. It's really haunted here, right?
At this moment, the memory came back, and I remembered the introduction of this village by the county magistrate when I accompanied Lord Hou to inspect the coastal defense of Ningbo Jinhua...

My scalp felt numb and felt like it was going to explode.

Four years ago, when Daming and Dajin were fighting fiercely, Japanese pirates swept in again. However, the strange thing is that compared with the Japanese invaders during the Jiajing period, the incident four years ago can only be said to be drizzle.

Because the so-called Japanese pirates did not log in on a large scale at all, they were just plundered by young men, and this village had dependents, who were massacred by their predecessors, even the outsiders in the village, because the reason why they were rich here was to collude with Japanese pirates.

In fact, there are quite a lot of doubts about this matter, but the court seems to need such a model to deter those who dare to collude with Japanese pirates, so it hastily approved it.

Since then, there have been frequent reports of ghosts here, and no one dares to pass by here in the evening.Many people said that there were people crying here, and a few passers-by fell to their deaths inexplicably, or that they saw many headless ghosts...

In short very evil.

Thinking of those rumors, Qingyun felt his scalp go numb, could it be that evil?
Man Yue looked at Leng Yun suspiciously, and said, "Do you hear someone crying? There is also singing."

Chen shivered, took Man Yue's hand and said, "Ms., it's late at night, isn't there no one here? You said there was a plague here, could it be haunted too?"

As soon as the word "haunted" came out, everyone trembled, including Man Yue.

She used to be an atheist, but now she has lost her soul. Who dares to say that people have no soul?If there is a soul, there may be ghosts, or there may be gods. In short, she also felt scared.

Leng Yun squinted his eyes and snorted coldly, "Zi Buyu speaks strange powers, who is pretending to be a ghost? Listen to orders!"


"Let me go and see who is pretending to be a ghost!"


Leng Yun walked over, sat down in front of Man Yue and the others, and said, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

The cry seemed to be far away again, and the lyrics were also vague, only the words "miserable" came from her, she hugged Mancang into her arms, Xiao Shi also turned pale with fright, Chao Su took the He hugged it into his arms, patted it and said, "Brother Yuan, don't be afraid...Grandpa is here..."

He snorted coldly as he spoke, and his voice suddenly became sharper, "The miscellaneous family also crawled out of the dead people back then, injustice? Miserable? When the Tartars ravaged the capital, it was called misery, it was called injustice... Yes Just beat Wen Tiangu if you can, what kind of skill is it to play tricks and scare children here?"

Man Yue could hear the murderous look in Chao Su's tone, and only when he was angry or very happy would he call himself a miscellaneous family again. Seeing Chao Su's calm and composed appearance, Man Yue couldn't help but smile wryly.

Who said those without eggs are timid?
Look at Eunuch Chao, he is definitely an outlier among eunuchs!
The voice quieted down and became calm again.

Chao Su sneered, "This kind of trick has been played by many people. Even ghosts are not afraid of you. You are worse than ghosts, and he is afraid of you. This is the so-called never doing anything wrong in your life, not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door in the middle of the night, and being upright, why not be afraid." Evil ghosts? Ghosts are afraid of the righteousness of heaven and earth!"

Leng Yun held the knife and said nothing.Like a panther in the dark night, his squinted eyes are extremely sharp like a falcon.

Man Yue felt a little strange, why did Eunuch Chao suddenly become so talkative?

Still complaining!
There were footsteps again, and Qingyun's voice came, "Your Majesty has searched everything, no one, no one!"

Leng Yun narrowed his eyes, exchanged a glance with Chao Su, and then said, "Be more vigilant at night, in groups of five, take turns to be on duty!"


He got up and said, "It's getting late, go to bed early, I think I'm fine here."

Seeing his expressionless face, Man Yue suddenly felt blessed and said, "Mother, I'm afraid, let's go to the carriage."

Chen Shi nodded again and again, and said: "Mu Shi, I don't think it's auspicious here, why don't we go outside..."

Leng Yun waved his hand, "There is a mountain stream here, maybe it's blown by the wind, or we heard it wrong. Auntie, go to sleep. I'll watch in the first half of the night, and Qingyun will watch in the second half of the night."

Knowing that Leng Yun's mind could not be changed, Chen could only nod.

Chao Su pinched Xiao Shi's face with a smile, looked at Mancang again, and said, "You two little bastards, do you want to sleep with me, an old man? We haven't finished the day's story yet."

A full warehouse is naturally good.He is not afraid of ghosts, who is he?

Yang Rener's younger brother!

Who is Yang Rener?

That is a person who came back from the dead, went to the palace of the king of hell, and was also bestowed with spells by the master of the king of hell. With sister here, would he be afraid of ghosts?
Although reading has enlightened his wisdom, Mancang firmly believes in what Man Yue said at the beginning, and firmly believes that even an evil ghost will wait until his sister cleans him up.

Besides, we didn't do anything wrong, we were afraid of a ball!

The two younger ones went with Chao Su, Man Yue slept in the same carriage with Mrs. Chen, and the Yang family disciples went on patrol with a few soldiers, very vigilant.

After a long time, it was quiet all the time, Man Yue almost fell asleep waiting, suddenly heard a burst of laughter, woke up suddenly, and sat up all at once.

"Little girl!"

Chen's trembling voice came, "You, you heard that too?"

It turned out that not only did he not fall asleep, but Chen also did not fall asleep.

"Don't be afraid, little lady, come, stay next to my mother, don't be afraid..."

Mrs. Chen fumbled over, hugged the full moon into her arms, and began to mutter, "The merciful and compassionate Guanyin Bodhisattva, the Buddha with boundless mana, Amitabha, please protect us, and don't let ghosts haunt us..."


Just as she was muttering, there was a scream outside, "Wow!"

(End of this chapter)

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